You know something is wrong when your enemy supports you

Combine all that with our unwavering support of everything Israel does and life just gets easier and easier at the Al-Qaeda recruiting office.

Well..this really isn't true anymore...At least that my opinion and many others. I don't believe Obama or anyone else in his little circle of friends support Isreal at all. We'll find out one of these days i guess, but i'll be very surprised if the US helps Isreal at all when the time comes. It's really sad...and it'll be sad for the US too!

I'd love to sit here and say US taxpayer dollars are only used to benefit the US taxpayer and not just funneled into Israel.

Personally I could care less what the p-r machine and rhetoric is that comes out of the Obama admin. Facts are they're still getting all the money and weapons from the US that their hearts desire, same as under the Bush admin.

I'd rather have our dollars going to Isreal than to alot of the crap that obama does with it!

I think the only reason money is still going to Isreal is because obama knows he can't just cut them off completely without having a whole lot of people get pissed. Look how he talks about them...he could care less. When he gets the chance, he will stop all aid to Isreal, and that's when all hell is going to break loose.
In before morons say "I can't trust that source! It's not CNN or Fox News!"

I know but it doesn't make it false.
Al-Qaida, an American creation used to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, has supported U.S. plans to destabilize Africa and the Middle East for years.

A senior member of al Qaida urged Libyan rebels to continue their fight againstMuammar Gaddafi and warned of the consequences of defeat, in a videotaped message posted on Jihadi websites, the Qatar-based Gulf News reported on Sunday.

U.S. created Al-Qaida. Al-Qaeda supports rebels in Libya «

So I guess we don't have to worry about Gaddafi turning over his weapons to bin Laden, as was the spin by some of you folks last week. What a relief.
Something is not right about what we are doing.

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

I asked the question a week ago if anyone knew whom the 'Rebels' were...

They're a bunch of paupers who are tired of seeing the rich get richer and the poor get poorer (sounds familiar). If they were al-Qaeda, they would have been trained and know how to shoot straight.
Something is not right about what we are doing.

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

I asked the question a week ago if anyone knew whom the 'Rebels' were...

Strange isn't it? Way back in the day we knew who are enemy was and stayed the course until they surrendered or died now we make them our friends.:eusa_whistle:

You mean like when Saddam Hussein was our friend, and we supplied him with arms up the wazoo to fight Iran in the 80's, then became our enemy and had him hung?
Something is not right about what we are doing.

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

So I assume you are stating your support of Qaddafi?

Why do you support his regime?

Did Qaddafi have two planes fly into the twin towers? If you support the rebels you are suupporting al Qaeda

So you support Qadaffi? I figured

The Lockerby families must love you
Ive had a bad feeling about this war from the beginning. I feel like there are tons of questions but zero answers.

The Administration has fundamentally transformed the USA
Good guys =Jihadist
Bad Guys = constitutionalists and returning vets.
I suggest you do some quick research to discover just how many new benefits the Obama Administration had provided veterans. With that ignorant statement, anything else you say is, of course, discredited.
Allies = muslim brotherhood .
terrorist = teaparties.
Victims= rapacious unions.
oppressors =tax payers.

Dont worry DHLS was purchased enough ammo to kill 200 million Americans.

Funny, I don't recall criticism of ammo supplies nor any other type of weaponry when your guy was making his own little wars. Referring to your idiotic assumption, however, my own idiotic response is perhaps DHS needs to be prepared for your own treasonous revolution. Ya think? :lol:
Something is not right about what we are doing.

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

Coalition of Crusaders join with al Qaeda to oust Qaddafi and roll back Libyan Revolution

I asked the question a week ago if anyone knew whom the 'Rebels' were...

They're a bunch of paupers who are tired of seeing the rich get richer and the poor get poorer (sounds familiar). If they were al-Qaeda, they would have been trained and know how to shoot straight.
AQ is one of many looking to capitalize on the chaos

I suspect it's one of the reasons we went in, though we don't mention it to the press
As I said from the beginning - this will turn into a complete clown act resulting in a major cluster-f*ck by the time this is done.
I read this morning where NATO leaders haven't "finalized the decision" as to whether they will take control of the operation...however both Clinton and Obama have already given them praise for doing so - and they haven't even accepted responsibility yet!!!!!!!!!!
As the saying goes - "when no one is in charge - everyone is in charge"

Yemen is a million times more important than this, Bahrain is a half million times more important than this - and both are virtually being ignored.

None of the other countries in the region is being "ignored." Just because you didn't get the memos, doesn't mean both the Pentagon and State Departments aren't completely on top of the situations everywhere. Maybe you should switch channels and listen to more of CNN, which has up-to-the-minute reports from ALL those countries, not just dribs and drabs between commentary by talking heads.
By sowing chaos, the door is opened for new rulers.

The dictators will be replaced by a theocracy.

American unions think they will garner power in these countries by organizing the workers. Little do they know that muslims get thier orders from mullahs and the only way to prevent that is with brutal dictators.

So we should have continued to prop up all the dictators?
Hitler hated the communists... bigreb hates communists...

so using his 'logic' (for want of a better word)...

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