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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: We Progressives Are Going to ‘Run Train.’

Aaaaand that's yet another nickel for Pogo's Law.

Once again the point was the Double Standard of trying to pick apart the phrase "run train" while bending over backward to find apologies for the phrase "monkey this up". *NOTHING* in that point has jack squat to do with "CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Ny times, Wash post". It's a reference to THIS FORUM and its posters who want to have it this way when it helps, that way when it doesn't.

DEAL with that and quit trying to deflect to other shit. K?

the problem with your nickel is that equating the word "monkey" to "negro" is not a valid argument, whereas stating the ghetto meaning of the phrase "run train" is a valid argument. It is quite possible that AOC had no idea what that phrase meant and just thought it sounded cool, she is that dumb.

uh HUH. So "train" may be used as a metaphor while "monkey" may not.

See what I mean? Double Standard.

NO, we are talking about common parlance of the English language and the use of specific phrases within the ghetto culture. It wasn't the word "train" it was the ghetto phrase "run train" which we all now know means gang rape in ghetto language. Do you use the word monkey when referring to black people? I don't and neither does the governor of florida.

I don't know the governor of Florida (proper names get capitalized) and I seriously doubt you do either, but he did use a bizarre phraseology to evidently dog-whistle a particular base, and you're STILL bending over backward for it. Even Fox Noise, who ran the interview, immediately apologized for it, so this pretentious bullshit just isn't selling. Matter of fact your own use here of "ghetto" is trying to do the same thing to a different party who is also unknown to either of us.

What's remarkable here is the level of self-delusion that seems to give you the idea that people can't see right through this malarkey.

I remember monkey wrenches and monkeying around, neither had anything to do with black people. De Santis used a common expression, its only you radical lefties that insist or making it something racial. Calling ghetto language ghetto language is merely being accurate, if you don't like the term ghetto use big city inter city language (and its used by blacks, whites, Asians, and Hispanics), its a central city term, not a racial term. It means gang rape.

I seriously doubt that AOC even knew what it meant. The girl is quite stupid and naïve.

"Monkey wrench" is common, we've all heard it. "To monkey around" ditto. "Monkey this up", deSantis invented. Only he knows what he intended there but obviously he went out of his way to create a new phrase. Don't sit here and try to pretend it's common parlance and has no meaning, and then turn around and scream about "run train" and declare it DOES have meaning. That's a blatant Double Standard. BOTH of these expressions are obscure and uncommon, yet you're sitting here declaring the one you find a partisan-hack weapon has all this insidious "rape" "ghetto" baggage, while the one you like is sugar and spice and everything nice. Doooooooooooooooooon't think that's gonna sell.
the problem with your nickel is that equating the word "monkey" to "negro" is not a valid argument, whereas stating the ghetto meaning of the phrase "run train" is a valid argument. It is quite possible that AOC had no idea what that phrase meant and just thought it sounded cool, she is that dumb.

uh HUH. So "train" may be used as a metaphor while "monkey" may not.

See what I mean? Double Standard.

NO, we are talking about common parlance of the English language and the use of specific phrases within the ghetto culture. It wasn't the word "train" it was the ghetto phrase "run train" which we all now know means gang rape in ghetto language. Do you use the word monkey when referring to black people? I don't and neither does the governor of florida.

I don't know the governor of Florida (proper names get capitalized) and I seriously doubt you do either, but he did use a bizarre phraseology to evidently dog-whistle a particular base, and you're STILL bending over backward for it. Even Fox Noise, who ran the interview, immediately apologized for it, so this pretentious bullshit just isn't selling. Matter of fact your own use here of "ghetto" is trying to do the same thing to a different party who is also unknown to either of us.

What's remarkable here is the level of self-delusion that seems to give you the idea that people can't see right through this malarkey.

I remember monkey wrenches and monkeying around, neither had anything to do with black people. De Santis used a common expression, its only you radical lefties that insist or making it something racial. Calling ghetto language ghetto language is merely being accurate, if you don't like the term ghetto use big city inter city language (and its used by blacks, whites, Asians, and Hispanics), its a central city term, not a racial term. It means gang rape.

I seriously doubt that AOC even knew what it meant. The girl is quite stupid and naïve.

"Monkey wrench" is common, we've all heard it. "To monkey around" ditto. "Monkey this up", deSantis invented. Only he knows what he intended there but obviously he went out of his way to create a new phrase. Don't sit here and try to pretend it's common parlance and has no meaning, and then turn around and scream about "run train" and declare it DOES have meaning. That's a blatant Double Standard. BOTH of these expressions are obscure and uncommon, yet you're sitting here declaring the one you find a partisan-hack weapon has all this insidious "rape" "ghetto" baggage, while the one you like is sugar and spice and everything nice. Doooooooooooooooooon't think that's gonna sell.

you never heard the expressions "monkey it up" or "monkey up the works" or "monkey this up"? DeSantis did not create a new phrase as a racist insult. the desperation of you losing dems has gotten so out of hand it is laughable.

I never heard the expression "run train" before the arrogant twit said it. I am only using what the media has told us about it being a "ghetto" phrase for gang rape. Its not partisan so assume that the media is right about it. Its also not partisan to point out the lunacy of AOC, or Romney, or any other political figure.

As I said, Its very likely that AOC didn't know the meaning of the term and just thought it sounded cool, she is that dumb.
Ah jus hope it 'taint some uber driver from some "akistan place who says he gonna run train getting me to the ho-tel

Ah thank yew mean Goober drahver.

Ain't it funny though, that these same wags freaking out about the phrase "run train" were a few months ago telling us that "monkey this up" was like a normal thing.

monkey this up is not a racial phrase, it refers to the animals called monkeys and how they run around screeching and scratching. Run train is a ghetto phrase meaning gang rape. your analogy sucks, as do you.

I guess it's one degree of Ignant And Shit to get caught in a Double Standard. It's a whole 'nother smoke to get caught in it, and then go ahead and repeat it expecting different results. :eusa_doh:

What has happened to rational thought......

good question, how about asking CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Ny times, Wash post? Where is the rational unbiased reporting from these "news" outlets? They have become nothing but the propaganda wing of the DNC. Why do you condone that? Are the American people not entitled to all of the facts on every issue? Arent we entitled to an unbiased media that reports facts? It amazes me that someone obviously intelligent like you condones this.

Aaaaand that's yet another nickel for Pogo's Law.

Once again the point was the Double Standard of trying to pick apart the phrase "run train" while bending over backward to find apologies for the phrase "monkey this up". *NOTHING* in that point has jack squat to do with "CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, Ny times, Wash post". It's a reference to THIS FORUM and its posters who want to have it this way when it helps, that way when it doesn't.

DEAL with that and quit trying to deflect to other shit. K?
I think the point is that EITHER phrase can have un-PC meanings. But Trumpbots choose not to accept this.

I think the amusing point of all of this is that people like Fish seem to pretend they've never heard the phrase run train before. It's been around at least since the 1970's when it was associated, to my knowledge anyway, to WHITE bikers. (I'm assuming here that Fish was not under a rock, but that may be giving too much credit)

I think monkey it up has lost much of its negative connotation. I think amongst friends/family who know a person not to be a raving bigot, a person could get away with it if the actual context was obvious, e.g. making mayonnaise or changing a sparkplug.

I wouldn't use either in public comment. LOL
uh HUH. So "train" may be used as a metaphor while "monkey" may not.

See what I mean? Double Standard.

NO, we are talking about common parlance of the English language and the use of specific phrases within the ghetto culture. It wasn't the word "train" it was the ghetto phrase "run train" which we all now know means gang rape in ghetto language. Do you use the word monkey when referring to black people? I don't and neither does the governor of florida.

I don't know the governor of Florida (proper names get capitalized) and I seriously doubt you do either, but he did use a bizarre phraseology to evidently dog-whistle a particular base, and you're STILL bending over backward for it. Even Fox Noise, who ran the interview, immediately apologized for it, so this pretentious bullshit just isn't selling. Matter of fact your own use here of "ghetto" is trying to do the same thing to a different party who is also unknown to either of us.

What's remarkable here is the level of self-delusion that seems to give you the idea that people can't see right through this malarkey.

I remember monkey wrenches and monkeying around, neither had anything to do with black people. De Santis used a common expression, its only you radical lefties that insist or making it something racial. Calling ghetto language ghetto language is merely being accurate, if you don't like the term ghetto use big city inter city language (and its used by blacks, whites, Asians, and Hispanics), its a central city term, not a racial term. It means gang rape.

I seriously doubt that AOC even knew what it meant. The girl is quite stupid and naïve.

"Monkey wrench" is common, we've all heard it. "To monkey around" ditto. "Monkey this up", deSantis invented. Only he knows what he intended there but obviously he went out of his way to create a new phrase. Don't sit here and try to pretend it's common parlance and has no meaning, and then turn around and scream about "run train" and declare it DOES have meaning. That's a blatant Double Standard. BOTH of these expressions are obscure and uncommon, yet you're sitting here declaring the one you find a partisan-hack weapon has all this insidious "rape" "ghetto" baggage, while the one you like is sugar and spice and everything nice. Doooooooooooooooooon't think that's gonna sell.

you never heard the expressions "monkey it up" or "monkey up the works" or "monkey this up"?

Not until this one, no. Nor has anyone else. That's why it immediately sounded alarms. That's why Fox Noise immediately apologized and noted they don't condone such terminology. FOX NOISE, which made its bread-and-butter out of race-baiting.

DeSantis did not create a new phrase as a racist insult.

We don't know his motives, do we. I just said that. But you bring up a basic and crucial distinction, that being between a racist comment and a race-baiting comment. And perhaps you're deliberately ignoring that distinction, I can't tell that either, but you're inserting a suggestion I didn't make.

