You Won't Be Surprised To Learn This

This is representative of what the democrat party has become, people.

It is no longer the party of Harry Truman, FDR or JFK.

It is still the party of FDR. The problem is that FDR was a low-life son of a bitch.

Uno hates the sick.

do you ever say anything meaningful?
Does unkotare?

Want to compare threads started, lonely closet boy?
Let me help translate what Boo-Boo actually said. ---------> I purchased a pontoon boat so my friends would like me and come over-) I live on a lake, and make SURE all of you do the correct thing for the environment, so I can put my fat ass in a boat-)

See, that was easy peazy to translate, you just have to learn FAR LEFTIST jingo-isms.

All my friends have boats too. I have had 2 girls out on my boat so far though. HAD yes I HAD them literally.

At least I can afford a boat.

Well good for you-) While you were looking like a beach ball on a floating raft, the U.S. had to take care of important things. Keep up the good work banging, and I am sure Stormy appreciates you paying attention-)
Boats are not expensive. About half the price of a new truck. Not sure who he thinks hes impressing. It's a fucking pontoon not a yacht for Christ's sake.
TERRIBLE boats for fishing by the way. A slight breeze and you're drifting all over the place. Great for people with kids though.
Or for guys who want to entertain women. I’ve been living on a lake for 20 years. I’ve had speedboats, jet skis. The best is a pontoon. We all have them. I just paid off my condo and I bought a new f150 boat and quadrunner all cash all within the last 2 years or so. And I only work 8 hours 5 days a week. I’m done spending but you have to admit not too many people can do what I do not even you.
I did what you "do" when I was in my twenties. Everything I own is paid for except my trucks which I buy every 2 or 3 years. My money is used for my entertainment not a bribe to get laid. My gaming PC alone is worth about 4k. Not that I get to use it a lot but it is there.
If you want to get into a pissing contest based on luxuries you will lose.
You remind me of my buddy. He has at least a $4K entertainment system and a room full of action figures from Star wars, xmen, marvel, etc....

He doesn't have a pot to piss in though. I'm not bragging that I have a lot of toys that I'm paying for. Or in exchange for savings. I have both. To me you don't even sound like a real middle class person. You remind me of one of those people who was middle class in the 90's but when you look at their/your situation now, are you really better off than you were in the 90's?

40% of Americans can't cover a $400 emergency expense

Of course you'll deny that you are in this 40%tile but of course you are. Why else would you be working 10x6's?
In the time you wrote those lame 20 threads I got a new pontoon boat and went on an all expense paid trip to Germany. Yea, it’s my life that sucks. Lol
So they let you drive a pontoon boat in Germany?
No the boat was delivered a week before I went to Germany.

Did you call the boat each night to let it know how you were doing? Oh yeah that’s right, nobody anywhere gives a shit, lonely closet-boy. Go rub one out thinking about the cleaning lady, then cry yourself to sleep.
Yes I called my Belarusian girlfriend 3 Times. Remember she’s also my dog sitter and dick sucker

Trying too hard, Elton. Just making yourself more obvious. So pathetic.
The other day she looked a lot like Melania. She's pretty fucking hot.
This is representative of what the democrat party has become, people.

It is no longer the party of Harry Truman, FDR or JFK.

It is still the party of FDR. The problem is that FDR was a low-life son of a bitch.

Uno hates the sick.

do you ever say anything meaningful?
Does unkotare?

Want to compare threads started, lonely closet boy?
Yes lets compare whatever that means.

Lets look at how long the threads you start last. And the weird thing about you is you will start a thread and not comment once on it. Even you hate your own threads. LOL But you sure as fuck love mine.
This is representative of what the democrat party has become, people.

It is no longer the party of Harry Truman, FDR or JFK.

It is still the party of FDR. The problem is that FDR was a low-life son of a bitch.

Uno hates the sick.

do you ever say anything meaningful?
Does unkotare?

Want to compare threads started, lonely closet boy?
You joined in August 2017 and you've started 90 of the lamest threads I've ever seen. My favorite is the analects. What a fucking creep you must be. Nerd! Pussy. LOL Light weight.
So they let you drive a pontoon boat in Germany?
No the boat was delivered a week before I went to Germany.

