You go Girl! Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Plans Bill to Boost Top Individual Tax Rate to 59%

Brilliant idea! Let's nearly double the tax rate on the same people we're expecting to create jobs, invest in R&D, donate to charities, keep large amounts of money in long-term investments, and provide good employee benefits.
Works in every other modern country. we are the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country without Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations cheap college in training? Look in the mirror super dupers. So afraid you just live in fear all the time....we are also the only country ever to try a flat tax system like we have now LOL. Great for the rich. GOP voters are the biggest lamebrains in the modern world....

Yeah, we are the biggest "lamebrains" alright. We just happen to represent the majority of "successful" people in this country.

I was a Republican fresh out of college making very little. I knew what it took to be sucessful and what do you know, I got there. I could have sat back and complained about how successful people make too much money and just how unfair it is. That is not a winning strategy, but that is mindset of many recent college graduates thanks to liberal idelogy and brainwashing.
And mainly the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere, ignoramus brainwashed functional moron. All to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share in taxes. Read something not published by Rupert Murdoch, dipstick.
Brilliant idea! Let's nearly double the tax rate on the same people we're expecting to create jobs, invest in R&D, donate to charities, keep large amounts of money in long-term investments, and provide good employee benefits.
Works in every other modern country. we are the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country without Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations cheap college in training? Look in the mirror super dupers. So afraid you just live in fear all the time....we are also the only country ever to try a flat tax system like we have now LOL. Great for the rich. GOP voters are the biggest lamebrains in the modern world....

Yeah, we are the biggest "lamebrains" alright. We just happen to represent the majority of "successful" people in this country.

I was a Republican fresh out of college making very little. I knew what it took to be sucessful and what do you know, I got there. I could have sat back and complained about how successful people make too much money and just how unfair it is. That is not a winning strategy, but that is mindset of many recent college graduates thanks to liberal idelogy and brainwashing.
We want to find solutions to the mess that GOP tax rates and policies have given us the last 35 years, a giveway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Your personal success is fine but it is totally irrelevant dingbat. We have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere cuz there is no money to invest in infrastructure and our people's training and education. Tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share for crying out loud. Amazon is putting 35% of small business out of business and they pay no taxes. Great job! And yes it is your fault you don't know s***. Lobbyists gone wild is GOP policy. The GOP is the swamp do you want a diagram? Read something
Brilliant idea! Let's nearly double the tax rate on the same people we're expecting to create jobs, invest in R&D, donate to charities, keep large amounts of money in long-term investments, and provide good employee benefits.

We must protect our super wealthy. Look at all the good they have done since we adopted supply side economics.......sent jobs overseas, cut retirement and healthcare benefits, froze wages

All while keeping the money for themselves

Actually it's the unions and American consumers responsible for that, not the wealthy.
Too bad we do not have a responsible government that taxes the rich and giant corporations their fair share and invests in America and Americans like we used to before Reagan and his tax rates. Which we still have.
Brilliant idea! Let's nearly double the tax rate on the same people we're expecting to create jobs, invest in R&D, donate to charities, keep large amounts of money in long-term investments, and provide good employee benefits.
Works in every other modern country. we are the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country without Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations cheap college in training? Look in the mirror super dupers. So afraid you just live in fear all the time....we are also the only country ever to try a flat tax system like we have now LOL. Great for the rich. GOP voters are the biggest lamebrains in the modern world....

Yeah, we are the biggest "lamebrains" alright. We just happen to represent the majority of "successful" people in this country.