A racist comment would be one based on the belief that one's own race is superior to another race. A race-baiting comment would be a manipulation to trigger racists in the speaker's audience --- whether the speaker also believes in said racism or not. It doesn't necessarily mean the speaker is racist himself; it simply means he's not above dog-whistling those who are. Which in a way is even worse, as it's way more dishonest.

Rump does this all the time, which is why I keep noting we have no (okay we have not much) evidence that he's racist, but plenty of evidence that he's a race baiter. A master baiter indeed. We can't judge from this phraseology alone whether deSantis is a racist personally himself. We can however assess that he's probably winking to those who are. Plainly put, race baiting is a way of saying "vote for me, racists, I got your back even though I won't say so directly". The message is always implicit, not explicit.

As an aside, I've noted in fact evidence against deSantis being personally racist in his actions since taking office.

For another example "shithole countries" says nothing about race explicitly. It says plenty about elitism but it doesn't directly pin down race as a factor. Decades ago when Rump told the investigator in the housing discrimination case, "come on Elyse, you don't want to live with them either", the term them doesn't make a reference to race directly. But it's perfectly clear what it means.

Fox Noise, far as I know, never came on the air and directly said, "look out white people, the scary black man is coming to get you". But they did focus their story choices on "New Black Panthers" and "knockout games" and Henry Louis Gates and Shirley Sherrod and Jeremiah Wright and "terrorist fist jab" and "baby mama" and "Hip Hop Barbecues in the White House" --- you and I may see no common thread there but the racists in the viewing audience will be most receptive to the seed planted, and that's the game. It's simple emotional manipulation. Fox, Rump and DeSantis know who's in their audience, and they each want to snag and keep that audience -- whether they themselves are racists or not.

That's why I call it more dishonest than straight racism --- it's manipulation rather than core belief. At least with an overt racist, you know where he stands. With a manipulator we know nothing. We have an actor, pretending to be something for no higher purpose than to ensnare the unwashed.

the desperation of you losing dems has gotten so out of hand it is laughable.

Once AGAIN, I'm neither a "dem [sic]" nor "losing". You're still swimming in the soup of Dichotomy. Learn to count beyond the number "two".

I never heard the expression "run train" before the arrogant twit said it. I am only using what the media has told us about it being a "ghetto" phrase for gang rape. Its not partisan so assume that the media is right about it. Its also not partisan to point out the lunacy of AOC, or Romney, or any other political figure.

Whatever. I never heard the phrase before either,.same as "monkey this up". I can't see a racial connotation even in the Urpin Dic's definition. How exactly the metaphor would work isn't clear but again the speaker herself would be the one to ask. I'm just noting here that given two unknown non-standard expressions, you're pretending to be familiar with one as innocuous, while tagging the other with "ghetto" (and we're right back to race-baiting aren't we) -- and that is a Double Standard.

Is there such a thing as rape-baiting? You think AOC is appealing to the rapists in the audience? Wouldn't seem to be a huge denomination. Has anyone asked her for clarification? If not, why not?

On the other hand it could be simple rhetorical hyperbole, using a crass term simply to garner attention, knowing it would be scrutinized in five hundred posts on a message board. If so it seems to have worked rather efficiently.
NO, we are talking about common parlance of the English language and the use of specific phrases within the ghetto culture. It wasn't the word "train" it was the ghetto phrase "run train" which we all now know means gang rape in ghetto language. Do you use the word monkey when referring to black people? I don't and neither does the governor of florida.

I don't know the governor of Florida (proper names get capitalized) and I seriously doubt you do either, but he did use a bizarre phraseology to evidently dog-whistle a particular base, and you're STILL bending over backward for it. Even Fox Noise, who ran the interview, immediately apologized for it, so this pretentious bullshit just isn't selling. Matter of fact your own use here of "ghetto" is trying to do the same thing to a different party who is also unknown to either of us.

What's remarkable here is the level of self-delusion that seems to give you the idea that people can't see right through this malarkey.

I remember monkey wrenches and monkeying around, neither had anything to do with black people. De Santis used a common expression, its only you radical lefties that insist or making it something racial. Calling ghetto language ghetto language is merely being accurate, if you don't like the term ghetto use big city inter city language (and its used by blacks, whites, Asians, and Hispanics), its a central city term, not a racial term. It means gang rape.

I seriously doubt that AOC even knew what it meant. The girl is quite stupid and naïve.

"Monkey wrench" is common, we've all heard it. "To monkey around" ditto. "Monkey this up", deSantis invented. Only he knows what he intended there but obviously he went out of his way to create a new phrase. Don't sit here and try to pretend it's common parlance and has no meaning, and then turn around and scream about "run train" and declare it DOES have meaning. That's a blatant Double Standard. BOTH of these expressions are obscure and uncommon, yet you're sitting here declaring the one you find a partisan-hack weapon has all this insidious "rape" "ghetto" baggage, while the one you like is sugar and spice and everything nice. Doooooooooooooooooon't think that's gonna sell.

you never heard the expressions "monkey it up" or "monkey up the works" or "monkey this up"?

Not until this one, no. Nor has anyone else. That's why it immediately sounded alarms. That's why Fox Noise immediately apologized and noted they don't condone such terminology. FOX NOISE, which made its bread-and-butter out of race-baiting.

DeSantis did not create a new phrase as a racist insult.

We don't know his motives, do we. I just said that. But you bring up a basic and crucial distinction, that being between a racist comment and a race-baiting comment. And perhaps you're deliberately ignoring that distinction, I can't tell that either, but you're inserting a suggestion I didn't make.

A racist comment would be one based on the belief that one's own race is superior to another race. A race-baiting comment would be a manipulation to trigger racists in the speaker's audience --- whether the speaker also believes in said racism or not. It doesn't necessarily mean the speaker is racist himself; it simply means he's not above dog-whistling those who are. Which in a way is even worse, as it's way more dishonest.

Rump does this all the time, which is why I keep noting we have no (okay we have not much) evidence that he's racist, but plenty of evidence that he's a race baiter. A master baiter indeed. We can't judge from this phraseology alone whether deSantis is a racist personally himself. We can however assess that he's probably winking to those who are. Plainly put, race baiting is a way of saying "vote for me, racists, I got your back even though I won't say so directly". The message is always implicit, not explicit.

As an aside, I've noted in fact evidence against deSantis being personally racist in his actions since taking office.

For another example "shithole countries" says nothing about race explicitly. It says plenty about elitism but it doesn't directly pin down race as a factor. Decades ago when Rump told the investigator in the housing discrimination case, "come on Elyse, you don't want to live with them either", the term them doesn't make a reference to race directly. But it's perfectly clear what it means.

Fox Noise, far as I know, never came on the air and directly said, "look out white people, the scary black man is coming to get you". But they did focus their story choices on "New Black Panthers" and "knockout games" and Henry Louis Gates and Shirley Sherrod and Jeremiah Wright and "terrorist fist jab" and "baby mama" and "Hip Hop Barbecues in the White House" --- you and I may see no common thread there but the racists in the viewing audience will be most receptive to the seed planted, and that's the game. It's simple emotional manipulation. Fox, Rump and DeSantis know who's in their audience, and they each want to snag and keep that audience -- whether they themselves are racists or not.

That's why I call it more dishonest than straight racism --- it's manipulation rather than core belief. At least with an overt racist, you know where he stands. With a manipulator we know nothing. We have an actor, pretending to be something for no higher purpose than to ensnare the unwashed.

the desperation of you losing dems has gotten so out of hand it is laughable.

Once AGAIN, I'm neither a "dem [sic]" nor "losing". You're still swimming in the soup of Dichotomy. Learn to count beyond the number "two".

I never heard the expression "run train" before the arrogant twit said it. I am only using what the media has told us about it being a "ghetto" phrase for gang rape. Its not partisan so assume that the media is right about it. Its also not partisan to point out the lunacy of AOC, or Romney, or any other political figure.

Whatever. I never heard the phrase before either,.same as "monkey this up". I can't see a racial connotation even in the Urpin Dic's definition. How exactly the metaphor would work isn't clear but again the speaker herself would be the one to ask. I'm just noting here that given two unknown non-standard expressions, you're pretending to be familiar with one as innocuous, while tagging the other with "ghetto" (and we're right back to race-baiting aren't we) -- and that is a Double Standard.

Is there such a thing as rape-baiting? You think AOC is appealing to the rapists in the audience? Wouldn't seem to be a huge denomination. Has anyone asked her for clarification? If not, why not?

On the other hand it could be simple rhetorical hyperbole, using a crass term simply to garner attention, knowing it would be scrutinized in five hundred posts on a message board. If so it seems to have worked rather efficiently.

you never heard anyone say "monkey this up"? Really? do you refer to blacks as monkeys? probably not, I certainly don't, and I am quite sure that DeSantis doesn't either.

As to AOC, she is young arrogant and stupid. Nothing that idiot says should surprise anyone. Its amazing that the media continues to give her so much coverage because she is making the entire dem party look like morons, and the 2020 dem presidential aspirants give her lip service because they are scared of the foolish girl. Its is mind blowing watching the once great party to Truman and Kennedy self immolate.
I don't know the governor of Florida (proper names get capitalized) and I seriously doubt you do either, but he did use a bizarre phraseology to evidently dog-whistle a particular base, and you're STILL bending over backward for it. Even Fox Noise, who ran the interview, immediately apologized for it, so this pretentious bullshit just isn't selling. Matter of fact your own use here of "ghetto" is trying to do the same thing to a different party who is also unknown to either of us.

What's remarkable here is the level of self-delusion that seems to give you the idea that people can't see right through this malarkey.

