You guys can stop already

What makes you think that the cheatery won't get worse than this time around?
Exposing the cheatery will result in many vote protection reforms at the state level. And Congressional redistricting will benefit Republicans in 2022. Federal election reforms will be enacted after voters reject Biden/Harris in 2024.
Russia didn't do anything to the voting PROCESS, they just tried to influence people.

First, I don't think the government would fess up and admit that the Russians hacked the process even if they did.

Secondly, there was no fraud in this election.

Texas Charges Social Worker With 134 Felony Counts Involving Election Fraud | The Daily Wire

The funny thing about dealing in absolute statements, is they are so easy to disprove.
It's typical of the left to solely focus on the immediate results without ever seeing the serious consequences that inevitably follow their dumb decisions. Thinking they can cheat their way to a win in a fraudulent national election & not seeing what this will mean for them is just the most obvious & egregious example.
DT gave them the rope to hang themselves with
Wow, the utter lack of self awareness in this post is absolutely EPIC!
Right kid. Keep telling yourself that but it's just going to make it harder on you once you see the courts start ruling against you all.
It's rich hearing from a prog about self awareness. You all can't figure out what to call each other or which bathroom to use
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.
It's not going to work, and we 're not going to drop it. We know this election was rigged and someone is going to answer for that. There will be no "letting it go"...... we are going to stay on this and keep digging up the dirt and people are going to either the jailhouse or the graveyard.

I don't care what the liars in the MSM or what the politicians say, we are not going to just let this go.

You "know" the election was rigged?

Question: do you think the Republicans are honest and pure, or were they just worse cheaters than the Democrats?
Second question: if the election was rigged, why did the Democrats lose House seats and are looking to potentially concede the Senate to Republicans again?

If there's evidence of voter fraud, find it and prosecute the crap out of those who did it. But this is sounding like a very strangely incompetent yet successful kind of election rigging.

The fraud accusations are in locations controlled by local democrats, who's house seats are locks for the democrats, what were they going to do, pad a 90%-10% house election even further?

The Georgia Senate races were impacted by one being a special election, and the plethora of candidates in the race.

To me, the fraud won't be provable during the electoral certification window, but say all of it comes out in the next 6 months and there is enough fraud found to put Biden's win in doubt, what happens then?

1/2 the country is currently not trusting the election process, and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won.
"and the other half doesn't care about the election process because their guy won."

Well that's utter bullshit. What the "other half" doesn't care about is half the country crying about fraud, not that there was fraud. There's been only one case of fraud proven so far in this election. And that was by a Republican who requested a mail-in ballot for his dead mother.

You guys are just sore losers who are struggling to deal with your loser of a one-term president who wants to be führer.

Calling it like I see it. If Trump was as evil as you said he was, then any means necessary ( a fucking anthem for your side) is justified.

And your "but but but one insignificant case" bullshit can go pound sand. The Penn lawsuit lists 10 things that are violations of election law. Those could have had an impact on who wins Penn.

Dumbfuck, not one of those "10 things" have been proven. They're nothing but accusations at this point. Führer Trump was accused of raping 12 and 13 year old girls, does that make it true since it was only an accusation? To date, there's one case of actual voter fraud. A Republican who tried to vote for his dead mother.
It's typical of the left to solely focus on the immediate results without ever seeing the serious consequences that inevitably follow their dumb decisions. Thinking they can cheat their way to a win in a fraudulent national election & not seeing what this will mean for them is just the most obvious & egregious example.
DT gave them the rope to hang themselves with
Wow, the utter lack of self awareness in this post is absolutely EPIC!
Right kid. Keep telling yourself that but it's just going to make it harder on you once you see the courts start ruling against you all.
It's rich hearing from a prog about self awareness. You all can't figure out what to call each other or which bathroom to use
Wow, the absolute lack of self awareness in this post is even more epic than the last one!
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.

......and yet NONE of what you are claiming has been found.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
I don't like the smell of this past so-called "election" but it's not worth obsessing over.

There is NO good outcome for the average person.

If it's Harris/Biden (let's face reality, kiddies) then you'll see higher taxes and rampant misuse of process. I don't have to explain that. Oh, and lower wages as illegals flood in to take the jobs Americans want least at wages that evade all "minimums". Empty shelves in stores as environmental madness takes over and many products become unavailable. The actual necessities may be available but priced stratospherically. Your savings will be without value - the savings you are allowed to keep after a "wealth tax" strips much away.

