You Just Can't Stump The Trump

The curious thing about Trump and the republicans is that he is a throwback to a time when republicans had liberals in the party. His talk on free trade and jobs going to Mexico or dumping by Japan and China is taboo for both parties today as corporations manage the American mind.

"There is an Ivy League grad who has spent most of his life in Manhattan, where he is chauffeured around in limousines. He frequently brags to strangers about his massive personal wealth. In public statements, he has advocated government healthcare, a woman’s right to an abortion, an assault weapons ban, and paying off the national debt by forcing rich people to forfeit 14.25 percent of their total wealth. When the man married his third wife, he invited Bill and Hillary Clinton to the wedding, and he has given many thousands to their political campaigns and their foundation. He’s donated many thousands more that helped elect Democrats to the Senate and the House. And George W. Bush was “maybe the worst president in the history of this country,” the man said in 2008. “He was so incompetent, so bad, so evil."" Donald Trump s Troubling Bid for the Presidency - The Atlantic

and this is funny too. Voices from Trump Supporters - The Atlantic

The curious thing about Trump and the republicans is that he is a throwback to a time when republicans had liberals in the party. His talk on free trade and jobs going to Mexico or dumping by Japan and China is taboo for both parties today as corporations manage the American mind.

"There is an Ivy League grad who has spent most of his life in Manhattan, where he is chauffeured around in limousines. He frequently brags to strangers about his massive personal wealth. In public statements, he has advocated government healthcare, a woman’s right to an abortion, an assault weapons ban, and paying off the national debt by forcing rich people to forfeit 14.25 percent of their total wealth. When the man married his third wife, he invited Bill and Hillary Clinton to the wedding, and he has given many thousands to their political campaigns and their foundation. He’s donated many thousands more that helped elect Democrats to the Senate and the House. And George W. Bush was “maybe the worst president in the history of this country,” the man said in 2008. “He was so incompetent, so bad, so evil."" Donald Trump s Troubling Bid for the Presidency - The Atlantic

and this is funny too. Voices from Trump Supporters - The Atlantic


Wow what a delusional hater ..............

Corporations manage the American mind . Character Assassinate Donald Trump, go lick hurt butt ...............................
The curious thing about Trump and the republicans is that he is a throwback to a time when republicans had liberals in the party. His talk on free trade and jobs going to Mexico or dumping by Japan and China is taboo for both parties today as corporations manage the American mind.

"There is an Ivy League grad who has spent most of his life in Manhattan, where he is chauffeured around in limousines. He frequently brags to strangers about his massive personal wealth. In public statements, he has advocated government healthcare, a woman’s right to an abortion, an assault weapons ban, and paying off the national debt by forcing rich people to forfeit 14.25 percent of their total wealth. When the man married his third wife, he invited Bill and Hillary Clinton to the wedding, and he has given many thousands to their political campaigns and their foundation. He’s donated many thousands more that helped elect Democrats to the Senate and the House. And George W. Bush was “maybe the worst president in the history of this country,” the man said in 2008. “He was so incompetent, so bad, so evil."" Donald Trump s Troubling Bid for the Presidency - The Atlantic

and this is funny too. Voices from Trump Supporters - The Atlantic


Trump is skilled at marketing. No one knows what he really believes in because he's changed his positions so often.
He's latched onto a few present day hot items and he's now selling them. It's textbook demagoguery.

It's the Shamwow guy turned politician.
You just can't. I do think he is in it to win it and his numbers say he can. he is within 10 points of Hillary "DoucheWater" Clinton and Col. Sanders is closing in on her as well. He's bold and he's brash but he IS saying what America is thinking.
Put him across the table with Islamic State or Iran or Putin. We have had a BOY doing a man's job long enough. Time to play hard ball and go back to the country that led the world in tech in education and ability.

This 3rd world crap is enough.

It absolutely blows my mind you people take this clown seriously.
I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.

Nothing like Perot.

Don't underestimate Trump's popularity... he has over 3 million Twitter followers since announcing... Almost as many as Clinton and she's been running for president for 12 years.
Do you honestly think democrats and independents would vote in this clown?
Ah, the Insane clown posse has arrived with the candycorn... Carnival must be in town!

Yeah yeah yeah... we know, you all HOPE we nominate Trump! That's why you're here to say nasty shit about him and make fun... because you WANT him to be the one we pick! ...LMFAO!

