You say you want a Revolution; well, you know -

Russell Brand is an idiot. "I have never voted because they don't listen to me." So freaking stupid. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.

If that man starts a revolution, our nation is in worse shape than I thought.

Oh and I don't want a revolution. I want a Restoration

Honey? He's a brit. It's not an American revolution.

And if I am willing to listen to Alex Fucking Jones just to get the message, then the least you can do is bend a little.

Yeah I know he's a Brit. I should have chose my word more carefully. If that man starts a revolution, our world is in worse shape than I thought.

BTW who cares about Alex Jones?

You? You're a snob.
Honey? He's a brit. It's not an American revolution.

And if I am willing to listen to Alex Fucking Jones just to get the message, then the least you can do is bend a little.

Yeah I know he's a Brit. I should have chose my word more carefully. If that man starts a revolution, our world is in worse shape than I thought.

BTW who cares about Alex Jones?

You? You're a snob.

I care about Alex Jones? Why am I the last to know these things? Maybe i should read or listen to something he says to find out what it is I am caring about.
Yeah I know he's a Brit. I should have chose my word more carefully. If that man starts a revolution, our world is in worse shape than I thought.

BTW who cares about Alex Jones?

You? You're a snob.

I care about Alex Jones? Why am I the last to know these things? Maybe i should read or listen to something he says to find out what it is I am caring about.

I'm sorry you can't follow a simple conversation.

You were insulting Russell. Without bothering to see what I am responding to, you wrote him off. What was that based on, hmm?

Therefore and ergo? You're a snob.
You? You're a snob.

I care about Alex Jones? Why am I the last to know these things? Maybe i should read or listen to something he says to find out what it is I am caring about.

I'm sorry you can't follow a simple conversation.

You were insulting Russell. Without bothering to see what I am responding to, you wrote him off. What was that based on, hmm?

Therefore and ergo? You're a snob.

Oh. You're confused because I didn't point out that I already heard his rant. Im sorry. I thought it would be obvious when i summed up his argument.

The man is an idiot. Im basing it off of this rant. And if anyone is going to start a revolution because of this man, they are also foolish. I would prefer he educated himself. In fact, id love everyone on the planet to educate themselves.

He wants a revolution because a system that he doesn't participate in, doesn't listen to him. The rich are somehow evil despite him being wealthy. Corporations are evil and forcing people to buy their products. etc. etc.

When people start ranting about corporations it's a good signal to stop listening to them because they have no clue what they are talking about.
I guess whatever Brand has to say is so hip and so cool it cannot be encapsulated.

Okay! So. I believe I am at that place where I acknowledge that if someone refuses to think, then I need to move on. Hopefully, there are others who actually have open minds and don't just give lip service.

Oh, my; that was a bitchy thing to say!


Too bad, so sad.

All this tells me is that you are incapable of explaining what Brand's point is. I have asked several times now.
I guess whatever Brand has to say is so hip and so cool it cannot be encapsulated.

Okay! So. I believe I am at that place where I acknowledge that if someone refuses to think, then I need to move on. Hopefully, there are others who actually have open minds and don't just give lip service.

Oh, my; that was a bitchy thing to say!


Too bad, so sad.

All this tells me is that you are incapable of explaining what Brand's point is. I have asked several times now.

You want a talking point, is that what you're saying?

No. You won't be getting one. That's another thing I'm tired of. "Break it down for me." No! It's not that simple. I know you want that simple? But it's not.

And obviously, what I understood him to say will be different than what you heard, and likely different than what [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION] took away from it all.

I'm just tired of the one party vs the other mindset, with everybody locked forever more. It gets o-so-very-old.
I find it ironic that the next words after the title are, "We'd all love to see the plan."

I've asked for the plan several times. Explain it. Verbalize it. If you can...
I find it ironic that the next words after the title are, "We'd all love to see the plan."

I've asked for the plan several times. Explain it. Verbalize it. If you can...


Disengaging now. You're trying to bait me into something, and fuck if I know what.

I'm going back to bed.

I would LOVE to see you have a conversation like this halfway through your sleep cycle. Love to.
I guess whatever Brand has to say is so hip and so cool it cannot be encapsulated.

Okay! So. I believe I am at that place where I acknowledge that if someone refuses to think, then I need to move on. Hopefully, there are others who actually have open minds and don't just give lip service.

Oh, my; that was a bitchy thing to say!


Too bad, so sad.

