You Lie! Should We Apologize To Joe Wilson?


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2012
So. Cal.
Remember when Congressman Joe Wilson shouted "You lie" during Obama's State of the Union speech when he was lying about his healthcare plan? Everyone demanded an apology, and he in fact DID apologize. Now that we know the POTUS has been lying about every aspect of it all along, don't we owe Joe Wilson an apology now?

[ame=]GOP Rep. to Obama: 'You Lie!' - YouTube[/ame]
Didn't he say this in response to the statement that "lllegal aliens won't be insured"?

Is what Obama said false?
Joe Wilson was the first person to claim the Obama lies. Americans are now facing the great possibility that indeed he does. We don't owe Joe Wilson an apology for doubting him, some may say he owes the president an apology for interrupting his speech.

If anyone feels they owe him an apology, I think they should search the internet for a way to get in touch with Mr. Wilson and thank him for the warning.
Joe Wilson was the first person to claim the Obama lies. Americans are now facing the great possibility that indeed he does. We don't owe Joe Wilson an apology for doubting him, some may say he owes the president an apology for interrupting his speech.

If anyone feels they owe him an apology, I think they should search the internet for a way to get in touch with Mr. Wilson and thank him for the warning.
He DID apologize for the outburst, but all the liberals in the media were crucifying him for it anyway. Now that they know Obama is a liar, they should at least acknowledge that Wilson was right - Obama lies.
It looks like Democrats only vote for liars...especially Presidents.
Didn't he say this in response to the statement that "lllegal aliens won't be insured"?

Is what Obama said false?
Technically, they're not supposed to be covered, but they will still get free healthcare when they go to the emergency room. And I'm sure our president will find a way to get them insurance as well through his usual sleight of hand, like prohibiting insurance providers from asking about their citizenship status. He will pay any price for a vote, it's not his money.
Dont need to apologize. It was obvious he was telling the truth. I never criticized him for it.
Dont need to apologize. It was obvious he was telling the truth. I never criticized him for it.
I'm talking about those who publicly raked him over the coals for blurting out the truth. I think they should apologize.
Didn't he say this in response to the statement that "lllegal aliens won't be insured"?

Is what Obama said false?
Technically, they're not supposed to be covered, but they will still get free healthcare when they go to the emergency room. And I'm sure our president will find a way to get them insurance as well through his usual sleight of hand, like prohibiting insurance providers from asking about their citizenship status. He will pay any price for a vote, it's not his money.

So that's your way of saying no, Obama didn't lie about that statement.

Got it.
Didn't he say this in response to the statement that "lllegal aliens won't be insured"?

Is what Obama said false?
Technically, they're not supposed to be covered, but they will still get free healthcare when they go to the emergency room. And I'm sure our president will find a way to get them insurance as well through his usual sleight of hand, like prohibiting insurance providers from asking about their citizenship status. He will pay any price for a vote, it's not his money.

So that's your way of saying no, Obama didn't lie about that statement.

Got it.
Better wait a while before saying that. He's a liar, that's already been established. We've only seen the tip of the iceberg.
Wow, it really sounds like you guys would be fine with impeaching him on these grounds. Off the top of my head, Cherokee Nation v. United States, and the Iran-contra affair involved LARGE lies. Obama attempted to pass legislation with the intent of society as a whole, but because of stiff self-interest the legislation is extremely watered down.
Wow, it really sounds like you guys would be fine with impeaching him on these grounds. Off the top of my head, Cherokee Nation v. United States, and the Iran-contra affair involved LARGE lies. Obama attempted to pass legislation with the intent of society as a whole, but because of stiff self-interest the legislation is extremely watered down.
I would be fine with impeaching him for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Wow, it really sounds like you guys would be fine with impeaching him on these grounds. Off the top of my head, Cherokee Nation v. United States, and the Iran-contra affair involved LARGE lies. Obama attempted to pass legislation with the intent of society as a whole, but because of stiff self-interest the legislation is extremely watered down.
I would be fine with impeaching him for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Cool, I hope you have legitimate source, citations, etc. The political system is set up to be a direct representation of the people. People who vote are generally 51+, young people don't vote, because they lack faith in government. To quote Alexis Tocqueville "Americans get the government they deserve."
Wow, it really sounds like you guys would be fine with impeaching him on these grounds. Off the top of my head, Cherokee Nation v. United States, and the Iran-contra affair involved LARGE lies. Obama attempted to pass legislation with the intent of society as a whole, but because of stiff self-interest the legislation is extremely watered down.
I would be fine with impeaching him for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Cool, I hope you have legitimate source, citations, etc. The political system is set up to be a direct representation of the people. People who vote are generally 51+, young people don't vote, because they lack faith in government. To quote Alexis Tocqueville "Americans get the government they deserve."
That was true at one time, before high tech voter fraud and a flood of immigrants (legal and otherwise) who haven't a clue about our history or even freedom or liberty.
I would be fine with impeaching him for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Cool, I hope you have legitimate source, citations, etc. The political system is set up to be a direct representation of the people. People who vote are generally 51+, young people don't vote, because they lack faith in government. To quote Alexis Tocqueville "Americans get the government they deserve."
That was true at one time, before high tech voter fraud and a flood of immigrants (legal and otherwise) who haven't a clue about our history or even freedom or liberty.

Well then, the debate aside, let us mourn for the death of democracy.

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