I was a Republican fresh out of college making very little. I knew what it took to be sucessful and what do you know, I got there. I could have sat back and complained about how successful people make too much money and just how unfair it is. That is not a winning strategy, but that is mindset of many recent college graduates thanks to liberal idelogy and brainwashing.
We want to find solutions to the mess that GOP tax rates and policies have given us the last 35 years, a giveway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Your personal success is fine but it is totally irrelevant dingbat. We have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere cuz there is no money to invest in infrastructure and our people's training and education. Tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share for crying out loud. Amazon is putting 35% of small business out of business and they pay no taxes. Great job! And yes it is your fault you don't know s***. Lobbyists gone wild is GOP policy. The GOP is the swamp do you want a diagram? Read something
Trump ran in the rust belt on the rich paying "their fair share and his taxes going up." And he did the opposite. If the dems win the EC, that's what will do it. Some people who are not in the Trumpanze class, and don't approve of everything he does, but who voted for him, may stay home.

It depends of course on the dems not running someone as crazy as AOC or Warren.
Personally, I don't see the downside in taxing unrealized cap gains that are not held in retirement accounts like Iras or 401ks or pension plans. People can still itemize and take losses if their earnings are enough to not just take the "humongous" standard deduction that Moscow Mitch and Trump have generously allowed us … while cutting the 1%'s taxes even further.
Do you consider driving even more long term capital investment offshore than we already do a "downside"? because that is exactly what taxing unrealized cap gains will accomplish.

Why would you want to invest long term in the U.S. if you're facing a guaranteed taxation based haircut on returns each and every year; why not just just take your long term capital investments overseas where you're not facing such a gigantic disadvantage?
The capital was not driven offshore before the gop changed the rules on cap gains and the estate tax.

:eek:Are you joking? Did you miss the gigantic global tax avoidance industry that's grown up over the past 50 years? Perhaps you need a free trip to PANAMA to familiarize yourself with it.

The proposal to tax UNREALIZED capital gains will only accelerate capital flight offshore, it's essentially a proposal for adding a yearly margin call to U.S. based capital investment which will not only provide additional incentive for offshoring capital but will also inject even more artificial volatility into asset markets as people are forced to sell off assets to cover anticipated tax bills on unrealized gains.

AOC is not only a moron, she has a grasp of finance and economics that one would expect from an infant.
Actually what we need is less GOP thievery for the rich and strong regulation to stop that crap. Unbelievable what a wimp you are. Like all the dupes.... Corporations are running wild in this country and you are the swamp.
Brilliant idea! Let's nearly double the tax rate on the same people we're expecting to create jobs, invest in R&D, donate to charities, keep large amounts of money in long-term investments, and provide good employee benefits.
Works in every other modern country. we are the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country without Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations cheap college in training? Look in the mirror super dupers. So afraid you just live in fear all the time....we are also the only country ever to try a flat tax system like we have now LOL. Great for the rich. GOP voters are the biggest lamebrains in the modern world....

Yeah, we are the biggest "lamebrains" alright. We just happen to represent the majority of "successful" people in this country.

I was a Republican fresh out of college making very little. I knew what it took to be sucessful and what do you know, I got there. I could have sat back and complained about how successful people make too much money and just how unfair it is. That is not a winning strategy, but that is mindset of many recent college graduates thanks to liberal idelogy and brainwashing.
We want to find solutions to the mess that GOP tax rates and policies have given us the last 35 years, a giveway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Your personal success is fine but it is totally irrelevant dingbat. We have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere cuz there is no money to invest in infrastructure and our people's training and education. Tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share for crying out loud. Amazon is putting 35% of small business out of business and they pay no taxes. Great job! And yes it is your fault you don't know s***. Lobbyists gone wild is GOP policy. The GOP is the swamp do you want a diagram? Read something
Trump ran in the rust belt on the rich paying "their fair share and his taxes going up." And he did the opposite. If the dems win the EC, that's what will do it. Some people who are not in the Trumpanze class, and don't approve of everything he does, but who voted for him, may stay home.

It depends of course on the dems not running someone as crazy as AOC or Warren.

Actually I think it's just the opposite. I think a lot of Republicans did stay home last election, and now that the score card is in, are more likely to come out this time.

