You guys can stop already

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.

......and yet NONE of what you are claiming has been found.

You have no idea as to what has or has not ben found, you have only your biased desires.

If it had been found they wouldn't be throwing these cases out of court for NO evidence. Smfh.

Get your news from some different sources kid, you're being misled. You have NO idea what's been found and what hasn't...oh wait te NYT, ABC, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, nd Mika and Joe have you told you it's all a "hoax".

Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump
Igor Derysh

SalonNovember 12, 2020

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich refuted President Donald Trump's baseless claims that the election was stolen from him, adding that the numbers show President-elect Joe Biden will carry the once deep red state.
Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump

Yahoo Finance
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits
Kristin Myers
Thu, November 12, 2020, 6:37 AM EST·3 min read

The Trump campaign has continued to file lawsuits, trying to prevent the states of Pennsylvania and Michigan from certifying their election results. The critical swing states went to President-elect Joe Biden, providing him the necessary electoral college votes to win the election.
Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman said he anticipates Trump’s lawsuits to be tossed out of court.

The bottom line is math doesn't care about your feelings, math doesn't care about your baseless lies and allegations, and math has made Joe Biden President-elect and you are standing in the way of an orderly transition,” Fetterman told Yahoo Finance Live. “And it's just time we get on with it. So this idea that you somehow can alter the outcome through a lawsuit without any evidence, without any facts, when the math is overwhelmingly against you, I don't understand, you know, why they want to continue this on.”
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits


Salon. Branch out son and by the way Az is slip sliding away from Pedo Joe.

i don't usually link anything with a bias left or right - but it's just plain fact,


so there is that. & donny's cracking.....

Keep watching, it isn't over. Whether you like it or not there is a ton of irregularities being found and the word/wishes of a Dem Lt Gov has no bearing on what may or may not happen to the Mail In ballots.

No, there really aren't. There are ALLEGATIONS made in public, mostly by paid partisans.

But when pressed for actual evidence of fraud, in court.....Trump's lawyers say this:


There's a reason why what Trump says in public, and what his lawyers say in court doesn't match at all: There are consequences for the lawyers if they lie in court.

While Trump can lie to your face all day long in public without consequence.

You go ahead and run with that, those "592" ballots are in no way the entirety of what's going on here.

The problem you have here is that I am not a Rump and I am not (unlike yourself) locked in a binary system. You are. I don't have a dog in the hunt and that allows me to see what's happening without a partisan bias. The quicker you learn that things are not what they seem the quicker you can get a grasp on reality.

Feel free to quote a better source from a court hearing then. This is the most current we have from Trump's lawyers being reported yesterday in Pennsylvania.

Remember, Trump's lawyers have presented essentially nothing in court to back the 'widespread voter fraud' allegations made by Trump. At this point they aren't even bothering to allege it.

The times they've tried presenting anonymous post it notes or made fake claims about 'all republican observers being expelled', they've been embarassed in court. And lost.

Myopia is your worst enemy. Lawsuits have been filed in all the contested States. I'm not here to "convince" you of anything, nothing can penetrate one's biases. I am here to say that there is more going on here that meets the eye and that you'd do well to watch with at least a semi open mind no matter WHO you voted for. You have no idea as to what's happening in the cases that have been filed, none. Things are not what they seem.
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.

......and yet NONE of what you are claiming has been found.

You have no idea as to what has or has not ben found, you have only your biased desires.

If it had been found they wouldn't be throwing these cases out of court for NO evidence. Smfh.

Get your news from some different sources kid, you're being misled. You have NO idea what's been found and what hasn't...oh wait te NYT, ABC, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, nd Mika and Joe have you told you it's all a "hoax".

Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump
Igor Derysh

SalonNovember 12, 2020

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich refuted President Donald Trump's baseless claims that the election was stolen from him, adding that the numbers show President-elect Joe Biden will carry the once deep red state.
Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump

Yahoo Finance
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits
Kristin Myers
Thu, November 12, 2020, 6:37 AM EST·3 min read

The Trump campaign has continued to file lawsuits, trying to prevent the states of Pennsylvania and Michigan from certifying their election results. The critical swing states went to President-elect Joe Biden, providing him the necessary electoral college votes to win the election.
Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman said he anticipates Trump’s lawsuits to be tossed out of court.

The bottom line is math doesn't care about your feelings, math doesn't care about your baseless lies and allegations, and math has made Joe Biden President-elect and you are standing in the way of an orderly transition,” Fetterman told Yahoo Finance Live. “And it's just time we get on with it. So this idea that you somehow can alter the outcome through a lawsuit without any evidence, without any facts, when the math is overwhelmingly against you, I don't understand, you know, why they want to continue this on.”
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits


Salon. Branch out son and by the way Az is slip sliding away from Pedo Joe.

i don't usually link anything with a bias left or right - but it's just plain fact,


so there is that. & donny's cracking.....

Keep watching, it isn't over. Whether you like it or not there is a ton of irregularities being found and the word/wishes of a Dem Lt Gov has no bearing on what may or may not happen to the Mail In ballots.

No, there really aren't. There are ALLEGATIONS made in public, mostly by paid partisans.

But when pressed for actual evidence of fraud, in court.....Trump's lawyers say this:


There's a reason why what Trump says in public, and what his lawyers say in court doesn't match at all: There are consequences for the lawyers if they lie in court.

While Trump can lie to your face all day long in public without consequence.

You go ahead and run with that, those "592" ballots are in no way the entirety of what's going on here.

The problem you have here is that I am not a Rump and I am not (unlike yourself) locked in a binary system. You are. I don't have a dog in the hunt and that allows me to see what's happening without a partisan bias. The quicker you learn that things are not what they seem the quicker you can get a grasp on reality.

Feel free to quote a better source from a court hearing then. This is the most current we have from Trump's lawyers being reported yesterday in Pennsylvania.

Remember, Trump's lawyers have presented essentially nothing in court to back the 'widespread voter fraud' allegations made by Trump. At this point they aren't even bothering to allege it.

The times they've tried presenting anonymous post it notes or made fake claims about 'all republican observers being expelled', they've been embarassed in court. And lost.

Myopia is your worst enemy. Lawsuits have been filed in all the contested States. I'm not here to "convince" you of anything, nothing can penetrate one's biases. I am here to say that there is more going on here that meets the eye and that you'd do well to watch with at least a semi open mind no matter WHO you voted for. You have no idea as to what's happening in the cases that have been filed, none. Things are not what they seem.

Yeah, that's not a quote of a better source in a court hearing. So our sources aren't equal.

I've cited Trump's lawyers admitting that fraud allegations and 'republican observers being barred' wasn't true. In court.

And you've cited nothing.

Do you have anything better than the sources I've presented offering IN COURT evidence.....and not simply accusations?
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.

Dumbfuck, not one of those "10 things" have been proven. They're nothing but accusations at this point. Führer Trump was accused of raping 12 and 13 year old girls, does that make it true since it was only an accusation? To date, there's one case of actual voter fraud. A Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother.

Why is the standard that they have to be proven right now? The accusations have been made. But you will fucking ignore them because it suits you.

Only 1??

Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud | The Daily Wire

You got what you want, and you don't have the balls to admit you don't care how you got it. A little fraud is nothing to a person with no scruples.
I ignore them because there's no evidence. Case in point, days ago some Republican spit out the name of a dead person who voted. So I checked ... couldn't find an obit for that person nor could I find anyone with that name in the area he claimed she was from. My search isn't exhaustive but was somewhat extensive. So I personally don't believe that was an actual case of fraud as there was no information given to prove it was true. That was compounded, days later, when the right was claiming there were 14,000 dead people who voted. Several news outlets independently tested the list of names given. None were found to be actual cases of dead people voting. Granted, not all names were checked. A small sample was investigated and 100% of the sample proved to be false.

