Whether you know it or not revolution is already underway.

What is you people’s problem?

What are you being denied?

What is it you want to do but can’t?
The problem with MAGA is they can't understand why the rest of 1st world is generally happy...

France's biggest problem with Marcon is that he is center right rather than center or center left.

UK is still trying to admit that Brexit was a huge mistake that should be reversed ASAP...

After that, stuff is going along as usual..

US major problem is income inequality because someone created disparate media makets by repaealing the Firness Doctrine, then did a number with the trickle down economics (voodoo economics)...

Now a bunch of people see that there life is shit but they are still watching Fox News... So they said the reason it is bad is because of the evil Democrats and foreigners...

There is no breaking the Red Media Wall.... It is how they keep control...

Look at the posters here, they are bought in... There is no common sense or any reasoning with them. Any one not 100% into the tribe is evil and we will not reason with evil...
Didn't get the memo about the brown acid.
Everything appears to be in place for a revolution. US borders are becoming processing centers for replacement citizens who will follow instructions and vote for the revolution. US voters were and are not complying with the Saul Alinsky playbook of turning a free society inside out to divide it and destroy it by attacking its core strengths.

The election of a president in 2016 signaling a repudiation of "the old is new" idea of cultural Marxism threw the American power structure into a final push to load up the Enola Gay and drop the wokeness bomb of nuclear political righteousness on a recalcitrant population. What we are witnessing is a Manhatten project to take out those who resist global wokeness by leveling their karma once and for all.

It isn't working so killing the upstart by encouraging assassination is still on the table. Telling the people that half the country doesn't understand that the US will end if the former president succeeds is a strategy to incite murder as a last resort. They are unable to get enough non-citizen voters into the country fast enough so bullets are the only method to get the outcome they desire. The people see this and it is almost a lead pipe cinch the deposed leader is coming back. That is if they don't kill him first.

If Trump survives he will once again sit in the big chair.

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America wants, bought and paid for its own destruction. Dems have organizations overseas to organize this weaponized migration. The head of our homeland security, Mayorkas was born in Cuba and trained at Berkeley. America can't impeach a corrupt president, Mayorkas or anyone that needs removal if its life depended on it...and it does. Give me some time and I will see if I have any more fucks left to give. But from what I can tell...America is finished! It is just a matter of time. Americans aren't strong or smart enough to keep America any longer.

hannity marksman group.jpg
Our cities have devolved due to prog policies , we're in two proxy wars due to prog policies, our economy has suffered due to prog policies. Our elections aren't secure due to prog policies.....You name the issue, it's a problem due to PROG policies.

The 2020 election was the most secure election ever according to Trumpybears hand pick guy Chris Krebs. The economy does better under Democrats. Neo-Cons GWB and Dick Cheney got into two hot wars.

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