The economy has never been better, especially for all minorities and women, people are taking more home in their paychecks, and a better tax return last year, we have less people on food stamps, more jobs than people to do them, and a new record for median household income.

No Democrat likes Trump personally, and there are some Republicans the same. But those who vote with their brain instead of their heart will be voting for Trump's reelection, and that includes all the people that didn't make it out to vote last time, or voted against him.
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They will never have enough money even if they confiscated every penny in The US Economy to run their crack pot programs.
Brilliant idea! Let's nearly double the tax rate on the same people we're expecting to create jobs, invest in R&D, donate to charities, keep large amounts of money in long-term investments, and provide good employee benefits.
Works in every other modern country. we are the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country without Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations cheap college in training? Look in the mirror super dupers. So afraid you just live in fear all the time....we are also the only country ever to try a flat tax system like we have now LOL. Great for the rich. GOP voters are the biggest lamebrains in the modern world....

Yeah, we are the biggest "lamebrains" alright. We just happen to represent the majority of "successful" people in this country.

I was a Republican fresh out of college making very little. I knew what it took to be sucessful and what do you know, I got there. I could have sat back and complained about how successful people make too much money and just how unfair it is. That is not a winning strategy, but that is mindset of many recent college graduates thanks to liberal idelogy and brainwashing.
And mainly the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere, ignoramus brainwashed functional moron. All to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share in taxes. Read something not published by Rupert Murdoch, dipstick.

It take it you haven't been very successful. That explains quite a bit. If you guys spent as much time working towards success yourselves as you did lamenting the successes of others, you may have a different view.
Actually Democratic whites are richer than Republican whites
Brilliant idea! Let's nearly double the tax rate on the same people we're expecting to create jobs, invest in R&D, donate to charities, keep large amounts of money in long-term investments, and provide good employee benefits.
Works in every other modern country. we are the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country without Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations cheap college in training? Look in the mirror super dupers. So afraid you just live in fear all the time....we are also the only country ever to try a flat tax system like we have now LOL. Great for the rich. GOP voters are the biggest lamebrains in the modern world....

Yeah, we are the biggest "lamebrains" alright. We just happen to represent the majority of "successful" people in this country.

I was a Republican fresh out of college making very little. I knew what it took to be sucessful and what do you know, I got there. I could have sat back and complained about how successful people make too much money and just how unfair it is. That is not a winning strategy, but that is mindset of many recent college graduates thanks to liberal idelogy and brainwashing.
yes yes it's amazing how 95% of the world thinks you are idiots who have no clue about what is going on. And only bought off scumbag pundits agree with you dumbass. Only media owned by Rupert Murdoch. and absolutely zero of your phony scandals have ever gone anywhere in real journalism or with law enforcement. Now you have the deep state conspiracy where everyone in the world is in on it. Except proven scumbags. Did you see Trump's income tax returns from 1984 to 1994, he lost 100 million a year, the worst businessman in America. All he is good at is conning ignorant idiots like you. All he had to do was parrot garbage propaganda and phony scandals. You miss 120% of the news, dipstick. As agreed upon by law enforcement journalists around the world. Wake up

Do you actually believe the new you get from MSM is real? Do you recall all the lies over the last 3-4 years? Do you recall them publishing stories with zero vetting, with the exception of stories that negatively reflect on the Democrats. You seem to trust ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN ,etc despite their rampant lies. It is kind of weird really.
They will never have enough money even if they confiscated every penny in The US Economy to run their crack pot programs.
Every other modern country manages it. So you people are brain-washed functional cowards.....

Yep, that's us. We are brain-washed functional cowards who happen to be very successful, unlike most Democrats. Strange how that works out.
Actually Democratic whites are richer than Republican whites
Brilliant idea! Let's nearly double the tax rate on the same people we're expecting to create jobs, invest in R&D, donate to charities, keep large amounts of money in long-term investments, and provide good employee benefits.
Works in every other modern country. we are the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country without Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations cheap college in training? Look in the mirror super dupers. So afraid you just live in fear all the time....we are also the only country ever to try a flat tax system like we have now LOL. Great for the rich. GOP voters are the biggest lamebrains in the modern world....