I Said nothing that wasn't true. You should attempt it sometime.
It's true, The Donald has a quick lie or jingoistic reply up his sleeve for every occasion.
Why is it the media talks about how "Macys is taking it in the shorts", but our leftards on this board insist it will not hurt them??

Just another classic example of how ignorant they are to American business norms ................

Most folks like me view Macys as being a butthurt left leaning business, retaliation against Trump for his political view makes them look petty and childish.

No one wants to buy from some corporate entity who acts like a bully ..................

Yes you left are getting known for your bullying tactics along with scores of other socially unacceptable sorts of actions like crucifying whites simply for being white.

You people are lazy, ignorant and your malicious actions in retaliation for stances other than your own are quite evident.

You can at least act like you live in reality, you cam tell yourself it don't matter, but in the end unless you run money you are clueless. Those that do run money are dumping stock at an alarming rate.

Market Pulse
Macy's stock falls after disappointing results trump dividend, buyback increase

Published: May 13, 2015 8:14 a.m. ET




Macy's Inc.'s stock M, +0.35% slumped 2.4% in premarket trade, as the company's announcement of a dividend hike and increased share buybacks wasn't enough to overcome disappointing first-quarter results. For the quarter ended May 2, earnings declined to $193 million, or 56 cents a share, from $224 million, or 60 cents a share, in the same period a year ago. Revenue fell 0.7% to $6.23 billion. The FactSet consensus was for earnings per share of 62 cents and revenue of $6.32 billion. Same-store sales declined 0.1%, compared with the FactSet consensus for an increase of 1.1%. Among factors mentioned by Chief Executive Terry Lundgren for falling short of sales expectations were delayed shipments from the West Coast port slowdown, severe winter weather, lower levels of spending by international tourists visiting major U.S. cities and temporary disruptions from an omnichannel reorganization. Separately, Macy's said it was increasing its quarterly dividend to 36 cents a share from 31.25 cents, and increasing the share repurchase program by $1.5 billion. The stock has lost 0.6% year to date through Tuesday, while the S&P 500 has gained 2%.
Did you notice the date of the article, you fucking moron? That was a month before the Donald ever uttered his moronic remarks and before Macy's cut ties.
Why is it the media talks about how "Macys is taking it in the shorts", but our leftards on this board insist it will not hurt them??

Just another classic example of how ignorant they are to American business norms ................

Most folks like me view Macys as being a butthurt left leaning business, retaliation against Trump for his political view makes them look petty and childish.

No one wants to buy from some corporate entity who acts like a bully ..................

Yes you left are getting known for your bullying tactics along with scores of other socially unacceptable sorts of actions like crucifying whites simply for being white.

You people are lazy, ignorant and your malicious actions in retaliation for stances other than your own are quite evident.

You can at least act like you live in reality, you cam tell yourself it don't matter, but in the end unless you run money you are clueless. Those that do run money are dumping stock at an alarming rate.

Market Pulse
Macy's stock falls after disappointing results trump dividend, buyback increase

Published: May 13, 2015 8:14 a.m. ET




Macy's Inc.'s stock M, +0.35% slumped 2.4% in premarket trade, as the company's announcement of a dividend hike and increased share buybacks wasn't enough to overcome disappointing first-quarter results. For the quarter ended May 2, earnings declined to $193 million, or 56 cents a share, from $224 million, or 60 cents a share, in the same period a year ago. Revenue fell 0.7% to $6.23 billion. The FactSet consensus was for earnings per share of 62 cents and revenue of $6.32 billion. Same-store sales declined 0.1%, compared with the FactSet consensus for an increase of 1.1%. Among factors mentioned by Chief Executive Terry Lundgren for falling short of sales expectations were delayed shipments from the West Coast port slowdown, severe winter weather, lower levels of spending by international tourists visiting major U.S. cities and temporary disruptions from an omnichannel reorganization. Separately, Macy's said it was increasing its quarterly dividend to 36 cents a share from 31.25 cents, and increasing the share repurchase program by $1.5 billion. The stock has lost 0.6% year to date through Tuesday, while the S&P 500 has gained 2%.
Did you notice the date of the article, you fucking moron? That was a month before the Donald ever uttered his moronic remarks and before Macy's cut ties.

My God don't you know "The Donald's" words can transcend time itself.......
I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.

Nothing like Perot.

