You know how the left continues to say there is no voter fraud

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I'll believe that republicans care about voter and election fraud when they start demanding VVPATs on DREs, cameras in tally rooms, two person integrity for ballot and statewide databases.
no voter Id law does this. period.

I disagree. The harder you make it to do anything, the more people will be prevented from doing it. Even if, theoretically, no absolute barrier is imposed, some people will, in actual practice, be blocked.

How exactly? Where don't you carry valid ID in public? How often? Pretty irresponsible.

It is pretty irresponsible to not have a valid form of ID on you at all times.

Also note you can get fined for driving without valid ID on you!

You make the claim that they said something that there is no evidence of them saying, then YOU back up that claim.

The burden of proof is on the one claiming, not the one defending.

(Referencing your post rdean)


Just saying the burden of proof is on him for claiming that someone said something they say they didn't. One must provide evidence or else it is simply slander.
The United States of America is a complete utopia. There is NO voter fraud.

Everyone receives equal, quality grade school education-thus an equal opportunity to succeed! There is no corruption in our political system.

Pollution is kept under control without the need for regulation...because businesses just plain care about the environment and others' health.

True story! :D

Sorry, had to have some fun. It was getting too serious in here.
Alright, I'll play ball. I'm up to bat though.

Not that this will matter to anyone here because you are all so insanely biased toward your own party and stance on the political spectrum.

Investigation into Trashed Voter Registrations

Man arrested in voter fraud - Los Angeles Times

Republican Lawyers Group's Own Study Undercuts Vote Fraud Claims | News & Politics | AlterNet

Sharpton: Voter fraud found, perpetrated by a Republican

Seriously. Shut the fuck up. All of you.

Both parties do it, both parties are always guilty of the same crime that they claim the other side only does.

Deal with it.


Every time We try to You make excuses for the Perpetrators and the enablers, and then you divert and spin. It's broke. Fix it. What part do you not get. We are nothing without Honest Elections.
Alright, I'll play ball. I'm up to bat though.

Not that this will matter to anyone here because you are all so insanely biased toward your own party and stance on the political spectrum.

Investigation into Trashed Voter Registrations

Man arrested in voter fraud - Los Angeles Times

Republican Lawyers Group's Own Study Undercuts Vote Fraud Claims | News & Politics | AlterNet

Sharpton: Voter fraud found, perpetrated by a Republican

Seriously. Shut the fuck up. All of you.

Both parties do it, both parties are always guilty of the same crime that they claim the other side only does.

Deal with it.


Every time We try to You make excuses for the Perpetrators and the enablers, and then you divert and spin. It's broke. Fix it. What part do you not get. We are nothing without Honest Elections.

Fair enough. Now point to the bit where I said any of that outside of your own mind.
It could keep blacks from voting twice. Yup.

It would keep all persons from voting it should.

One thing I think we really need to address that isn't being addressed in this pissing match between factions is that, if you assume party X is dishonest and party Y is dishonest....why do we assume the poll workers are honest? I would be quite interested in seeing hust how often congressional districts moved from one side of the ledger to the other depending on who was working the polls during the biennial (sp?) elections. I would think you'd find some fraud there too.

The point is; we need to make the elections of all public officials and public policy referendums as sterile a process as possible.

Forcing those casting ballots to prove they are able to vote in that particular election is one way to ensure it. It has my full endorsement as there is no logical opposition that can be staged in defense of basically allowing anyone to vote anywhere, multiple times.

I totally agree. This should not be a Partisan Issue. It should be about Our Dedication to maintain Fair, Transparent, and Verifiable Elections. It is about either Establishing and Maintaining the Integrity of the Election Process, not making excuses for Incompetence and or Corruption of the Process.

That would make elections free and fair. Dems will never go for it.
Did ANYONE answer the question asked earlier on HOW the government pictured voter id required at the polls that republicans are pushing WOULD STOP absentee fraud?

IT WON'T stop the fraud where the fraud is occurring.....

we are being had

and no one gives a hoot.... :(
Did ANYONE answer the question asked earlier on HOW the government pictured voter id required at the polls that republicans are pushing WOULD STOP absentee fraud?