Yeah, we are the biggest "lamebrains" alright. We just happen to represent the majority of "successful" people in this country.

I was a Republican fresh out of college making very little. I knew what it took to be sucessful and what do you know, I got there. I could have sat back and complained about how successful people make too much money and just how unfair it is. That is not a winning strategy, but that is mindset of many recent college graduates thanks to liberal idelogy and brainwashing.
yes yes it's amazing how 95% of the world thinks you are idiots who have no clue about what is going on. And only bought off scumbag pundits agree with you dumbass. Only media owned by Rupert Murdoch. and absolutely zero of your phony scandals have ever gone anywhere in real journalism or with law enforcement. Now you have the deep state conspiracy where everyone in the world is in on it. Except proven scumbags. Did you see Trump's income tax returns from 1984 to 1994, he lost 100 million a year, the worst businessman in America. All he is good at is conning ignorant idiots like you. All he had to do was parrot garbage propaganda and phony scandals. You miss 120% of the news, dipstick. As agreed upon by law enforcement journalists around the world. Wake up

Do you actually believe the new you get from MSM is real? Do you recall all the lies over the last 3-4 years? Do you recall them publishing stories with zero vetting, with the exception of stories that negatively reflect on the Democrats. You seem to trust ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN ,etc despite their rampant lies. It is kind of weird really.
Are only lies if you believe total garbage GOP propaganda. They aren't lies in any real journalism and law enforcement has no interest in your b*******. 95% of the world paying attention knows the GOP is totally full of crap along with their propaganda machine and the orange clown. Fox is running the damn country Sean and Rush oh my God.
Actually Democratic whites are richer than Republican whites
Brilliant idea! Let's nearly double the tax rate on the same people we're expecting to create jobs, invest in R&D, donate to charities, keep large amounts of money in long-term investments, and provide good employee benefits.
Works in every other modern country. we are the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country without Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations cheap college in training? Look in the mirror super dupers. So afraid you just live in fear all the time....we are also the only country ever to try a flat tax system like we have now LOL. Great for the rich. GOP voters are the biggest lamebrains in the modern world....

Yeah, we are the biggest "lamebrains" alright. We just happen to represent the majority of "successful" people in this country.

I was a Republican fresh out of college making very little. I knew what it took to be sucessful and what do you know, I got there. I could have sat back and complained about how successful people make too much money and just how unfair it is. That is not a winning strategy, but that is mindset of many recent college graduates thanks to liberal idelogy and brainwashing.
yes yes it's amazing how 95% of the world thinks you are idiots who have no clue about what is going on. And only bought off scumbag pundits agree with you dumbass. Only media owned by Rupert Murdoch. and absolutely zero of your phony scandals have ever gone anywhere in real journalism or with law enforcement. Now you have the deep state conspiracy where everyone in the world is in on it. Except proven scumbags. Did you see Trump's income tax returns from 1984 to 1994, he lost 100 million a year, the worst businessman in America. All he is good at is conning ignorant idiots like you. All he had to do was parrot garbage propaganda and phony scandals. You miss 120% of the news, dipstick. As agreed upon by law enforcement journalists around the world. Wake up

Do you actually believe the new you get from MSM is real? Do you recall all the lies over the last 3-4 years? Do you recall them publishing stories with zero vetting, with the exception of stories that negatively reflect on the Democrats. You seem to trust ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN ,etc despite their rampant lies. It is kind of weird really.
Are only lies if you believe total garbage GOP propaganda. They aren't lies in any real journalism and law enforcement has no interest in your b*******. 95% of the world paying attention knows the GOP is totally full of crap along with their propaganda machine and the orange clown. Fox is running the damn country Sean and Rush oh my God.
Give me an example or two. Meanwhile you believe hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals oh, that Hillary and Obama are criminals God knows what never gone anywhere in the real world. You believe the rich pay too much in taxes LOL and you definitely afraid of them LOL poor America. Obama gave Iran nuclear weapons LOL deep state Lois Lerner every single one is total crap LOL

Anyone posting here make $10 Million per year?

