You white mother F****r man charged for making threats to assassinate Trump

‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.
Oh I would guess lots of folks are thinking and saying things like that. Like they did with Obama.
All threats against Obama were manufactured by liberals then blamed on conservatives. That's how they try and make us look like the racists when it is they who are the racists.
‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.

Really mf, you want to go there?
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service
US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book.
And probably all of them by white racists.
It seems that the notion of there being white racists is actually just a hoax made up by blacks.
‘You White Motherf***er!’: Man Charged For Making Threats To Assassinate Trump

A Michigan man has been charged by federal authorities after allegedly making threats against President Trump.

What else can you expect from an Anti Trump/ Anti American lunatic after all they'd all do it if they knew they could get away with it.

Really mf, you want to go there?
Barack Obama faces 30 death threats a day, stretching US Secret Service
US President Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 potential death threats a day and is being protected by an increasingly over-stretched and under-resourced Secret Service, according to a new book.
And probably all of them by white racists.
It seems that the notion of there being white racists is actually just a hoax made up by blacks.

Realistically, do you really think there are going to be many, if any, assassination threats by blacks against the first black president? I mean, seriously!
Realistically, do you really think there are going to be many, if any, assassination threats by blacks against the first black president? I mean, seriously!
Yes, then they blame it on white people so that they can continue the lie about white people being racist.

Why can't black people just admit that they're racist and leave white people out of it?

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