You Gotta Love Ann Coulter And Sean Hannity


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2011
I watched those two Fox News assholes refer to the "wicked left wing press" for accusing Cain of sexual harrassment and now after first denying it he has gradually, slowly admitted that he did it.

Why am I not surprised. The man doesn't even understand the difference between pro choice and pro life. Three different times he has declared that he is against abortion for any reason and ended up saying it's a thing for the woman and her family to decide if a girl is raped. I think the guy is an idiot savant who can do one thing. Leave him out if you're selecting participants for a think tank.
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Can you left wing hypocrites say after me in unison.. Clinton, Edwards, Weiner?

then sit down and stfu with your drivel?
Can you left wing hypocrites say after me in unison.. Clinton, Edwards, Weiner?

then sit down and stfu with your drivel?

"Drivel," Willow Tree? I think not. You don't like Clinton, Edwards, Weiner - we don't like Coulter and Hannity. Who's to say? This is an OPINION board, Willow. OPINIONS are allowed here.

Know what I think of your opinion?

That's right . . . .
Left wing, right wing, dosey doe...The longer I discuss politics, the more I see the left-wing and right-wing discussions as a waste of time. "Libruls and Cons". "The left-wing media conspiracy", "gubbamint", and so on.

We're grouping people into two distinct groups. When someone disagrees with you and tells you that you're basically talking out of your ass, it's easier to call them a partisan loon, than to dispute their claims with facts.

Is there a discussion board anywhere which sees the "news channels" for what they are: and that is sensational entertainment stations for propaganda for their corporate and political financiers? If so, direct me to the site.

I wonder how many of you would have the balls to say the things to others' faces that you so boldly say to them in here.

There's not a one of us who wouldn't piss our pants if one if our major cities was nuked. If such a horrific thing were to happen, would you still be saying to one another-"You're a moronic liberal. I want nothing to do with socialists."?

It's really irritating. You have one side trying to voice their beliefs and concerns; and you have the other side not being able to get beyond name-calling-due to the opiods or alcohol....I guess?
I watched those two Fox News assholes refer to the "wicked left wing press" for accusing Cain of sexual harrassment and now after first denying it he has gradually, slowly admitted that he did it.
I'm no Cain fan, but please show us where Herman Cain "admitted he did it".

And Willow, it's rather unfair to compare Cain with Clinton and Edwards isn't it? I mean, we expect Liberals to be lying, duplicitous dirt bags, we don't expect that from Conservatives.
The OP isnt starting in a good spot when he has to start out the thread with a whopper of a lie.
I watched those two Fox News assholes refer to the "wicked left wing press" for accusing Cain of sexual harrassment and now after first denying it he has gradually, slowly admitted that he did it.
I'm no Cain fan, but please show us where Herman Cain "admitted he did it".

And Willow, it's rather unfair to compare Cain with Clinton and Edwards isn't it? I mean, we expect Liberals to be lying, duplicitous dirt bags, we don't expect that from Conservatives.

Not to mention we know Clinton and Edwards actually did it.

No evidence of what, if anything, Cain has done.

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