So there are all sorts of claims of fraud being levied. Many, if not most, have already been debunked by Internet Sherlocks. There was one where a woman said a van drop off ballots in the middle of the night. The right jumped on that like white on rice. Turns out, she saw nothing. Someone told her that. That didn't stop the right from pointing to her as a witness, claiming fraud. Then a video surfaced of a guy dragging a red wagon with a box in it into the where ballot counting was taking place. That of course solidified the rights' claims of fraud. Then that story morphed into not only did they drop off a box of ballots, but they were 100% for Biden. Turned out, it wasn't a ballot box in that red wagon ... it was camera equipment.

So are there actual cases of fraud? Probably. A small amount of fraud occurs in many, if not all, presidential elections. There's been no proof of any fraud so wide spread, it's going to change the outcome of this election. And until there's actual proof, these claims are meaningless. The right is going to accept whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The left is going to ignore whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The courts will hopefully sort it out. And that is Impeached Trump's right. He's got 32 days to go.

You're dealing with folks that didn't use evidence to come up with their 'fraud' claims. Why do you think they'd care about the factual veracity of claims that they never checked to begin with?

These are people running on pure emotion, trying to self-soothe with conspiracy binkies they are suckling like mad. As the alternative is to man up and face the hard truth:

They lost.

And they can't do that. They're delicate folks. They'd prefer to cling to a comforting lie than deal with a hard truth.

Coming from people that treated every "anonymous source" from the white house when they trashed trump as gospel, that is fucking comical.

And yet we can accept election results without elaborate birther conspiracies or empty accusations of fraud everytime we don't like the results.

Speaking of comical.......did you guys ever find evidence of the '3 million illegals that voted for Hillary' in 2016?

And for a good chuckle.....what was the findings of the 'Election Integrity Commission' again? Nothing? Are you sure?

And what was the evidence to back republican claims of voter fraud in 2018? Did Trump's DOJ or FBI ever find anything to back that up? No?

But this time its different, huh?

And yet you still blame Puti for Rump.
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.

......and yet NONE of what you are claiming has been found.

You have no idea as to what has or has not ben found, you have only your biased desires.

If it had been found they wouldn't be throwing these cases out of court for NO evidence. Smfh.

Get your news from some different sources kid, you're being misled. You have NO idea what's been found and what hasn't...oh wait te NYT, ABC, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, nd Mika and Joe have you told you it's all a "hoax".

Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump
Igor Derysh

SalonNovember 12, 2020

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich refuted President Donald Trump's baseless claims that the election was stolen from him, adding that the numbers show President-elect Joe Biden will carry the once deep red state.
Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump

Yahoo Finance
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits
Kristin Myers
Thu, November 12, 2020, 6:37 AM EST·3 min read

The Trump campaign has continued to file lawsuits, trying to prevent the states of Pennsylvania and Michigan from certifying their election results. The critical swing states went to President-elect Joe Biden, providing him the necessary electoral college votes to win the election.
Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman said he anticipates Trump’s lawsuits to be tossed out of court.

The bottom line is math doesn't care about your feelings, math doesn't care about your baseless lies and allegations, and math has made Joe Biden President-elect and you are standing in the way of an orderly transition,” Fetterman told Yahoo Finance Live. “And it's just time we get on with it. So this idea that you somehow can alter the outcome through a lawsuit without any evidence, without any facts, when the math is overwhelmingly against you, I don't understand, you know, why they want to continue this on.”
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits


Salon. Branch out son and by the way Az is slip sliding away from Pedo Joe.

i don't usually link anything with a bias left or right - but it's just plain fact,


so there is that. & donny's cracking.....

Keep watching, it isn't over. Whether you like it or not there is a ton of irregularities being found and the word/wishes of a Dem Lt Gov has no bearing on what may or may not happen to the Mail In ballots.

No, there really aren't. There are ALLEGATIONS made in public, mostly by paid partisans.

But when pressed for actual evidence of fraud, in court.....Trump's lawyers say this:


There's a reason why what Trump says in public, and what his lawyers say in court doesn't match at all: There are consequences for the lawyers if they lie in court.

While Trump can lie to your face all day long in public without consequence.

You go ahead and run with that, those "592" ballots are in no way the entirety of what's going on here.

The problem you have here is that I am not a Rump and I am not (unlike yourself) locked in a binary system. You are. I don't have a dog in the hunt and that allows me to see what's happening without a partisan bias. The quicker you learn that things are not what they seem the quicker you can get a grasp on reality.

Feel free to quote a better source from a court hearing then. This is the most current we have from Trump's lawyers being reported yesterday in Pennsylvania.

Remember, Trump's lawyers have presented essentially nothing in court to back the 'widespread voter fraud' allegations made by Trump. At this point they aren't even bothering to allege it.

The times they've tried presenting anonymous post it notes or made fake claims about 'all republican observers being expelled', they've been embarassed in court. And lost.

Myopia is your worst enemy. Lawsuits have been filed in all the contested States. I'm not here to "convince" you of anything, nothing can penetrate one's biases. I am here to say that there is more going on here that meets the eye and that you'd do well to watch with at least a semi open mind no matter WHO you voted for. You have no idea as to what's happening in the cases that have been filed, none. Things are not what they seem.

Yeah, that's not a quote of a better source in a court hearing. So our sources aren't equal.

I've cited Trump's lawyers admitting that fraud allegations and 'republican observers being barred' wasn't true. In court.

And you've cited nothing.

Do you have anything better than the sources I've presented offering IN COURT evidence.....and not simply accusations?

youve been lying all day about what trump says,, so how can anyone believe you now???

ten words is all it takes,,,
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.

Dumbfuck, not one of those "10 things" have been proven. They're nothing but accusations at this point. Führer Trump was accused of raping 12 and 13 year old girls, does that make it true since it was only an accusation? To date, there's one case of actual voter fraud. A Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother.

Why is the standard that they have to be proven right now? The accusations have been made. But you will fucking ignore them because it suits you.

Only 1??

Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud | The Daily Wire

You got what you want, and you don't have the balls to admit you don't care how you got it. A little fraud is nothing to a person with no scruples.
I ignore them because there's no evidence. Case in point, days ago some Republican spit out the name of a dead person who voted. So I checked ... couldn't find an obit for that person nor could I find anyone with that name in the area he claimed she was from. My search isn't exhaustive but was somewhat extensive. So I personally don't believe that was an actual case of fraud as there was no information given to prove it was true. That was compounded, days later, when the right was claiming there were 14,000 dead people who voted. Several news outlets independently tested the list of names given. None were found to be actual cases of dead people voting. Granted, not all names were checked. A small sample was investigated and 100% of the sample proved to be false.

So there are all sorts of claims of fraud being levied. Many, if not most, have already been debunked by Internet Sherlocks. There was one where a woman said a van drop off ballots in the middle of the night. The right jumped on that like white on rice. Turns out, she saw nothing. Someone told her that. That didn't stop the right from pointing to her as a witness, claiming fraud. Then a video surfaced of a guy dragging a red wagon with a box in it into the where ballot counting was taking place. That of course solidified the rights' claims of fraud. Then that story morphed into not only did they drop off a box of ballots, but they were 100% for Biden. Turned out, it wasn't a ballot box in that red wagon ... it was camera equipment.

So are there actual cases of fraud? Probably. A small amount of fraud occurs in many, if not all, presidential elections. There's been no proof of any fraud so wide spread, it's going to change the outcome of this election. And until there's actual proof, these claims are meaningless. The right is going to accept whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The left is going to ignore whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The courts will hopefully sort it out. And that is Impeached Trump's right. He's got 32 days to go.