If I made $10 Million in a year, I wonder if I could survive on only $4.1 Million, or would I be Broke?
Sure, that's a lot to pay, but I KNOW I'd still be ok with ONLY $4.1 Million.

I'm sure 99-100% of the posters here on this site have yet to earn $10 Million or even $4.1 Million in their
entire working career.

Bottom line, Hoarding money by not spending or shipping money into offshore accounts, Is NOT good for those of us in America.

But that isn't the point. The point isn't "Oh can they survive on $4 million instead of $10 Million".

The point is, where do they invest the money they earn? Do they invest it in the US, and create jobs, and create wealth?

Or do they invest it outside the US, and create jobs and wealth in Mexico, or China, or Ireland, or anywhere else in the world?

But regardless of that, the biggest problem with this entire argument is... you are not getting the money either way. They will simply move the money elsewhere. They are not going to work hard, to earn millions of dollars, to lose 59% of it.

They simply are not.

So you are not getting the money. It's that simple. You are not going to get it.

And if you doubt that, then once again... look at Europe. If all those countries, with all their much higher tax rates on the rich, are getting all the money.... then why are they jacking up taxes on the lower and middle class? There's another thread on this forum, with a guy from Belgium, and he was a middle class guy. We asked how much of his income he was paying in tax. In his own words, he said more than 50%.

And by the way, that 50% on income, doesn't include the massive national sales tax. So you lose half of what you make, and they pay way more on everything you want to buy, all for the sake of taxes to pay for your all your programs.

Why are they not just getting all that money from the rich? Because the rich find a million ways to shelter their income from taxes. It's that simple.
Bloomberg ^ | November 15, 2019

No excerpt from Bloomberg allowed, story here. She wants a 59% top income tax rate and to tax unrealized capital gains yearly, including real estate and business holdings.


Won't effect/affect me one bit.....go for it!

Bit it will affect you. Not in the short term, no. You are correct that in the short term, it won't directly affect you.

But the problem comes afterwards.

See they jack up taxes on the rich, and then claim they can pay for... (assert whatever spoiled brat desire left-wingers want). Then the rich move their money, so that it is sheltered from taxes. As a result the money they counted on coming in, didn't, but they still have the program.

So no money, but still have an expensive program to pay for. Do they cut the program? No of course not. Instead they have to raise taxes on everyone else.

Again... look at Europe. Perfect example. Lower and middle class paying 50% of their income in taxes. You think they just woke up one day, and said "hey let's take half of everyone's income!"... no it didn't happen like that. What happened is they kept trying to tax the rich, the money didn't show up, so they had to tax the poor.

This is why you have the yellow vest protests in France.
Anger of yellow vests still grips France a year on

Still going on.
You are a Useful Idiot

They will never have enough money even if they confiscated every penny in The US Economy to run their crack pot programs.
Every other modern country manages it. So you people are brain-washed functional cowards.....
Brilliant idea! Let's nearly double the tax rate on the same people we're expecting to create jobs, invest in R&D, donate to charities, keep large amounts of money in long-term investments, and provide good employee benefits.
Works in every other modern country. we are the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country without Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations cheap college in training? Look in the mirror super dupers. So afraid you just live in fear all the time....we are also the only country ever to try a flat tax system like we have now LOL. Great for the rich. GOP voters are the biggest lamebrains in the modern world....

Yeah, we are the biggest "lamebrains" alright. We just happen to represent the majority of "successful" people in this country.

