You Just Won The Lotto

I would donate to children's hospitals and have I would help people with medical bills.....helping the homeless would be up there too......either contributing to reputable charities trying to give long term help, or doing my own thing to do https://
I would donate to children's hospitals and have I would help people with medical bills.....helping the homeless would be up there too......either contributing to reputable charities trying to give long term help, or doing my own thing to do that......
something like this


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I feel like I just won the lotto. One of my dreams is to live near rivers and do a lot of river exploring. And I have the perfect boat for it. Flat bottom boat. I have the Huron river nearby but I’ve done that river. I want bigger and more. My bro has property in otsego county. In fact, that’s where the boats been sitting for years collecting dust. So my dream has been right at my fingertips for years and I haven’t taken advantage. That all ends this spring. And honestly, even if I hit the lotto I wouldn’t move there. I’d just get a vacation property. Thanks to my bro, I already have that.

Anyway, this summer I’m going to explore the manistee river, au sable, pigeon, black, east Jordan and sturgeon. Sturgeon is the fastest moving river in Michigan.

Ten years we haven’t seen any of it and we’ve had this boat the entire time. I feel so stupid.

Good luck and is short, enjoy what you can.
Good luck and is short, enjoy what you can.

I just got back from working 3 weeks in Florida. One thing that would make me happier is a place in Florida where I can live from January 1 to April 1. 3 months

And as easy as my job is, it's still stress and tying me down. But I need healthcare. In Florida I heard everyone say, "I'm 62 and I'd like to retire but I have to work until I'm 65 because I can't afford private healthcare."

So we are all tied to our jobs until at least 65 when medicare kicks in. I will be FURIOUS if Republicans raise that age.

So I have to work another 13 years. Don't know if I can make it. Plus, I have lived a rough life. Drinking, smoking and eating what I wanted my whole life. How long am I going to live? If I retire at 65, how many good years will I have left? Seriously! And my dad retired when he was 59. I want to do that. Maybe I get real cheap insurance and roll the dice and retire early. Maybe I just risk it and go 3 years without healthcare in my 60's.

Maybe by then Obamacare will have something for me. Maybe $300 a month. That's $4K a year for healthcare. Too much. Eat up my savings.

I know most don't like it that interest went up but I do. Now I get 4% on savings instead of .05% when interest was low.

Anyways, I'm in that 52 year rut where you're close and want to retire but not really that close. Plus the stock market sucks so I can't wait for Putin to stop that war so my stocks will start going back up. I'm sick of buying low I want to see high.
Good luck and is short, enjoy what you can.
Do you ever get in one of those ruts? I was burned out in December. Ran off to Florida and had a great time but it wasn't enough. If I won the lotto when I was down there, I would have never come back. But I'm sure I'll get back into a groove and spring will be here before I know it and things will be better again. Winters suck. We all get a little depressed in the winter.

If I could retire tomorrow, I'd be in Florida right now. On the low end you can buy a small condo on the intercoastal for $400K. That would be my winter home. Summer I would live where I live now because I'm on a lake. And we love going up north MI all year round so I would definitely stay in MI. But when my brother and his family goes to Greece in the summer, I'd go. You need to be able to stay for a month. 2 weeks isn't enough.

So Florida, MI and Greece is where I would spend the majority of my time.
Two scenarios.

1. You win enough so you don't have to work but you have to be economical. Do you continue to work 45 hours a week?

Me, I'd keep working until I had enough NO WAY I'd ever run out. No possible emergency could wipe me out. Id probably put the money in a safe annuity and live off the payments. I'd be modest and not blow the money. I wouldn't buy a bigger place I'd just pimp out mine.

2. You won a mega. Where would you go and what would you do?

My family goes to Greece every year around july-august so two months a year would be in Greece. September would be all about hunting up north Michigan Oct 1 thru Jan 1.

Where to go jan-april 1st. Somewhere warm. I usually say Florida but there are so many cool places. Maybe I would live somewhere different every year these 3 months.

April-july 5th I would live local but on a much more rich lake. I live on a lake with upper middle class people now. There are lakes where every home is a couple million $. I'd live in a better area code.

Or I'd get an RV and take trips in it.

I have very little interest in bling, expensive cars, etc but I would have a sweet Jeep and a sports car.

Definitely a sailboat on the great lakes.

Maybe a massive yacht in a marina on the Florida keys or a houseboat on lake Cumberland.

A helicopter.

Horses, dogs, barn, land, rescue cats.

If you were in my posse you'd never have to worry about money.

Anonymous donations to people who need it. Not to charity. Directly to the person who needs help.

Piston, tiger, lions, uofm, msu, redwing games.

Fine dining, best clothes, more toys like side by sides, another quad, another jetski

A $1 lotto ticket is worth every penny
I'd move to Costa Rica and work 50-60 hours a week

I'd move to Costa Rica and work 50-60 hours a week
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I wouldn't want to move to any one place. Then I'm stuck there. Is Costa Rica amazing? I bet it is.

We always feel sorry for our Florida friends when we leave. Better to be snowbirds. I love MI too much to leave it. Metro Detroit and Up North MI are heaven. Depends on the city you live in I guess but I live in a good city/county.

The prices are going up in Florida big time. My bro recently paid $125K for a condo now it's $170K. 2 miles from the Ocean. A1A. Fort Lauderdale. Beautiful and you have the big city life too. You can go to a Dolphins game or to a million amazing restaurants. Publix. And I can always take a cruise to Costa Rica.

If I had more time in Florida I would have taken a boat taxi for $35

Fort Lauderdale Water Taxi - All Day Pass​

"If you were in my possession you'd never have to worry about money."

Huh? You mean "your women" I'm guessing.....LOL! Possession.