You're dealing with folks that didn't use evidence to come up with their 'fraud' claims. Why do you think they'd care about the factual veracity of claims that they never checked to begin with?

These are people running on pure emotion, trying to self-soothe with conspiracy binkies they are suckling like mad. As the alternative is to man up and face the hard truth:

They lost.

And they can't do that. They're delicate folks. They'd prefer to cling to a comforting lie than deal with a hard truth.

Coming from people that treated every "anonymous source" from the white house when they trashed trump as gospel, that is fucking comical.

And yet we can accept election results without elaborate birther conspiracies or empty accusations of fraud everytime we don't like the results.

Speaking of comical.......did you guys ever find evidence of the '3 million illegals that voted for Hillary' in 2016?

And for a good chuckle.....what was the findings of the 'Election Integrity Commission' again? Nothing? Are you sure?

And what was the evidence to back republican claims of voter fraud in 2018? Did Trump's DOJ or FBI ever find anything to back that up? No?

But this time its different, huh?

And yet you still blame Puti for Rump.

That's not evidence of your voter fraud allegations either.

So far your ilk have been long on conspiracies, but short on backing them up. And conspiracies aren't nearly as useful as actual votes.

As Biden's victory demonstrates elegantly.
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.

......and yet NONE of what you are claiming has been found.

You have no idea as to what has or has not ben found, you have only your biased desires.

If it had been found they wouldn't be throwing these cases out of court for NO evidence. Smfh.

Get your news from some different sources kid, you're being misled. You have NO idea what's been found and what hasn't...oh wait te NYT, ABC, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, nd Mika and Joe have you told you it's all a "hoax".

Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump
Igor Derysh

SalonNovember 12, 2020

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich refuted President Donald Trump's baseless claims that the election was stolen from him, adding that the numbers show President-elect Joe Biden will carry the once deep red state.
Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump

Yahoo Finance
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits
Kristin Myers
Thu, November 12, 2020, 6:37 AM EST·3 min read

The Trump campaign has continued to file lawsuits, trying to prevent the states of Pennsylvania and Michigan from certifying their election results. The critical swing states went to President-elect Joe Biden, providing him the necessary electoral college votes to win the election.
Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman said he anticipates Trump’s lawsuits to be tossed out of court.

The bottom line is math doesn't care about your feelings, math doesn't care about your baseless lies and allegations, and math has made Joe Biden President-elect and you are standing in the way of an orderly transition,” Fetterman told Yahoo Finance Live. “And it's just time we get on with it. So this idea that you somehow can alter the outcome through a lawsuit without any evidence, without any facts, when the math is overwhelmingly against you, I don't understand, you know, why they want to continue this on.”
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits


Salon. Branch out son and by the way Az is slip sliding away from Pedo Joe.

i don't usually link anything with a bias left or right - but it's just plain fact,


so there is that. & donny's cracking.....

Keep watching, it isn't over. Whether you like it or not there is a ton of irregularities being found and the word/wishes of a Dem Lt Gov has no bearing on what may or may not happen to the Mail In ballots.

No, there really aren't. There are ALLEGATIONS made in public, mostly by paid partisans.

But when pressed for actual evidence of fraud, in court.....Trump's lawyers say this:


There's a reason why what Trump says in public, and what his lawyers say in court doesn't match at all: There are consequences for the lawyers if they lie in court.

While Trump can lie to your face all day long in public without consequence.

You go ahead and run with that, those "592" ballots are in no way the entirety of what's going on here.

The problem you have here is that I am not a Rump and I am not (unlike yourself) locked in a binary system. You are. I don't have a dog in the hunt and that allows me to see what's happening without a partisan bias. The quicker you learn that things are not what they seem the quicker you can get a grasp on reality.

Feel free to quote a better source from a court hearing then. This is the most current we have from Trump's lawyers being reported yesterday in Pennsylvania.

Remember, Trump's lawyers have presented essentially nothing in court to back the 'widespread voter fraud' allegations made by Trump. At this point they aren't even bothering to allege it.

The times they've tried presenting anonymous post it notes or made fake claims about 'all republican observers being expelled', they've been embarassed in court. And lost.

Myopia is your worst enemy. Lawsuits have been filed in all the contested States. I'm not here to "convince" you of anything, nothing can penetrate one's biases. I am here to say that there is more going on here that meets the eye and that you'd do well to watch with at least a semi open mind no matter WHO you voted for. You have no idea as to what's happening in the cases that have been filed, none. Things are not what they seem.

Yeah, that's not a quote of a better source in a court hearing. So our sources aren't equal.

I've cited Trump's lawyers admitting that fraud allegations and 'republican observers being barred' wasn't true. In court.

And you've cited nothing.

Do you have anything better than the sources I've presented offering IN COURT evidence.....and not simply accusations?

youve been lying all day about what trump says,, so how can anyone believe you now???

ten words is all it takes,,,

I'm not quoting me. I'm quoting Trump's own lawyers.....who have affirmed that they have no evidence of fraud. And Trump's own lawyers again, being forced to admit that yes......the Republicans had observers in counting the vote totals.

Are they in on your delicate little conspiracy now too?
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.

......and yet NONE of what you are claiming has been found.

You have no idea as to what has or has not ben found, you have only your biased desires.

If it had been found they wouldn't be throwing these cases out of court for NO evidence. Smfh.

Get your news from some different sources kid, you're being misled. You have NO idea what's been found and what hasn't...oh wait te NYT, ABC, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, nd Mika and Joe have you told you it's all a "hoax".

Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump
Igor Derysh

SalonNovember 12, 2020

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich refuted President Donald Trump's baseless claims that the election was stolen from him, adding that the numbers show President-elect Joe Biden will carry the once deep red state.
Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump

Yahoo Finance
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits
Kristin Myers
Thu, November 12, 2020, 6:37 AM EST·3 min read

The Trump campaign has continued to file lawsuits, trying to prevent the states of Pennsylvania and Michigan from certifying their election results. The critical swing states went to President-elect Joe Biden, providing him the necessary electoral college votes to win the election.
Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman said he anticipates Trump’s lawsuits to be tossed out of court.

The bottom line is math doesn't care about your feelings, math doesn't care about your baseless lies and allegations, and math has made Joe Biden President-elect and you are standing in the way of an orderly transition,” Fetterman told Yahoo Finance Live. “And it's just time we get on with it. So this idea that you somehow can alter the outcome through a lawsuit without any evidence, without any facts, when the math is overwhelmingly against you, I don't understand, you know, why they want to continue this on.”
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits


Salon. Branch out son and by the way Az is slip sliding away from Pedo Joe.

i don't usually link anything with a bias left or right - but it's just plain fact,


so there is that. & donny's cracking.....

Keep watching, it isn't over. Whether you like it or not there is a ton of irregularities being found and the word/wishes of a Dem Lt Gov has no bearing on what may or may not happen to the Mail In ballots.

No, there really aren't. There are ALLEGATIONS made in public, mostly by paid partisans.

But when pressed for actual evidence of fraud, in court.....Trump's lawyers say this:


There's a reason why what Trump says in public, and what his lawyers say in court doesn't match at all: There are consequences for the lawyers if they lie in court.

While Trump can lie to your face all day long in public without consequence.

You go ahead and run with that, those "592" ballots are in no way the entirety of what's going on here.

The problem you have here is that I am not a Rump and I am not (unlike yourself) locked in a binary system. You are. I don't have a dog in the hunt and that allows me to see what's happening without a partisan bias. The quicker you learn that things are not what they seem the quicker you can get a grasp on reality.

Feel free to quote a better source from a court hearing then. This is the most current we have from Trump's lawyers being reported yesterday in Pennsylvania.

