You Lie! Should We Apologize To Joe Wilson?

Wow, it really sounds like you guys would be fine with impeaching him on these grounds. Off the top of my head, Cherokee Nation v. United States, and the Iran-contra affair involved LARGE lies. Obama attempted to pass legislation with the intent of society as a whole, but because of stiff self-interest the legislation is extremely watered down.

That's always going to be the case. The Legislation pretty much contradicts every principle it claims to support, through corruption, exception, and special interest. That's why we limit Government. Rewarding stupidity is..... well.... stupid. ;)
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I would be fine with impeaching him for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

Other high crimes??? Obama committed a crime? Why wasn't he arrested? Guess he paid off the police. too?

I'm getting really sick and tired of EVERY president continually being threatened with impeachment.

That's a fascist ploy ... to use any means possible to defeat your political foes. How about voting him out? Oh, you don't have the votes? Then make up a bunch of garbage about him and eventually something will stck.

... But don't ever complain to me about fascism ... .
Joe Wilson was the first person to claim the Obama lies. Americans are now facing the great possibility that indeed he does. We don't owe Joe Wilson an apology for doubting him, some may say he owes the president an apology for interrupting his speech.

If anyone feels they owe him an apology, I think they should search the internet for a way to get in touch with Mr. Wilson and thank him for the warning.

The Possibility?...

He Lied about keeping your Doctor and your Healthcare Plan... "PERIOD". :thup:


Wow, it really sounds like you guys would be fine with impeaching him on these grounds. Off the top of my head, Cherokee Nation v. United States, and the Iran-contra affair involved LARGE lies. Obama attempted to pass legislation with the intent of society as a whole, but because of stiff self-interest the legislation is extremely watered down.
I would be fine with impeaching him for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

It's too late to impeach Reagan.
Didn't he say this in response to the statement that "lllegal aliens won't be insured"?

Is what Obama said false?
Technically, they're not supposed to be covered, but they will still get free healthcare when they go to the emergency room. And I'm sure our president will find a way to get them insurance as well through his usual sleight of hand, like prohibiting insurance providers from asking about their citizenship status. He will pay any price for a vote, it's not his money.

I love it when the inmates have to manufacture a fantasy scenario in order to make their bullshit sound believable.
Wow, it really sounds like you guys would be fine with impeaching him on these grounds. Off the top of my head, Cherokee Nation v. United States, and the Iran-contra affair involved LARGE lies. Obama attempted to pass legislation with the intent of society as a whole, but because of stiff self-interest the legislation is extremely watered down.
I would be fine with impeaching him for treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors.

It's too late to impeach Reagan.

Does being an Obama Apologist ever get Exhausting?...


Hmmm, lies. Other lies: ACA kills jobs; guts medicare; creates death panels; leads to govt takeover; worse than slavery.

Hyperpartisanship is alive in both parties.
He shouldn't have said what he said in the venue he said it

Had he not said it then, none of us would have remembered it and probably would not have even known about it.

It just troubles me that the American people are this stupid. What hope can there be with retards like the ones we have in Virginia?
Hmmm, lies. Other lies: ACA kills jobs; guts medicare; creates death panels; leads to govt takeover; worse than slavery.

Hyperpartisanship is alive in both parties.

Did you have links to "Worse than Slavery"?...

As for a Government Take over... Is the Fed now or are they not Dictating People's Coverage?...

Sounds like they Took over... And it will Progress.

As for Death Panels... They already Exist in the Testing Ground for ObamaCare which is Kaiser.

At some point Kaiser Decides they are no longer going to Rehab you and pay for it... They send you to Hospice to Die.


My Mom was one of those People under Medicare. I paid $6,000 out of pocket to send her to Rehab and she Lived for another year and met my 2nd Born.

Had Kaiser had their way she would have been Dead a year Earlier.

That VERY thing is what will happened under ObamaCare.


He shouldn't have said what he said in the venue he said it


If you read my posts, and you must since we are in many of the same threads, my hatred of Obama and the Democrats is not questionable. But seriously, you want to have speeches devolve now to yelling liar and insults during speeches? Isn't DC already angry and divided enough? You open that door, and the Democrats will bury you with it like they do everything else. They are fanatics.
Remember when Congressman Joe Wilson shouted "You lie" during Obama's State of the Union speech when he was lying about his healthcare plan? Everyone demanded an apology, and he in fact DID apologize. Now that we know the POTUS has been lying about every aspect of it all along, don't we owe Joe Wilson an apology now?

GOP Rep. to Obama: 'You Lie!' - YouTube

Does ObamaCare insure illegal immigrants?
He shouldn't have said what he said in the venue he said it

Had he not said it then, none of us would have remembered it and probably would not have even known about it.

It just troubles me that the American people are this stupid. What hope can there be with retards like the ones we have in Virginia?

I agree, but he said it and the American people are still this stupid. I just don't see how anything is served by opening another door of open verbal anger. And again, you will lose, the Democrats are fanatical ideologues. Once we start the insults actually during speeches, they will bury you.

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