If it's Trump you'll see violence at a level you cannot yet comprehend. Taxes will have to rise to struggle out from under the "Great Covid Giveaways".....or money will be printed to the same end, raising the price of everything to everyone.

Either way, The New Venezuela isn't far away.

For the medium term? Stock up. The things you know know you regularly need. Beware perishables; with the power outages that will come - not right away but inevitably - spoilage will reign. On the one hand all that stuff has intrinsic value as you use it or leveraged value as you trade a roll of toilet paper for some trinket like a smartphone.

If none of this actually happens you're still ahead as natural inflation, even nominal inflation, will make all the hard goods you have stashed more valuable as time passes. Of course don't brag about what you have or you won't have it very long. I'm not buying weapons - enough is enough - but ammunition is a great investment. Not for your own use but as barter goods.

Hey, you bought it last enjoy it.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
Why is that strange? There were states which first counted in-person ballots, which heavily favored Trump -- then they counted mail-in ballots, which heavily favored Biden.
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.

......and yet NONE of what you are claiming has been found.

You have no idea as to what has or has not ben found, you have only your biased desires.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.
You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

You are ignoring the fact that counting stopped and that it was Mail-In ballots were then counted. Not absentee. Stop lying.

1) Mail in ballots and absentee ballots are the same thing.
2) Yes, they stopped counting after a certain point. PEOPLE GET TIRED. They need sleep. It usually takes several days to get a complete and accurate count.

Mail-in and absentee ballots are not the same thing. Mail In ballots are something completely brand new that the Democrats pushed for in 2020. Mail-In Ballots are sent on an unsolicited basis to a recipient based solely on a registration list. Absentee ballots- which is how I voted - is initiated by the voter, not the government. Big difference because with absentee ballot, there is a trail and extra step that the voter is alive, living in the district, and is only voting once.

Thank you for the historical piece on Absentee Mail voting. Now, show us how and when Mail In voting whereby the government sent unsolicited ballots based solely on registration lists prior to 2020?

Show me where we have had a pandemic going on during an election year as we have in 2020.

1918 there was a pandemic in an election year. Elected a President without the government sending out unsolicited ballots. Also managed through it without the likes of ANTIFA and BLM rioting and burning our cities down during a pandemic.

See technology is way more advanced in 2020 than it was in 1918 or are you saying it was better in 1918. This is just sour grapes for Trump Humpers because Trump didn't win.

As an IT professional - technology in 2020 sure produced a lot of irregularities and more uncertainty and doubt. Sour grapes is about that, not the presumed Trump defeat.

......and yet NONE of what you are claiming has been found.

You have no idea as to what has or has not ben found, you have only your biased desires.

If it had been found they wouldn't be throwing these cases out of court for NO evidence. Smfh.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
Why is that strange? There were states which first counted in-person ballots, which heavily favored Trump -- then they counted mail-in ballots, which heavily favored Biden.

That in itself is strange. Why would in-person or mail-in ballots favor one or the other? More specifically, why did mail-in ballots favor Biden? Also, why were mail-in ballots not counted when they were mailed in?
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.
Why is that strange? There were states which first counted in-person ballots, which heavily favored Trump -- then they counted mail-in ballots, which heavily favored Biden.

That in itself is strange. Why would in-person or mail-in ballots favor one or the other? More specifically, why did mail-in ballots favor Biden? Also, why were mail-in ballots not counted when they were mailed in?

Don't you remember Trump told Trump Humpers to vote in person.
I can't say there was fraud and there probably wasn't. However, it is passing strange that during the first six hours or so, states were being called for one candidate or the other with no apparent change in pace (sometimes even before all the votes had been reported) and then all of a sudden everything went to a virtual standstill. Is it just a coincidence that at the time everything came to a standstill, that of the few states yet to be declared, most had Trump leading? Is it also just a coincidence that at this time it looked like Trump might actually win, albeit by a slim electoral margin?

I don't know. But even Democrats have to wonder about the irregular way this election transpired, even if only for the sake of academics.

That's because the mail in, absentee, etc. ballots can't be counted until AFTER in person ballots are counted. You can thank your Republican governors and SOS for that.

Okay, but there's still the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden. It also begs the question as to why mail-in ballots favored Biden in all of the last four or five states. Why were so may Biden voters in multiple states unwilling to go to the polls?

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