I was a Republican fresh out of college making very little. I knew what it took to be sucessful and what do you know, I got there. I could have sat back and complained about how successful people make too much money and just how unfair it is. That is not a winning strategy, but that is mindset of many recent college graduates thanks to liberal idelogy and brainwashing.
We want to find solutions to the mess that GOP tax rates and policies have given us the last 35 years, a giveway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Your personal success is fine but it is totally irrelevant dingbat. We have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere cuz there is no money to invest in infrastructure and our people's training and education. Tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share for crying out loud. Amazon is putting 35% of small business out of business and they pay no taxes. Great job! And yes it is your fault you don't know s***. Lobbyists gone wild is GOP policy. The GOP is the swamp do you want a diagram? Read something
Trump ran in the rust belt on the rich paying "their fair share and his taxes going up." And he did the opposite. If the dems win the EC, that's what will do it. Some people who are not in the Trumpanze class, and don't approve of everything he does, but who voted for him, may stay home.

It depends of course on the dems not running someone as crazy as AOC or Warren.

Actually I think it's just the opposite. I think a lot of Republicans did stay home last election, and now that the score card is in, are more likely to come out this time.

The economy has never been better, especially for all minorities and women, people are taking more home in their paychecks, and a better tax return last year, we have less people on food stamps, more jobs than people to do them, and a new record for median household income.

No Democrat likes Trump personally, and there are some Republicans the same. But those who vote with their brain instead of their heart will be voting for Trump's reelection, and that includes all the people that didn't make it out to vote last time, or voted against him.

Yeah, I'm the same. I did not vote for Trump in 2016. But now... logically I have no viable alternative, and as much as I hated Hillary for being a lying, corrupt scum bag.... the wave of socialist left-wing crack pots that are the alternative Trump.... and the fact Trump has been better than I could have possibly hoped for......

Yeah, I will likely vote Trump.
Works in every other modern country. we are the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country without Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations cheap college in training? Look in the mirror super dupers. So afraid you just live in fear all the time....we are also the only country ever to try a flat tax system like we have now LOL. Great for the rich. GOP voters are the biggest lamebrains in the modern world....

Yeah, we are the biggest "lamebrains" alright. We just happen to represent the majority of "successful" people in this country.

I was a Republican fresh out of college making very little. I knew what it took to be sucessful and what do you know, I got there. I could have sat back and complained about how successful people make too much money and just how unfair it is. That is not a winning strategy, but that is mindset of many recent college graduates thanks to liberal idelogy and brainwashing.
We want to find solutions to the mess that GOP tax rates and policies have given us the last 35 years, a giveway to the rich and a screw job for everyone else. Your personal success is fine but it is totally irrelevant dingbat. We have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever anywhere cuz there is no money to invest in infrastructure and our people's training and education. Tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share for crying out loud. Amazon is putting 35% of small business out of business and they pay no taxes. Great job! And yes it is your fault you don't know s***. Lobbyists gone wild is GOP policy. The GOP is the swamp do you want a diagram? Read something
Trump ran in the rust belt on the rich paying "their fair share and his taxes going up." And he did the opposite. If the dems win the EC, that's what will do it. Some people who are not in the Trumpanze class, and don't approve of everything he does, but who voted for him, may stay home.

It depends of course on the dems not running someone as crazy as AOC or Warren.

Actually I think it's just the opposite. I think a lot of Republicans did stay home last election, and now that the score card is in, are more likely to come out this time.

The economy has never been better, especially for all minorities and women, people are taking more home in their paychecks, and a better tax return last year, we have less people on food stamps, more jobs than people to do them, and a new record for median household income.

No Democrat likes Trump personally, and there are some Republicans the same. But those who vote with their brain instead of their heart will be voting for Trump's reelection, and that includes all the people that didn't make it out to vote last time, or voted against him.

Yeah, I'm the same. I did not vote for Trump in 2016. But now... logically I have no viable alternative, and as much as I hated Hillary for being a lying, corrupt scum bag.... the wave of socialist left-wing crack pots that are the alternative Trump.... and the fact Trump has been better than I could have possibly hoped for......