I remember monkey wrenches and monkeying around, neither had anything to do with black people. De Santis used a common expression, its only you radical lefties that insist or making it something racial. Calling ghetto language ghetto language is merely being accurate, if you don't like the term ghetto use big city inter city language (and its used by blacks, whites, Asians, and Hispanics), its a central city term, not a racial term. It means gang rape.

I seriously doubt that AOC even knew what it meant. The girl is quite stupid and naïve.

"Monkey wrench" is common, we've all heard it. "To monkey around" ditto. "Monkey this up", deSantis invented. Only he knows what he intended there but obviously he went out of his way to create a new phrase. Don't sit here and try to pretend it's common parlance and has no meaning, and then turn around and scream about "run train" and declare it DOES have meaning. That's a blatant Double Standard. BOTH of these expressions are obscure and uncommon, yet you're sitting here declaring the one you find a partisan-hack weapon has all this insidious "rape" "ghetto" baggage, while the one you like is sugar and spice and everything nice. Doooooooooooooooooon't think that's gonna sell.

you never heard the expressions "monkey it up" or "monkey up the works" or "monkey this up"?

Not until this one, no. Nor has anyone else. That's why it immediately sounded alarms. That's why Fox Noise immediately apologized and noted they don't condone such terminology. FOX NOISE, which made its bread-and-butter out of race-baiting.

DeSantis did not create a new phrase as a racist insult.

We don't know his motives, do we. I just said that. But you bring up a basic and crucial distinction, that being between a racist comment and a race-baiting comment. And perhaps you're deliberately ignoring that distinction, I can't tell that either, but you're inserting a suggestion I didn't make.

A racist comment would be one based on the belief that one's own race is superior to another race. A race-baiting comment would be a manipulation to trigger racists in the speaker's audience --- whether the speaker also believes in said racism or not. It doesn't necessarily mean the speaker is racist himself; it simply means he's not above dog-whistling those who are. Which in a way is even worse, as it's way more dishonest.

Rump does this all the time, which is why I keep noting we have no (okay we have not much) evidence that he's racist, but plenty of evidence that he's a race baiter. A master baiter indeed. We can't judge from this phraseology alone whether deSantis is a racist personally himself. We can however assess that he's probably winking to those who are. Plainly put, race baiting is a way of saying "vote for me, racists, I got your back even though I won't say so directly". The message is always implicit, not explicit.

As an aside, I've noted in fact evidence against deSantis being personally racist in his actions since taking office.

For another example "shithole countries" says nothing about race explicitly. It says plenty about elitism but it doesn't directly pin down race as a factor. Decades ago when Rump told the investigator in the housing discrimination case, "come on Elyse, you don't want to live with them either", the term them doesn't make a reference to race directly. But it's perfectly clear what it means.

Fox Noise, far as I know, never came on the air and directly said, "look out white people, the scary black man is coming to get you". But they did focus their story choices on "New Black Panthers" and "knockout games" and Henry Louis Gates and Shirley Sherrod and Jeremiah Wright and "terrorist fist jab" and "baby mama" and "Hip Hop Barbecues in the White House" --- you and I may see no common thread there but the racists in the viewing audience will be most receptive to the seed planted, and that's the game. It's simple emotional manipulation. Fox, Rump and DeSantis know who's in their audience, and they each want to snag and keep that audience -- whether they themselves are racists or not.

That's why I call it more dishonest than straight racism --- it's manipulation rather than core belief. At least with an overt racist, you know where he stands. With a manipulator we know nothing. We have an actor, pretending to be something for no higher purpose than to ensnare the unwashed.

the desperation of you losing dems has gotten so out of hand it is laughable.

Once AGAIN, I'm neither a "dem [sic]" nor "losing". You're still swimming in the soup of Dichotomy. Learn to count beyond the number "two".

I never heard the expression "run train" before the arrogant twit said it. I am only using what the media has told us about it being a "ghetto" phrase for gang rape. Its not partisan so assume that the media is right about it. Its also not partisan to point out the lunacy of AOC, or Romney, or any other political figure.

Whatever. I never heard the phrase before either,.same as "monkey this up". I can't see a racial connotation even in the Urpin Dic's definition. How exactly the metaphor would work isn't clear but again the speaker herself would be the one to ask. I'm just noting here that given two unknown non-standard expressions, you're pretending to be familiar with one as innocuous, while tagging the other with "ghetto" (and we're right back to race-baiting aren't we) -- and that is a Double Standard.

Is there such a thing as rape-baiting? You think AOC is appealing to the rapists in the audience? Wouldn't seem to be a huge denomination. Has anyone asked her for clarification? If not, why not?

On the other hand it could be simple rhetorical hyperbole, using a crass term simply to garner attention, knowing it would be scrutinized in five hundred posts on a message board. If so it seems to have worked rather efficiently.

you never heard anyone say "monkey this up"? Really? do you refer to blacks as monkeys? probably not, I certainly don't, and I am quite sure that DeSantis doesn't either.

You're probably correct but the question is not, and never has been, whether WE use "monkey" as a racial code word, "WE" including deSantis. That's not how it works. If deSantis was using it as such, the objective was to be heard by those who do -- not to express his own values. That's the whole point.

Again, one could, if one wanted, be expressing one's own core beliefs, but that's not at all necessary to trigger those you're trying to manipulate. There's a wide difference between saying something because you believe it, and saying something because you think it will win somebody else over (see also LBJ saying "Sam, why won't you let this ****** bill pass?"). Try to keep in mind this is a politician ---- what comes out of his mouth is going to be what serves him to get elected, not (necessarily) what he believes in. Don't know if this is a revelation but politicians have been known to say all manner of stuff they don't personally believe in, to get votes.

As to AOC, she is young arrogant and stupid. Nothing that idiot says should surprise anyone. Its amazing that the media continues to give her so much coverage because she is making the entire dem party look like morons, and the 2020 dem presidential aspirants give her lip service because they are scared of the foolish girl. Its is mind blowing watching the once great party to Truman and Kennedy self immolate.

"Truman" really? :lmao: Truman was one of the worst Presidents since 1900 (I count four: Wilson, Hoover, Truman and Dubya --- and before you post it, no you can't count one who's still in office). Good riddance to Truman the Unready. As for AOC however, all the publicity ---- relentlessly and literally daily ---- has been coming from the Butthurt Brigade of AOCDS, jumping on every tweet (the latest: "waah her glasses are too small", "waah she was in the Girl Scouts" and "waaah --- her teef"), which can't be clearer showing its butthurt-fear derivations. And did I mention, alllllll that publicity, unless posters here are getting paid for it ---- comes in absolutely FREE. But again, your post here reflects the same emotionally-based ad homs ("stupid". "morons", "foolish") that makes up the entire substance-free criticism, and in your case from well over a thousand miles distant from where she serves anyway.

Did I mention that all that publicity has been FREE? Such a deal.
I remember monkey wrenches and monkeying around, neither had anything to do with black people. De Santis used a common expression, its only you radical lefties that insist or making it something racial. Calling ghetto language ghetto language is merely being accurate, if you don't like the term ghetto use big city inter city language (and its used by blacks, whites, Asians, and Hispanics), its a central city term, not a racial term. It means gang rape.

I seriously doubt that AOC even knew what it meant. The girl is quite stupid and naïve.

"Monkey wrench" is common, we've all heard it. "To monkey around" ditto. "Monkey this up", deSantis invented. Only he knows what he intended there but obviously he went out of his way to create a new phrase. Don't sit here and try to pretend it's common parlance and has no meaning, and then turn around and scream about "run train" and declare it DOES have meaning. That's a blatant Double Standard. BOTH of these expressions are obscure and uncommon, yet you're sitting here declaring the one you find a partisan-hack weapon has all this insidious "rape" "ghetto" baggage, while the one you like is sugar and spice and everything nice. Doooooooooooooooooon't think that's gonna sell.

you never heard the expressions "monkey it up" or "monkey up the works" or "monkey this up"?

Not until this one, no. Nor has anyone else. That's why it immediately sounded alarms. That's why Fox Noise immediately apologized and noted they don't condone such terminology. FOX NOISE, which made its bread-and-butter out of race-baiting.

DeSantis did not create a new phrase as a racist insult.

We don't know his motives, do we. I just said that. But you bring up a basic and crucial distinction, that being between a racist comment and a race-baiting comment. And perhaps you're deliberately ignoring that distinction, I can't tell that either, but you're inserting a suggestion I didn't make.

A racist comment would be one based on the belief that one's own race is superior to another race. A race-baiting comment would be a manipulation to trigger racists in the speaker's audience --- whether the speaker also believes in said racism or not. It doesn't necessarily mean the speaker is racist himself; it simply means he's not above dog-whistling those who are. Which in a way is even worse, as it's way more dishonest.

Rump does this all the time, which is why I keep noting we have no (okay we have not much) evidence that he's racist, but plenty of evidence that he's a race baiter. A master baiter indeed. We can't judge from this phraseology alone whether deSantis is a racist personally himself. We can however assess that he's probably winking to those who are. Plainly put, race baiting is a way of saying "vote for me, racists, I got your back even though I won't say so directly". The message is always implicit, not explicit.

As an aside, I've noted in fact evidence against deSantis being personally racist in his actions since taking office.

For another example "shithole countries" says nothing about race explicitly. It says plenty about elitism but it doesn't directly pin down race as a factor. Decades ago when Rump told the investigator in the housing discrimination case, "come on Elyse, you don't want to live with them either", the term them doesn't make a reference to race directly. But it's perfectly clear what it means.

Fox Noise, far as I know, never came on the air and directly said, "look out white people, the scary black man is coming to get you". But they did focus their story choices on "New Black Panthers" and "knockout games" and Henry Louis Gates and Shirley Sherrod and Jeremiah Wright and "terrorist fist jab" and "baby mama" and "Hip Hop Barbecues in the White House" --- you and I may see no common thread there but the racists in the viewing audience will be most receptive to the seed planted, and that's the game. It's simple emotional manipulation. Fox, Rump and DeSantis know who's in their audience, and they each want to snag and keep that audience -- whether they themselves are racists or not.