Remember, Trump's lawyers have presented essentially nothing in court to back the 'widespread voter fraud' allegations made by Trump. At this point they aren't even bothering to allege it.

The times they've tried presenting anonymous post it notes or made fake claims about 'all republican observers being expelled', they've been embarassed in court. And lost.

Myopia is your worst enemy. Lawsuits have been filed in all the contested States. I'm not here to "convince" you of anything, nothing can penetrate one's biases. I am here to say that there is more going on here that meets the eye and that you'd do well to watch with at least a semi open mind no matter WHO you voted for. You have no idea as to what's happening in the cases that have been filed, none. Things are not what they seem.

Yeah, that's not a quote of a better source in a court hearing. So our sources aren't equal.

I've cited Trump's lawyers admitting that fraud allegations and 'republican observers being barred' wasn't true. In court.

And you've cited nothing.

Do you have anything better than the sources I've presented offering IN COURT evidence.....and not simply accusations?

youve been lying all day about what trump says,, so how can anyone believe you now???

ten words is all it takes,,,

I'm not quoting me. I'm quoting Trump's own lawyers.....who have affirmed that they have no evidence of fraud. And Trump's own lawyers again, being forced to admit that yes......the Republicans had observers in counting the vote totals.

Are they in on your delicate little conspiracy now too?

so youre just going to keep lying by editing comments out of context,,,

will you ever be honest or should we expect more lies???
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.

......and yet NONE of what you are claiming has been found.

You have no idea as to what has or has not ben found, you have only your biased desires.

If it had been found they wouldn't be throwing these cases out of court for NO evidence. Smfh.

Get your news from some different sources kid, you're being misled. You have NO idea what's been found and what hasn't...oh wait te NYT, ABC, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, nd Mika and Joe have you told you it's all a "hoax".

Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump
Igor Derysh

SalonNovember 12, 2020

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich refuted President Donald Trump's baseless claims that the election was stolen from him, adding that the numbers show President-elect Joe Biden will carry the once deep red state.
Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump

Yahoo Finance
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits
Kristin Myers
Thu, November 12, 2020, 6:37 AM EST·3 min read

The Trump campaign has continued to file lawsuits, trying to prevent the states of Pennsylvania and Michigan from certifying their election results. The critical swing states went to President-elect Joe Biden, providing him the necessary electoral college votes to win the election.
Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman said he anticipates Trump’s lawsuits to be tossed out of court.

The bottom line is math doesn't care about your feelings, math doesn't care about your baseless lies and allegations, and math has made Joe Biden President-elect and you are standing in the way of an orderly transition,” Fetterman told Yahoo Finance Live. “And it's just time we get on with it. So this idea that you somehow can alter the outcome through a lawsuit without any evidence, without any facts, when the math is overwhelmingly against you, I don't understand, you know, why they want to continue this on.”
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits


Salon. Branch out son and by the way Az is slip sliding away from Pedo Joe.

i don't usually link anything with a bias left or right - but it's just plain fact,


so there is that. & donny's cracking.....

Keep watching, it isn't over. Whether you like it or not there is a ton of irregularities being found and the word/wishes of a Dem Lt Gov has no bearing on what may or may not happen to the Mail In ballots.

No, there really aren't. There are ALLEGATIONS made in public, mostly by paid partisans.

But when pressed for actual evidence of fraud, in court.....Trump's lawyers say this:


There's a reason why what Trump says in public, and what his lawyers say in court doesn't match at all: There are consequences for the lawyers if they lie in court.

While Trump can lie to your face all day long in public without consequence.

You go ahead and run with that, those "592" ballots are in no way the entirety of what's going on here.

The problem you have here is that I am not a Rump and I am not (unlike yourself) locked in a binary system. You are. I don't have a dog in the hunt and that allows me to see what's happening without a partisan bias. The quicker you learn that things are not what they seem the quicker you can get a grasp on reality.

Feel free to quote a better source from a court hearing then. This is the most current we have from Trump's lawyers being reported yesterday in Pennsylvania.

Remember, Trump's lawyers have presented essentially nothing in court to back the 'widespread voter fraud' allegations made by Trump. At this point they aren't even bothering to allege it.

The times they've tried presenting anonymous post it notes or made fake claims about 'all republican observers being expelled', they've been embarassed in court. And lost.

Myopia is your worst enemy. Lawsuits have been filed in all the contested States. I'm not here to "convince" you of anything, nothing can penetrate one's biases. I am here to say that there is more going on here that meets the eye and that you'd do well to watch with at least a semi open mind no matter WHO you voted for. You have no idea as to what's happening in the cases that have been filed, none. Things are not what they seem.

Yeah, that's not a quote of a better source in a court hearing. So our sources aren't equal.

I've cited Trump's lawyers admitting that fraud allegations and 'republican observers being barred' wasn't true. In court.

And you've cited nothing.

Do you have anything better than the sources I've presented offering IN COURT evidence.....and not simply accusations?

So you don't think there are any lawsuits out there?
You cited one instance of "592" ballots and use it a blanket dismissal for everything else that's happening, that is your biases leaking through. I've made no declarative statements either way, I'm not biased. I'm watching the whole and you've accepted a mircocosm and used it to blanketly dismiss the macrcocosm. That's just not the way it works old boy.
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.

Dumbfuck, not one of those "10 things" have been proven. They're nothing but accusations at this point. Führer Trump was accused of raping 12 and 13 year old girls, does that make it true since it was only an accusation? To date, there's one case of actual voter fraud. A Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother.

Why is the standard that they have to be proven right now? The accusations have been made. But you will fucking ignore them because it suits you.

Only 1??

Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud | The Daily Wire

You got what you want, and you don't have the balls to admit you don't care how you got it. A little fraud is nothing to a person with no scruples.
I ignore them because there's no evidence. Case in point, days ago some Republican spit out the name of a dead person who voted. So I checked ... couldn't find an obit for that person nor could I find anyone with that name in the area he claimed she was from. My search isn't exhaustive but was somewhat extensive. So I personally don't believe that was an actual case of fraud as there was no information given to prove it was true. That was compounded, days later, when the right was claiming there were 14,000 dead people who voted. Several news outlets independently tested the list of names given. None were found to be actual cases of dead people voting. Granted, not all names were checked. A small sample was investigated and 100% of the sample proved to be false.

So there are all sorts of claims of fraud being levied. Many, if not most, have already been debunked by Internet Sherlocks. There was one where a woman said a van drop off ballots in the middle of the night. The right jumped on that like white on rice. Turns out, she saw nothing. Someone told her that. That didn't stop the right from pointing to her as a witness, claiming fraud. Then a video surfaced of a guy dragging a red wagon with a box in it into the where ballot counting was taking place. That of course solidified the rights' claims of fraud. Then that story morphed into not only did they drop off a box of ballots, but they were 100% for Biden. Turned out, it wasn't a ballot box in that red wagon ... it was camera equipment.

So are there actual cases of fraud? Probably. A small amount of fraud occurs in many, if not all, presidential elections. There's been no proof of any fraud so wide spread, it's going to change the outcome of this election. And until there's actual proof, these claims are meaningless. The right is going to accept whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The left is going to ignore whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The courts will hopefully sort it out. And that is Impeached Trump's right. He's got 32 days to go.

You're dealing with folks that didn't use evidence to come up with their 'fraud' claims. Why do you think they'd care about the factual veracity of claims that they never checked to begin with?

These are people running on pure emotion, trying to self-soothe with conspiracy binkies they are suckling like mad. As the alternative is to man up and face the hard truth:

They lost.

And they can't do that. They're delicate folks. They'd prefer to cling to a comforting lie than deal with a hard truth.

Coming from people that treated every "anonymous source" from the white house when they trashed trump as gospel, that is fucking comical.