Yeah, I will likely vote Trump.
I am stunned that you feel that way, super duper. Did you know that absolutely zero of your phony scandals against Hillary have ever been found to be reality? That the house had eight separate investigations of Benghazi and only found that they were totally out of their minds? You're the scariest thing that has ever happened in American politics. Totally Misinformed and proud of it....
They will never have enough money even if they confiscated every penny in The US Economy to run their crack pot programs.
Every other modern country manages it. So you people are brain-washed functional cowards.....

Yep, that's us. We are brain-washed functional cowards who happen to be very successful, unlike most Democrats. Strange how that works out.
you're terrified of what the rich people will do if we make them pay taxes and not put all their money offshore. Unbelievable. Every other country in the world manages it. Can you argue what we're talking about here or are you just going to keep patting yourself on the back. if you had any understanding of politics and what is going on in the world you would vote Democratic too. Republicans are lovely people but they are totally misinformed. Try telling me a fact and I will show you you are a brainwashed functional moron.
Actually Democratic whites are richer than Republican whites
Works in every other modern country. we are the richest country in the world and we are the only modern country without Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations cheap college in training? Look in the mirror super dupers. So afraid you just live in fear all the time....we are also the only country ever to try a flat tax system like we have now LOL. Great for the rich. GOP voters are the biggest lamebrains in the modern world....

Yeah, we are the biggest "lamebrains" alright. We just happen to represent the majority of "successful" people in this country.

I was a Republican fresh out of college making very little. I knew what it took to be sucessful and what do you know, I got there. I could have sat back and complained about how successful people make too much money and just how unfair it is. That is not a winning strategy, but that is mindset of many recent college graduates thanks to liberal idelogy and brainwashing.
yes yes it's amazing how 95% of the world thinks you are idiots who have no clue about what is going on. And only bought off scumbag pundits agree with you dumbass. Only media owned by Rupert Murdoch. and absolutely zero of your phony scandals have ever gone anywhere in real journalism or with law enforcement. Now you have the deep state conspiracy where everyone in the world is in on it. Except proven scumbags. Did you see Trump's income tax returns from 1984 to 1994, he lost 100 million a year, the worst businessman in America. All he is good at is conning ignorant idiots like you. All he had to do was parrot garbage propaganda and phony scandals. You miss 120% of the news, dipstick. As agreed upon by law enforcement journalists around the world. Wake up

Do you actually believe the new you get from MSM is real? Do you recall all the lies over the last 3-4 years? Do you recall them publishing stories with zero vetting, with the exception of stories that negatively reflect on the Democrats. You seem to trust ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN ,etc despite their rampant lies. It is kind of weird really.
Are only lies if you believe total garbage GOP propaganda. They aren't lies in any real journalism and law enforcement has no interest in your b*******. 95% of the world paying attention knows the GOP is totally full of crap along with their propaganda machine and the orange clown. Fox is running the damn country Sean and Rush oh my God.
Give me an example or two. Meanwhile you believe hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals oh, that Hillary and Obama are criminals God knows what never gone anywhere in the real world. You believe the rich pay too much in taxes LOL and you definitely afraid of them LOL poor America. Obama gave Iran nuclear weapons LOL deep state Lois Lerner every single one is total crap LOL

Where is the evidence Schiff said he had regarding Russian collusion? Steele assembled a dossier funded by the DNC. Weird. What about Mueller's investigation which turned up nothing? The impeachment hearings going on now...they said there was a Quid Pro Quo. Where is that? How on earth can you have a Quid Pro Quo when the Ukrainians weren't even aware that aid was being witheld unless they did investigate? That is beyond ludicrous as are the hearings. A trained rat could see through what the idiot Democrats are doing.

The Democrats and the MSM feed on useful idiots. You fall right in line.
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