That's why I call it more dishonest than straight racism --- it's manipulation rather than core belief. At least with an overt racist, you know where he stands. With a manipulator we know nothing. We have an actor, pretending to be something for no higher purpose than to ensnare the unwashed.

the desperation of you losing dems has gotten so out of hand it is laughable.

Once AGAIN, I'm neither a "dem [sic]" nor "losing". You're still swimming in the soup of Dichotomy. Learn to count beyond the number "two".

I never heard the expression "run train" before the arrogant twit said it. I am only using what the media has told us about it being a "ghetto" phrase for gang rape. Its not partisan so assume that the media is right about it. Its also not partisan to point out the lunacy of AOC, or Romney, or any other political figure.

Whatever. I never heard the phrase before either,.same as "monkey this up". I can't see a racial connotation even in the Urpin Dic's definition. How exactly the metaphor would work isn't clear but again the speaker herself would be the one to ask. I'm just noting here that given two unknown non-standard expressions, you're pretending to be familiar with one as innocuous, while tagging the other with "ghetto" (and we're right back to race-baiting aren't we) -- and that is a Double Standard.

Is there such a thing as rape-baiting? You think AOC is appealing to the rapists in the audience? Wouldn't seem to be a huge denomination. Has anyone asked her for clarification? If not, why not?

On the other hand it could be simple rhetorical hyperbole, using a crass term simply to garner attention, knowing it would be scrutinized in five hundred posts on a message board. If so it seems to have worked rather efficiently.

you never heard anyone say "monkey this up"? Really? do you refer to blacks as monkeys? probably not, I certainly don't, and I am quite sure that DeSantis doesn't either.

You're probably correct but the question is not, and never has been, whether WE use "monkey" as a racial code word, "WE" including deSantis. That's not how it works. If deSantis was using it as such, the objective was to be heard by those who do -- not to express his own values. That's the whole point.

Again, one could, if one wanted, be expressing one's own core beliefs, but that's not at all necessary to trigger those you're trying to manipulate. There's a wide difference between saying something because you believe it, and saying something because you think it will win somebody else over (see also LBJ saying "Sam, why won't you let this ****** bill pass?"). Try to keep in mind this is a politician ---- what comes out of his mouth is going to be what serves him to get elected, not (necessarily) what he believes in. Don't know if this is a revelation but politicians have been known to say all manner of stuff they don't personally believe in, to get votes.

As to AOC, she is young arrogant and stupid. Nothing that idiot says should surprise anyone. Its amazing that the media continues to give her so much coverage because she is making the entire dem party look like morons, and the 2020 dem presidential aspirants give her lip service because they are scared of the foolish girl. Its is mind blowing watching the once great party to Truman and Kennedy self immolate.

"Truman" really? :lmao: Truman was one of the worst Presidents since 1900 (I count four: Wilson, Hoover, Truman and Dubya --- and before you post it, no you can't count one who's still in office). Good riddance to Truman the Unready. As for AOC however, all the publicity ---- relentlessly and literally daily ---- has been coming from the Butthurt Brigade of AOCDS, jumping on every tweet (the latest: "waah her glasses are too small", "waah she was in the Girl Scouts" and "waaah --- her teef"), which can't be clearer showing its butthurt-fear derivations. And did I mention, alllllll that publicity, unless posters here are getting paid for it ---- comes in absolutely FREE. But again, your post here reflects the same emotionally-based ad homs ("stupid". "morons", "foolish") that makes up the entire substance-free criticism, and in your case from well over a thousand miles distant from where she serves anyway.

Did I mention that all that publicity has been FREE? Such a deal.

Truman ended WW2 and saved millions of American and Japanese lives. Most of AOC's publicity is coming from the propaganda arms of the DNC, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash post, and the 3 major networks. Most of those on the right find her amusing, idiotic, and a boon to the GOP.

you are totally off base with your comments about DeSantis and monkeying it up. the right wing racist morons are not who elected him or who he needed in those final days. Nice try though---------------but FAIL
"Monkey wrench" is common, we've all heard it. "To monkey around" ditto. "Monkey this up", deSantis invented. Only he knows what he intended there but obviously he went out of his way to create a new phrase. Don't sit here and try to pretend it's common parlance and has no meaning, and then turn around and scream about "run train" and declare it DOES have meaning. That's a blatant Double Standard. BOTH of these expressions are obscure and uncommon, yet you're sitting here declaring the one you find a partisan-hack weapon has all this insidious "rape" "ghetto" baggage, while the one you like is sugar and spice and everything nice. Doooooooooooooooooon't think that's gonna sell.

you never heard the expressions "monkey it up" or "monkey up the works" or "monkey this up"?

Not until this one, no. Nor has anyone else. That's why it immediately sounded alarms. That's why Fox Noise immediately apologized and noted they don't condone such terminology. FOX NOISE, which made its bread-and-butter out of race-baiting.

DeSantis did not create a new phrase as a racist insult.

We don't know his motives, do we. I just said that. But you bring up a basic and crucial distinction, that being between a racist comment and a race-baiting comment. And perhaps you're deliberately ignoring that distinction, I can't tell that either, but you're inserting a suggestion I didn't make.

A racist comment would be one based on the belief that one's own race is superior to another race. A race-baiting comment would be a manipulation to trigger racists in the speaker's audience --- whether the speaker also believes in said racism or not. It doesn't necessarily mean the speaker is racist himself; it simply means he's not above dog-whistling those who are. Which in a way is even worse, as it's way more dishonest.

Rump does this all the time, which is why I keep noting we have no (okay we have not much) evidence that he's racist, but plenty of evidence that he's a race baiter. A master baiter indeed. We can't judge from this phraseology alone whether deSantis is a racist personally himself. We can however assess that he's probably winking to those who are. Plainly put, race baiting is a way of saying "vote for me, racists, I got your back even though I won't say so directly". The message is always implicit, not explicit.

As an aside, I've noted in fact evidence against deSantis being personally racist in his actions since taking office.

For another example "shithole countries" says nothing about race explicitly. It says plenty about elitism but it doesn't directly pin down race as a factor. Decades ago when Rump told the investigator in the housing discrimination case, "come on Elyse, you don't want to live with them either", the term them doesn't make a reference to race directly. But it's perfectly clear what it means.

Fox Noise, far as I know, never came on the air and directly said, "look out white people, the scary black man is coming to get you". But they did focus their story choices on "New Black Panthers" and "knockout games" and Henry Louis Gates and Shirley Sherrod and Jeremiah Wright and "terrorist fist jab" and "baby mama" and "Hip Hop Barbecues in the White House" --- you and I may see no common thread there but the racists in the viewing audience will be most receptive to the seed planted, and that's the game. It's simple emotional manipulation. Fox, Rump and DeSantis know who's in their audience, and they each want to snag and keep that audience -- whether they themselves are racists or not.

That's why I call it more dishonest than straight racism --- it's manipulation rather than core belief. At least with an overt racist, you know where he stands. With a manipulator we know nothing. We have an actor, pretending to be something for no higher purpose than to ensnare the unwashed.

the desperation of you losing dems has gotten so out of hand it is laughable.

Once AGAIN, I'm neither a "dem [sic]" nor "losing". You're still swimming in the soup of Dichotomy. Learn to count beyond the number "two".

I never heard the expression "run train" before the arrogant twit said it. I am only using what the media has told us about it being a "ghetto" phrase for gang rape. Its not partisan so assume that the media is right about it. Its also not partisan to point out the lunacy of AOC, or Romney, or any other political figure.

Whatever. I never heard the phrase before either,.same as "monkey this up". I can't see a racial connotation even in the Urpin Dic's definition. How exactly the metaphor would work isn't clear but again the speaker herself would be the one to ask. I'm just noting here that given two unknown non-standard expressions, you're pretending to be familiar with one as innocuous, while tagging the other with "ghetto" (and we're right back to race-baiting aren't we) -- and that is a Double Standard.

Is there such a thing as rape-baiting? You think AOC is appealing to the rapists in the audience? Wouldn't seem to be a huge denomination. Has anyone asked her for clarification? If not, why not?

On the other hand it could be simple rhetorical hyperbole, using a crass term simply to garner attention, knowing it would be scrutinized in five hundred posts on a message board. If so it seems to have worked rather efficiently.

you never heard anyone say "monkey this up"? Really? do you refer to blacks as monkeys? probably not, I certainly don't, and I am quite sure that DeSantis doesn't either.

You're probably correct but the question is not, and never has been, whether WE use "monkey" as a racial code word, "WE" including deSantis. That's not how it works. If deSantis was using it as such, the objective was to be heard by those who do -- not to express his own values. That's the whole point.

Again, one could, if one wanted, be expressing one's own core beliefs, but that's not at all necessary to trigger those you're trying to manipulate. There's a wide difference between saying something because you believe it, and saying something because you think it will win somebody else over (see also LBJ saying "Sam, why won't you let this ****** bill pass?"). Try to keep in mind this is a politician ---- what comes out of his mouth is going to be what serves him to get elected, not (necessarily) what he believes in. Don't know if this is a revelation but politicians have been known to say all manner of stuff they don't personally believe in, to get votes.

As to AOC, she is young arrogant and stupid. Nothing that idiot says should surprise anyone. Its amazing that the media continues to give her so much coverage because she is making the entire dem party look like morons, and the 2020 dem presidential aspirants give her lip service because they are scared of the foolish girl. Its is mind blowing watching the once great party to Truman and Kennedy self immolate.

