Zone1 You will hate me but.. apparently Mother Teresa was no saint

Dunno..but, if that were to happen..yeah..I'd say just that.

Then I'd ask about pedophile Priests, and Pedophile Popes....perhaps we might touch on the Church's endorsement of slavery?
and then maybe Jesus would interrupt you, as I have here, because again, I always have to stop at thefirst sentence of an anti-Catholic's post.. so yeh Jesus might interrupt also

and say

"We're not here to discuss the sins of others. As per my Word, he who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him"

And you would say------------------------?
and then maybe Jesus would interrupt you, as I have here, because again, I always have to stop at thefirst sentence of an anti-Catholic's post.. so yeh Jesus might interrupt also

and say

"We're not here to discuss the sins of others. As per my Word, he who says he is without sin is a liar and the truth is not in him"

And you would say------------------------?
Nice deflection J.C.---but it begs the point--that you favor evil people, if they toe your theological line..and condemn good people...because they do not~

I've never said I'm..without Sin..although I suspect you and I might define it a bit differently...But when someone may defile children....receive Last sincerely contrite..and who is not..on their death-bed--that that person is going straight to a travesty of all I believe.

BTW..not anti-Catholic. Historically they are a rolling shit-show, but in this day and age, they pose little problem. Once we got the idea that Church and State are two very different got a bit better.
Nice deflection J.C.---but it begs the point--that you favor evil people, if they toe your theological line..and condemn good people...because they do not~

I've never said I'm..without Sin..although I suspect you and I might define it a bit differently...But when someone may defile children....receive Last sincerely----------------
amazing how clueless non-Catholics are about Catholicism.. Why do I bother?

Then there's the fact that you seem to think OTHER people's sins are just SO much more horrible than yours. But even if they were... you don't have to answer for others' sins

just your own

What did YOU do to protect children or to in other ways improve the world b4 dying? That is all Jesus is concerned with.

you have an incredibly arrogant sound to your posts. Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins. Maybe that pride is what keeps you from humbling yourself and surrendering to Jesus..

One thing I know is that you don't have the first clue what the eternal benefits of being Catholic are

(again, I do NOT refer to the novus ordo Francis sect which is about asfar from true Catholicism as a person can get)
I don't go by Bible alone. I have a brain

The Church produced the Bible not the ohter way around
If you're a Christian, you sure better be. But I know most Catholics ARENT biblically literate
hint: the way Catholics determine "saints" ISNT biblical.

She was an admirable woman. But I don't know if she had the Spirit of God

This site calls her an apostate! I'm shocked because I always thought M Teresa was a devout Catholic.. but at this site, it is shown that she accepted the poor people's religions and never tried to convert them to Christ!

So i agree w/ this site, that she was not a saint. The definition of saint has not changed in the eyes of God any more than any other religious, dogmatic Truth has changed (just because modern man wills it to change)
Helping those you may theologically disagree with is the very definition of a saint.
Helping those you may theologically disagree with is the very definition of a saint.
It makes her a good person, not necessarily a "saint"

A saint is one in whom has the Holy Spirit. I never met her, so it's not for me to judge. But you're right. A true Christian would help someone in need without making demands. The Sermon on the Mount is God's very personal instruction for Man. It shows how God expects His children to behave on this earth
Isn't it just laughable the number of people on these boards who say that Christianity is Constantine's religion or that Paul founded it?
I am hurt that they don't add Pope Gregory to Constantine and Paul. After all, when the Roman Empire fell, it was the Church, under Popes like Pope Gregory that kept the Church in some kind of order. I insist Pope Gregory is just as important as Constantine and Paul! He should be recognized! ;)

I guess what mystifies me most is that there would have been no Paul, King, or Pope to shine in the annals of Christianity if a small group of disciples had not believed in the resurrection of Jesus. And had their been no Jesus, there would have been no resurrection. Why are these people so reluctant to credit Jesus as the founder of the Christian faith that bears his name?

