Zone1 You will hate me but.. apparently Mother Teresa was no saint


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022

This site calls her an apostate! I'm shocked because I always thought M Teresa was a devout Catholic.. but at this site, it is shown that she accepted the poor people's religions and never tried to convert them to Christ!

So i agree w/ this site, that she was not a saint. The definition of saint has not changed in the eyes of God any more than any other religious, dogmatic Truth has changed (just because modern man wills it to change)
It's a simple fact .
She was a control freak with some unexpected views . But probably a better person than you or even me!!

Apologies if you find that hard to believe .

I certainly do not expect to be called Mother Luiza the Blessed One .
It's a simple fact .
She was a control freak with some unexpected views . But probably a better person than you or even me!!

Apologies if you find that hard to believe .

I certainly do not expect to be called Mother Luiza the Blessed One .
well, I do think that the photo on that site is... the caption underneath is a bit much because, just bc she was kneeling there with a bunch of Buddhists doesn't mean she was worshiping buddha

Then again... who knows? I have to read up more on this but just knowing that she never tried to convert the pagans she helped... uh.. that disqualifies her for sainthood
I remember she was very outspoken against abortion..

And maybe she did not so much refrain from preaching Christ as... well, who knows? Only God...
well, I do think that the photo on that site is... the caption underneath is a bit much because, just bc she was kneeling there with a bunch of Buddhists doesn't mean she was worshiping buddha

Then again... who knows? I have to read up more on this but just knowing that she never tried to convert the pagans she helped... uh.. that disqualifies her for sainthood
I think you will find Sainthood is just PR juggling .

You need numbers to keep your ratings high . Although St Francis might be real .

The Vatican is a past master of grabbing Sheeple by their stupid and gullible bits and making up "nice" stories to entrain them .
I think you will find Sainthood is just PR juggling .

You need numbers to keep your ratings high . Although St Francis might be real .

The Vatican is a past master of grabbing Sheeple by their stupid and gullible bits and making up "nice" stories to entrain them .
The Catholic Church before Vatican II was REAL

It is the Church Christ founded.
The Catholic Church before Vatican II was REAL

It is the Church Christ founded., it is not. Christ did not really 'found' a church. Peter and Paul..mostly Paul, established the early church.

The Roman Catholic Church was established when Christianity became the State Church of Rome, under Constantine 310 AD. Catholic means universal...and Christianity was referred by that term before Constantine. But the ROMAN Catholic Church--was a result of the merging of Rome and Christ. Hence, College of Cardinals wearing the Roman Senate. Latin as the go-to language, etc. This was about the time that non-violence no longer was one of the tenets of Christianity.
Also, this was when Mary worship became such a big deal. Eventually, after Constantine moved to Constantinople (Byzantium), the Pope ruled Rome..or what was left of it., it is not. Christ did not really 'found' a church. Peter and Paul..mostly Paul, established the early church.

The Roman Catholic Church was established when Christianity became the State Church of Rome, under Constantine 310 AD. Catholic means universal...and Christianity was referred by that term before Constantine. But the ROMAN Catholic Church--was a result of the merging of Rome and Christ. Hence, College of Cardinals wearing the Roman Senate. Latin as the go-to language, etc. This was about the time that non-violence no longer was one of the tenets of Christianity.
Also, this was when Mary worship became such a big deal. Eventually, after Constantine moved to Constantinople (Byzantium), the Pope ruled Rome..or what was left of it.
Christ did not really found a church?
If it were not for Christ, there would be no church.
Christ did not really found a church?
If it were not for Christ, there would be no church.
The two statements are not exclusive. Just saying that Jesus didn't really have a lot of input--as to forming a church. No where in the gospels is there really any exhortation to found a church. Lots of stuff people string together to say that was his will..and the will of God to establish a church. Jesus appeared to be a humble man whose focus was on the next world, not this one.
Paul had other ideas....and away we went.

I do know that he said, "My Kingdom is not of this world". He also seemed to be against violence. I wonder what he would think of the literally hundreds of millions killed in his name?

This site calls her an apostate! I'm shocked because I always thought M Teresa was a devout Catholic.. but at this site, it is shown that she accepted the poor people's religions and never tried to convert them to Christ!

So i agree w/ this site, that she was not a saint. The definition of saint has not changed in the eyes of God any more than any other religious, dogmatic Truth has changed (just because modern man wills it to change)

She gets the blame for the Vatican looting her treasury and leaving her with crumbs to work with most of her life. Nuns and their orders are heavily abused by the Roman politicians, and always have been.
probably ignores you being the hundred millionth moron to repeat that lie.
Don't history much..or just think it's all lies?

How many do you think died in the Crusades..with Christ's name in their mouths? How many do you think died in the Hundred Years war..with Christ's name in their mouths. How many died in the English Civil War..with Christ's name in their mouths? 30 years War? Inquisition? Reconquista? Dark Ages?
On and on and on...all in the name of the Prince of Peace~
Don't history much..or just think it's all lies?

How many do you think died in the Crusades..with Christ's name in their mouths? How many do you think died in the Hundred Years war..with Christ's name in their mouths. How many died in the English Civil War..with Christ's name in their mouths? 30 years War? Inquisition? Reconquista? Dark Ages?
On and on and on...all in the name of the Prince of Peace~

You know squat about any History; you just parrot whatever is fashionable with your peer group , is all. Your idotic citings of 'Da Inquisition and Reconquista' is clear proof you don't know what you're babbling about. lol at 'Dark Ages' as well. You really think Europe wiped itself out several times over? lol

How many faggots' names were on your lips while they spread AIDS to each other and killed many time more than any deaths caused by 'Inqusitions' and 'Reconquistas'?
You know squat about any History; you just parrot whatever is fashionable with your peer group , is all. Your idotic citings of 'Da Inquisition and Reconquista' is clear proof you don't know what you're babbling about. lol at 'Dark Ages' as well. You really think Europe wiped itself out several times over? lol
Over the course of a thousand or so years..yeah...quite a few died in the name of religion..well..that and really bad hygiene
She gets the blame for the Vatican looting her treasury and leaving her with crumbs to work with most of her life. Nuns and their orders are heavily abused by the Roman politicians, and always have been.
I don't know the whole truth about her. But that last thing... wouldn't surprise me in the least. The NO church hasn't treated me well, that is for sure... and I have yet to figure out WHY except they are evil.. (not all... I've met a couple devout Catholic priests, especially I think of this one... and yet it seems if he were so devout, he'd leave the damned NO church)

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