You okay with this cyberattack on the North Korea missile?


Dim Bulb

I guess the positives are to show North Korea we're on them like white on rice (forgive me) and that we have more power than they can imagine. Or even if they can't track our hack, they can wonder whether we were behind it.

On the negative side, this was a silly little solid fuel missile. I hope we didn't leave sufficient fingerprints for them to solve our hack. I want to make sure when they start testing multi stage ICBMs we still have enough in the holster to take them down. Lull them into a false sense of security then bring the hammer.
I guess the positives are to show North Korea we're on them like white on rice (forgive me) and that we have more power than they can imagine. Or even if they can't track our hack, they can wonder whether we were behind it.

On the negative side, this was a silly little solid fuel missile. I hope we didn't leave sufficient fingerprints for them to solve our hack. I want to make sure when they start testing multi stage ICBMs we still have enough in the holster to take them down. Lull them into a false sense of security then bring the hammer.
Is this just speculation or are we saying for sure this was a cyber attack?
I have yet to see any proof we actually did that. Until then I'm just chalking it up to more incompetence in NK

Yep, seems they rushed getting it ready to test to coincide with the VP visit to the region and it blew up in their faces..literally
I guess the positives are to show North Korea we're on them like white on rice (forgive me) and that we have more power than they can imagine. Or even if they can't track our hack, they can wonder whether we were behind it.

On the negative side, this was a silly little solid fuel missile. I hope we didn't leave sufficient fingerprints for them to solve our hack. I want to make sure when they start testing multi stage ICBMs we still have enough in the holster to take them down. Lull them into a false sense of security then bring the hammer.
Is this just speculation or are we saying for sure this was a cyber attack?
No confirmation. Speculation. Some White House Advisor smirkingly said "we aren't going to talk about that."
I guess the positives are to show North Korea we're on them like white on rice (forgive me) and that we have more power than they can imagine. Or even if they can't track our hack, they can wonder whether we were behind it.

On the negative side, this was a silly little solid fuel missile. I hope we didn't leave sufficient fingerprints for them to solve our hack. I want to make sure when they start testing multi stage ICBMs we still have enough in the holster to take them down. Lull them into a false sense of security then bring the hammer.
Is this just speculation or are we saying for sure this was a cyber attack?

Even the attacker, if there was one, may not be known because of false trails deliberately used to prevent retaliation. Russia, China, South Korea and Japan are the other usual suspects with Israel and India also upset about NK endangering them through nuclear proliferation.
Dat's prob'ly why dey's last missile test...

... blew up right after leavin' the launch pad.

North Korean medium-range missile test fails, US says
Apr 16,`17 -- A North Korean medium-range missile exploded seconds after it was launched on Sunday, U.S. officials said, a high-profile failure that came hours before the U.S. vice president arrived in South Korea, and as an American aircraft supercarrier approaches the Korean Peninsula in a show of force.
The U.S. had good intelligence both before and after the launch, said a White House foreign policy adviser traveling with Vice President Mike Pence, who arrived in Seoul in the afternoon to start a 10-day trip to Asia. No planned response is expected from the Trump administration because the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the administration's initial understanding of the launch, said there was no need for the U.S. to reinforce the failure. The official said that had it been a nuclear test, "other actions would have been taken by the U.S." North Korea has conducted five nuclear tests, including two last year. Recent satellite imagery suggests the country could conduct another underground nuclear test at any time.

The White House believes that Sunday's test involved a medium-range ballistic missile that failed within 4-5 seconds after launch, and that it did not involve an intercontinental ballistic missile, the foreign policy adviser said. The North regularly launches short-range missiles, but is also developing mid-range and long-range missiles meant to target U.S. troops in Asia and, eventually, the U.S. mainland. The failed launch will sting in Pyongyang because it came a day after one of the biggest North Korean propaganda events of the year- celebrations of the 105th birthday of late North Korea founder Kim Il Sung, the current leader's grandfather.


A visitor walks by a TV showing file footage of a North Korea's ballistic missile launch, at Seoul Railway Station in Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, April 16, 2017. A North Korean missile exploded during launch Sunday from the country's east coast, U.S. and South Korean officials said, a high-profile failure that comes as a powerful U.S. aircraft carrier approaches the Korean Peninsula in a show of force. The letters on the top read "North Korea fired a missile."​

President Donald Trump was uncharacteristically quiet about the failed launch, which was attempted from the east coast city of Sinpo. In a statement, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Trump and his military team "are aware of North Korea's most recent unsuccessful missile launch. The president has no further comment." Pence said North Korea's "provocation" was another reminder of the risks that U.S. and South Korean service members face every day "in the defense of the freedom of the people of South Korea and the defense of America in this part of the world." The vice president said at a fellowship dinner at U.S. Army Garrison Yongsan in Seoul that the willingness of military members "to stand firm without fear inspires the nation and inspires the world."

North Korea's ultimate goal is to have a full array of nuclear-tipped missiles in response to what Pyongyang says is hostility by Washington and Seoul meant to topple its government. North Korea is thought to have a small arsenal of atomic bombs and an impressive array of short- and medium-range missiles. Many outside analysts believe that North Korea has not yet mastered the technology to build warheads small enough to place on long-range missiles, though some civilian experts say it can already build nuclear-tipped shorter range missiles that have South Korea and Japan within its striking range. The U.S. Pacific Command said in a statement that Sunday's missile exploded on launch. South Korea's Defense Ministry said it was analyzing exactly how the North Korean launch failed. In Seoul, South Korea's presidential office convened a national security council meeting to examine security postures.

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Personally, I would prefer that the Fat Goofy Fuck get two taps on the head from Seal Team Six....but blowing up his rockets with computers is a nice touch.
I was hoping to see the missile lift off towards Japan only to have one of our THAAD missile defense systems to take it out so the North Koreans could witness it.
I have seen nothing to confirm there was a cyber attack and if there was no one in the government would admit it. North Koreas little midget leaders paranoia will have them believing there was a cyber attack rather there was or not.
Nobody knows what happened, here. Give it up and stop bullshitting. For all we know it was a case of "projectile dysfunction".

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