"Truman" really? :lmao: Truman was one of the worst Presidents since 1900 (I count four: Wilson, Hoover, Truman and Dubya --- and before you post it, no you can't count one who's still in office). Good riddance to Truman the Unready. As for AOC however, all the publicity ---- relentlessly and literally daily ---- has been coming from the Butthurt Brigade of AOCDS, jumping on every tweet (the latest: "waah her glasses are too small", "waah she was in the Girl Scouts" and "waaah --- her teef"), which can't be clearer showing its butthurt-fear derivations. And did I mention, alllllll that publicity, unless posters here are getting paid for it ---- comes in absolutely FREE. But again, your post here reflects the same emotionally-based ad homs ("stupid". "morons", "foolish") that makes up the entire substance-free criticism, and in your case from well over a thousand miles distant from where she serves anyway.

Did I mention that all that publicity has been FREE? Such a deal.

Truman ended WW2 and saved millions of American and Japanese lives. Most of AOC's publicity is coming from the propaganda arms of the DNC, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash post, and the 3 major networks. Most of those on the right find her amusing, idiotic, and a boon to the GOP.

you are totally off base with your comments about DeSantis and monkeying it up. the right wing racist morons are not who elected him or who he needed in those final days. Nice try though---------------but FAIL

Truman's responsible for much of the unnecessary Cold War, "Red Scare" and all that shit, because he was just out of his league and was too incurious to get into the league, and as a result got led around by the nose by the likes of Jimmy Byrnes. Not that it couldn't have been worse, at least when the Brits came whining about losing control of their colonial rape of Persia he told them to fuck off, and so left that bad decision for Eisenhower -- that was at least the right thing to do temporarily. And of course the overdue integration of the military, but there is little else to recommend him. The war was virtually over by the time he assumed the mantle, once again all that had been done by somebody else.

But this thread is not about Truman. I just found it a strange benchmark. When you point out that AOC is not Truman, I couldn't agree more, and that's a good thing, if a low bar.

As for deSantis and whatever political calculations were involved, I never said that it WORKED, and I don't know to what degree it did work and you don't either. It's not even your state. I just explained how the practice works. But if we want to sit here and pretend we've heard people use the expression "we can't monkey this up" before then it's a liiiiiiiiittle bit hard to explain why Fox Noise immediately apologized for the phrase, on the spot. Isn't it.

Again to return home here, what I'm noting is the Double Standard. Two obscure phrases, one hailed as pure and innocent, the other tainted with "ghetto" and "rape" and "stupid". That's two different measuring sticks, and that's bullshit.
you never heard the expressions "monkey it up" or "monkey up the works" or "monkey this up"?

Not until this one, no. Nor has anyone else. That's why it immediately sounded alarms. That's why Fox Noise immediately apologized and noted they don't condone such terminology. FOX NOISE, which made its bread-and-butter out of race-baiting.

DeSantis did not create a new phrase as a racist insult.

We don't know his motives, do we. I just said that. But you bring up a basic and crucial distinction, that being between a racist comment and a race-baiting comment. And perhaps you're deliberately ignoring that distinction, I can't tell that either, but you're inserting a suggestion I didn't make.

A racist comment would be one based on the belief that one's own race is superior to another race. A race-baiting comment would be a manipulation to trigger racists in the speaker's audience --- whether the speaker also believes in said racism or not. It doesn't necessarily mean the speaker is racist himself; it simply means he's not above dog-whistling those who are. Which in a way is even worse, as it's way more dishonest.

Rump does this all the time, which is why I keep noting we have no (okay we have not much) evidence that he's racist, but plenty of evidence that he's a race baiter. A master baiter indeed. We can't judge from this phraseology alone whether deSantis is a racist personally himself. We can however assess that he's probably winking to those who are. Plainly put, race baiting is a way of saying "vote for me, racists, I got your back even though I won't say so directly". The message is always implicit, not explicit.

As an aside, I've noted in fact evidence against deSantis being personally racist in his actions since taking office.

For another example "shithole countries" says nothing about race explicitly. It says plenty about elitism but it doesn't directly pin down race as a factor. Decades ago when Rump told the investigator in the housing discrimination case, "come on Elyse, you don't want to live with them either", the term them doesn't make a reference to race directly. But it's perfectly clear what it means.

Fox Noise, far as I know, never came on the air and directly said, "look out white people, the scary black man is coming to get you". But they did focus their story choices on "New Black Panthers" and "knockout games" and Henry Louis Gates and Shirley Sherrod and Jeremiah Wright and "terrorist fist jab" and "baby mama" and "Hip Hop Barbecues in the White House" --- you and I may see no common thread there but the racists in the viewing audience will be most receptive to the seed planted, and that's the game. It's simple emotional manipulation. Fox, Rump and DeSantis know who's in their audience, and they each want to snag and keep that audience -- whether they themselves are racists or not.

That's why I call it more dishonest than straight racism --- it's manipulation rather than core belief. At least with an overt racist, you know where he stands. With a manipulator we know nothing. We have an actor, pretending to be something for no higher purpose than to ensnare the unwashed.

the desperation of you losing dems has gotten so out of hand it is laughable.

Once AGAIN, I'm neither a "dem [sic]" nor "losing". You're still swimming in the soup of Dichotomy. Learn to count beyond the number "two".

I never heard the expression "run train" before the arrogant twit said it. I am only using what the media has told us about it being a "ghetto" phrase for gang rape. Its not partisan so assume that the media is right about it. Its also not partisan to point out the lunacy of AOC, or Romney, or any other political figure.

Whatever. I never heard the phrase before either,.same as "monkey this up". I can't see a racial connotation even in the Urpin Dic's definition. How exactly the metaphor would work isn't clear but again the speaker herself would be the one to ask. I'm just noting here that given two unknown non-standard expressions, you're pretending to be familiar with one as innocuous, while tagging the other with "ghetto" (and we're right back to race-baiting aren't we) -- and that is a Double Standard.

Is there such a thing as rape-baiting? You think AOC is appealing to the rapists in the audience? Wouldn't seem to be a huge denomination. Has anyone asked her for clarification? If not, why not?

On the other hand it could be simple rhetorical hyperbole, using a crass term simply to garner attention, knowing it would be scrutinized in five hundred posts on a message board. If so it seems to have worked rather efficiently.

you never heard anyone say "monkey this up"? Really? do you refer to blacks as monkeys? probably not, I certainly don't, and I am quite sure that DeSantis doesn't either.

You're probably correct but the question is not, and never has been, whether WE use "monkey" as a racial code word, "WE" including deSantis. That's not how it works. If deSantis was using it as such, the objective was to be heard by those who do -- not to express his own values. That's the whole point.

Again, one could, if one wanted, be expressing one's own core beliefs, but that's not at all necessary to trigger those you're trying to manipulate. There's a wide difference between saying something because you believe it, and saying something because you think it will win somebody else over (see also LBJ saying "Sam, why won't you let this ****** bill pass?"). Try to keep in mind this is a politician ---- what comes out of his mouth is going to be what serves him to get elected, not (necessarily) what he believes in. Don't know if this is a revelation but politicians have been known to say all manner of stuff they don't personally believe in, to get votes.

As to AOC, she is young arrogant and stupid. Nothing that idiot says should surprise anyone. Its amazing that the media continues to give her so much coverage because she is making the entire dem party look like morons, and the 2020 dem presidential aspirants give her lip service because they are scared of the foolish girl. Its is mind blowing watching the once great party to Truman and Kennedy self immolate.

"Truman" really? :lmao: Truman was one of the worst Presidents since 1900 (I count four: Wilson, Hoover, Truman and Dubya --- and before you post it, no you can't count one who's still in office). Good riddance to Truman the Unready. As for AOC however, all the publicity ---- relentlessly and literally daily ---- has been coming from the Butthurt Brigade of AOCDS, jumping on every tweet (the latest: "waah her glasses are too small", "waah she was in the Girl Scouts" and "waaah --- her teef"), which can't be clearer showing its butthurt-fear derivations. And did I mention, alllllll that publicity, unless posters here are getting paid for it ---- comes in absolutely FREE. But again, your post here reflects the same emotionally-based ad homs ("stupid". "morons", "foolish") that makes up the entire substance-free criticism, and in your case from well over a thousand miles distant from where she serves anyway.

Did I mention that all that publicity has been FREE? Such a deal.

Truman ended WW2 and saved millions of American and Japanese lives. Most of AOC's publicity is coming from the propaganda arms of the DNC, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash post, and the 3 major networks. Most of those on the right find her amusing, idiotic, and a boon to the GOP.

you are totally off base with your comments about DeSantis and monkeying it up. the right wing racist morons are not who elected him or who he needed in those final days. Nice try though---------------but FAIL

Truman's responsible for much of the unnecessary Cold War, "Red Scare" and all that shit, because he was just out of his league and was too incurious to get into the league, and as a result got led around by the nose by the likes of Jimmy Byrnes. Not that it couldn't have been worse, at least when the Brits came whining about losing control of their colonial rape of Persia he told them to fuck off, and so left that bad decision for Eisenhower -- that was at least the right thing to do temporarily. And of course the overdue integration of the military, but there is little else to recommend him. The war was virtually over by the time he assumed the mantle, once again all that had been done by somebody else.

But this thread is not about Truman. I just found it a strange benchmark. When you point out that AOC is not Truman, I couldn't agree more, and that's a good thing, if a low bar.

As for deSantis and whatever political calculations were involved, I never said that it WORKED, and I don't know to what degree it did work and you don't either. It's not even your state. I just explained how the practice works. But if we want to sit here and pretend we've heard people use the expression "we can't monkey this up" before then it's a liiiiiiiiittle bit hard to explain why Fox Noise immediately apologized for the phrase, on the spot. Isn't it.