Don't underestimate Trump's popularity... he has over 3 million Twitter followers since announcing... Almost as many as Clinton and she's been running for president for 12 years.
Do you honestly think democrats and independents would vote in this clown?

There you go again thinking a majority in this country supports the left wing freaks.
Newsflash, the middle class in this country are sick and tired of watching their jobs shipped off to Mexico, China, and other parts of the world. If you don't think they would vote for Trump on this issue you are a fool.
I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.

Nothing like Perot.

Don't underestimate Trump's popularity... he has over 3 million Twitter followers since announcing... Almost as many as Clinton and she's been running for president for 12 years.
Do you honestly think democrats and independents would vote in this clown?

There you go again thinking a majority in this country supports the left wing freaks.
They don't support either extreme. That would be why they elected Obama twice. Trump is not really on any extreme. His views change as often as his hair changes color.
I wouldn't get too excited.

Remember Perot's candidacy in 1992? he polled better than the dems and republicans, but wound up losing gloriously.

Trump's support seems reminiscent of Perot's. Popular in small sections across the country, but not nearly enough to garner serious support in an election.

There is a major difference. Perot ran 3rd party, Trump is trying to infiltrate the corrupt GOP party. It will be a struggle, because they will try and protect status quo. Basically business as usual, and who wants any of that? Buhler? Buhler?
Have you taken a moment to look at some of the things Trump has said in the past and compare them with the things he is saying now?

Do it. It's a blast. Focus on things like health care, taxes and Hillary. Clinton.

Donald Trump NOW: "I think Hillary Clinton would be a terrible president. She was the worst Secretary of State in the history of our nation. Why would she be a good president?

Donald Trump Then: "Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I mean I am a little bias because I have known her for years." Reporter asked if he supports her. "I won't get into this because I would get myself into trouble. I just like her. I like her and I like her husband.

Donald Trump NOW: "Some people would say he [President Obama] is incompetent. I would not say that. Yeah. Yes I would."

Donald Trump Then: "I think Tim Geithner has done a good job. I think that the whole group has really done a good job. When you look at what's happened. At least we have an economy. You wouldn't have had an economy had they not come up with some very drastic steps two years ago.

Donald Trump NOW: "I am almost more disappointed with the Republicans ... They have to toughen up on Obamcare which is a total lie and which is a total and complete disaster."

Donald Trump Then: When asked his thoughts on healthcare he answered. "Liberal on healthcare. We have to take care of people who are sick. ... I love universal. We have to take care. There is nothing else. What's the country all about if we are not going to take care of our sick."

Donald Trump NOW: "Let me tell you. Everybody want to pay as little as possible. Including Warren Buffet by the way, just by what he says. So he says, what's your tax rate. I don't know. I pay as little as possible.

Donald Trump Then: "I would tax people of wealth, of great wealth, people over ten million by 14.25%. This tax would raise approximately five point seven trillion which happens to be our national debt.

Donald Trump NOW: "Well I am very pro-life. And I feel strongly about it."

Donald Trump Then: "I am very pro-choice. I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything i stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still, I just believe in choice.
Newsflash, the middle class in this country are sick and tired of watching their jobs shipped off to Mexico, China, and other parts of the world. If you don't think they would vote for Trump on this issue you are a fool.
Sure they are going to vote for Drumpf Truck who has a habit of shipping his manufacturing to China and buying his building materials from China.
Newsflash, the middle class in this country are sick and tired of watching their jobs shipped off to Mexico, China, and other parts of the world. If you don't think they would vote for Trump on this issue you are a fool.
Sure they are going to vote for Drumpf Truck who has a habit of shipping his manufacturing to China and buying his building materials from China.

You're ignorance on Trump is on full display.
I'm lovin' it! ...There are now more replies to this thread from Democrats than Republicans. :D

For someone you guys HOPE will be the nominee because he is such a joke, you guys are sure doing your best to convince us not to vote for him. You know, you should save all these revelations and flip-flops until after he wins the nomination... you're kinda defeating yourselves here, aren't you?
Newsflash, the middle class in this country are sick and tired of watching their jobs shipped off to Mexico, China, and other parts of the world. If you don't think they would vote for Trump on this issue you are a fool.
Sure they are going to vote for Drumpf Truck who has a habit of shipping his manufacturing to China and buying his building materials from China.

You're ignorance on Trump is on full display.

I'm going to take a wild guess, that the ignorance stretches beyond Trump.

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