You Just Can't Stump The Trump

Ah, the Insane clown posse has arrived with the candycorn... Carnival must be in town!

Yeah yeah yeah... we know, you all HOPE we nominate Trump! That's why you're here to say nasty shit about him and make fun... because you WANT him to be the one we pick! ...LMFAO!

You are correct.....but we are aware enough to know that it won't happen. I sometimes wonder what people like you would do to yourselves if you ever had a moment of true clarity.
Ah, the Insane clown posse has arrived with the candycorn... Carnival must be in town!

Yeah yeah yeah... we know, you all HOPE we nominate Trump! That's why you're here to say nasty shit about him and make fun... because you WANT him to be the one we pick! ...LMFAO!
Trump scares the hell out of them. Can you see the debate?
No holds barred.
Hell that could make pay per view!
Ah, the Insane clown posse has arrived with the candycorn... Carnival must be in town!

Yeah yeah yeah... we know, you all HOPE we nominate Trump! That's why you're here to say nasty shit about him and make fun... because you WANT him to be the one we pick! ...LMFAO!

You are correct.....but we are aware enough to know that it won't happen. I sometimes wonder what people like you would do to yourselves if you ever had a moment of true clarity.
You miss the clarity based on your stupidity. WE hear the message just fine. But democrats/liberals LOVE stupid and REWARD stupid with things like clown outfits.
Ah, the Insane clown posse has arrived with the candycorn... Carnival must be in town!

Yeah yeah yeah... we know, you all HOPE we nominate Trump! That's why you're here to say nasty shit about him and make fun... because you WANT him to be the one we pick! ...LMFAO!

You are correct.....but we are aware enough to know that it won't happen. I sometimes wonder what people like you would do to yourselves if you ever had a moment of true clarity.
You miss the clarity based on your stupidity. WE hear the message just fine. But democrats/liberals LOVE stupid and REWARD stupid with things like clown outfits.

You don't like Ted Cruz the Clown? Too bad. I thought he was your guy.
So did President Romney. Oh wait.

Romney hasn't got the IQ to be in the same room with Trump... nor the confidence.

Every time I heard Mitt Romney speak, the tone of his voice was apologetic. It was like... I am so sorry that I am a conservative, I'm really not that bad of a guy... I think people just misunderstand me... I really want to do what's best for America... I'm a nice guy... I promise I'll help people and put people back to work... and things are gonna be great again, just don't think about me being a conservative... I am really so so sorry that this is what I am...

With Trump, I see someone who is confident and doesn't mind telling you what he thinks. He is comfortable in his own skin... and hair, for that matter. lol As the bruthas say, He ain't shook. That's refreshing to me... I like it. I like the fact that he's not a career politician... I like the fact that he's not in the pocket of some damn lobbyist or special interest group and I don't have to worry about that... you can't buy Trump off.
So did President Romney. Oh wait.

Romney hasn't got the IQ to be in the same room with Trump... nor the confidence.

Every time I heard Mitt Romney speak, the tone of his voice was apologetic. It was like... I am so sorry that I am a conservative, I'm really not that bad of a guy... I think people just misunderstand me... I really want to do what's best for America... I'm a nice guy... I promise I'll help people and put people back to work... and things are gonna be great again, just don't think about me being a conservative... I am really so so sorry that this is what I am...

With Trump, I see someone who is confident and doesn't mind telling you what he thinks. He is comfortable in his own skin... and hair, for that matter. lol As the bruthas say, He ain't shook. That's refreshing to me... I like it. I like the fact that he's not a career politician... I like the fact that he's not in the pocket of some damn lobbyist or special interest group and I don't have to worry about that... you can't buy Trump off.

Have you taken a moment to look at some of the things Trump has said in the past and compare them with the things he is saying now?

Do it. It's a blast. Focus on things like health care, taxes and Hillary. Clinton.

You are correct.....but we are aware enough to know that it won't happen. I sometimes wonder what people like you would do to yourselves if you ever had a moment of true clarity.

I don't know that it won't happen. Trump says it's 10%~20% chance he'll win the nomination as of right now... and that's TRUMP. So I don't know what's going to happen and neither does he right now.

I can tell ya this much, if he gets some momentum and is leading the pack when say, Super Tuesday rolls around... look the fuck out!
Have you taken a moment to look at some of the things Trump has said in the past and compare them with the things he is saying now?

Do it. It's a blast. Focus on things like health care, taxes and Hillary. Clinton.


I don't give a shit what he has said to be honest. He's making you LOVE on him so much and WANT him to be our candidate, that's enough for me right there... I'm sold! ;)
I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.
He may not win, he may not. But he puts ALL topics back on the table and in the open. R's AND D's cannot run for cover this time. They have to take STANDS and THAT is the exciting part. They ALL get to grow a set of balls.

He certainly has us all talking..... and that's a good thing.
AVG-Prediction: Between now and the nomination Trump will say something stupid enough to end his candidacy.

In the meantime, his stirring of the hornets nest will have value beyond the entertainment factor. Democracy works.
Ah, the Insane clown posse has arrived with the candycorn... Carnival must be in town!

Yeah yeah yeah... we know, you all HOPE we nominate Trump! That's why you're here to say nasty shit about him and make fun... because you WANT him to be the one we pick! ...LMFAO!
Trump scares the hell out of them. Can you see the debate?
No holds barred.
Hell that could make pay per view!