Now to the thread topic--Mother Teresa. Why the fascination of studying Mother Teresa's worse days (and we all have them) when she had so many good days? Why demonize her when she could only do something instead of not doing everything? I love this quote credited to Edward E. Hale: I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.

It is a shame people cannot focus on the something Mother Teresa was able to do. By the way, a saint is a person who is a disciple of Jesus, therefore someone who strives to live a holy life. In Catholicism, Saint (note the capitalization) can be regarded as our Hall of Fame of saints. Compare it to all those who play sports are athletes. Only the best of these athletes are Hall of Famers.
I always have to stop at thefirst sentence anti-Catholics write... sigh... tiresome but anyhow, who ever said that HE was not/is not building it via the Catholic Faith?

You. You sad that. And who are you?
I am someone who can read the Scriptures, and I accept them a lot more than a word from you.
You are your own pope, cardinal, bishop, priest and lay church member

OK... hope you don't get too overwhelmed there
Christ's Church (His people) go far beyond arbitrary man-made denominational boundaries. You keep pretending that the only real Church is Catholic, and it's not. That's something you're taught to believe, but it's not true.

We are priests, Christ made us such, in fact, a royal priesthood (remember that to a Jew, a priest cannot be a king, nor a king a priest). Do you deny that?
We are saints. Christ made us such. Do you deny that?
We are first followers of Christ and need no earthly intercessor. In fact, we are called to approach God's throne solely in the name of His son, Yeshua. Do you deny that? Only after that are we members of any local church body or denomination.

I have no need for a pope, cardinal, bishop or priest. Do you?

This site calls her an apostate! I'm shocked because I always thought M Teresa was a devout Catholic.. but at this site, it is shown that she accepted the poor people's religions and never tried to convert them to Christ!

So i agree w/ this site, that she was not a saint. The definition of saint has not changed in the eyes of God any more than any other religious, dogmatic Truth has changed (just because modern man wills it to change)
Yooza watcha dat mouth !
I have no need for a pope, cardinal, bishop or priest. Do you?
No individual does. Nor does any individual have need for a president, congress, or court. The Church, like a nation, is a body of people. Is it better for a body of people to work together or for everyone to go their own way (which is also known as anarchy).
Supporting religious tolerance is a truly hell-worthy offense.

I hope she burns for it.
If it is true she didn't share Christ with others

that IS a hell worthy offense. Jesus said to "go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel" and that "those who believe will be saved and those who do not will be damned"

If you don't like that response, you can take it up with the One who said it...
No individual does. Nor does any individual have need for a president, congress, or court. The Church, like a nation, is a body of people. Is it better for a body of people to work together or for everyone to go their own way (which is also known as anarchy).
Anarchy broke out in spades when Luther began his revolt from the True Church...

we see the results everywhere

and getting worse by the day
I am someone who can read the Scriptures, and I accept them a lot more than a word from you.

Christ's Church (His people) go far beyond arbitrary man-made denominational boundaries. You keep pretending that the only real Church is Catholic, and it's not. That's something you're taught to believe, but it's not true.
I am far from pretending. I have done the research and then on top of that, I have my personal experiences (nonCatholics do not have a clue on either one but esp that last one) to inform me.

My experiences agree w/ all the knowledge I have accumulated RE Church history/teachings. So there are those 2 things.

But I understand you're hurt that your religion is not the right one (or lack of it?) and so you have to insult me as per your idol Saul Alinsky's instructions...........
I am far from pretending. I have done the research and then on top of that, I have my personal experiences (nonCatholics do not have a clue on either one but esp that last one) to inform me.

My experiences agree w/ all the knowledge I have accumulated RE Church history/teachings. So there are those 2 things.

But I understand you're hurt that your religion is not the right one (or lack of it?) and so you have to insult me as per your idol Saul Alinsky's instructions...........
My religion? I don't have a religion, I have a relationship with the living God, Yahweh, through the sacrifice of His son, Yeshua.

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