Again to return home here, what I'm noting is the Double Standard. Two obscure phrases, one hailed as pure and innocent, the other tainted with "ghetto" and "rape" and "stupid". That's two different measuring sticks, and that's bullshit.

This has become a waste of time and typing skills. I think AOC is an ignorant arrogant twit, you think she is the savior of the country. We will never agree, so lets drop it. I am done here.
Not until this one, no. Nor has anyone else. That's why it immediately sounded alarms. That's why Fox Noise immediately apologized and noted they don't condone such terminology. FOX NOISE, which made its bread-and-butter out of race-baiting.

We don't know his motives, do we. I just said that. But you bring up a basic and crucial distinction, that being between a racist comment and a race-baiting comment. And perhaps you're deliberately ignoring that distinction, I can't tell that either, but you're inserting a suggestion I didn't make.

A racist comment would be one based on the belief that one's own race is superior to another race. A race-baiting comment would be a manipulation to trigger racists in the speaker's audience --- whether the speaker also believes in said racism or not. It doesn't necessarily mean the speaker is racist himself; it simply means he's not above dog-whistling those who are. Which in a way is even worse, as it's way more dishonest.

Rump does this all the time, which is why I keep noting we have no (okay we have not much) evidence that he's racist, but plenty of evidence that he's a race baiter. A master baiter indeed. We can't judge from this phraseology alone whether deSantis is a racist personally himself. We can however assess that he's probably winking to those who are. Plainly put, race baiting is a way of saying "vote for me, racists, I got your back even though I won't say so directly". The message is always implicit, not explicit.

As an aside, I've noted in fact evidence against deSantis being personally racist in his actions since taking office.

For another example "shithole countries" says nothing about race explicitly. It says plenty about elitism but it doesn't directly pin down race as a factor. Decades ago when Rump told the investigator in the housing discrimination case, "come on Elyse, you don't want to live with them either", the term them doesn't make a reference to race directly. But it's perfectly clear what it means.

Fox Noise, far as I know, never came on the air and directly said, "look out white people, the scary black man is coming to get you". But they did focus their story choices on "New Black Panthers" and "knockout games" and Henry Louis Gates and Shirley Sherrod and Jeremiah Wright and "terrorist fist jab" and "baby mama" and "Hip Hop Barbecues in the White House" --- you and I may see no common thread there but the racists in the viewing audience will be most receptive to the seed planted, and that's the game. It's simple emotional manipulation. Fox, Rump and DeSantis know who's in their audience, and they each want to snag and keep that audience -- whether they themselves are racists or not.

That's why I call it more dishonest than straight racism --- it's manipulation rather than core belief. At least with an overt racist, you know where he stands. With a manipulator we know nothing. We have an actor, pretending to be something for no higher purpose than to ensnare the unwashed.

Once AGAIN, I'm neither a "dem [sic]" nor "losing". You're still swimming in the soup of Dichotomy. Learn to count beyond the number "two".

Whatever. I never heard the phrase before either,.same as "monkey this up". I can't see a racial connotation even in the Urpin Dic's definition. How exactly the metaphor would work isn't clear but again the speaker herself would be the one to ask. I'm just noting here that given two unknown non-standard expressions, you're pretending to be familiar with one as innocuous, while tagging the other with "ghetto" (and we're right back to race-baiting aren't we) -- and that is a Double Standard.

Is there such a thing as rape-baiting? You think AOC is appealing to the rapists in the audience? Wouldn't seem to be a huge denomination. Has anyone asked her for clarification? If not, why not?

On the other hand it could be simple rhetorical hyperbole, using a crass term simply to garner attention, knowing it would be scrutinized in five hundred posts on a message board. If so it seems to have worked rather efficiently.

you never heard anyone say "monkey this up"? Really? do you refer to blacks as monkeys? probably not, I certainly don't, and I am quite sure that DeSantis doesn't either.

You're probably correct but the question is not, and never has been, whether WE use "monkey" as a racial code word, "WE" including deSantis. That's not how it works. If deSantis was using it as such, the objective was to be heard by those who do -- not to express his own values. That's the whole point.

Again, one could, if one wanted, be expressing one's own core beliefs, but that's not at all necessary to trigger those you're trying to manipulate. There's a wide difference between saying something because you believe it, and saying something because you think it will win somebody else over (see also LBJ saying "Sam, why won't you let this ****** bill pass?"). Try to keep in mind this is a politician ---- what comes out of his mouth is going to be what serves him to get elected, not (necessarily) what he believes in. Don't know if this is a revelation but politicians have been known to say all manner of stuff they don't personally believe in, to get votes.

As to AOC, she is young arrogant and stupid. Nothing that idiot says should surprise anyone. Its amazing that the media continues to give her so much coverage because she is making the entire dem party look like morons, and the 2020 dem presidential aspirants give her lip service because they are scared of the foolish girl. Its is mind blowing watching the once great party to Truman and Kennedy self immolate.

"Truman" really? :lmao: Truman was one of the worst Presidents since 1900 (I count four: Wilson, Hoover, Truman and Dubya --- and before you post it, no you can't count one who's still in office). Good riddance to Truman the Unready. As for AOC however, all the publicity ---- relentlessly and literally daily ---- has been coming from the Butthurt Brigade of AOCDS, jumping on every tweet (the latest: "waah her glasses are too small", "waah she was in the Girl Scouts" and "waaah --- her teef"), which can't be clearer showing its butthurt-fear derivations. And did I mention, alllllll that publicity, unless posters here are getting paid for it ---- comes in absolutely FREE. But again, your post here reflects the same emotionally-based ad homs ("stupid". "morons", "foolish") that makes up the entire substance-free criticism, and in your case from well over a thousand miles distant from where she serves anyway.

Did I mention that all that publicity has been FREE? Such a deal.

Truman ended WW2 and saved millions of American and Japanese lives. Most of AOC's publicity is coming from the propaganda arms of the DNC, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash post, and the 3 major networks. Most of those on the right find her amusing, idiotic, and a boon to the GOP.

you are totally off base with your comments about DeSantis and monkeying it up. the right wing racist morons are not who elected him or who he needed in those final days. Nice try though---------------but FAIL

Truman's responsible for much of the unnecessary Cold War, "Red Scare" and all that shit, because he was just out of his league and was too incurious to get into the league, and as a result got led around by the nose by the likes of Jimmy Byrnes. Not that it couldn't have been worse, at least when the Brits came whining about losing control of their colonial rape of Persia he told them to fuck off, and so left that bad decision for Eisenhower -- that was at least the right thing to do temporarily. And of course the overdue integration of the military, but there is little else to recommend him. The war was virtually over by the time he assumed the mantle, once again all that had been done by somebody else.

But this thread is not about Truman. I just found it a strange benchmark. When you point out that AOC is not Truman, I couldn't agree more, and that's a good thing, if a low bar.

As for deSantis and whatever political calculations were involved, I never said that it WORKED, and I don't know to what degree it did work and you don't either. It's not even your state. I just explained how the practice works. But if we want to sit here and pretend we've heard people use the expression "we can't monkey this up" before then it's a liiiiiiiiittle bit hard to explain why Fox Noise immediately apologized for the phrase, on the spot. Isn't it.

Again to return home here, what I'm noting is the Double Standard. Two obscure phrases, one hailed as pure and innocent, the other tainted with "ghetto" and "rape" and "stupid". That's two different measuring sticks, and that's bullshit.

This has become a waste of time and typing skills. I think AOC is an ignorant arrogant twit, you think she is the savior of the country. We will never agree, so lets drop it. I am done here.

See how blatantly dishonest you are? Prove that bolded clause.

Yep, I know you can't. That's because you pulled it out of your ass. And you did that because you're STILL swimming in that same Dichotomy-obsessed cesspool where anybody who doesn't nod in agreement with your inane babbllings is automatically "saying the opposite". Because Dichotomists can't think beyond the number "two".

It's a recurring pattern. I keep telling you this and you keep running down the same road expecting it to go somewhere else.
you never heard anyone say "monkey this up"? Really? do you refer to blacks as monkeys? probably not, I certainly don't, and I am quite sure that DeSantis doesn't either.

You're probably correct but the question is not, and never has been, whether WE use "monkey" as a racial code word, "WE" including deSantis. That's not how it works. If deSantis was using it as such, the objective was to be heard by those who do -- not to express his own values. That's the whole point.

Again, one could, if one wanted, be expressing one's own core beliefs, but that's not at all necessary to trigger those you're trying to manipulate. There's a wide difference between saying something because you believe it, and saying something because you think it will win somebody else over (see also LBJ saying "Sam, why won't you let this ****** bill pass?"). Try to keep in mind this is a politician ---- what comes out of his mouth is going to be what serves him to get elected, not (necessarily) what he believes in. Don't know if this is a revelation but politicians have been known to say all manner of stuff they don't personally believe in, to get votes.

As to AOC, she is young arrogant and stupid. Nothing that idiot says should surprise anyone. Its amazing that the media continues to give her so much coverage because she is making the entire dem party look like morons, and the 2020 dem presidential aspirants give her lip service because they are scared of the foolish girl. Its is mind blowing watching the once great party to Truman and Kennedy self immolate.

"Truman" really? :lmao: Truman was one of the worst Presidents since 1900 (I count four: Wilson, Hoover, Truman and Dubya --- and before you post it, no you can't count one who's still in office). Good riddance to Truman the Unready. As for AOC however, all the publicity ---- relentlessly and literally daily ---- has been coming from the Butthurt Brigade of AOCDS, jumping on every tweet (the latest: "waah her glasses are too small", "waah she was in the Girl Scouts" and "waaah --- her teef"), which can't be clearer showing its butthurt-fear derivations. And did I mention, alllllll that publicity, unless posters here are getting paid for it ---- comes in absolutely FREE. But again, your post here reflects the same emotionally-based ad homs ("stupid". "morons", "foolish") that makes up the entire substance-free criticism, and in your case from well over a thousand miles distant from where she serves anyway.

