You know it's a scandal: Subpoenas flying - Squealing for immunity

I thought I was gonna like Chris Christie.

But over time, I saw him for what he is: a mere RINO.

The biggest call for him to be the GOP Presidential nominee comes from

the liberal Dims who want a weak RINO opponent to run against Shrillary. So, I am not a Chris Christie fan.

Now, on the other hand, the charges against him are (SO FAR) ALL pure speculation, innuendo and conjecture. I may not be a fan of the governor, but I know a left wing smear campaign when I smell it's stink. I am no fan of their bullshit, either.

Meanwhile, more people died at Chappaquiddick than during the GWB Bridge-gate mess. More died in Benghazi, for that matter. More died because of Obama/Holder gun running to Mexican murdererous drug cartel shitheads, too.

Fuck the lolberal Democrat Parody hypocrite shit slingers.

That is all.

Not true. One women died during the GWB shutdown.

Also refuted. She was taken by the EMTs ALREADY having no life signs. None during transport. None on arrival. The FAMILY spoke out and said that they believe that the poor old woman was dead even before the EMTs got her (which was not a delay situation caused by the Bridge thing).

Thus, my claim remains un-refuted. NOBODY died during the bridge scandal incident.

By the way: people COULD have died due to the massive imbecility of shutting down those lanes which would be criminal especially when done for petty partian political payback reasons.

I am not even remotely defending what happened NOR the reasons for it. All I am saying is that there is no evidence that the governor was behind it AND (fortuitously) nobody DID die because of it.
Christie should do exactly what the mulatto messiah and his boy holder did in the fast and furious investigations. Stonewall, claim executive privilege for documents and mislead. If it's good enough for maobama should be good enough for Christie.

…because the two are exactly the same….

NO ONE died in the traffic jam. Such ignorance on display.

Yeah, I mean YOU.
Christie should do exactly what the mulatto messiah and his boy holder did in the fast and furious investigations. Stonewall, claim executive privilege for documents and mislead. If it's good enough for maobama should be good enough for Christie.

Love honest right wingers telling us exactly how they feel. When you point out right wing racism, USMB conservatives become outraged. "Oh, they don't speak for us". Only they do.

So what are you doing about John Corzine ?
Sure, and innocent presidents don't seal records pertaining to Fast and Furious either.

Obama didn't seal any records. King me!

What was that, wiseguy?

Obama Admin Seals Records of Murdered Border Patrol Agent Implicated in Fast and Furious | The Weekly Standard

This one's going, going and GONE.


That's the records of that border agent. I'm sure his family appreciates the concern for his privacy.

Next you're gonna tell me that he was killed by one of these guns! :lol:
What was the scandal?

Back it up with facts.

doofus, learn to read. i merely used rdean's definition in the OP.

and i've repeatedly posted the facts to you. for fuck sakes, how many times do i have to remind you they apologized, they admitted to "overzealously" picking out anything with teaparty etc....

the irs admitted these things, yet you can't be honest and admit it was a scandal. are you going to tell rdean his definition in the OP is wrong?

And how many times to I have to point out that was before all the facts came out, and it was learned that Liberal groups were investigated more than teabagger groups?

How many times, retard?

No they weren't.

On June 27, 2013, responding to letters from Rep. Sander Levin, the ranking member on the Ways and Means Committee, Inspector General J. Russell George's office released a letter to Levin about the scrutiny of groups with "progressive" in their names.

Contradicting earlier claims of George's office, the letter acknowledged that he knew that the word "progressive" had appeared in IRS screening documents. However, he said that the "Progressives" criteria was on a part of the "Be On the Look Out" (BOLO) spreadsheet labeled "Historical," and, unlike other BOLO entries, didn't say how to refer flagged cases. While he had many sources confirming the use of "Tea Party" and related criteria described in the report, including employee interviews and e-mails, he found no indication in any of those other materials that "Progressives" was a term used to refer cases for scrutiny for political campaign intervention." The letter further stated that out of the 20 groups applying for tax-exempt status whose names contained "progress" or "progressive", 6 had been chosen for more scrutiny as compared to all of the 292 groups applying for tax-exempt status whose names contained "tea party", "patriot", or "9/12."
doofus, learn to read. i merely used rdean's definition in the OP.

and i've repeatedly posted the facts to you. for fuck sakes, how many times do i have to remind you they apologized, they admitted to "overzealously" picking out anything with teaparty etc....

the irs admitted these things, yet you can't be honest and admit it was a scandal. are you going to tell rdean his definition in the OP is wrong?

