You want to avoid having your DNC Membership Card, snatched? And ripped up??

I like to talk about the $2 million dollar fine he paid for robbing his own Foundation. Deplorables know about the impeachment but they don`t know, refuse to believe or just don`t care that he`s a liar and a thief.
Donald Trump fined $2m for misusing charity for political ends

It would literally be impossible to tell you that I give even a single fuck about that.
If you cared about Trump`s thievery you wouldn`t be a Trumpster. The Russian trolls have done their job well. They too love the uneducated.
I like to talk about the $2 million dollar fine he paid for robbing his own Foundation. Deplorables know about the impeachment but they don`t know, refuse to believe or just don`t care that he`s a liar and a thief.
Donald Trump fined $2m for misusing charity for political ends

It would literally be impossible to tell you that I give even a single fuck about that.
If you cared about Trump`s thievery you wouldn`t be a Trumpster. The Russian trolls have done their job well. They too love the uneducated.

Why do they send you love notes?
Graham and Dershowitz have law degrees and you don`t and they were for impeachment without crimes before they were against it. What changed?

Please validate your claim here, about Dershowitz. I know a lot about him, and your claim is something I've never heard about.
Post #13. Read it again or have a passing 5th grader read it to you.

You being such a smart aleck cornball, for no reason, was a preface to how you'd be exactly the one to post that Dershowtiz link without adding veracious, laudable context. Even a 5th grader wouldn't pull your deceitful tactic, so look next to you, and apologize to the 5th grader.

The Context August West Avoided Giving Us said:
The Harvard Law School professor said that he changed his thinking after doing more research on the matter. During an interview in the midst of the Clinton impeachment, Dershowitz said, “you don’t need a technical crime” to impeach a president.

“I did say that then, and then I’ve done all the extensive research,” Dershowitz said on Sunday. “I’ve been immersing myself in dusty old books, and I’ve concluded that no, it has to be crime.”

I think it's called ... Growing ... Maturing ... Rationalizing ... Getting More Cognizant with the reality of events.
Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame. Trump wasn`t impeached for saying he would be more flexible after the election. Every week a different idiot puts up that same video and I guess it was your turn to put the dunce cap on.
Extortion? What extortion? Point out the alleged "extortion", speaking of idiots and their tiresome bogus memes.

Did you hear the news yesterday?
Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame. Trump wasn`t impeached for saying he would be more flexible after the election. Every week a different idiot puts up that same video and I guess it was your turn to put the dunce cap on.
Extortion? What extortion? Point out the alleged "extortion", speaking of idiots and their tiresome bogus memes.

Did you hear the news yesterday?
Yes I did. Now you can join the OJ supporters and the New England patriots fans and celebrate your "victory".
Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame. Trump wasn`t impeached for saying he would be more flexible after the election. Every week a different idiot puts up that same video and I guess it was your turn to put the dunce cap on.
Extortion? What extortion? Point out the alleged "extortion", speaking of idiots and their tiresome bogus memes.

Did you hear the news yesterday?
Yes I did. Now you can join the OJ supporters and the New England patriots fans and celebrate your "victory".

Are you one of the retards that actually thought 67 votes were actually possible?
Dude. Stop it.

Obama wrote the instruction manual which Trump is following.

For instance the Dems tried to impeach President Trump over Russia. Here's a small example, of how crazy that idea is:

Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame. Trump wasn`t impeached for saying he would be more flexible after the election. Every week a different idiot puts up that same video and I guess it was your turn to put the dunce cap on.

I'm still waiting for you idiots to present the statutory crime that the president allegedly committed.

A crime isn`t necessary for impeachment. Would Lindsey graham lie?
Lindsey Graham’s Impeachment Views in 1999 Vs 2019 [Video] |
How about Dershowitz?
Dershowitz changes his mind on impeachment requirements, argues crime must be committed

I don't care about opinions. I care about facts. And the fact is that the Constitution specifically says "high crimes and misdemeanors". So until you clowns actually present a statutory crime I will continue to view this whole impeachment nonsense as a complete farce.

Graham and Dershowitz have law degrees and you don`t and they were for impeachment without crimes before they were against it. What changed?

Rephrasing the same bullshit isn't going to garner a different answer from me. I don't need a law degree to read basic text.

Show me the statutory CRIME as required by the Constitution or piss off.
Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame. Trump wasn`t impeached for saying he would be more flexible after the election. Every week a different idiot puts up that same video and I guess it was your turn to put the dunce cap on.

