You say you want a Revolution; well, you know -

russell brand on revolution: "we no longer have the luxury of tradition."

very long read, most of which i have not gotten through yet, but i will make the time.

newsnight: Paxman vs brand - full interview - youtube
[mention=36528]cereal_killer[/mention] - i think he is singing the song of your people.

russell brand may have started a revolution last night

throughout the interview, brand repeatedly dodged paxman's efforts to trivialize his message — at one point paxman literally called brand a "very trivial man" — until finally, even the entrenched newsman appeared to relent against the rushing tide of brand's valid arguments.

After brand reminded paxman that he cried after learning that his grandma too had been "fucked over" by aristocrats, the newsnight host was stunned into silence.

"if we can engage that feeling and change things, why wouldn't we?" brand crescendoed. "why is that naive? Why is that not my right because i'm an 'actor'? I've taken the right. I don't need the right from you. I don't need the right from anybody. I'm taking it."

be back after i've done my homework here.

To be fair, he says, "I felt connected, on a personal level I was excited by the chaos, a necessary component of transition, I like a bit of chaos however it’s delivered. The disruption of normalcy a vital step in any revolution. Even aesthetically, aside from the ideology, I beam at the spectacle of disruption, even when quite trivial."

I always get a kick out of people like this because they're the same people who complained that rugged individualism abandoned the culture of civilization.

On one hand, they relish in postmodernist cultural relativism.

On the other, they complain about work ethic being so crude, vulgar, and obtuse.

Alrighty then. lol

Actually, I'm ready for a bit of revolution myself...I'm just not sure I'm on the same sheet of music...
Russell Brand is an idiot. "I have never voted because they don't listen to me." So freaking stupid. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.

If that man starts a revolution, our nation is in worse shape than I thought.

Oh and I don't want a revolution. I want a Restoration

The only thing he says that makes much sense is when he talks about the huge disparity in income. What he is wrong about is that democracy doesn't work. It does, but it can be slow to get us where we should be at times. What it all boils down to is the middle class. When the rich become too rich it eventually effects the middle class in a negative way. If the middle class is being pinched, then the lower class is getting buried. When this happens, there is a revolution at the polls, and it leads to a redistribution of wealth. When the middle class begins to grow stronger again, the lower class moves upward with it, and the more people in the middle class who are doing better, the more conservative political views become. When this happens, the top end gets heavier again.

Right now, we are in a period where the middle class and lower class are being squeezed to the point we are going to see a revolution. Conservatism is being thrown out the window. We can see this as a smaller percentage of conservatives become really radical and move way to the right, while the moderates move left. The far right has isolated itself and it's about to be crushed politically. This started with Reagan and the dawn of modern conservatism is coming to an end. Obama is the beginning of this next new wave. That doesn't necessarily mean we won't have any Republican presidents for the next forty years, but the overall mood of the country is moving left.

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