Having an open mind does not require one to give credibility to sophmoric drivel. The "Profit is evil." comment exhibits a total lack of logical thought processes. Things cannot be evil, since evil requires motives and/or actions.
Locked mind. Enjoy.

I don't know how you do it.

Easy. It's not really hard to determine that complaining that a system you don't participate in doesn't listen to you a person who knows what he is talking about does. Nor does someone who is rich complaining about the rich make sense as if they are powerless. Nor does complaining that a corporation that gets it's power by providing a good or service to people that voluntarily pay them for it has any power that I don't give them voluntarily and cannot remove voluntarily if I so choose.

Those are all completely irrational things to complain about. And to think we need to start a revolution for those irrational complaints is absurd. I'm not going to kill people bececause the system I refuse to participate in doesn't listne to me. Im not going to kill my brother because they make more money than I do. I am not going to kill people because of some irrational hatred of form of business.

Those aren't things worthy of revolution. And nothing good is going to come of that.

Now would I support a revolution of self? Of course. A revolution that empowers us and does not cause our brothers harm. Absolutely.

Revolution is not something to be taken lightly. And especially not from the rant of a fool.
I find it ironic that the next words after the title are, "We'd all love to see the plan."

I've asked for the plan several times. Explain it. Verbalize it. If you can...


Disengaging now. You're trying to bait me into something, and fuck if I know what.

I'm going back to bed.

I would LOVE to see you have a conversation like this halfway through your sleep cycle. Love to.

Look who is making assumptions! Hmmm...interesting.

I have a fairly wide libertarian streak, so if Brand is pushing some kind of Anglo-Libertarian dream, you may find I am not the antagonist you assume.
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This is easily the most ridiculous thread I've read here....maybe anywhere. For my fellow bored-shitless readers who made it this far....enjoy:

[ame=]Breakfast at Ginger's- golden retriever dog eats with hands - YouTube[/ame]
Russell Brand on revolution: "We no longer have the luxury of tradition."

Very long read, most of which I have not gotten through yet, but I will make the time.

NEWSNIGHT: Paxman vs Brand - full interview - YouTube
[MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION] - I think he is singing the song of your people.

Russell Brand May Have Started a Revolution Last Night

Throughout the interview, Brand repeatedly dodged Paxman's efforts to trivialize his message — at one point Paxman literally called Brand a "very trivial man" — until finally, even the entrenched newsman appeared to relent against the rushing tide of Brand's valid arguments.

After Brand reminded Paxman that he cried after learning that his grandma too had been "fucked over" by aristocrats, the Newsnight host was stunned into silence.

"If we can engage that feeling and change things, why wouldn't we?" Brand crescendoed. "Why is that naive? Why is that not my right because I'm an 'actor'? I've taken the right. I don't need the right from you. I don't need the right from anybody. I'm taking it."

Be back after I've done my homework here.

Who cares what a foreigner has to say. Oh that's right, you stupid liberals care. Too bad you don't care about the millions of unborn babies slaughtered each year.
Well, so. I gather none of you are libertarians. Right?

Or (and this is more likely) - yet again, you were just too damn lazy to 1) read, and 2) make an effort to comprehend the article.



What makes him a libertarian?

I know quite a few libertarians who are vegetarians, none of them wants to make it a government mandate. He also thinks that it is wonderful that the government mandates the entire social triumph of the left, and thinks the right is all about big business. He is the typical idiot that really hasn't thought everything through, but knows that things have to change. Unfortunately, he thinks the problem is the fact that big business controls the world. If he actually got his way we would end up with the exact same people in charge, but they would be saying different things.

Well, now I'm getting twitchy, since I woke up in the middle of the night to take care of business and found you lot here.

You just did exactly what CK and I are going on about. EXACTLY.

You heard left, and you knee-jerked yourself right out of the conversation.

Because you are wiling to put your political stance ahead of fuck-all else.

You do not want to see improvement unless it is YOUR improvement.

I didn't hear left. My problem with him is he wants the government to enforce his idea of a perfect society, that does not make him a libertarian. Libertarians want the government to leave people alone even if they disagree with them. Brand is the one you should be jumping on if you really oppose not wanting improvement unless it is your improvement.
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Listen to this interview with Alex Jones. Yes I know a red flag will go up and I get that, but the interview is excellent. I think a lot of people will agree with what is being said in this interview.

Wellllll, you know.

If they were willing to listen.

I know a lot of people would agree with him.

I also know a lot of people wouldn't. I happen to be part of the crowd that doesn't. How the fuck does that prove I am not thinking?

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