I'm still waiting for you idiots to present the statutory crime that the president allegedly committed.
A crime isn`t necessary for impeachment. Would Lindsey graham lie?
Lindsey Graham’s Impeachment Views in 1999 Vs 2019 [Video] |
How about Dershowitz?
Dershowitz changes his mind on impeachment requirements, argues crime must be committed

I don't care about opinions. I care about facts. And the fact is that the Constitution specifically says "high crimes and misdemeanors". So until you clowns actually present a statutory crime I will continue to view this whole impeachment nonsense as a complete farce.
Graham and Dershowitz have law degrees and you don`t and they were for impeachment without crimes before they were against it. What changed?

Rephrasing the same bullshit isn't going to garner a different answer from me. I don't need a law degree to read basic text.

Show me the statutory CRIME as required by the Constitution or piss off.
Show me your law degree. 2 Republican Senators that have them said no crime is required.
video of graham saying no crime necessary to impeach - Bing video
I'm still waiting for you idiots to present the statutory crime that the president allegedly committed.
A crime isn`t necessary for impeachment. Would Lindsey graham lie?
Lindsey Graham’s Impeachment Views in 1999 Vs 2019 [Video] |
How about Dershowitz?
Dershowitz changes his mind on impeachment requirements, argues crime must be committed

I don't care about opinions. I care about facts. And the fact is that the Constitution specifically says "high crimes and misdemeanors". So until you clowns actually present a statutory crime I will continue to view this whole impeachment nonsense as a complete farce.
Graham and Dershowitz have law degrees and you don`t and they were for impeachment without crimes before they were against it. What changed?

Rephrasing the same bullshit isn't going to garner a different answer from me. I don't need a law degree to read basic text.

Show me the statutory CRIME as required by the Constitution or piss off.
Show me your law degree. 2 Republican Senators that have them said no crime is required.
video of graham saying no crime necessary to impeach - Bing video

Are you stupid or just illiterate?

I don't give a flying rats ass about someone's opinion, partisan or otherwise. The Constitution REQUIRES a crime.

Did I miss the part where Obama tried to extort him for interference in our election? Good grief, that`s lame. Trump wasn`t impeached for saying he would be more flexible after the election. Every week a different idiot puts up that same video and I guess it was your turn to put the dunce cap on.

I'm still waiting for you idiots to present the statutory crime that the president allegedly committed.
A crime isn`t necessary for impeachment. Would Lindsey graham lie?
Lindsey Graham’s Impeachment Views in 1999 Vs 2019 [Video] |
How about Dershowitz?
Dershowitz changes his mind on impeachment requirements, argues crime must be committed

I don't care about opinions. I care about facts. And the fact is that the Constitution specifically says "high crimes and misdemeanors". So until you clowns actually present a statutory crime I will continue to view this whole impeachment nonsense as a complete farce.
Graham and Dershowitz have law degrees and you don`t and they were for impeachment without crimes before they were against it. What changed?

Rephrasing the same bullshit isn't going to garner a different answer from me. I don't need a law degree to read basic text.

Show me the statutory CRIME as required by the Constitution or piss off.
A crime isn`t required. Did you not watch the Lindsey Graham video?
What you didn`t do is show me where YOU got your law degree. Was it Trump University?:)
I'm still waiting for you idiots to present the statutory crime that the president allegedly committed.
A crime isn`t necessary for impeachment. Would Lindsey graham lie?
Lindsey Graham’s Impeachment Views in 1999 Vs 2019 [Video] |
How about Dershowitz?
Dershowitz changes his mind on impeachment requirements, argues crime must be committed

I don't care about opinions. I care about facts. And the fact is that the Constitution specifically says "high crimes and misdemeanors". So until you clowns actually present a statutory crime I will continue to view this whole impeachment nonsense as a complete farce.
Graham and Dershowitz have law degrees and you don`t and they were for impeachment without crimes before they were against it. What changed?

Rephrasing the same bullshit isn't going to garner a different answer from me. I don't need a law degree to read basic text.

Show me the statutory CRIME as required by the Constitution or piss off.
A crime isn`t required. Did you not watch the Lindsey Graham video?
What you didn`t do is show me where YOU got your law degree. Was it Trump University?:)

I see you're still stuck in NPC mode. You can post videos and opinions until you're blue in the face, idgaf. They mean absolutely nothing.

The ONLY thing that matters is Article 2, Section 4 of the Constitution: "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

Period. End of story. You lose. Better luck next time.

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