And yet we can accept election results without elaborate birther conspiracies or empty accusations of fraud everytime we don't like the results.

Speaking of comical.......did you guys ever find evidence of the '3 million illegals that voted for Hillary' in 2016?

And for a good chuckle.....what was the findings of the 'Election Integrity Commission' again? Nothing? Are you sure?

And what was the evidence to back republican claims of voter fraud in 2018? Did Trump's DOJ or FBI ever find anything to back that up? No?

But this time its different, huh?

And yet you still blame Puti for Rump.

That's not evidence of your voter fraud allegations either.

So far your ilk have been long on conspiracies, but short on backing them up. And conspiracies aren't nearly as useful as actual votes.

As Biden's victory demonstrates elegantly.

Neither you nor I know what evidence there is, or isn't.
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.

......and yet NONE of what you are claiming has been found.

You have no idea as to what has or has not ben found, you have only your biased desires.

If it had been found they wouldn't be throwing these cases out of court for NO evidence. Smfh.

Get your news from some different sources kid, you're being misled. You have NO idea what's been found and what hasn't...oh wait te NYT, ABC, NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, nd Mika and Joe have you told you it's all a "hoax".

Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump
Igor Derysh

SalonNovember 12, 2020

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich refuted President Donald Trump's baseless claims that the election was stolen from him, adding that the numbers show President-elect Joe Biden will carry the once deep red state.
Arizona's Republican attorney general sees "no evidence" of voter fraud: Voters backed GOP—not Trump

Yahoo Finance
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits
Kristin Myers
Thu, November 12, 2020, 6:37 AM EST·3 min read

The Trump campaign has continued to file lawsuits, trying to prevent the states of Pennsylvania and Michigan from certifying their election results. The critical swing states went to President-elect Joe Biden, providing him the necessary electoral college votes to win the election.
Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman said he anticipates Trump’s lawsuits to be tossed out of court.

The bottom line is math doesn't care about your feelings, math doesn't care about your baseless lies and allegations, and math has made Joe Biden President-elect and you are standing in the way of an orderly transition,” Fetterman told Yahoo Finance Live. “And it's just time we get on with it. So this idea that you somehow can alter the outcome through a lawsuit without any evidence, without any facts, when the math is overwhelmingly against you, I don't understand, you know, why they want to continue this on.”
‘Math doesn’t care about your baseless allegations,’ Pennsylvania Lt. Gov Fetterman says about Trump lawsuits


Salon. Branch out son and by the way Az is slip sliding away from Pedo Joe.

i don't usually link anything with a bias left or right - but it's just plain fact,


so there is that. & donny's cracking.....

Keep watching, it isn't over. Whether you like it or not there is a ton of irregularities being found and the word/wishes of a Dem Lt Gov has no bearing on what may or may not happen to the Mail In ballots.

No, there really aren't. There are ALLEGATIONS made in public, mostly by paid partisans.

But when pressed for actual evidence of fraud, in court.....Trump's lawyers say this:


There's a reason why what Trump says in public, and what his lawyers say in court doesn't match at all: There are consequences for the lawyers if they lie in court.

While Trump can lie to your face all day long in public without consequence.

You go ahead and run with that, those "592" ballots are in no way the entirety of what's going on here.

The problem you have here is that I am not a Rump and I am not (unlike yourself) locked in a binary system. You are. I don't have a dog in the hunt and that allows me to see what's happening without a partisan bias. The quicker you learn that things are not what they seem the quicker you can get a grasp on reality.

Feel free to quote a better source from a court hearing then. This is the most current we have from Trump's lawyers being reported yesterday in Pennsylvania.

Remember, Trump's lawyers have presented essentially nothing in court to back the 'widespread voter fraud' allegations made by Trump. At this point they aren't even bothering to allege it.

The times they've tried presenting anonymous post it notes or made fake claims about 'all republican observers being expelled', they've been embarassed in court. And lost.

Myopia is your worst enemy. Lawsuits have been filed in all the contested States. I'm not here to "convince" you of anything, nothing can penetrate one's biases. I am here to say that there is more going on here that meets the eye and that you'd do well to watch with at least a semi open mind no matter WHO you voted for. You have no idea as to what's happening in the cases that have been filed, none. Things are not what they seem.

Yeah, that's not a quote of a better source in a court hearing. So our sources aren't equal.

I've cited Trump's lawyers admitting that fraud allegations and 'republican observers being barred' wasn't true. In court.

And you've cited nothing.

Do you have anything better than the sources I've presented offering IN COURT evidence.....and not simply accusations?

So you don't think there are any lawsuits out there?
You cited one instance of "592" ballots and use it a blanket dismissal for everything else that's happening, that is your biases leaking through. I've made no declarative statements either way, I'm not biased. I'm watching the whole and you've accepted a mircocosm and used it to blanketly dismiss the macrcocosm. That's just not the way it works old boy.

Show us your evidence......that's been presented in court. If the irregularities are as broad as you claim, then it should be remarkably easy to do so. If however you're presenting accusations as evidence.....its gonna be a lot harder.

So far you're making vague reference to hypothetical evidence of irregularities in hypothetical court cases. But nothing in actual cases, while at the same time ignoring Trump's own lawyers confirming they have no evidence of fraud.

So why would I ignore Trump's own lawyers admitting there's no fraud....and instead believe you, citing imaginary evidence?
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It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.

Dumbfuck, not one of those "10 things" have been proven. They're nothing but accusations at this point. Führer Trump was accused of raping 12 and 13 year old girls, does that make it true since it was only an accusation? To date, there's one case of actual voter fraud. A Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother.

Why is the standard that they have to be proven right now? The accusations have been made. But you will fucking ignore them because it suits you.

Only 1??

Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud | The Daily Wire

You got what you want, and you don't have the balls to admit you don't care how you got it. A little fraud is nothing to a person with no scruples.
I ignore them because there's no evidence. Case in point, days ago some Republican spit out the name of a dead person who voted. So I checked ... couldn't find an obit for that person nor could I find anyone with that name in the area he claimed she was from. My search isn't exhaustive but was somewhat extensive. So I personally don't believe that was an actual case of fraud as there was no information given to prove it was true. That was compounded, days later, when the right was claiming there were 14,000 dead people who voted. Several news outlets independently tested the list of names given. None were found to be actual cases of dead people voting. Granted, not all names were checked. A small sample was investigated and 100% of the sample proved to be false.

So there are all sorts of claims of fraud being levied. Many, if not most, have already been debunked by Internet Sherlocks. There was one where a woman said a van drop off ballots in the middle of the night. The right jumped on that like white on rice. Turns out, she saw nothing. Someone told her that. That didn't stop the right from pointing to her as a witness, claiming fraud. Then a video surfaced of a guy dragging a red wagon with a box in it into the where ballot counting was taking place. That of course solidified the rights' claims of fraud. Then that story morphed into not only did they drop off a box of ballots, but they were 100% for Biden. Turned out, it wasn't a ballot box in that red wagon ... it was camera equipment.

So are there actual cases of fraud? Probably. A small amount of fraud occurs in many, if not all, presidential elections. There's been no proof of any fraud so wide spread, it's going to change the outcome of this election. And until there's actual proof, these claims are meaningless. The right is going to accept whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The left is going to ignore whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The courts will hopefully sort it out. And that is Impeached Trump's right. He's got 32 days to go.

You're dealing with folks that didn't use evidence to come up with their 'fraud' claims. Why do you think they'd care about the factual veracity of claims that they never checked to begin with?

These are people running on pure emotion, trying to self-soothe with conspiracy binkies they are suckling like mad. As the alternative is to man up and face the hard truth:

They lost.

And they can't do that. They're delicate folks. They'd prefer to cling to a comforting lie than deal with a hard truth.

