Zone1 You will hate me but.. apparently Mother Teresa was no saint

I guess he was just lying when he said what he said in Mt 16:18

liberals have nothing to teach yours truly about God.. What a JOKE that is... the baby killers are going to weigh in on God and His Church.... please
Yup..he was lying. For 2,000 you fools have believed the lies..and now, as finally we are washing the God-madness out of our still desperately yearn for that pie-in-the-sky. A world where good people go to hell..and fucked up assholes who make theological obeisance at the ends of their lives sit next to God~

Baby-killers...the church has killed millions of babies, both overtly and covertly, over history., it is not. Christ did not really 'found' a church. Peter and Paul..mostly Paul, established the early church.

The Roman Catholic Church was established when Christianity became the State Church of Rome, under Constantine 310 AD. Catholic means universal...and Christianity was referred by that term before Constantine. But the ROMAN Catholic Church--was a result of the merging of Rome and Christ. Hence, College of Cardinals wearing the Roman Senate. Latin as the go-to language, etc. This was about the time that non-violence no longer was one of the tenets of Christianity.
Also, this was when Mary worship became such a big deal. Eventually, after Constantine moved to Constantinople (Byzantium), the Pope ruled Rome..or what was left of it.
Nothing significant happened in 310 AD. In 313, The two Roman emperors, Constantine and Licinius, met in Milan with church leaders in the empire to recognize Christianity as a legitimate religion, not to make it the state church. Bishops presided over the council, and Constantine abstained from voting.

And Paul planted church assemblies. Christianity had already begun.
Yup..he was lying. For 2,000 you fools have believed the lies..and now, as finally we are washing the God-madness out of our still desperately yearn for that pie-in-the-sky. A world where good people go to hell..and fucked up assholes who make theological obeisance at the ends of their lives sit next to God~

Baby-killers...the church has killed millions of babies, both overtly and covertly, over history.
I'm truly sorrry for your condition

You don't, however, know one thing about MINE

And I guess my words here at usmb have somehow failed to ... get through to some posters (understatement)

oh well... can't win them all...

that's why we pray
actually I shouldn't have said M Teresa is not a saint. We just don't KNOW if she was

Who can trust the fake church who canonized her (would have been a better title)

There is conflicting information about her. Best example: accused of having her patients accept their sufferings when there were medical procedures that could have saved them. Well, it IS a Catholic belief to accept your sufferings (and align them w/ Christ's). That doesn't mean you shouldn't get medical help.. not at all.. But no one gives us actual quotes from MT so we don't know what is going on..

So far, I haven't seen any proof she was not really Catholic except that she didn't evangelize the poor she helped. That alone does indicate she was "not too Catholic" but other claims about her mentioned here seem bogus


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Nothing significant happened in 310 AD. In 313, The two Roman emperors, Constantine and Licinius, met in Milan with church leaders in the empire to recognize Christianity as a legitimate religion, not to make it the state church. Bishops presided over the council, and Constantine abstained from voting.

And Paul planted church assemblies. Christianity had already begun.
you're in big trouble w/ the libs here.. having the unmitigated gall to state FACTS

how dare u?, it is not. Christ did not really 'found' a church. Peter and Paul..mostly Paul, established the early church.
I’m not very religious. But as a factual matter, you may be mistaken:

Matthew 16:18, Jesus said to Simon, “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.”
I’m not very religious. But as a factual matter, you may be mistaken:

Matthew 16:18, Jesus said to Simon, “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.”
you're not religious but you know some Scripture. Iguess that's not such a big deal in light of the fact that Satan also knows it, but in any case, this psg you mention is the one a lot of anti-Catholics conveniently forget. A lot of non-C religions teach that the Church went over the cliff at such and such time in history, but if that were the case, Jesus failed to keep His promise!

Who can accept such a blasphemy?!

The Bible says something about how all men be liars... (can't recall exact words but those ones suffice)

JESUS is the Only ONE who does NOT break promises..
you're not religious but you know some Scripture. Iguess that's not such a big deal in light of the fact that Satan also knows it, but in any case, this psg you mention is the one a lot of anti-Catholics conveniently forget. A lot of non-C religions teach that the Church went over the cliff at such and such time in history, but if that were the case, Jesus failed to keep His promise!

Who can accept such a blasphemy?!

The Bible says something about how all men be liars... (can't recall exact words but those ones suffice)

JESUS is the Only ONE who does NOT break promises..
I recalled the phrase “upon this rock” from my youth when I attended church weekly. I recalled also that it was interpreted as Jesus effectively making St. Peter the first “pope.” (I was raised Episcopal, not Catholic.)

So, I just did a Google search on that phrase. That’s how I discovered which scripture it was.
I recalled the phrase “upon this rock” from my youth when I attended church weekly. I recalled also that it was interpreted as Jesus effectively making St. Peter the first “pope.” (I was raised Episcopal, not Catholic.)

So, I just did a Google search on that phrase. That’s how I discovered which scripture it was.
well, it's nice to see SOMEONE around here doing research. A lot of people just seem to post off the cuff, repeat talking points from Pastor Brown at Community Church down the street who has weird notions of what Catholics believe and also doesn't want anyone defecting from his own "church" to the Catholic Church, even if said Church claims to be the ONE Christ founded..

OK... (laugh).. where was I?

