You were right, they lied - Immigration IS about votes for the Left


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Cal Thomas: San Francisco makes it clear what immigration debate is all about -- votes for Democrats

How many times have keen people pointed out that the Left is using immigration as a tool of self empowerment, to garner votes they have lost in the black community with votes from the Hispanic community?
And how "faux outraged" is the Left that anyone DARE even think that someone could have the nerve to suggest such a racist, bigoted and conspiracy laced rant as using immigration for votes?

And yet the Mexican President himself has already PUBLICLY admitted that Mexico shall take the US by overwhelming our system? Is that not a declaration of war? Why are we silent and passive?

While just an opinion, it reflects the reality as evidenced in SanFrancisco where they are now enacting laws to give illegals the right to vote in local elections. The intent is that if this is not stopped, they will later argue that it is UnConstitutional to "allow" illegals to vote in local elections and not General elections.

These sneaky bastards are going to win this war to destroy America as long as the opposition continues to do as Edmund Burke so famously warned.....

All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke
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Cal Thomas: San Francisco makes it clear what immigration debate is all about -- votes for Democrats

How many times have keen people pointed out that the Left is using immigration as a tool of self empowerment, to garner votes they have lost in the black community with votes from the Hispanic community?
And how "faux outraged" is the Left that anyone DARE even think that someone could have the nerve to suggest such a racist, bigoted and conspiracy laced rant as using immigration for votes?

And yet the Mexican President himself has already PUBLICLY admitted that Mexico shall take the US by overwhelming our system? Is that not a declaration of war? Why are we silent and passive?

While just an opinion, it reflects the reality as evidenced in SanFrancisco where they are now enacting laws to give illegals the right to vote in local elections. The intent is that if this is not stopped, they will late argue that is is UnConstitutional to "allow" illegals to vote in local elections and not General elections.

These sneaky bastards are going to win this war to destroy America as long as the opposition continues to do as Edmund Burke so famously warned.....

All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke
They keep denying that they're all commies too.

They're all commies.

They will prove it true in the next 2 years. Watch.

The immigration issue really exposes how the Corrupt Democratic Party regards Anglo Voters as its opposition.

The Socialist / Globalist / Elitist Left see the attrition rate for older Conservative Right wing voters and they believe that all they have to do is keep up the steady pressure and eventually, given all the support from domestic terrorists such as Antifa, the invasion of the borders and keeping everyone at each others throats, that eventually The US will fall right into their hands.

And you know, it's sadly on that trajectory. They have a plethora of imbeciles more than happy to do their bidding and wear their chains.
If a democrook is communicating, they're either lying or repeating someone else's lie.
The Socialist / Globalist / Elitist Left see the attrition rate for older Conservative Right wing voters and they believe that all they have to do is keep up the steady pressure and eventually, given all the support from domestic terrorists such as Antifa, the invasion of the borders and keeping everyone at each others throats, that eventually The US will fall right into their hands.

And you know, it's sadly on that trajectory. They have a plethora of imbeciles more than happy to do their bidding and wear their chains.
The only think preventing full-blown revolution is armed citizenry.

That's why we must repeal all federal gun laws and arm up.

If they move to confiscate, it's time for war.
The immigration issue really exposes how the Corrupt Democratic Party regards Anglo Voters as its opposition.

View attachment 206732
Oooh scary brown folk ON NO! :eek:


Notice how Snowflakes like blackfag are always mocking the reality of their puppet masters intent. it's because their masters are masters at keeping them befuddled and ignorantly obedient. They have no clue they're being used to orchestrate their own demise. Fools.
The fact remains.....
Illegals voted in 2016 and will vote again in Democrat Sanctuary states again.
I hope Trump has a surprise for them this fall and in 2020 to bust up their gig.

Imagine to outrage if the Federal Govt were to send poll watchers to the suspect areas?
All of a sudden the left would be totally against bigger government....for just one night of course.
The fact remains.....
Illegals voted in 2016 and will vote again in Democrat Sanctuary states again.
I hope Trump has a surprise for them this fall and in 2020 to bust up their gig.

Imagine to outrage if the Federal Govt were to send poll watchers to the suspect areas?
All of a sudden the left would be totally against bigger government....for just one night of course.

People should sue sanctuary cities and states for failing to defend American citizen's right to vote. Illegal Aliens cancel-out people's votes.
Cal Thomas: San Francisco makes it clear what immigration debate is all about -- votes for Democrats

How many times have keen people pointed out that the Left is using immigration as a tool of self empowerment, to garner votes they have lost in the black community with votes from the Hispanic community?
And how "faux outraged" is the Left that anyone DARE even think that someone could have the nerve to suggest such a racist, bigoted and conspiracy laced rant as using immigration for votes?

And yet the Mexican President himself has already PUBLICLY admitted that Mexico shall take the US by overwhelming our system? Is that not a declaration of war? Why are we silent and passive?

While just an opinion, it reflects the reality as evidenced in SanFrancisco where they are now enacting laws to give illegals the right to vote in local elections. The intent is that if this is not stopped, they will later argue that it is UnConstitutional to "allow" illegals to vote in local elections and not General elections.

These sneaky bastards are going to win this war to destroy America as long as the opposition continues to do as Edmund Burke so famously warned.....

All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke

What did you think it was for?

