Zone1 You will hate me but.. apparently Mother Teresa was no saint

If you're a Christian, you sure better be. But I know most Catholics ARENT biblically literate
hint: the way Catholics determine "saints" ISNT biblical.

She was an admirable woman. But I don't know if she had the Spirit of God
you Protestants are your own pope, bishop and priest..

I tend to think the devil would be greatly pleased by that

Such a proposition appeals to one's pride... you get to make up God and the Church in your own image. I choose Christ and His Church, not the one(s) made by humans, sinners all----
My religion? I don't have a religion, I have a relationship with the living God, Yahweh, through the sacrifice of His son, Yeshua.
No one comes to the Father except through Christ

and no one goes to Christ except through His Church
you Protestants are your own pope, bishop and priest..

I tend to think the devil would be greatly pleased by that

Such a proposition appeals to one's pride... you get to make up God and the Church in your own image. I choose Christ and His Church, not the one(s) made by humans, sinners all----
No church - Catholic or Protestant - should have a hierarchy. All are priests in God's kingdom. All are parts of Christ's body, having a place and serving a purpose.
No church - Catholic or Protestant - should have a hierarchy. All are priests in God's kingdom. All are parts of Christ's body, having a place and serving a purpose.
Tell that to the apostles. At least that part of the Catholic Church is biblical
The two statements are not exclusive. Just saying that Jesus didn't really have a lot of input--as to forming a church. No where in the gospels is there really any exhortation to found a church. Lots of stuff people string together to say that was his will..and the will of God to establish a church. Jesus appeared to be a humble man whose focus was on the next world, not this one.
Paul had other ideas....and away we went.

I do know that he said, "My Kingdom is not of this world". He also seemed to be against violence. I wonder what he would think of the literally hundreds of millions killed in his name?
Actually exactly what he did right after the resurrection was establish his church on Earth; But hey, feel free to bullshit to your hearts desire.

Try telling your tales to the Ethiopians. That's where he went 1st.
No one comes to the Father except through Christ

and no one goes to Christ except through His Church
Not so. There are many, many testimonies of people who came to Christ through the reading of the Word or an encounter with Him that didn't involve the Church at all. Ever hear of the Gideons? Their efforts have led many to Christ that came from a lonely person picking up a Bible they found in the drawer of their bedside table in a hotel or hospital. Sorry, but His Church extends into all nations, tongues, and peoples and has absolutely nothing to do with the name on the door.

Are you prepared to state that ALL non-Catholics are false Christians, and only if your name is on a membership roll somewhere in a Catholic Church are you a Christian?

See, your first sentence is true. Yeshua Himself said it. Your second sentence, however, is not. It is not Biblical, it is not supported by Scripture, it is simply false, because you don't really mean Jesus' Church, you mean the Catholic Church, which simply said they were Jesus' Church. He didn't say they were.
How did the apostles come to the Father through Christ before the church?
I do seem to remember one who was knocked off his ride and met Christ face to face. Was that a pope who knocked him off or was it a cardinal? I can never remember.
you Protestants are your own pope, bishop and priest..

I tend to think the devil would be greatly pleased by that

Such a proposition appeals to one's pride... you get to make up God and the Church in your own image. I choose Christ and His Church, not the one(s) made by humans, sinners all----
We are a royal priesthood because God said we are. Now, you do know, don't you, that the office of the pope was created by humans, as well as all the cardinals and bishops, right?
I mock, yes, but the reality is, we cannot say that people can only come to Christ through a Church organization. He said that people can only come to the Father when the Father draws them to Himself, and an earthly organization can neither make that happen, nor can it say it's invalid when it happens outside of itself.
No church - Catholic or Protestant - should have a hierarchy. All are priests in God's kingdom. All are parts of Christ's body, having a place and serving a purpose.
whatever. Says you... ho hum.... :bigbed:

I'm interested in how JESUS set up HIS Church, not mere humans w/ their endless opinions and preferences
Not so. There are many, many testimonies of people who came to Christ through the reading of the Word or an encounter with Him that didn't involve the Church at all.
Like I've said 1000 times, I am interested in CHRIST's Church, the one He set up not one set up by human beings disgruntled w/ same.

I have actually done research on Church history and teachings. Not one Protestant has ever been able to convince me that my information is invalid or faulty.. not one. And they don't even try. That's the most bizarre thing. They never tell me what church they think is the True Church Christ founded. It's like they know the Catholic Church is the one that started from the Beginning but they refuse, absolutely refuse to admit it..
Like I've said 1000 times, I am interested in CHRIST's Church, the one He set up not one set up by human beings disgruntled w/ same.

I have actually done research on Church history and teachings. Not one Protestant has ever been able to convince me that my information is invalid or faulty.. not one. And they don't even try. That's the most bizarre thing. They never tell me what church they think is the True Church Christ founded. It's like they know the Catholic Church is the one that started from the Beginning but they refuse, absolutely refuse to admit it..
And you're not listening to me. Christ's Church is all the people who believe in Him, full stop. He put no other qualifications on it. Do you deny that? That means that His Church extends over the entire world and CANNOT be contained within a single denomination. Why are you putting restrictions on what Christ said was not restricted?

Are you prepared to definitively state that non-Catholics are NOT Christians?
No it isn't. Save for Christ alone, the kingdom is a kingdom of equals.
If the body was all equal, imagine a body of little toes doing nothing. All equal, all doing the equal thing. We are different parts, doing different things, but we are all the Body of Christ. That includes everyone from the Pope to the newly baptized. Keep in mind, I am not declaring the Pope greater, only that he is a part, just like the rest of us are only a part.
Not so. There are many, many testimonies of people who came to Christ through the reading of the Word or an encounter with Him that didn't involve the Church at all.

YES. Tons of people! Worldwide. I mean, his claim was not only demonstrably unbiblical, but completely absurd if he actually believes that.

Btw, speaking of people coming to Christ through an encounter that didn't involve a church, I love this quote by Brooke Fraser: (I added the bold)

"Then Jesus introduced Himself to me. Though my birth certificate reads 1983, I reckon I was born in 1999, when I met Jesus - not in a church or on a camp or through people, but alone in my bedroom with an open Bible and a tangible revelation that the Son of God was not only real, but alive and awesome and stronger than the chains that bound me." ~ Brooke Fraser​

I wonder if notmyfault2020 will say she's not Christian because she didn't come to Christ while being inside a Catholic church through one of the "sacraments" or other religious rituals. :rolleyes:
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