Did I mention that all that publicity has been FREE? Such a deal.

Truman ended WW2 and saved millions of American and Japanese lives. Most of AOC's publicity is coming from the propaganda arms of the DNC, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash post, and the 3 major networks. Most of those on the right find her amusing, idiotic, and a boon to the GOP.

you are totally off base with your comments about DeSantis and monkeying it up. the right wing racist morons are not who elected him or who he needed in those final days. Nice try though---------------but FAIL

Truman's responsible for much of the unnecessary Cold War, "Red Scare" and all that shit, because he was just out of his league and was too incurious to get into the league, and as a result got led around by the nose by the likes of Jimmy Byrnes. Not that it couldn't have been worse, at least when the Brits came whining about losing control of their colonial rape of Persia he told them to fuck off, and so left that bad decision for Eisenhower -- that was at least the right thing to do temporarily. And of course the overdue integration of the military, but there is little else to recommend him. The war was virtually over by the time he assumed the mantle, once again all that had been done by somebody else.

But this thread is not about Truman. I just found it a strange benchmark. When you point out that AOC is not Truman, I couldn't agree more, and that's a good thing, if a low bar.

As for deSantis and whatever political calculations were involved, I never said that it WORKED, and I don't know to what degree it did work and you don't either. It's not even your state. I just explained how the practice works. But if we want to sit here and pretend we've heard people use the expression "we can't monkey this up" before then it's a liiiiiiiiittle bit hard to explain why Fox Noise immediately apologized for the phrase, on the spot. Isn't it.

Again to return home here, what I'm noting is the Double Standard. Two obscure phrases, one hailed as pure and innocent, the other tainted with "ghetto" and "rape" and "stupid". That's two different measuring sticks, and that's bullshit.

This has become a waste of time and typing skills. I think AOC is an ignorant arrogant twit, you think she is the savior of the country. We will never agree, so lets drop it. I am done here.

See how blatantly dishonest you are? Prove that bolded clause.

Yep, I know you can't. That's because you pulled it out of your ass. And you did that because you're STILL swimming in that same Dichotomy-obsessed cesspool where anybody who doesn't nod in agreement with your inane babbllings is automatically "saying the opposite". Because Dichotomists can't think beyond the number "two".

It's a recurring pattern. I keep telling you this and you keep running down the same road expecting it to go somewhere else.

of course it was an exaggeration. But your continued blind support of the arrogant twit makes me think you hold her up as some kind of idol or heroine.

So, for one final time. Do you think she is brilliant or stupid? its one or the other, no grey areas, which?
You're probably correct but the question is not, and never has been, whether WE use "monkey" as a racial code word, "WE" including deSantis. That's not how it works. If deSantis was using it as such, the objective was to be heard by those who do -- not to express his own values. That's the whole point.

Again, one could, if one wanted, be expressing one's own core beliefs, but that's not at all necessary to trigger those you're trying to manipulate. There's a wide difference between saying something because you believe it, and saying something because you think it will win somebody else over (see also LBJ saying "Sam, why won't you let this ****** bill pass?"). Try to keep in mind this is a politician ---- what comes out of his mouth is going to be what serves him to get elected, not (necessarily) what he believes in. Don't know if this is a revelation but politicians have been known to say all manner of stuff they don't personally believe in, to get votes.

"Truman" really? :lmao: Truman was one of the worst Presidents since 1900 (I count four: Wilson, Hoover, Truman and Dubya --- and before you post it, no you can't count one who's still in office). Good riddance to Truman the Unready. As for AOC however, all the publicity ---- relentlessly and literally daily ---- has been coming from the Butthurt Brigade of AOCDS, jumping on every tweet (the latest: "waah her glasses are too small", "waah she was in the Girl Scouts" and "waaah --- her teef"), which can't be clearer showing its butthurt-fear derivations. And did I mention, alllllll that publicity, unless posters here are getting paid for it ---- comes in absolutely FREE. But again, your post here reflects the same emotionally-based ad homs ("stupid". "morons", "foolish") that makes up the entire substance-free criticism, and in your case from well over a thousand miles distant from where she serves anyway.

Did I mention that all that publicity has been FREE? Such a deal.

Truman ended WW2 and saved millions of American and Japanese lives. Most of AOC's publicity is coming from the propaganda arms of the DNC, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash post, and the 3 major networks. Most of those on the right find her amusing, idiotic, and a boon to the GOP.

you are totally off base with your comments about DeSantis and monkeying it up. the right wing racist morons are not who elected him or who he needed in those final days. Nice try though---------------but FAIL

Truman's responsible for much of the unnecessary Cold War, "Red Scare" and all that shit, because he was just out of his league and was too incurious to get into the league, and as a result got led around by the nose by the likes of Jimmy Byrnes. Not that it couldn't have been worse, at least when the Brits came whining about losing control of their colonial rape of Persia he told them to fuck off, and so left that bad decision for Eisenhower -- that was at least the right thing to do temporarily. And of course the overdue integration of the military, but there is little else to recommend him. The war was virtually over by the time he assumed the mantle, once again all that had been done by somebody else.

But this thread is not about Truman. I just found it a strange benchmark. When you point out that AOC is not Truman, I couldn't agree more, and that's a good thing, if a low bar.

As for deSantis and whatever political calculations were involved, I never said that it WORKED, and I don't know to what degree it did work and you don't either. It's not even your state. I just explained how the practice works. But if we want to sit here and pretend we've heard people use the expression "we can't monkey this up" before then it's a liiiiiiiiittle bit hard to explain why Fox Noise immediately apologized for the phrase, on the spot. Isn't it.

Again to return home here, what I'm noting is the Double Standard. Two obscure phrases, one hailed as pure and innocent, the other tainted with "ghetto" and "rape" and "stupid". That's two different measuring sticks, and that's bullshit.

This has become a waste of time and typing skills. I think AOC is an ignorant arrogant twit, you think she is the savior of the country. We will never agree, so lets drop it. I am done here.

See how blatantly dishonest you are? Prove that bolded clause.

Yep, I know you can't. That's because you pulled it out of your ass. And you did that because you're STILL swimming in that same Dichotomy-obsessed cesspool where anybody who doesn't nod in agreement with your inane babbllings is automatically "saying the opposite". Because Dichotomists can't think beyond the number "two".

It's a recurring pattern. I keep telling you this and you keep running down the same road expecting it to go somewhere else.

of course it was an exaggeration. But your continued blind support of the arrogant twit makes me think you hold her up as some kind of idol or heroine.

So, for one final time. Do you think she is brilliant or stupid? its one or the other, no grey areas, which?

You don't seem to have noticed this but I rarely ever get into the nuts and bolts of a topic, unless it's something I'm intimately familiar with (and this is not). What I do is suss out BAD LOGIC.

AOC is not my Rep, what she's doing is of no concern for me. What I do notice is the obsession on the part of the AOCDS contingent. That, I find most interesting.

Right here, for instance, confirming what I just noted about dichotomy-think, you're still fixated on this idea of "blind support" of a Congresscritter who's at least six hundred miles away and ergo irrelevant. And you fixate on that for no better reason than that I won't stoop to agree with all the inane "she stoopid" and "she have big teef" threads, which in your head must mean I'm "blind supporting" her because "muh team" or some shit.

THAT is what I notice. How you reach that inane conclusion. It's not the stoopid or the teef I find interesting --- it's the inanity.
Truman ended WW2 and saved millions of American and Japanese lives. Most of AOC's publicity is coming from the propaganda arms of the DNC, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash post, and the 3 major networks. Most of those on the right find her amusing, idiotic, and a boon to the GOP.

you are totally off base with your comments about DeSantis and monkeying it up. the right wing racist morons are not who elected him or who he needed in those final days. Nice try though---------------but FAIL

Truman's responsible for much of the unnecessary Cold War, "Red Scare" and all that shit, because he was just out of his league and was too incurious to get into the league, and as a result got led around by the nose by the likes of Jimmy Byrnes. Not that it couldn't have been worse, at least when the Brits came whining about losing control of their colonial rape of Persia he told them to fuck off, and so left that bad decision for Eisenhower -- that was at least the right thing to do temporarily. And of course the overdue integration of the military, but there is little else to recommend him. The war was virtually over by the time he assumed the mantle, once again all that had been done by somebody else.

But this thread is not about Truman. I just found it a strange benchmark. When you point out that AOC is not Truman, I couldn't agree more, and that's a good thing, if a low bar.

As for deSantis and whatever political calculations were involved, I never said that it WORKED, and I don't know to what degree it did work and you don't either. It's not even your state. I just explained how the practice works. But if we want to sit here and pretend we've heard people use the expression "we can't monkey this up" before then it's a liiiiiiiiittle bit hard to explain why Fox Noise immediately apologized for the phrase, on the spot. Isn't it.

Again to return home here, what I'm noting is the Double Standard. Two obscure phrases, one hailed as pure and innocent, the other tainted with "ghetto" and "rape" and "stupid". That's two different measuring sticks, and that's bullshit.

This has become a waste of time and typing skills. I think AOC is an ignorant arrogant twit, you think she is the savior of the country. We will never agree, so lets drop it. I am done here.

See how blatantly dishonest you are? Prove that bolded clause.

Yep, I know you can't. That's because you pulled it out of your ass. And you did that because you're STILL swimming in that same Dichotomy-obsessed cesspool where anybody who doesn't nod in agreement with your inane babbllings is automatically "saying the opposite". Because Dichotomists can't think beyond the number "two".

It's a recurring pattern. I keep telling you this and you keep running down the same road expecting it to go somewhere else.

of course it was an exaggeration. But your continued blind support of the arrogant twit makes me think you hold her up as some kind of idol or heroine.