By every metric, the immigrants accepted into the country are as anti-American as one can get. Why aren't we at least accepting America minded people that contribute? Because those people would never ever vote democrat.
1- immigrants can’t vote in rep elections unless they become citizens . Kinda blows up your theory . It’s more about impressing their citizen kin.

2- since when is anything NOT about votes ?
The fact remains.....
Illegals voted in 2016 and will vote again in Democrat Sanctuary states again.
I hope Trump has a surprise for them this fall and in 2020 to bust up their gig.

Imagine to outrage if the Federal Govt were to send poll watchers to the suspect areas?
All of a sudden the left would be totally against bigger government....for just one night of course.

The only fact is that you are a liar . Illegals didn’t vote and won’t vote .

Why would an illegal, whos whole life depends on staying off the radar , risk his life to make a pointless vote . Oh and I have to give the gov all information so they can easily find me and ship me off .
Cal Thomas: San Francisco makes it clear what immigration debate is all about -- votes for Democrats

How many times have keen people pointed out that the Left is using immigration as a tool of self empowerment, to garner votes they have lost in the black community with votes from the Hispanic community?
And how "faux outraged" is the Left that anyone DARE even think that someone could have the nerve to suggest such a racist, bigoted and conspiracy laced rant as using immigration for votes?

And yet the Mexican President himself has already PUBLICLY admitted that Mexico shall take the US by overwhelming our system? Is that not a declaration of war? Why are we silent and passive?

While just an opinion, it reflects the reality as evidenced in SanFrancisco where they are now enacting laws to give illegals the right to vote in local elections. The intent is that if this is not stopped, they will later argue that it is UnConstitutional to "allow" illegals to vote in local elections and not General elections.

These sneaky bastards are going to win this war to destroy America as long as the opposition continues to do as Edmund Burke so famously warned.....

All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke
Another example of Fox News missing the important points.

They only allow non-citizens to vote in local school board elections, which already happens elsewhere.

As snopes reports: "if they do decide to vote, they will appear on federally available voter rolls which are accessible by ICE"
Another example of Fox News missing the important points.
They only allow non-citizens to vote in local school board elections, which already happens elsewhere.
As snopes reports: "if they do decide to vote, they will appear on federally available voter rolls which are accessible by ICE"

Excuse me.....
but WHY are NON-CITIZENS voting in ANY US matters?

This is a first step.
Are you aware that California does not require ID to vote?
If that doesn't make one question, nothing will
Another example of Fox News missing the important points.
They only allow non-citizens to vote in local school board elections, which already happens elsewhere.
As snopes reports: "if they do decide to vote, they will appear on federally available voter rolls which are accessible by ICE"

Excuse me.....
but WHY are NON-CITIZENS voting in ANY US matters?

This is a first step.
Are you aware that California does not require ID to vote?
If that doesn't make one question, nothing will
Its not a "US matter", its just a local school board election. For them to vote, they gotta have kids in school.

In order to vote in our election for congress/president/etc, one must be registered. Only one polling place can be used to vote; the polling place nearest the registered address. When voter goes to vote, they must give name and that name must be on the voter roll. Each polling place has a unique voter roll, only listing voters in the local neighborhood. ICE has access to all these voter rolls.
The fact remains.....
Illegals voted in 2016 and will vote again in Democrat Sanctuary states again.
I hope Trump has a surprise for them this fall and in 2020 to bust up their gig.
Imagine to outrage if the Federal Govt were to send poll watchers to the suspect areas?
All of a sudden the left would be totally against bigger government....for just one night of course.

The only fact is that you are a liar . Illegals didn’t vote and won’t vote . Why would an illegal, whos whole life depends on staying off the radar , risk his life to make a pointless vote . Oh and I have to give the gov all information so they can easily find me and ship me off .

Look you turd, illegals sneak into the country, they get free food, housing, medical, jobs, and they have politicians BENDING OVER BACKWARDS to protect them even when they commit violent crimes, giving them driver's licenses---- which is all they need to register to vote. And they smack cops for asking for proof of citizenship.

ONCE YOU'RE REGISTERED TO VOTE, that's it, you're in the books, it's not like some red light flashes when you walk in saying ILLEGAL. You're just one more voter in line. And they have every reason to vote: to keep people in office who like, support and protect them. And past studies and incidences suggest that as many as several million people in this country voting are NOT US Citizens.
Cal Thomas: San Francisco makes it clear what immigration debate is all about -- votes for Democrats

How many times have keen people pointed out that the Left is using immigration as a tool of self empowerment, to garner votes they have lost in the black community with votes from the Hispanic community?
And how "faux outraged" is the Left that anyone DARE even think that someone could have the nerve to suggest such a racist, bigoted and conspiracy laced rant as using immigration for votes?

And yet the Mexican President himself has already PUBLICLY admitted that Mexico shall take the US by overwhelming our system? Is that not a declaration of war? Why are we silent and passive?

While just an opinion, it reflects the reality as evidenced in SanFrancisco where they are now enacting laws to give illegals the right to vote in local elections. The intent is that if this is not stopped, they will later argue that it is UnConstitutional to "allow" illegals to vote in local elections and not General elections.

These sneaky bastards are going to win this war to destroy America as long as the opposition continues to do as Edmund Burke so famously warned.....

All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
Edmund Burke

Too bad for the author & you that you do not know that California can not over ride rules for federal elections.

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