First Dean went you too? Somethings up.....Trump? You just realized it I would bet. You and ole' dizzy Dean too? Lol!
Here's my newest fantasy. If you have to move away because everyone you know just wants money from you, I would move to two placed.

a. Up north Michigan near my brothers hunting property. I would open up a restaurant with 2 people who know how to run a restaurant. One opens it and specializes in breakfast and lunch, one is a dinner chef. I would use the restaurant as a place to socialize and a tax write off. My two partners can have all the profits.

b. A place in Florida. I would go Jan 1 and come back April 1. 3 months in Florida.

c. Go to Greece with my family every year in August

d. Hunting season is Oct 1 to Jan 1

So up north Michigan April 1 to Jan 1 except for August when I'm in Greece.

8 months in Michigan, 1 month in Greece, 3 months in Florida.
I would set up trust funds for people I am close to. They would have to get a college degree or do volunteer work helping other people in need.

I would adopt senior pets and rescue animals and have a farm or ranch. I would pay people to help take care of them.

My home would be open for people who need to rest and get calm from life's strife.

Basically I am already happy, money would just take off the financial stress and allow me to help other people I am already close to.
My brother just retired. $15 million and he's 55 years old. He has already volunteered at the hospital. Says he wants to be with kids. Our friend who works in a hospital says they call guys like him creepers. Weirdos who want to have access to kids. LOL. He's still going to do it.

His kids are set. College paid for and I'm sure when he and his wife die those kids will inherit millions. Even if all the money was gone, they have probably 2 million worth of properties. So the kids are set. And he is generous with charity and church.

He has a dog and now he's asking us to babysit so he can go to the Carribean, Arizona, Greece, etc. Maybe get the traveling out of your system before you adopt dogs. Or hire some kid to take care of them when you're traveling.

Be careful about opening your home. If they know you hit the lotto, they might try to murder you. Or someone they know who they tell about you might try it. That's why I say I'd move up north to Petosky or Charlevoix, MI where no one knows me and I'd never tell anyone I won the lotto. Maybe I'd tell people I live off a Pension. Be vague.
1. Frugal win. = f(win size)

10% to Charity

Fund a Trust. Find land in a southern US State and develop a compound for family and friends

2. Mega win

10% to Charity

Fund a Trust
Berkshire Hathaway
Real Estate USA, Barcelona, Tuscany
Buy USMB, make it USMagaB. Ok that made me laugh
I would want to find the purest cocaine in Las Vegas and spend a week doing what people do in Vegas.

But only in Vegas. Don't take that shit home with you. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
I did coke once in college and thankfully it did nothing for me

Love good buds and have had good experiences with Edibles and hash
1. Frugal win. = f(win size)

10% to Charity

Fund a Trust. Find land in a southern US State and develop a compound for family and friends

2. Mega win

10% to Charity

Fund a Trust
Berkshire Hathaway
Real Estate USA, Barcelona, Tuscany
Buy USMB, make it USMagaB. Ok that made me laugh

I would certainly have the most advanced robots, AI and automation in my house. I would become a new adopter to new technologies that's for sure.

Normal people have a roomba, I would have a Rosie


I did coke once in college and thankfully it did nothing for me

Love good buds and have had good experiences with Edibles and hash
It wasn't good cocaine. Or severely cut. That means mixed with things like fentynol. The drug dealer can double the size of the bag by putting crushed pills that are the same color as cocaine.
It wasn't good cocaine. Or severely cut. That means mixed with things like fentynol. The drug dealer can double the size of the bag by putting crushed pills that are the same color as cocaine.
This was in the 70s
Good luck and is short, enjoy what you can.

I just realized something. For most people, even if you work 9 hours a day, there are still too many hours in the day. So you leave at 7:30am and get home at 5:30pm. That's 14 hours of free time. This is why I got a dog. I was helping my dad take care of my mom after work. After she died, I had too much time on my hands. So now imagine having 24 hours of free time, 24x7. No wonder people just keep working when they have enough to retire. Maybe just buy more vacation time or negotiate part time with your boss rather than retire. Retiring and making no money doesn't make sense if you like your job. I literally wake up, check my emails, send my emails, place orders, answer emails, prospect a little, then the rest of the day I'm online or watching tv, waiting for someone to email or call me. I'd be a fool to give this up. But I do have to go into the office 2 days a week. Actually I enjoy it but I'm glad it's only 2

But at 62 I might tell my boss I just want to do it part time. Maybe even take a little bit of a pay cut but be totally free from anyone asking me what I'm doing during the day. If I'm getting my job done, leave me alone. If I'm not, maybe it's time we part ways. But don't bust my balls if I'm walking my dog at 10am. Fuck you. I'll respond to customers and YOU when I get back from my walk. Nothing is so critical it can't wait 2 hours. At 62 we may have this conversation. I'd take half of what I make now. Let's say $45K plus my healthcare??? Shit!!! If I could do that from 62 to 65 while I wait for medicare AND so my ss checks are bigger, I'll do that.

In a few months I'll be 54. Getting closer to that 62.

And I purchased a Classic Michigan Lotto ticket yesterday. It's up to $6.5 million dollars. It starts at $1 million. It's been growing for some time. This is what made me think about this thread. It's probably $3 million if you take the lump sum after taxes. PERFECT for me. Add that to what I have, I'm done working. I just couldn't get myself to care about placing those orders or making those calls if I had that much.

So actually, now I'm changing my mind. Not to go into details but I have a strong believe I won't make 80. So I have about 25 years left to live. When I turn 62, 18 years to live. 65 I'll have 15 years to live. I will be DONE at 65. If I hit the lotto, 53. In other words I'll retire tomorrow if I hit that lotto. If I only won $1 million I might still work till I'm 62.

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