And how many times to I have to point out that was before all the facts came out, and it was learned that Liberal groups were investigated more than teabagger groups?

How many times, retard?

No they weren't.

On June 27, 2013, responding to letters from Rep. Sander Levin, the ranking member on the Ways and Means Committee, Inspector General J. Russell George's office released a letter to Levin about the scrutiny of groups with "progressive" in their names.

Last time I looked at a calendar, June came before August. :lol:

That's the records of that border agent. I'm sure his family appreciates the concern for his privacy.

Next you're gonna tell me that he was killed by one of these guns! :lol:

If you could, you'd DENY that the agent was killed by one of OUR guns GIVEN to the Mexican thugs in Fast and Furious.

But you cannot, since your Obamessiah has -- you know -- gone and SEALED the records which is a FACT you previously (and falsely) denied, you hack.
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That's the records of that border agent. I'm sure his family appreciates the concern for his privacy.

Next you're gonna tell me that he was killed by one of these guns! :lol:
And they're in public DOLT. And YES he was killed by one off the same weapons SOLD by our DOJ.

YOU remain ignorant...too trusting of a Government that doesn't care two shits of you but your vote for their power over you. Not only are you ignorant? YOU like being a Pawn.

That's the records of that border agent. I'm sure his family appreciates the concern for his privacy.

Next you're gonna tell me that he was killed by one of these guns! :lol:

If you could, you'd DENY that the agent was killed by one of OUR guns GIVEN to the Mexican thugs in Fast and Furious.

But you cannot, since your Obamessiah has -- you know -- gone and SEALED the records which is a FACT your previously (and falsely) denied, you hack.

Too easy!


You're a hack, Liability!

What was the scandal?

Back it up with facts.

doofus, learn to read. i merely used rdean's definition in the OP.

and i've repeatedly posted the facts to you. for fuck sakes, how many times do i have to remind you they apologized, they admitted to "overzealously" picking out anything with teaparty etc....

the irs admitted these things, yet you can't be honest and admit it was a scandal. are you going to tell rdean his definition in the OP is wrong?

And how many times to I have to point out that was before all the facts came out, and it was learned that Liberal groups were investigated more than teabagger groups?

How many times, retard?

you're a liar. that is so untrue it is laughable you would even print it.

that is the report (backed up by FACTS) by the treasury that flat out states tea party groups were unfairly targeted. the report itself said there wrong doing.

you're a fool.
Christie should do exactly what the mulatto messiah and his boy holder did in the fast and furious investigations. Stonewall, claim executive privilege for documents and mislead. If it's good enough for maobama should be good enough for Christie.

Can you discuss any subject without using it to insult the President?
doofus, learn to read. i merely used rdean's definition in the OP.

and i've repeatedly posted the facts to you. for fuck sakes, how many times do i have to remind you they apologized, they admitted to "overzealously" picking out anything with teaparty etc....

the irs admitted these things, yet you can't be honest and admit it was a scandal. are you going to tell rdean his definition in the OP is wrong?

And how many times to I have to point out that was before all the facts came out, and it was learned that Liberal groups were investigated more than teabagger groups?

How many times, retard?

Complete and utter bullshit. Blatant lie with zero factual support. Per the I.R.S. 292 Conservative groups were targeted. Only 8 liberal groups received additional scrutiny, but even the IRS Inspector General said this was mild compared to Conservative groups.


i think synthy has surpassed jakestarkey as the board's biggest liar. this is such a blatant lie i can't believe he actually put in print.

he will never give a link to support his assertion, because none exists. even obama's admin said tea party groups were unfairly targeted and it was wrong and lopsided.
Christie should do exactly what the mulatto messiah and his boy holder did in the fast and furious investigations. Stonewall, claim executive privilege for documents and mislead. If it's good enough for maobama should be good enough for Christie.

Can you discuss any subject without using it to insult the President?
NO. Normally the OFFICE deserves resect...And it does. This current occupant does not. He's lowered the Office into criminality. You like criminals do you? You must. YOU applaud and defend the criminality. You or either stupid or complicit. Which is it?
I thought I was gonna like Chris Christie.