Coming from people that treated every "anonymous source" from the white house when they trashed trump as gospel, that is fucking comical.

And yet we can accept election results without elaborate birther conspiracies or empty accusations of fraud everytime we don't like the results.

Speaking of comical.......did you guys ever find evidence of the '3 million illegals that voted for Hillary' in 2016?

And for a good chuckle.....what was the findings of the 'Election Integrity Commission' again? Nothing? Are you sure?

And what was the evidence to back republican claims of voter fraud in 2018? Did Trump's DOJ or FBI ever find anything to back that up? No?

But this time its different, huh?

And yet you still blame Puti for Rump.

That's not evidence of your voter fraud allegations either.

So far your ilk have been long on conspiracies, but short on backing them up. And conspiracies aren't nearly as useful as actual votes.

As Biden's victory demonstrates elegantly.

Neither you nor I know what evidence there is, or isn't.

So you admit that you have no evidence to back your claims of 'irregularities'. While I've presented Trump's own lawyers explicitly dismissing claims of fraud or Republican observers being court.

Our sources are not equal. I'm citing Trump's own attorneys in actual court cases. And you're citing your imagination about what you imagine might exist in hypothetical cases.

Can you see why that might be a little.....underwhelming?
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.

Dumbfuck, not one of those "10 things" have been proven. They're nothing but accusations at this point. Führer Trump was accused of raping 12 and 13 year old girls, does that make it true since it was only an accusation? To date, there's one case of actual voter fraud. A Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother.

Why is the standard that they have to be proven right now? The accusations have been made. But you will fucking ignore them because it suits you.

Only 1??

Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud | The Daily Wire

You got what you want, and you don't have the balls to admit you don't care how you got it. A little fraud is nothing to a person with no scruples.
I ignore them because there's no evidence. Case in point, days ago some Republican spit out the name of a dead person who voted. So I checked ... couldn't find an obit for that person nor could I find anyone with that name in the area he claimed she was from. My search isn't exhaustive but was somewhat extensive. So I personally don't believe that was an actual case of fraud as there was no information given to prove it was true. That was compounded, days later, when the right was claiming there were 14,000 dead people who voted. Several news outlets independently tested the list of names given. None were found to be actual cases of dead people voting. Granted, not all names were checked. A small sample was investigated and 100% of the sample proved to be false.

So there are all sorts of claims of fraud being levied. Many, if not most, have already been debunked by Internet Sherlocks. There was one where a woman said a van drop off ballots in the middle of the night. The right jumped on that like white on rice. Turns out, she saw nothing. Someone told her that. That didn't stop the right from pointing to her as a witness, claiming fraud. Then a video surfaced of a guy dragging a red wagon with a box in it into the where ballot counting was taking place. That of course solidified the rights' claims of fraud. Then that story morphed into not only did they drop off a box of ballots, but they were 100% for Biden. Turned out, it wasn't a ballot box in that red wagon ... it was camera equipment.

So are there actual cases of fraud? Probably. A small amount of fraud occurs in many, if not all, presidential elections. There's been no proof of any fraud so wide spread, it's going to change the outcome of this election. And until there's actual proof, these claims are meaningless. The right is going to accept whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The left is going to ignore whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The courts will hopefully sort it out. And that is Impeached Trump's right. He's got 32 days to go.

You're dealing with folks that didn't use evidence to come up with their 'fraud' claims. Why do you think they'd care about the factual veracity of claims that they never checked to begin with?

These are people running on pure emotion, trying to self-soothe with conspiracy binkies they are suckling like mad. As the alternative is to man up and face the hard truth:

They lost.

And they can't do that. They're delicate folks. They'd prefer to cling to a comforting lie than deal with a hard truth.

Coming from people that treated every "anonymous source" from the white house when they trashed trump as gospel, that is fucking comical.

And yet we can accept election results without elaborate birther conspiracies or empty accusations of fraud everytime we don't like the results.

Speaking of comical.......did you guys ever find evidence of the '3 million illegals that voted for Hillary' in 2016?

And for a good chuckle.....what was the findings of the 'Election Integrity Commission' again? Nothing? Are you sure?

And what was the evidence to back republican claims of voter fraud in 2018? Did Trump's DOJ or FBI ever find anything to back that up? No?

But this time its different, huh?

Like you accepted the results of the 2016 election.
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

That's exactly WHY we think the election was rigged.

The same electorate that captured over a half dozen house seats back to republican and kept the senate not to mention numerous state and local races that went republican then voted in a democrat president. It makes no sense at all.

The Democrats won the house, gained in the senate and won the presidency.

Yet you insist there's simply no way that all three could have happened at the same time in a fair election?

Um, yes. There is.

Um no. The democrats already had the house with a substantial margin. They won it in 2018. They BARELY kept it in 2020. The smallest majority for the dems in the house since WW2.

Republicans had the senate, and kept it. The MSM said the republicans would lose a half dozen seats. What happened to the blue wave that was supposed to happen? Biden winning Wisconsin by 17? Texas going blue? Your party spent over 100 MILLION DOLLARS to unseat Lindsey Graham and LOST.

It was an absolute nightmare night for the dems. They know it, but you might not. Let me educate you:

When Trump won the white house, he also gained 40 seats in the house. When Biden won it, he lost 7. Tell me something isn't fishy as fuck.
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It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.

Dumbfuck, not one of those "10 things" have been proven. They're nothing but accusations at this point. Führer Trump was accused of raping 12 and 13 year old girls, does that make it true since it was only an accusation? To date, there's one case of actual voter fraud. A Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother.

Why is the standard that they have to be proven right now? The accusations have been made. But you will fucking ignore them because it suits you.

Only 1??

Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud | The Daily Wire

You got what you want, and you don't have the balls to admit you don't care how you got it. A little fraud is nothing to a person with no scruples.
I ignore them because there's no evidence. Case in point, days ago some Republican spit out the name of a dead person who voted. So I checked ... couldn't find an obit for that person nor could I find anyone with that name in the area he claimed she was from. My search isn't exhaustive but was somewhat extensive. So I personally don't believe that was an actual case of fraud as there was no information given to prove it was true. That was compounded, days later, when the right was claiming there were 14,000 dead people who voted. Several news outlets independently tested the list of names given. None were found to be actual cases of dead people voting. Granted, not all names were checked. A small sample was investigated and 100% of the sample proved to be false.

So there are all sorts of claims of fraud being levied. Many, if not most, have already been debunked by Internet Sherlocks. There was one where a woman said a van drop off ballots in the middle of the night. The right jumped on that like white on rice. Turns out, she saw nothing. Someone told her that. That didn't stop the right from pointing to her as a witness, claiming fraud. Then a video surfaced of a guy dragging a red wagon with a box in it into the where ballot counting was taking place. That of course solidified the rights' claims of fraud. Then that story morphed into not only did they drop off a box of ballots, but they were 100% for Biden. Turned out, it wasn't a ballot box in that red wagon ... it was camera equipment.

So are there actual cases of fraud? Probably. A small amount of fraud occurs in many, if not all, presidential elections. There's been no proof of any fraud so wide spread, it's going to change the outcome of this election. And until there's actual proof, these claims are meaningless. The right is going to accept whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The left is going to ignore whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The courts will hopefully sort it out. And that is Impeached Trump's right. He's got 32 days to go.

You're dealing with folks that didn't use evidence to come up with their 'fraud' claims. Why do you think they'd care about the factual veracity of claims that they never checked to begin with?

These are people running on pure emotion, trying to self-soothe with conspiracy binkies they are suckling like mad. As the alternative is to man up and face the hard truth:

They lost.

And they can't do that. They're delicate folks. They'd prefer to cling to a comforting lie than deal with a hard truth.

