You Mean That Government Employees Can't Save Money&Have No Credit Line.Awe,This Is So Sad !!

Correct, not everyone is me. But the point I'm making is everybody could be me. It's just a matter of what risks you took in life, what obligations you decided to get involved with, and nobody put you in that position. You made the choices on your own unless it involves some sort of hardship like the economy or medical problems.

Our oldest daughters babysit (a lot) half what they make goes into the bank without fail. They have quite the nest eggs built up and they're learning how to save

That's rare these days. More and more people don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. When I was younger, everybody saved. Today it seems like younger people waste a lot and spend a lot.

For instance my tenants downstairs from me. They leave their basement light burning 24/7. It's the middle of winter and they always leave their doors open. In our county, they have a program where they will send a company out and insulate your walls for free. They are very generous with the qualifications. Since none of my apartments have wall insulation, I gave at least seven tenants that information, and only one of them called about the program. They didn't qualify, but at least they tried. The others? Didn't bother to pick up the phone or send an email.

I don't understand it. I watch younger people in front of me at the store. They use their debit card for two dollar purchases. In most cases, they throw away the receipt before they even leave the store. Me? I keep all my receipts and put them in my wallet. When they become annoying, I take those receipts and deduct them from my checking account so I have an idea what I spent and how much I have in the account.
Debit cards send copies of receipts to email addresses now. I use electronic coupons and receipts are delivered electronically.I do all my banking and bill paying electronically through the internet..

Yes, my bank does the same. But I keep paper trails of everything. In the past, I've caught mistakes by the bank or myself. I don't believe however that younger people do any of that. They throw their receipt in the garbage and only look at their balance when they get their statement.
the laws they have now do not allow special treatment only what the debt to income ratio qualifies for loans.
I don't think you know what kids do since you have no way of knowing.

Trust me, I know. I don't have any kids, but I do have a niece and nephew. I come from a large family on my father side, and my cousins all have kids along with stories about them.
I’ve always thought this was odd.

We routinely have government shutdowns, shouldn’t federal employees have saved up some money for when these occur.

When the government shuts down use your savings. When you get your back pay put the money you used from savings back. You’ll have a perpetual self insurance fund

And you can do the same living on credit. Yes, you have to pay a minimum on the balance, but it's not that much. Then when you get that backpay, put it all on your credit whatever that may be.
So you're saying that these ICE, Border Patrol, TSA workers should have to get loans to survive on until Trump's tantrum is over???
For instance my tenants downstairs from me. They leave their basement light burning 24/7. It's the middle of winter and they always leave their doors open.

I have spent considerable time with people of no financial means other than taxpayer provided means.. I have noted on several occasions where these people have also left doors and windows wide open during very cold winter months, with multiple heaters provided to them were on full heat. These people were receiving 100% subsidies to pay their electric bills for them. These were not disabled persons nor elderly. I saw their electric bills and they often exceeded $800 where in the same area typical electric bills for those paying their own bills would be under $100 for the same period.
These were areas of very low income.

I can only surmise that they developed an attitude that electricity and the other subsidies they received were of no cost to anyone.
They either did not understand that "someone" had to pay for their "free" electricity and other welfare subsidies, or they did understand but did this out of spite.
Our oldest daughters babysit (a lot) half what they make goes into the bank without fail. They have quite the nest eggs built up and they're learning how to save

That's rare these days. More and more people don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. When I was younger, everybody saved. Today it seems like younger people waste a lot and spend a lot.

For instance my tenants downstairs from me. They leave their basement light burning 24/7. It's the middle of winter and they always leave their doors open. In our county, they have a program where they will send a company out and insulate your walls for free. They are very generous with the qualifications. Since none of my apartments have wall insulation, I gave at least seven tenants that information, and only one of them called about the program. They didn't qualify, but at least they tried. The others? Didn't bother to pick up the phone or send an email.

I don't understand it. I watch younger people in front of me at the store. They use their debit card for two dollar purchases. In most cases, they throw away the receipt before they even leave the store. Me? I keep all my receipts and put them in my wallet. When they become annoying, I take those receipts and deduct them from my checking account so I have an idea what I spent and how much I have in the account.
Debit cards send copies of receipts to email addresses now. I use electronic coupons and receipts are delivered electronically.I do all my banking and bill paying electronically through the internet..