But over time, I saw him for what he is: a mere RINO.

The biggest call for him to be the GOP Presidential nominee comes from

the liberal Dims who want a weak RINO opponent to run against Shrillary. So, I am not a Chris Christie fan.

Now, on the other hand, the charges against him are (SO FAR) ALL pure speculation, innuendo and conjecture. I may not be a fan of the governor, but I know a left wing smear campaign when I smell it's stink. I am no fan of their bullshit, either.

Meanwhile, more people died at Chappaquiddick than during the GWB Bridge-gate mess. More died in Benghazi, for that matter. More died because of Obama/Holder gun running to Mexican murdererous drug cartel shitheads, too.

Fuck the lolberal Democrat Parody hypocrite shit slingers.

That is all.

Not true. One women died during the GWB shutdown.

Also refuted. She was taken by the EMTs ALREADY having no life signs. None during transport. None on arrival. The FAMILY spoke out and said that they believe that the poor old woman was dead even before the EMTs got her (which was not a delay situation caused by the Bridge thing).

Thus, my claim remains un-refuted. NOBODY died during the bridge scandal incident.

By the way: people COULD have died due to the massive imbecility of shutting down those lanes which would be criminal especially when done for petty partian political payback reasons.

I am not even remotely defending what happened NOR the reasons for it. All I am saying is that there is no evidence that the governor was behind it AND (fortuitously) nobody DID die because of it.

Nice squirm there, Ilar.

Moving on since we are never going to agree and it isn't worth wasting time over let's discuss this apparent "lack of evidence" instead.

1. Christie has lawyered up with the absolute best that the NJ taxpayers can afford.

2. Bridget Kelly is not a credible ring leader.

3. Wildstein is looking for immunity meaning that he has something to deal in order to obtain it.

4. Christie claimed not to have had any contact with Wildstein and yet on Day 3 of the shutdown a photo has surfaced showing the two of them together.

5. Why did Christie not question Kelly before he fired her?

6. What about the hard physical evidence of Christie enacting retribution against the mayors of Jersey City and Hoboken?
Note the HACK Tranny's (also known as Synthaholic) limited willingness to QUOTE the article he cites to:

We reviewed news reports, congressional reports and public testimony, which indicated that two Fast and Furious guns were recovered from the scene of Terry's shooting. However, we found no federal ballistics information confirming that the bullet that killed Terry was fired from one of the guns.
-- From the political"Fact" site offered by Tranny in his previous post.

AND . . .
So, it appears to be undisputed that two Fast and Furious guns were present at Terry's killing.
Same source.

So, it may be that the ballistics link to the murder weapon does not exist. But the link to Fast and Furious, overall, is UNDENIABLE. The fucking guns were found AT the scene of the murder.

Tranny, you have always been and will forever be a dishonest hack. Propagandist vermin like you exist only to make others laugh at your transparent failure.
Not true. One women died during the GWB shutdown.

Also refuted. She was taken by the EMTs ALREADY having no life signs. None during transport. None on arrival. The FAMILY spoke out and said that they believe that the poor old woman was dead even before the EMTs got her (which was not a delay situation caused by the Bridge thing).

Thus, my claim remains un-refuted. NOBODY died during the bridge scandal incident.

By the way: people COULD have died due to the massive imbecility of shutting down those lanes which would be criminal especially when done for petty partian political payback reasons.

I am not even remotely defending what happened NOR the reasons for it. All I am saying is that there is no evidence that the governor was behind it AND (fortuitously) nobody DID die because of it.

Nice squirm there, Ilar.

Moving on since we are never going to agree and it isn't worth wasting time over let's discuss this apparent "lack of evidence" instead.

1. Christie has lawyered up with the absolute best that the NJ taxpayers can afford.

2. Bridget Kelly is not a credible ring leader.

3. Wildstein is looking for immunity meaning that he has something to deal in order to obtain it.

4. Christie claimed not to have had any contact with Wildstein and yet on Day 3 of the shutdown a photo has surfaced showing the two of them together.

5. Why did Christie not question Kelly before he fired her?

6. What about the hard physical evidence of Christie enacting retribution against the mayors of Jersey City and Hoboken?

No squirm at all. Your false label simply carries no weight.