Anyway, the primary point is that Christ founded a Church and promised that the very gates of Hell would not prevail against it. But most non-Catholics (the ones I've encountered, plus I have studied somewhat their doctrines) say that the Church.. again, "went off the cliff" at some point and history

But not to worry! Some human saved it... restored it... replaced it...

more of the former than the latter 2 things, apparently
People are people and it's always best to never meet your heroes because you will most assuredly be disappointed.
well, it's nice to see SOMEONE around here doing research. A lot of people just seem to post off the cuff, repeat talking points from Pastor Brown at Community Church down the street who has weird notions of what Catholics believe and also doesn't want anyone defecting from his own "church" to the Catholic Church, even if said Church claims to be the ONE Christ founded..

OK... (laugh).. where was I?

Anyway, the primary point is that Christ founded a Church and promised that the very gates of Hell would not prevail against it. But most non-Catholics (the ones I've encountered, plus I have studied somewhat their doctrines) say that the Church.. again, "went off the cliff" at some point and history

But not to worry! Some human saved it... restored it... replaced it...

more of the former than the latter 2 things, apparently hard not to look at things such as the selling of Indulgences, Papal mistresses, child Popes, Popes that instituted wholesale slaughter..Crusade anyone?...multiple Popes...Popes that supported the Inquisition--and not come to the conclusion that the Church.."went off the cliff" somewhere in history.
Christ said that his kingdom was not of this world..apparently he forgot to inform the Catholic church..who ruled..yes ruled, Christendom with an iron fist, for over a thousand years.
The two statements are not exclusive. Just saying that Jesus didn't really have a lot of input--as to forming a church. No where in the gospels is there really any exhortation to found a church. Lots of stuff people string together to say that was his will..and the will of God to establish a church. Jesus appeared to be a humble man whose focus was on the next world, not this one.
Paul had other ideas....and away we went.

I do know that he said, "My Kingdom is not of this world". He also seemed to be against violence. I wonder what he would think of the literally hundreds of millions killed in his name?


Matthew 16:18
Context Crossref Comment Greek
Verse (Click for Chapter)
New International Version
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
The Catholic Church before Vatican II was REAL

It is the Church Christ founded.
Actually, no. The Church Christ founded had no buildings built specifically for worship, had no defined power structure, indeed had no political power at all. There was no infant baptism, and the sacrament of Communion was a literal meal, not a token. No, the Catholic Church as established hundreds of years after Christ ascended was not the one He founded, it was a denomination that proclaimed itself to be that and proceeded to attempt to squash all those not in agreement.
Actually, no. The Church Christ founded had no buildings built specifically for worship,
and an acorn grows into an oak tree


Jesus did not say "I have ascended, therefore the Church is... anyone who believes in Me"

Show me where THAT is in the Bible. It's not. I've read the entire thing, the NT many many times.. not there.

but Jesus did say

"I will BUILD my Church [recall the acorn turning into a big tree] and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it" (Mt 16:18)

"I will build" means: not-yet finished business hard not to look at things such as the selling of Indulgences, Papal mistresses, child Popes, Popes that instituted wholesale slaughter..Crusade anyone?...multiple Popes...Popes that supported the Inquisition--and not come to the conclusion that the Church.."went off the cliff" somewhere in history.
Christ said that his kingdom was not of this world..apparently he forgot to inform the Catholic church..who ruled..yes ruled, Christendom with an iron fist, for over a thousand years.
so when you meet Jesus after death

Are you going to tell Him

"I never entered Your Church because it was full of sinners"?

wonder what Response that may get...
and an acorn grows into an oak tree


Jesus did not say "I have ascended, therefore the Church is... anyone who believes in Me"

Show me where THAT is in the Bible. It's not. I've read the entire thing, the NT many many times.. not there.

but Jesus did say

"I will BUILD my Church [recall the acorn turning into a big tree] and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it" (Mt 16:18)

"I will build" means: not-yet finished business
Jesus said nothing about how His Church was to be organized, but that HE would build it. Not man, Him.

"For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” - Nothing whatsoever about requiring membership in the Catholic Church. Now, are you willing to admit there will be those raised up by Christ on the last day who are not and never were members of the Catholic Church?

"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. Whoever rejects the Son will not see life. Instead, the wrath of God remains on him." - Again, nothing whatsoever about the Catholic Church.

Face it, the Catholic Church merely grabbed the mantle and claimed they were Christ's Church, which immediately made them exclusionary, and they rejected many whom Christ accepted. That's not what Christ's Church is supposed to do.
so when you meet Jesus after death

Are you going to tell Him

"I never entered Your Church because it was full of sinners"?

wonder what Response that may get...
Dunno..but, if that were to happen..yeah..I'd say just that.

Then I'd ask about pedophile Priests, and Pedophile Popes....perhaps we might touch on the Church's endorsement of slavery? The burning of Jews?
The concept that evil MF's get a pass straight to heaven if they toe the theological line..while truly good people go straight to hell...because they don't.
Maybe a word or two about those indulgences..if they were granted..before the sin..was the sin absolved? If a murderer planned his murder..went to church beforehand, bribed a bishop, received an indulgence, committed the murder...was it valid for forgiveness?
Would be a great convo~
Jesus said nothing about how His Church was to be organized, but that HE would build it. Not man, Him.
I always have to stop at thefirst sentence anti-Catholics write... sigh... tiresome but anyhow, who ever said that HE was not/is not building it via the Catholic Faith?

You. You sad that. And who are you?

You are your own pope, cardinal, bishop, priest and lay church member

OK... hope you don't get too overwhelmed there

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