You guys can stop already

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

There's a trail on mail in ballots... They are mailed out to a specific person, a specific person mails them back.

If Mail in ballots were good enough for you and Trump, they are good enough for the rest of us.

They are mailed out to a specific person based on a registration list. There is no verification the person is alive and living in the district. Again, I did absentee voting and believed the President did the same. Absentee voting is not the same as Mail-in voting.

Wrong! A request for a ballot is sent out. If you want to vote Absentee you send the request back in. All Absentee States may do it different.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Not in my State. The absentee ballots that are in are counted before Election Day. I understand Michigan does the same. That is why we can give most of the total in a few hours. Pa. Does not have that law.
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.
If biden gets the job no one will answer for anything.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls? Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.
Uh, I have been voting Absentee for over 10 years now. Before that I worked the polls for years. Many States went Absentee long ago.

Democrats did not come up with anything!

Please go back and read my responses. I clearly differentiate between Absentee and the Mail In modification that Democrats added in 2020.

You people are in no position to debate the topic if your sole purpose is to conflate Mail In with Absentee.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
Why is that strange? There were states which first counted in-person ballots, which heavily favored Trump -- then they counted mail-in ballots, which heavily favored Biden.

That in itself is strange. Why would in-person or mail-in ballots favor one or the other? More specifically, why did mail-in ballots favor Biden? Also, why were mail-in ballots not counted when they were mailed in?
Because Trump was telling his supporters to vote in person while Biden was telling his to vote by mail.

I understand why Trump why would would advise his supporters to vote in person - to help maintain election integrity. But why did Biden advise his supporters to vote by mail?
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

You are correct and that is why Biden had a large amount of votes in the mail in ballots...

Now with that written should ballots without a signature on the envelope be accepted and counted?

Is there a signature on the ballot?

It is required the envelope to have one, so again if that is a requirement then should the vote still be counted if it is missing the signature?

I say no because it failed to meet the criteria set by the State...

So what % of the vote would that be?

Not enough for Trump to win but let be clear that if we are going to discuss fraud and so on then it should be noted States shouldn’t change the rule during the count...

If it is required to have the signature on the envelope and it does not then the vote should be invalid no matter for Biden or Trump...

This is one of the issues with Pennsylvania count and I can see how the right could object to the change of the rule when it was not change by the legislature branch of their government and signed into law by the Governor...

Ok throw those out, so how many does Biden lead by now? Of course you know there are improprieties in every election. Hillary bowed out, Trump should do the same thing.
Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

There's a trail on mail in ballots... They are mailed out to a specific person, a specific person mails them back.

If Mail in ballots were good enough for you and Trump, they are good enough for the rest of us.

They are mailed out to a specific person based on a registration list. There is no verification the person is alive and living in the district. Again, I did absentee voting and believed the President did the same. Absentee voting is not the same as Mail-in voting.

Wrong! A request for a ballot is sent out. If you want to vote Absentee you send the request back in. All Absentee States may do it different.

Since you claim to be so knowledgeable about the topic, why then didn’t Democrats simply push for Absentee voting that was already in place?
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Not in my State. The absentee ballots that are in are counted before Election Day. I understand Michigan does the same. That is why we can give most of the total in a few hours. Pa. Does not have that law.

Isn't that what I said?
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

Take heart, have faith. Remember who and what our President is and represents. A high ranking Catholic archbishop just sent a second letter to POTUS laying it all our for him . . . the price mankind will pay if he concedes. Evil gets off on our self-doubt more than from any other source. The guilty, the wicked among us NEED Trump to fall so they do not have to face their own reflections. Think about that for a moment. Think about the moment in time we're verging on. A reckoning will come either way. The democrats have been begging and pleading for an authoritarian smackdown. Trump may or may not be the one to administer it, but it will come. I feel the call as well. It bites deep and won't let up. However, to go that route now is to give Them exactly what they want most; our doom.

Abp. Viganò warns Trump about ‘Great Reset’ plot to ‘subdue humanity,’ destroy freedom
Meanwhile the Pope called and congratulated Biden

LOL, uummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so?
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

Grab yer guns and start killing your neighbors who voted for Biden.
Good times AmiRight? :icon_rolleyes:
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.

Dumbfuck, not one of those "10 things" have been proven. They're nothing but accusations at this point. Führer Trump was accused of raping 12 and 13 year old girls, does that make it true since it was only an accusation? To date, there's one case of actual voter fraud. A Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother.

Why is the standard that they have to be proven right now? The accusations have been made. But you will fucking ignore them because it suits you.

Only 1??

Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud | The Daily Wire

You got what you want, and you don't have the balls to admit you don't care how you got it. A little fraud is nothing to a person with no scruples.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Because of the coronavirus, duh.

Mail on ballots favored Biden, because many Democrats voted mail in instead in person. What is so hard about that.

Again, why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

Again because of the coronavirus.
Also, if the majority of Biden votes were mail-in nationwide, then how did both New York and California - the two largest electoral states with a Democrat majority - get their mail-in ballots counted so quickly and declared for Biden so early in the election?

Because they could count them as soon as they came in.

If mail-in ballots are to be counted after in-person ballots and the majority of mail-ins favored Biden, New York and California should have been the last two states declared.

Depends on the state.

Sorry, but something just doesn't wash. If the pace of the ballot counting and reporting had remained relatively consistent then I (and we) probably wouldn't be asking these questions. For whatever reason, it appears that mail-in ballot counting became slower in states with fewer mail-in ballots.

Wow talk about following the herd.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
Why is that strange? There were states which first counted in-person ballots, which heavily favored Trump -- then they counted mail-in ballots, which heavily favored Biden.

That in itself is strange. Why would in-person or mail-in ballots favor one or the other? More specifically, why did mail-in ballots favor Biden? Also, why were mail-in ballots not counted when they were mailed in?
Because Trump was telling his supporters to vote in person while Biden was telling his to vote by mail.

I understand why Trump why would would advise his supporters to vote in person - to help maintain election integrity. But why did Biden advise his supporters to vote by mail?
For many, they didn't want to be around others because of covid. I imagine for others, they didn't want to deal with the expected long lines. Speaking for myself, I didn't trust the voting machines; possibly, others felt that way as well.
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.

......and yet NONE of what you are claiming has been found.

You have no idea as to what has or has not ben found, you have only your biased desires.

If it had been found they wouldn't be throwing these cases out of court for NO evidence. Smfh.

Get your news from some different sources kid, you're being misled. You have NO idea what's been found and what hasn't...oh wait te NYT, ABC, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, nd Mika and Joe have you told you it's all a "hoax".

Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump
Igor Derysh

SalonNovember 12, 2020

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich refuted President Donald Trump's baseless claims that the election was stolen from him, adding that the numbers show President-elect Joe Biden will carry the once deep red state.
Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump

Yahoo Finance
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits
Kristin Myers
Thu, November 12, 2020, 6:37 AM EST·3 min read

The Trump campaign has continued to file lawsuits, trying to prevent the states of Pennsylvania and Michigan from certifying their election results. The critical swing states went to President-elect Joe Biden, providing him the necessary electoral college votes to win the election.
Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman said he anticipates Trump’s lawsuits to be tossed out of court.

The bottom line is math doesn't care about your feelings, math doesn't care about your baseless lies and allegations, and math has made Joe Biden President-elect and you are standing in the way of an orderly transition,” Fetterman told Yahoo Finance Live. “And it's just time we get on with it. So this idea that you somehow can alter the outcome through a lawsuit without any evidence, without any facts, when the math is overwhelmingly against you, I don't understand, you know, why they want to continue this on.”
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits

It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

We know.

Go ahead and waste your time fighting.

I just have a question. Why has none of this so called dirt been taken to a judge?

Why has every single cause of fraud been thrown out of court because the trump lawyers presented zero evidence or proof of any fraud or conspiracy or any of the garbage you people have been insisting?

trump and his lawyers have presented zero proof of any fraud or conspiracy or rigging or anything close to what you people have been claiming.

An intelligent person would know that trump and his lawyers have the perfect opportunity to give the evidence to the one person who could actually do something about it. A judge. Yet so far they have presented nothing to the one person who can do something about it.

Why are they remaining silent if there is so much evidence?

It's very easy to lie on line. There are no consequences.

It is very different when it comes to a court of law and judge. A lawyer run the risk of facing disbarment and loss of their law license of they lie to a judge. Everyone who lies in court run the risk of facing legal problems including prison time for perjury.

Which is why none of the lawyers for trump have presented any of the wild claims of fraud, cheating, rigging and all the rest you claim to exist to any judge in any court.

So fight on the good fight. I sure am not going to stop you.

Knock yourself out.
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

No, you *believe* that the election was rigged, because you've been trained to believe that reality must cater to your what makes you comfortable. and be void of anything that you find uncomfortable.

So you invent increasingly elaborate and gloriously evidence free conspiracies as binkies to suckle as you try and self-soothe the dissonance between what you *want* to believe. And what the evidence actually supports.

Ya'll are a fairly delicate lot.

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