IT WON'T stop the fraud where the fraud is occurring.....

we are being had

and no one gives a hoot.... :(

It may cut down on multiple registrations.
Admittedly, it will have little effect on absentee fraud, but jailing those caught and prohibiting them from ever working on elections again should have an effect. Maybe five years for each count and a felony record?
There's really little way to prevent, or even estimate the prevalence of individual voter fraud without a photo ID. Unless someone cast a vote in your name and you arrive later and find your name crossed off the list, no one would ever know. I would also think that poll workers should have no access to the party affiliation of voters when they show up to vote. It would cut down on the possibility of preferential treatment or abuse of authority.
Maybe the alternative to voter ID laws would to photograph all voters when they register and each, say 5 years thereafter and call up those photos when a voter shows up to vote. After all, everyone registers in person, do they not?
Or would you rather people just walk in, cast a vote and walk out, without any verification at all.
Death certificates should be forwarded to the registrars of their place of residence and names stricken immediately. If they're not stricken, there's no way without a photo ID to keep anyone from voting in place of their dead relative or neighbor. The vote will never be challenged.
Did ANYONE answer the question asked earlier on HOW the government pictured voter id required at the polls that republicans are pushing WOULD STOP absentee fraud?

IT WON'T stop the fraud where the fraud is occurring.....

we are being had

and no one gives a hoot.... :(

It may cut down on multiple registrations.
Admittedly, it will have little effect on absentee fraud, but jailing those caught and prohibiting them from ever working on elections again should have an effect. Maybe five years for each count and a felony record?
There's really little way to prevent, or even estimate the prevalence of individual voter fraud without a photo ID. Unless someone cast a vote in your name and you arrive later and find your name crossed off the list, no one would ever know. I would also think that poll workers should have no access to the party affiliation of voters when they show up to vote. It would cut down on the possibility of preferential treatment or abuse of authority.
Maybe the alternative to voter ID laws would to photograph all voters when they register and each, say 5 years thereafter and call up those photos when a voter shows up to vote. After all, everyone registers in person, do they not?
Or would you rather people just walk in, cast a vote and walk out, without any verification at all.
Death certificates should be forwarded to the registrars of their place of residence and names stricken immediately. If they're not stricken, there's no way without a photo ID to keep anyone from voting in place of their dead relative or neighbor. The vote will never be challenged.
agree on most all of your suggestions!
I don't know of anyone on "the left" who claims that there is NO voter fraud.

I know plenty of people who claim that voter fraud has a negligible effect on elections - and that includes all the professional political operatives I know, from both sides.
Thank you care4all.
The left's constant objection to voter ID laws is that there is almost no one being convicted of voting fraudulently. What I'm pointing out is that there is almost no chance of anyone getting caught, much less charged.
Say you went to your polling place and voted at 8:30. Now, at 4:15, Mary Brown shows up and gives the poll worker your name. The worker checks her records and tells Mary. "I see you voted at 8:30." Mary says, "Oh gee that's right. I hadn't had my coffee yet" and she walks out.
If in stead, Mary had shown up before you, you would find that you wouldn't be able to cast your vote, and Mary still wouldn't be charged. She said she was you. remember.
I don't know of anyone on "the left" who claims that there is NO voter fraud.

I know plenty of people who claim that voter fraud has a negligible effect on elections - and that includes all the professional political operatives I know, from both sides.

My point is, there is no way to tell.
Now why is it republicans are trying to get the government to SPEND MILLIONS of taxpayer money on a problem that does not exist?

wtf is that about you hypocrits?

They plead guilty.

How can you continue to lie and lie for the left on a thread that's actually about you and yours being found guilty of voter fraud?
Alright, I'll play ball. I'm up to bat though.

Not that this will matter to anyone here because you are all so insanely biased toward your own party and stance on the political spectrum.

Investigation into Trashed Voter Registrations

Man arrested in voter fraud - Los Angeles Times

Republican Lawyers Group's Own Study Undercuts Vote Fraud Claims | News & Politics | AlterNet

Sharpton: Voter fraud found, perpetrated by a Republican

Seriously. Shut the fuck up. All of you.

Both parties do it, both parties are always guilty of the same crime that they claim the other side only does.

Deal with it.


Every time We try to You make excuses for the Perpetrators and the enablers, and then you divert and spin. It's broke. Fix it. What part do you not get. We are nothing without Honest Elections.

Fair enough. Now point to the bit where I said any of that outside of your own mind.

The point is that our Election Process needs major reform, not that both Parties play games. Pointing out that both Parties are at fault does nothing to fix the problems and concerns, unless we take the next step. We are playing tug of war here, rather than address and make reform. Your Team as a whole is guilty of my claim. If not you personally, good for you. I want to see the Integrity of the Election Process established and preserved. I want both Qualified Ballots and Qualified Count Verification, as in Paper Trail. I wish We All counted like Oregon. :D

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