So, for one final time. Do you think she is brilliant or stupid? its one or the other, no grey areas, which?

You don't seem to have noticed this but I rarely ever get into the nuts and bolts of a topic, unless it's something I'm intimately familiar with (and this is not). What I do is suss out BAD LOGIC.

AOC is not my Rep, what she's doing is of no concern for me. What I do notice is the obsession on the part of the AOCDS contingent. That, I find most interesting.

Right here, for instance, confirming what I just noted about dichotomy-think, you're still fixated on this idea of "blind support" of a Congresscritter who's at least six hundred miles away and ergo irrelevant. And you fixate on that for no better reason than that I won't stoop to agree with all the inane "she stoopid" and "she have big teef" threads, which in your head must mean I'm "blind supporting" her because "muh team" or some shit.

THAT is what I notice. How you reach that inane conclusion. It's not the stoopid or the teef I find interesting --- it's the inanity.

she's not my rep either, and I agree somewhat with your comments, however in every thread you always take the left side of the argument and that's what you have done here as well. You have refused to acknowledge her idiotic statements or condemn the totally impossible green new deal.

I really wish the media would ignore her so that we could as well. But they wont and she is helping Trump win a second term as well as helping the dem party to become a thing of the past.

As I said earlier, done here.
Truman's responsible for much of the unnecessary Cold War, "Red Scare" and all that shit, because he was just out of his league and was too incurious to get into the league, and as a result got led around by the nose by the likes of Jimmy Byrnes. Not that it couldn't have been worse, at least when the Brits came whining about losing control of their colonial rape of Persia he told them to fuck off, and so left that bad decision for Eisenhower -- that was at least the right thing to do temporarily. And of course the overdue integration of the military, but there is little else to recommend him. The war was virtually over by the time he assumed the mantle, once again all that had been done by somebody else.

But this thread is not about Truman. I just found it a strange benchmark. When you point out that AOC is not Truman, I couldn't agree more, and that's a good thing, if a low bar.

As for deSantis and whatever political calculations were involved, I never said that it WORKED, and I don't know to what degree it did work and you don't either. It's not even your state. I just explained how the practice works. But if we want to sit here and pretend we've heard people use the expression "we can't monkey this up" before then it's a liiiiiiiiittle bit hard to explain why Fox Noise immediately apologized for the phrase, on the spot. Isn't it.

Again to return home here, what I'm noting is the Double Standard. Two obscure phrases, one hailed as pure and innocent, the other tainted with "ghetto" and "rape" and "stupid". That's two different measuring sticks, and that's bullshit.

This has become a waste of time and typing skills. I think AOC is an ignorant arrogant twit, you think she is the savior of the country. We will never agree, so lets drop it. I am done here.

See how blatantly dishonest you are? Prove that bolded clause.

Yep, I know you can't. That's because you pulled it out of your ass. And you did that because you're STILL swimming in that same Dichotomy-obsessed cesspool where anybody who doesn't nod in agreement with your inane babbllings is automatically "saying the opposite". Because Dichotomists can't think beyond the number "two".

It's a recurring pattern. I keep telling you this and you keep running down the same road expecting it to go somewhere else.

of course it was an exaggeration. But your continued blind support of the arrogant twit makes me think you hold her up as some kind of idol or heroine.

So, for one final time. Do you think she is brilliant or stupid? its one or the other, no grey areas, which?

You don't seem to have noticed this but I rarely ever get into the nuts and bolts of a topic, unless it's something I'm intimately familiar with (and this is not). What I do is suss out BAD LOGIC.

AOC is not my Rep, what she's doing is of no concern for me. What I do notice is the obsession on the part of the AOCDS contingent. That, I find most interesting.

Right here, for instance, confirming what I just noted about dichotomy-think, you're still fixated on this idea of "blind support" of a Congresscritter who's at least six hundred miles away and ergo irrelevant. And you fixate on that for no better reason than that I won't stoop to agree with all the inane "she stoopid" and "she have big teef" threads, which in your head must mean I'm "blind supporting" her because "muh team" or some shit.

THAT is what I notice. How you reach that inane conclusion. It's not the stoopid or the teef I find interesting --- it's the inanity.

she's not my rep either, and I agree somewhat with your comments, however in every thread you always take the left side of the argument and that's what you have done here as well. You have refused to acknowledge her idiotic statements or condemn the totally impossible green new deal.

I really wish the media would ignore her so that we could as well. But they wont and she is helping Trump win a second term as well as helping the dem party to become a thing of the past.

As I said earlier, done here.

There isn't a "side of the argument" when you're analyzing logic.

You're the one insisting on value judgments about "idiotic statements" and "totally impossible green new deals". I've opined nothing whatsoever about those and I'm really really really not interested. I'm looking at how y'all got to those judgments -- not what they ARE.

Of course I just explained this and it sailed over your head because you're mired in emotion.
This has become a waste of time and typing skills. I think AOC is an ignorant arrogant twit, you think she is the savior of the country. We will never agree, so lets drop it. I am done here.

See how blatantly dishonest you are? Prove that bolded clause.

Yep, I know you can't. That's because you pulled it out of your ass. And you did that because you're STILL swimming in that same Dichotomy-obsessed cesspool where anybody who doesn't nod in agreement with your inane babbllings is automatically "saying the opposite". Because Dichotomists can't think beyond the number "two".

It's a recurring pattern. I keep telling you this and you keep running down the same road expecting it to go somewhere else.

of course it was an exaggeration. But your continued blind support of the arrogant twit makes me think you hold her up as some kind of idol or heroine.

So, for one final time. Do you think she is brilliant or stupid? its one or the other, no grey areas, which?

You don't seem to have noticed this but I rarely ever get into the nuts and bolts of a topic, unless it's something I'm intimately familiar with (and this is not). What I do is suss out BAD LOGIC.

AOC is not my Rep, what she's doing is of no concern for me. What I do notice is the obsession on the part of the AOCDS contingent. That, I find most interesting.

Right here, for instance, confirming what I just noted about dichotomy-think, you're still fixated on this idea of "blind support" of a Congresscritter who's at least six hundred miles away and ergo irrelevant. And you fixate on that for no better reason than that I won't stoop to agree with all the inane "she stoopid" and "she have big teef" threads, which in your head must mean I'm "blind supporting" her because "muh team" or some shit.

THAT is what I notice. How you reach that inane conclusion. It's not the stoopid or the teef I find interesting --- it's the inanity.

she's not my rep either, and I agree somewhat with your comments, however in every thread you always take the left side of the argument and that's what you have done here as well. You have refused to acknowledge her idiotic statements or condemn the totally impossible green new deal.

I really wish the media would ignore her so that we could as well. But they wont and she is helping Trump win a second term as well as helping the dem party to become a thing of the past.

As I said earlier, done here.

There isn't a "side of the argument" when you're analyzing logic.

You're the one insisting on value judgments about "idiotic statements" and "totally impossible green new deals". I've opined nothing whatsoever about those and I'm really really really not interested. I'm looking at how y'all got to those judgments -- not what they ARE.

Of course I just explained this and it sailed over your head because you're mired in emotion.

IOW, you're less interested in the subject being discussed than you are in the way people are discussing it. That's not really consistent with being on topic.
See how blatantly dishonest you are? Prove that bolded clause.

Yep, I know you can't. That's because you pulled it out of your ass. And you did that because you're STILL swimming in that same Dichotomy-obsessed cesspool where anybody who doesn't nod in agreement with your inane babbllings is automatically "saying the opposite". Because Dichotomists can't think beyond the number "two".

It's a recurring pattern. I keep telling you this and you keep running down the same road expecting it to go somewhere else.

of course it was an exaggeration. But your continued blind support of the arrogant twit makes me think you hold her up as some kind of idol or heroine.

So, for one final time. Do you think she is brilliant or stupid? its one or the other, no grey areas, which?

You don't seem to have noticed this but I rarely ever get into the nuts and bolts of a topic, unless it's something I'm intimately familiar with (and this is not). What I do is suss out BAD LOGIC.

AOC is not my Rep, what she's doing is of no concern for me. What I do notice is the obsession on the part of the AOCDS contingent. That, I find most interesting.

Right here, for instance, confirming what I just noted about dichotomy-think, you're still fixated on this idea of "blind support" of a Congresscritter who's at least six hundred miles away and ergo irrelevant. And you fixate on that for no better reason than that I won't stoop to agree with all the inane "she stoopid" and "she have big teef" threads, which in your head must mean I'm "blind supporting" her because "muh team" or some shit.

THAT is what I notice. How you reach that inane conclusion. It's not the stoopid or the teef I find interesting --- it's the inanity.

she's not my rep either, and I agree somewhat with your comments, however in every thread you always take the left side of the argument and that's what you have done here as well. You have refused to acknowledge her idiotic statements or condemn the totally impossible green new deal.

I really wish the media would ignore her so that we could as well. But they wont and she is helping Trump win a second term as well as helping the dem party to become a thing of the past.

As I said earlier, done here.

There isn't a "side of the argument" when you're analyzing logic.

You're the one insisting on value judgments about "idiotic statements" and "totally impossible green new deals". I've opined nothing whatsoever about those and I'm really really really not interested. I'm looking at how y'all got to those judgments -- not what they ARE.

Of course I just explained this and it sailed over your head because you're mired in emotion.

IOW, you're less interested in the subject being discussed than you are in the way people are discussing it. That's not really consistent with being on topic.

Yes, that's a good way to put it.

And that is by definition on topic, since it has to derive from what argument somebody made ON the topic. And how they reach the conclusion they did -- whether that conclusion is valid and why not.

If they made an argument not on the topic, of course that's another fallacy. And that happens too --- it's why I invented Pogo's Law.

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