You underestimate the spin the media would put on such a debate.
Trump might totally win in the category of factual accurateness and even who has the best plans...but the media will corral around Clinton and pick out some mean thing he said and run with it.
Take the immigration thing, he is factually correct - but it doesn't matter, he was lambasted anyway and came out looking like an ogre to all of the low informationals - which is 80% of Americans.
I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.

It's way too early to tell. Remember how many front runners there were early on in the last Republican primary? Some of them were the first to drop out. The entire primary seemed to be about "anybody but Romney", and he still clenched the nomination.

That's the thing about politics... she's a fickle mistress. You can't compare previous cycles, it's pointless. This time it may be "anybody but Jeb Bush" but I don't think Bush fares as well as Romney to be honest. If Jeb was so great he'd still be governor of Florida.

If nothing else, Trump is going to force issues onto the table that need to be addressed and he is going to set bar for the rest of the field. And you know something else? I think Trump could be the.... conduit? catalyst? not sure what the right word is.... to bring together tea party conservatives, libertarian republicans and some of the establishment RINOs. I think he can unite coalitions and pull this off. Call me crazy but hey... Art of the Deal man, it's what he does!
She's not as fickle as she is high-maintenance and expensive... Romney's nomination is proof of the power of resources and courting the establishment.

Fickle means 'unpredictable' and the only thing unpredictable about Trump and his money is his mouth. He makes things interesting... I'll give him that
It appears now that El Wapo may be after Trump. You think he will tone down his anti Mexico rap?
Take the immigration thing, he is factually correct - but it doesn't matter, he was lambasted anyway and came out looking like an ogre to all of the low informationals - which is 80% of Americans.

There again... They TRIED to harpoon him and failed. He actually GAINED support after that. He caught Jeb Bush in the polls. People went and watched the video on you tube and saw what he actually said... which as you say, made perfect sense and was 100% correct.

He joked about all the business ties who "dropped" him in the wake of that... Macy's stopped selling his ties... they were made in China, he didn't give a shit... Now Macy's has THOUSANDS of customers cutting up their Macy's cards. NASCAR dumped him... they rented a venue from him for their banquet... no biggie, he took their deposit and now he has re-rented it to another party for more than they were paying him... so two for one... he said "I may make money running for president!"

The thing I think he brings to the table that no one else can touch, is his ability to negotiate deals. Specifically our trade deals with other nations. You want to know where our jobs and industries have gone... look at our damn trade deals, we're getting screwed. This was starting to be a problem back when Reagan was president, our trade deficit... well, we passed GATT and NAFTA and then CAFTA and now looking at TPP... all BAD for us, GOOD for them! We're getting screwed because the people making the deals are IDIOTS.

Trump wouldn't get screwed.
It appears now that El Wapo may be after Trump. You think he will tone down his anti Mexico rap?


See what I am saying?
I catch anti Hispanic comments all the time.
Never from Christians.
Never from Jews.
Never from Republicans.
Never from Tea Party Members.
Never from Libertarians.

Democrats, JUST Democrats.
It appears now that El Wapo may be after Trump. You think he will tone down his anti Mexico rap?


See what I am saying?
I catch anti Hispanic comments all the time.
Never from Christians.
Never from Jews.
Never from Republicans.
Never from Tea Party Members.
Never from Libertarians.

Democrats, JUST Democrats.
Have you tried not being a filthy ****?

I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. :(
Why is it the media talks about how "Macys is taking it in the shorts", but our leftards on this board insist it will not hurt them??

Just another classic example of how ignorant they are to American business norms ................

Most folks like me view Macys as being a butthurt left leaning business, retaliation against Trump for his political view makes them look petty and childish.

No one wants to buy from some corporate entity who acts like a bully ..................

Yes you left are getting known for your bullying tactics along with scores of other socially unacceptable sorts of actions like crucifying whites simply for being white.

You people are lazy, ignorant and your malicious actions in retaliation for stances other than your own are quite evident.

You can at least act like you live in reality, you cam tell yourself it don't matter, but in the end unless you run money you are clueless. Those that do run money are dumping stock at an alarming rate.

Market Pulse
Macy's stock falls after disappointing results trump dividend, buyback increase

Published: May 13, 2015 8:14 a.m. ET




Macy's Inc.'s stock M, +0.35% slumped 2.4% in premarket trade, as the company's announcement of a dividend hike and increased share buybacks wasn't enough to overcome disappointing first-quarter results. For the quarter ended May 2, earnings declined to $193 million, or 56 cents a share, from $224 million, or 60 cents a share, in the same period a year ago. Revenue fell 0.7% to $6.23 billion. The FactSet consensus was for earnings per share of 62 cents and revenue of $6.32 billion. Same-store sales declined 0.1%, compared with the FactSet consensus for an increase of 1.1%. Among factors mentioned by Chief Executive Terry Lundgren for falling short of sales expectations were delayed shipments from the West Coast port slowdown, severe winter weather, lower levels of spending by international tourists visiting major U.S. cities and temporary disruptions from an omnichannel reorganization. Separately, Macy's said it was increasing its quarterly dividend to 36 cents a share from 31.25 cents, and increasing the share repurchase program by $1.5 billion. The stock has lost 0.6% year to date through Tuesday, while the S&P 500 has gained 2%.

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