I said no deaths were associated with the Bridgegate (II) Scandal. I remain correct. YOUR contention is the one that was not supported. The fault lies not in the stars. It lies in your willingness to say stuff absent valid proof.

We don't know that the governor has lawyered up. He HAS sought the advice of counsel and the REASON he has done so is (as it got reported) so that HE can engage in an appropriate INVESTIGATION. He IS the governor. He probably has a duty to investigate this shit.

I have no idea why you claim that Kelly is not a credible ring leader. Maybe she is. Maybe she's not. YOUR say so alone is not proof, however, either way.

Seeking immunity might mean that Wildstein has NOTHING to "deal" but it MIGHT, by contrast, mean, perhaps, that he simply has an abundance of culpability?

If the governor met with Wildstein that does not mean the discussion was about the bridge shutdown OR that the political motivation underlying the bridge shutdown was known to the governor.

Why would the governor HAVE to question Wildstein if he already had enough information to be dissatisfied with Wildstein?

what about that alleged "hard" evidence? A couple of politicians SAY some shit and THAT constitutes "hard" "evidence?'

I personally don't care all that much. I do not live in NJ and I am not a Christie supporter, in any event. If he goes down, in terms of the GOP's future Presidential nominee, I am actually pleased. What I DON'T like is the orchestration of a smear campaign by the liberal Democratics which comes BEFORE there IS any actual hard evidence.
Not true. One women died during the GWB shutdown.

Also refuted. She was taken by the EMTs ALREADY having no life signs. None during transport. None on arrival. The FAMILY spoke out and said that they believe that the poor old woman was dead even before the EMTs got her (which was not a delay situation caused by the Bridge thing).

Thus, my claim remains un-refuted. NOBODY died during the bridge scandal incident.

By the way: people COULD have died due to the massive imbecility of shutting down those lanes which would be criminal especially when done for petty partian political payback reasons.

I am not even remotely defending what happened NOR the reasons for it. All I am saying is that there is no evidence that the governor was behind it AND (fortuitously) nobody DID die because of it.

Nice squirm there, Ilar.

Moving on since we are never going to agree and it isn't worth wasting time over let's discuss this apparent "lack of evidence" instead.

1. Christie has lawyered up with the absolute best that the NJ taxpayers can afford.

2. Bridget Kelly is not a credible ring leader.

3. Wildstein is looking for immunity meaning that he has something to deal in order to obtain it.

4. Christie claimed not to have had any contact with Wildstein and yet on Day 3 of the shutdown a photo has surfaced showing the two of them together.

5. Why did Christie not question Kelly before he fired her?

6. What about the hard physical evidence of Christie enacting retribution against the mayors of Jersey City and Hoboken?

you do realize the state, in investigating this, has also hired the best lawyers the taxpayers can afford.

do you have a problem with that?
Also refuted. She was taken by the EMTs ALREADY having no life signs. None during transport. None on arrival. The FAMILY spoke out and said that they believe that the poor old woman was dead even before the EMTs got her (which was not a delay situation caused by the Bridge thing).

Thus, my claim remains un-refuted. NOBODY died during the bridge scandal incident.

By the way: people COULD have died due to the massive imbecility of shutting down those lanes which would be criminal especially when done for petty partian political payback reasons.

I am not even remotely defending what happened NOR the reasons for it. All I am saying is that there is no evidence that the governor was behind it AND (fortuitously) nobody DID die because of it.

Nice squirm there, Ilar.

Moving on since we are never going to agree and it isn't worth wasting time over let's discuss this apparent "lack of evidence" instead.

1. Christie has lawyered up with the absolute best that the NJ taxpayers can afford.

2. Bridget Kelly is not a credible ring leader.

3. Wildstein is looking for immunity meaning that he has something to deal in order to obtain it.

4. Christie claimed not to have had any contact with Wildstein and yet on Day 3 of the shutdown a photo has surfaced showing the two of them together.

5. Why did Christie not question Kelly before he fired her?

6. What about the hard physical evidence of Christie enacting retribution against the mayors of Jersey City and Hoboken?

No squirm at all. Your false label simply carries no weight.