Coming from people that treated every "anonymous source" from the white house when they trashed trump as gospel, that is fucking comical.

And yet we can accept election results without elaborate birther conspiracies or empty accusations of fraud everytime we don't like the results.

Speaking of comical.......did you guys ever find evidence of the '3 million illegals that voted for Hillary' in 2016?

And for a good chuckle.....what was the findings of the 'Election Integrity Commission' again? Nothing? Are you sure?

And what was the evidence to back republican claims of voter fraud in 2018? Did Trump's DOJ or FBI ever find anything to back that up? No?

But this time its different, huh?

Like you accepted the results of the 2016 election.

I accepted the 2016 election. I wasn't happy with it. But I'm an adult. I have to deal with things I don't like. Especially when outvoted in a democracy.

If only conservatives could manage the same. Instead, they clung to one baseless conspiracy after another.....birther conspiracies, '3 million illegals voting for Hillary in 2016', 'rampant voter fraud in 2018'......all backed by nothing.

And shocker, here we are in 2020.....and conservatives continue to suckle at the 'election fraud' binkie that they use to self-soothe when the results of an election doesn't go their way.
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

That's exactly WHY we think the election was rigged.

The same electorate that captured over a half dozen house seats back to republican and kept the senate not to mention numerous state and local races that went republican then voted in a democrat president. It makes no sense at all.

The Democrats won the house, gained in the senate and won the presidency.

Yet you insist there's simply no way that all three could have happened at the same time in a fair election?

Um, yes. There is.

Um no. The democrats already had the house with a substantial margin. They won it in 2018. They BARELY kept it in 2020. The smallest majority for the dems in the house since WW2.

Republicans had the senate, and kept it. The MSM said the republicans would lose a half dozen seats. What happened to the blue wave that was supposed to happen? Biden winning Wisconsin by 17? Texas going blue?

It was an absolute nightmare night for the dems. They know it, but you might not. Let me educate you:

The House has to be won ever 2 years.

The Democrats won the house, gained in the senate and won the presidency.

And yes, its entirely possible to do all three at the same time.
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

That's exactly WHY we think the election was rigged.

The same electorate that captured over a half dozen house seats back to republican and kept the senate not to mention numerous state and local races that went republican then voted in a democrat president. It makes no sense at all.

The Democrats won the house, gained in the senate and won the presidency.

Yet you insist there's simply no way that all three could have happened at the same time in a fair election?

Um, yes. There is.

Um no. The democrats already had the house with a substantial margin. They won it in 2018. They BARELY kept it in 2020. The smallest majority for the dems in the house since WW2.

Republicans had the senate, and kept it. The MSM said the republicans would lose a half dozen seats. What happened to the blue wave that was supposed to happen? Biden winning Wisconsin by 17? Texas going blue?

It was an absolute nightmare night for the dems. They know it, but you might not. Let me educate you:

The House has to be won ever 2 years.

The Democrats won the house, gained in the senate and won the presidency.

And yes, its entirely possible to do all three at the same time.

Nice play on words. You didn't win the house. You almost lost it. Even Morning Joe says so. You weren't defending nearly as many seats as republicans were. Your lead in the house is so slim you won't even be able to keep your speaker. Republicans were defending FAR MORE seats this year than democrats, and STILL won seats. Didn't lose any and picked up 7. That's incredible. When you start the game 21 pts ahead and only win by 6, you lost.

You guys are fucked. One day you'll admit it.

You think in 2 years when democrats will be defending seats you're going to do better?
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It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.

Dumbfuck, not one of those "10 things" have been proven. They're nothing but accusations at this point. Führer Trump was accused of raping 12 and 13 year old girls, does that make it true since it was only an accusation? To date, there's one case of actual voter fraud. A Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother.

Why is the standard that they have to be proven right now? The accusations have been made. But you will fucking ignore them because it suits you.

Only 1??

Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud | The Daily Wire

You got what you want, and you don't have the balls to admit you don't care how you got it. A little fraud is nothing to a person with no scruples.
I ignore them because there's no evidence. Case in point, days ago some Republican spit out the name of a dead person who voted. So I checked ... couldn't find an obit for that person nor could I find anyone with that name in the area he claimed she was from. My search isn't exhaustive but was somewhat extensive. So I personally don't believe that was an actual case of fraud as there was no information given to prove it was true. That was compounded, days later, when the right was claiming there were 14,000 dead people who voted. Several news outlets independently tested the list of names given. None were found to be actual cases of dead people voting. Granted, not all names were checked. A small sample was investigated and 100% of the sample proved to be false.

So there are all sorts of claims of fraud being levied. Many, if not most, have already been debunked by Internet Sherlocks. There was one where a woman said a van drop off ballots in the middle of the night. The right jumped on that like white on rice. Turns out, she saw nothing. Someone told her that. That didn't stop the right from pointing to her as a witness, claiming fraud. Then a video surfaced of a guy dragging a red wagon with a box in it into the where ballot counting was taking place. That of course solidified the rights' claims of fraud. Then that story morphed into not only did they drop off a box of ballots, but they were 100% for Biden. Turned out, it wasn't a ballot box in that red wagon ... it was camera equipment.

So are there actual cases of fraud? Probably. A small amount of fraud occurs in many, if not all, presidential elections. There's been no proof of any fraud so wide spread, it's going to change the outcome of this election. And until there's actual proof, these claims are meaningless. The right is going to accept whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The left is going to ignore whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The courts will hopefully sort it out. And that is Impeached Trump's right. He's got 32 days to go.

You're dealing with folks that didn't use evidence to come up with their 'fraud' claims. Why do you think they'd care about the factual veracity of claims that they never checked to begin with?

These are people running on pure emotion, trying to self-soothe with conspiracy binkies they are suckling like mad. As the alternative is to man up and face the hard truth:

They lost.

And they can't do that. They're delicate folks. They'd prefer to cling to a comforting lie than deal with a hard truth.

Coming from people that treated every "anonymous source" from the white house when they trashed trump as gospel, that is fucking comical.

And yet we can accept election results without elaborate birther conspiracies or empty accusations of fraud everytime we don't like the results.

Speaking of comical.......did you guys ever find evidence of the '3 million illegals that voted for Hillary' in 2016?

And for a good chuckle.....what was the findings of the 'Election Integrity Commission' again? Nothing? Are you sure?

And what was the evidence to back republican claims of voter fraud in 2018? Did Trump's DOJ or FBI ever find anything to back that up? No?

But this time its different, huh?

Like you accepted the results of the 2016 election.

I accepted the 2016 election. I wasn't happy with it. But I'm an adult. I have to deal with things I don't like. Especially when outvoted in a democracy.

If only conservatives could manage the same. Instead, they clung to one baseless conspiracy after another.....birther conspiracies, '3 million illegals voting for Hillary in 2016', 'rampant voter fraud in 2018'......all backed by nothing.

And shocker, here we are in 2020.....and conservatives continue to suckle at the 'election fraud' binkie that they use to self-soothe when the results of an election doesn't go their way.

1. We aren't a democracy, we are a constitutional republic.
2. The Presidency was designed to represent the will of a population weighed vote of the States, not of the people.

You keep going back to that one theory, ignoring the fact that illegals probably did vote in the election, maybe not in those numbers, and that you are probably OK with that.

All the issue had in this election that could matter happened in Democratic controlled cities and counties.

Sorry, but I don't believe in coincidences.
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.

Dumbfuck, not one of those "10 things" have been proven. They're nothing but accusations at this point. Führer Trump was accused of raping 12 and 13 year old girls, does that make it true since it was only an accusation? To date, there's one case of actual voter fraud. A Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother.

Why is the standard that they have to be proven right now? The accusations have been made. But you will fucking ignore them because it suits you.

Only 1??

Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud | The Daily Wire

You got what you want, and you don't have the balls to admit you don't care how you got it. A little fraud is nothing to a person with no scruples.
I ignore them because there's no evidence. Case in point, days ago some Republican spit out the name of a dead person who voted. So I checked ... couldn't find an obit for that person nor could I find anyone with that name in the area he claimed she was from. My search isn't exhaustive but was somewhat extensive. So I personally don't believe that was an actual case of fraud as there was no information given to prove it was true. That was compounded, days later, when the right was claiming there were 14,000 dead people who voted. Several news outlets independently tested the list of names given. None were found to be actual cases of dead people voting. Granted, not all names were checked. A small sample was investigated and 100% of the sample proved to be false.

So there are all sorts of claims of fraud being levied. Many, if not most, have already been debunked by Internet Sherlocks. There was one where a woman said a van drop off ballots in the middle of the night. The right jumped on that like white on rice. Turns out, she saw nothing. Someone told her that. That didn't stop the right from pointing to her as a witness, claiming fraud. Then a video surfaced of a guy dragging a red wagon with a box in it into the where ballot counting was taking place. That of course solidified the rights' claims of fraud. Then that story morphed into not only did they drop off a box of ballots, but they were 100% for Biden. Turned out, it wasn't a ballot box in that red wagon ... it was camera equipment.

So are there actual cases of fraud? Probably. A small amount of fraud occurs in many, if not all, presidential elections. There's been no proof of any fraud so wide spread, it's going to change the outcome of this election. And until there's actual proof, these claims are meaningless. The right is going to accept whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The left is going to ignore whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The courts will hopefully sort it out. And that is Impeached Trump's right. He's got 32 days to go.

You're dealing with folks that didn't use evidence to come up with their 'fraud' claims. Why do you think they'd care about the factual veracity of claims that they never checked to begin with?

These are people running on pure emotion, trying to self-soothe with conspiracy binkies they are suckling like mad. As the alternative is to man up and face the hard truth:

They lost.

And they can't do that. They're delicate folks. They'd prefer to cling to a comforting lie than deal with a hard truth.

Coming from people that treated every "anonymous source" from the white house when they trashed trump as gospel, that is fucking comical.

And yet we can accept election results without elaborate birther conspiracies or empty accusations of fraud everytime we don't like the results.

Speaking of comical.......did you guys ever find evidence of the '3 million illegals that voted for Hillary' in 2016?

And for a good chuckle.....what was the findings of the 'Election Integrity Commission' again? Nothing? Are you sure?

And what was the evidence to back republican claims of voter fraud in 2018? Did Trump's DOJ or FBI ever find anything to back that up? No?

But this time its different, huh?

Like you accepted the results of the 2016 election.

I accepted the 2016 election. I wasn't happy with it. But I'm an adult. I have to deal with things I don't like. Especially when outvoted in a democracy.

If only conservatives could manage the same. Instead, they clung to one baseless conspiracy after another.....birther conspiracies, '3 million illegals voting for Hillary in 2016', 'rampant voter fraud in 2018'......all backed by nothing.

And shocker, here we are in 2020.....and conservatives continue to suckle at the 'election fraud' binkie that they use to self-soothe when the results of an election doesn't go their way.

1. We aren't a democracy, we are a constitutional republic.

2. The Presidency was designed to represent the will of a population weighed vote of the States, not of the people.

Given that Biden is leading in BOTH the electoral vote and the popular vote, what does this have to do with conspiratorial tantrums your ilk are throwing regarding Trump's failure?

And at what point do you guys just man up and accept the difficult truth of your loss over the comfortable lies of whatever conspiracy you're telling yourself this week?
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.

Dumbfuck, not one of those "10 things" have been proven. They're nothing but accusations at this point. Führer Trump was accused of raping 12 and 13 year old girls, does that make it true since it was only an accusation? To date, there's one case of actual voter fraud. A Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother.

Why is the standard that they have to be proven right now? The accusations have been made. But you will fucking ignore them because it suits you.

Only 1??

Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud | The Daily Wire

You got what you want, and you don't have the balls to admit you don't care how you got it. A little fraud is nothing to a person with no scruples.
I ignore them because there's no evidence. Case in point, days ago some Republican spit out the name of a dead person who voted. So I checked ... couldn't find an obit for that person nor could I find anyone with that name in the area he claimed she was from. My search isn't exhaustive but was somewhat extensive. So I personally don't believe that was an actual case of fraud as there was no information given to prove it was true. That was compounded, days later, when the right was claiming there were 14,000 dead people who voted. Several news outlets independently tested the list of names given. None were found to be actual cases of dead people voting. Granted, not all names were checked. A small sample was investigated and 100% of the sample proved to be false.

So there are all sorts of claims of fraud being levied. Many, if not most, have already been debunked by Internet Sherlocks. There was one where a woman said a van drop off ballots in the middle of the night. The right jumped on that like white on rice. Turns out, she saw nothing. Someone told her that. That didn't stop the right from pointing to her as a witness, claiming fraud. Then a video surfaced of a guy dragging a red wagon with a box in it into the where ballot counting was taking place. That of course solidified the rights' claims of fraud. Then that story morphed into not only did they drop off a box of ballots, but they were 100% for Biden. Turned out, it wasn't a ballot box in that red wagon ... it was camera equipment.

So are there actual cases of fraud? Probably. A small amount of fraud occurs in many, if not all, presidential elections. There's been no proof of any fraud so wide spread, it's going to change the outcome of this election. And until there's actual proof, these claims are meaningless. The right is going to accept whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The left is going to ignore whatever they hear about any fraud, no matter what is reported. The courts will hopefully sort it out. And that is Impeached Trump's right. He's got 32 days to go.

You're dealing with folks that didn't use evidence to come up with their 'fraud' claims. Why do you think they'd care about the factual veracity of claims that they never checked to begin with?

These are people running on pure emotion, trying to self-soothe with conspiracy binkies they are suckling like mad. As the alternative is to man up and face the hard truth:

They lost.

And they can't do that. They're delicate folks. They'd prefer to cling to a comforting lie than deal with a hard truth.

Coming from people that treated every "anonymous source" from the white house when they trashed trump as gospel, that is fucking comical.

And yet we can accept election results without elaborate birther conspiracies or empty accusations of fraud everytime we don't like the results.

Speaking of comical.......did you guys ever find evidence of the '3 million illegals that voted for Hillary' in 2016?

And for a good chuckle.....what was the findings of the 'Election Integrity Commission' again? Nothing? Are you sure?

And what was the evidence to back republican claims of voter fraud in 2018? Did Trump's DOJ or FBI ever find anything to back that up? No?

But this time its different, huh?

Like you accepted the results of the 2016 election.

I accepted the 2016 election. I wasn't happy with it. But I'm an adult. I have to deal with things I don't like. Especially when outvoted in a democracy.

If only conservatives could manage the same. Instead, they clung to one baseless conspiracy after another.....birther conspiracies, '3 million illegals voting for Hillary in 2016', 'rampant voter fraud in 2018'......all backed by nothing.

And shocker, here we are in 2020.....and conservatives continue to suckle at the 'election fraud' binkie that they use to self-soothe when the results of an election doesn't go their way.

1. We aren't a democracy, we are a constitutional republic.

2. The Presidency was designed to represent the will of a population weighed vote of the States, not of the people.

Given that Biden is leading in BOTH the electoral vote and the popular vote, what does this have to do with conspiratorial tantrums your ilk are throwing regarding Trump's failure?

And at what point do you guys just man up and accept the difficult truth of your loss over the comfortable lies of whatever conspiracy you're telling yourself this week?
if you took time to find out whats really happening instead of lying you would do a lot better backing your POV,,,

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