Yes, my bank does the same. But I keep paper trails of everything. In the past, I've caught mistakes by the bank or myself. I don't believe however that younger people do any of that. They throw their receipt in the garbage and only look at their balance when they get their statement.
the laws they have now do not allow special treatment only what the debt to income ratio qualifies for loans.
I don't think you know what kids do since you have no way of knowing.

Trust me, I know. I don't have any kids, but I do have a niece and nephew. I come from a large family on my father side, and my cousins all have kids along with stories about them.
You don't have kids?

All I can say is "Thank God".
That's rare these days. More and more people don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. When I was younger, everybody saved. Today it seems like younger people waste a lot and spend a lot.

For instance my tenants downstairs from me. They leave their basement light burning 24/7. It's the middle of winter and they always leave their doors open. In our county, they have a program where they will send a company out and insulate your walls for free. They are very generous with the qualifications. Since none of my apartments have wall insulation, I gave at least seven tenants that information, and only one of them called about the program. They didn't qualify, but at least they tried. The others? Didn't bother to pick up the phone or send an email.

I don't understand it. I watch younger people in front of me at the store. They use their debit card for two dollar purchases. In most cases, they throw away the receipt before they even leave the store. Me? I keep all my receipts and put them in my wallet. When they become annoying, I take those receipts and deduct them from my checking account so I have an idea what I spent and how much I have in the account.
Debit cards send copies of receipts to email addresses now. I use electronic coupons and receipts are delivered electronically.I do all my banking and bill paying electronically through the internet..

Yes, my bank does the same. But I keep paper trails of everything. In the past, I've caught mistakes by the bank or myself. I don't believe however that younger people do any of that. They throw their receipt in the garbage and only look at their balance when they get their statement.
the laws they have now do not allow special treatment only what the debt to income ratio qualifies for loans.
I don't think you know what kids do since you have no way of knowing.

Trust me, I know. I don't have any kids, but I do have a niece and nephew. I come from a large family on my father side, and my cousins all have kids along with stories about them.
You don't have kids?

All I can say is "Thank God".

Why? From what I can tell he'd raise winnners not whiners.
That's rare these days. More and more people don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. When I was younger, everybody saved. Today it seems like younger people waste a lot and spend a lot.

For instance my tenants downstairs from me. They leave their basement light burning 24/7. It's the middle of winter and they always leave their doors open. In our county, they have a program where they will send a company out and insulate your walls for free. They are very generous with the qualifications. Since none of my apartments have wall insulation, I gave at least seven tenants that information, and only one of them called about the program. They didn't qualify, but at least they tried. The others? Didn't bother to pick up the phone or send an email.

I don't understand it. I watch younger people in front of me at the store. They use their debit card for two dollar purchases. In most cases, they throw away the receipt before they even leave the store. Me? I keep all my receipts and put them in my wallet. When they become annoying, I take those receipts and deduct them from my checking account so I have an idea what I spent and how much I have in the account.
Debit cards send copies of receipts to email addresses now. I use electronic coupons and receipts are delivered electronically.I do all my banking and bill paying electronically through the internet..

Yes, my bank does the same. But I keep paper trails of everything. In the past, I've caught mistakes by the bank or myself. I don't believe however that younger people do any of that. They throw their receipt in the garbage and only look at their balance when they get their statement.
the laws they have now do not allow special treatment only what the debt to income ratio qualifies for loans.
I don't think you know what kids do since you have no way of knowing.

Trust me, I know. I don't have any kids, but I do have a niece and nephew. I come from a large family on my father side, and my cousins all have kids along with stories about them.
You don't have kids?

All I can say is "Thank God".

And I say the same thing. At least I don't have to live check to check and cry when something doesn't work out perfectly.
We have a lot of younger married couples in our church. They are choosing not to have kids because they instead have careers and want nice things and some travel a lot. A growing trend.
So you're saying that these ICE, Border Patrol, TSA workers should have to get loans to survive on until Trump's tantrum is over???