I said no deaths were associated with the Bridgegate (II) Scandal. I remain correct. YOUR contention is the one that was not supported. The fault lies not in the stars. It lies in your willingness to say stuff absent valid proof.
She died and it was associated with the GWB traffic debacle. End of story. Period.
We don't know that the governor has lawyered up. He HAS sought the advice of counsel and the REASON he has done so is (as it got reported) so that HE can engage in an appropriate INVESTIGATION. He IS the governor. He probably has a duty to investigate this shit.

TRENTON — As the New Jersey Assembly voted unanimously on Thursday to authorize an investigation into abuses of power by Gov. Chris Christie’s administration, Mr. Christie seemed to be maneuvering against the inquiry, hiring a high-powered defense lawyer and resisting questions about whether he would cooperate with the Legislature’s efforts.

I have no idea why you claim that Kelly is not a credible ring leader. Maybe she is. Maybe she's not. YOUR say so alone is not proof, however, either way.
Christie admitted that he never questioned the alleged ringleader of the GWB shutdown prior to firing her. That says that Christie already knew everything that she knew about it. Ergo she never lied to him as Christie alleged in the press conference.

If she was the ringleader then what was her motive? To impress her boss would be the most obvious one. That would mean that she would have gone to him and told him what she had done which means that Christie is lying about not knowing anything about this.

Either way Christie is implicated.
Seeking immunity might mean that Wildstein has NOTHING to "deal" but it MIGHT, by contrast, mean, perhaps, that he simply has an abundance of culpability?
In order to gain immunity you have to offer the authorities something of value. What he has is still speculative but he obviously has something or his lawyer would be looking to cop a plea instead.
If the governor met with Wildstein that does not mean the discussion was about the bridge shutdown OR that the political motivation underlying the bridge shutdown was known to the governor.
Misdirection. It goes to the credibility of Christie in the news conference. He said that he hadn't seen Wildstein and yet there is hard evidence that he did.
Why would the governor HAVE to question Wildstein if he already had enough information to be dissatisfied with Wildstein?
I never said that he didn't question Wildstein. I said that he didn't question Kelly.
what about that alleged "hard" evidence? A couple of politicians SAY some shit and THAT constitutes "hard" "evidence?'
The hard evidence is in the form of emails.
I personally don't care all that much. I do not live in NJ and I am not a Christie supporter, in any event. If he goes down, in terms of the GOP's future Presidential nominee, I am actually pleased. What I DON'T like is the orchestration of a smear campaign by the liberal Democratics which comes BEFORE there IS any actual hard evidence.

The hard evidence already exists. Denying that it exists doesn't make it go away and turn this into a "smear campaign".

The irony here is that this is entirely self inflicted by Christie. Either he did it or he fostered it but it is a mistake on his part and it is going to delay his ambitions for the WH by at least 4 years in my opinion.
Also refuted. She was taken by the EMTs ALREADY having no life signs. None during transport. None on arrival. The FAMILY spoke out and said that they believe that the poor old woman was dead even before the EMTs got her (which was not a delay situation caused by the Bridge thing).

Thus, my claim remains un-refuted. NOBODY died during the bridge scandal incident.

By the way: people COULD have died due to the massive imbecility of shutting down those lanes which would be criminal especially when done for petty partian political payback reasons.

I am not even remotely defending what happened NOR the reasons for it. All I am saying is that there is no evidence that the governor was behind it AND (fortuitously) nobody DID die because of it.

Nice squirm there, Ilar.

Moving on since we are never going to agree and it isn't worth wasting time over let's discuss this apparent "lack of evidence" instead.

1. Christie has lawyered up with the absolute best that the NJ taxpayers can afford.

2. Bridget Kelly is not a credible ring leader.

3. Wildstein is looking for immunity meaning that he has something to deal in order to obtain it.

4. Christie claimed not to have had any contact with Wildstein and yet on Day 3 of the shutdown a photo has surfaced showing the two of them together.

5. Why did Christie not question Kelly before he fired her?

6. What about the hard physical evidence of Christie enacting retribution against the mayors of Jersey City and Hoboken?

you do realize the state, in investigating this, has also hired the best lawyers the taxpayers can afford.

do you have a problem with that?

The state hired lawyer is working for a paltry $350/hr. That is less than a partner in a law firm would earn here in NJ.

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