How is it Trump's tantrum and not Piglosi or Shoemakers tantrum as well? I know Trump took responsibility, but it takes two to tango, and either side could end this if they like.
For instance my tenants downstairs from me. They leave their basement light burning 24/7. It's the middle of winter and they always leave their doors open.

I have spent considerable time with people of no financial means other than taxpayer provided means.. I have noted on several occasions where these people have also left doors and windows wide open during very cold winter months, with multiple heaters provided to them were on full heat. These people were receiving 100% subsidies to pay their electric bills for them. These were not disabled persons nor elderly. I saw their electric bills and they often exceeded $800 where in the same area typical electric bills for those paying their own bills would be under $100 for the same period.
These were areas of very low income.

I can only surmise that they developed an attitude that electricity and the other subsidies they received were of no cost to anyone.
They either did not understand that "someone" had to pay for their "free" electricity and other welfare subsidies, or they did understand but did this out of spite.

They did it out of irresponsibility because they weren't paying for it. I had some HUD people move in next door years ago, and when it got too warm in their apartment, they opened the windows instead of turning down the heat. The one girl that had the apartment would leave for weeks at a time; snow blowing in through her window. Why should she care? The rest of the paying customers are paying her heat bill as well.
Ray is correct. Both sides are acting like petulant little kids. Congrats to our president and house leaders on displaying leadership during a disagreement.
Private sector has oodles of jobs.
Shit jobs that takes weeks if not months to get and then takes weeks to get paid.
so only the lowest paid employees are getting the shaft? including government restroom cleaners and burger chefs? thats it? but all those who make over 50,000 a year will keep their jobs, right? and this is a crisis?
If you live in an area where it is expensive to live it is, could you live without any income for over a month?

I could live several months without income. You have to have a nest egg these days in case anything goes wrong. Every responsible person should do just that.
you see, when we hear the term "Government Employee", we just assume those are positions of higher pay than the average American,,right? these people are doing so well,never have to worry about their financial status,always have a job,,etc,....well,,i guess not.
The point is people are working and NOT BEING PAID! Do you work? Are you getting paid?

If you are STFU, :ahole-1:
Shit jobs that takes weeks if not months to get and then takes weeks to get paid.
so only the lowest paid employees are getting the shaft? including government restroom cleaners and burger chefs? thats it? but all those who make over 50,000 a year will keep their jobs, right? and this is a crisis?
If you live in an area where it is expensive to live it is, could you live without any income for over a month?

I could live several months without income. You have to have a nest egg these days in case anything goes wrong. Every responsible person should do just that.
you see, when we hear the term "Government Employee", we just assume those are positions of higher pay than the average American,,right? these people are doing so well,never have to worry about their financial status,always have a job,,etc,....well,,i guess not.

Several years ago our Governor (Kasich) went after government workers to break up the unions. In heated discussions, I did some research on government workers, city, state, federal. They don't make less in wages compared to the private sector, they make about the same. The huge benefit (and most costly) are the perks.
So what?
It's never a good idea to be dependent on one source of income.
so only the lowest paid employees are getting the shaft? including government restroom cleaners and burger chefs? thats it? but all those who make over 50,000 a year will keep their jobs, right? and this is a crisis?
If you live in an area where it is expensive to live it is, could you live without any income for over a month?

I could live several months without income. You have to have a nest egg these days in case anything goes wrong. Every responsible person should do just that.
you see, when we hear the term "Government Employee", we just assume those are positions of higher pay than the average American,,right? these people are doing so well,never have to worry about their financial status,always have a job,,etc,....well,,i guess not.

Several years ago our Governor (Kasich) went after government workers to break up the unions. In heated discussions, I did some research on government workers, city, state, federal. They don't make less in wages compared to the private sector, they make about the same. The huge benefit (and most costly) are the perks.
So what?

So what is that government workers are still better taken care of than most other workers in the private sector. They should be the last ones to complain when something doesn't go their way. In the private sector, we have layoffs when the economy or business is doing badly. In the government sector, you have shutdowns when things can't be worked out. There is no reason why one side should get so much sympathy and the other side not.

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