Did you call the boat each night to let it know how you were doing? Oh yeah that’s right, nobody anywhere gives a shit, lonely closet-boy. Go rub one out thinking about the cleaning lady, then cry yourself to sleep.
Yes I called my Belarusian girlfriend 3 Times. Remember she’s also my dog sitter and dick sucker

Trying too hard, Elton. Just making yourself more obvious. So pathetic.
The other day she looked a lot like Melania. She's pretty fucking hot.

No one believes you, closet boy. You are painfully transparent.
It is still the party of FDR. The problem is that FDR was a low-life son of a bitch.

Uno hates the sick.

do you ever say anything meaningful?
Does unkotare?

Want to compare threads started, lonely closet boy?
....90 of the lamest threads I've ever seen. ....

Because they are over your pin head.
This is representative of what the democrat party has become, people.

It is no longer the party of Harry Truman, FDR or JFK.

It is still the party of FDR. The problem is that FDR was a low-life son of a bitch.

Uno hates the sick.

do you ever say anything meaningful?
Does unkotare?
yeah, he's not a franco or a plasma troll.

even on stuff we disagree, I respect his opinion
This is representative of what the democrat party has become, people.

It is no longer the party of Harry Truman, FDR or JFK.

It is still the party of FDR. The problem is that FDR was a low-life son of a bitch.

Uno hates the sick.

do you ever say anything meaningful?
Does unkotare?
yeah, he's not a franco or a plasma troll.

even on stuff we disagree, I respect his opinion
At least they engage and communicate. Can you give me an example where you and he have gone back and forth and he has answered your questions and asked thoughtful questions?

If you are a right winger, of course he's good to you. He's not being the real unkotare who is a major asshole.

I respect every other Republican on USMB much more than I do him. Please if you are a right winger don't defend him. His debating tactic leave much to be desired.

Was it in the analects thread he started? LOL
This is representative of what the democrat party has become, people.

It is no longer the party of Harry Truman, FDR or JFK.

It is still the party of FDR. The problem is that FDR was a low-life son of a bitch.

Uno hates the sick.

Don't extrapolate just because you happen to be sick in the head, douche.
How come everyone sees it but you? Extrapolate a dildo into your ass unkle.
It is still the party of FDR. The problem is that FDR was a low-life son of a bitch.

Uno hates the sick.

do you ever say anything meaningful?
Does unkotare?
yeah, he's not a franco or a plasma troll.

even on stuff we disagree, I respect his opinion
At least they engage and communicate. Can you give me an example where you and he have gone back and forth and he has answered your questions and asked thoughtful questions?

If you are a right winger, of course he's good to you. He's not being the real unkotare who is a major asshole.

I respect every other Republican on USMB much more than I do him. Please if you are a right winger don't defend him. His debating tactic leave much to be desired.

Was it in the analects thread he started? LOL
It's been awhile, but usually I can out troll a troll and become a huge dick myself, it it's warranted by the situation, there were a few issues we disagreed on, but I don't remember having to be an asshole about it. I'll try and see if I can come up with's a been a while though, I haven't seen him as much lately.
This is representative of what the democrat party has become, people.

It is no longer the party of Harry Truman, FDR or JFK.

It is still the party of FDR. The problem is that FDR was a low-life son of a bitch.
Well we've learned that it's not racist to hate Japs. If you hate asians that's racist but not Japs. Hating Japs makes sense.

Depends on why you hate them. A lot of Chinese hate them, with good reason, but it's also not that way now. Just like Blacks and whites in this country. It's not even close to what it was 50+ years ago, but if you listen to BLM or Antifa, they make it seem worse......those people are either very sick or just brainwashed.
This isn’t Bobobrainless trying to troll, it’s him showing his true racist attitude. Most leftists, and all democrats, are vile, racist hypocrites like him when you get down to it.
This is representative of what the democrat party has become, people.

It is no longer the party of Harry Truman, FDR or JFK.

It is still the party of FDR. The problem is that FDR was a low-life son of a bitch.
Well we've learned that it's not racist to hate Japs. If you hate asians that's racist but not Japs. Hating Japs makes sense.

Depends on why you hate them. A lot of Chinese hate them, with good reason, but it's also not that way now. Just like Blacks and whites in this country. It's not even close to what it was 50+ years ago, but if you listen to BLM or Antifa, they make it seem worse......those people are either very sick or just brainwashed.
Or sick of black people getting shot and bullied. It may not be as bad as it was in the 1990's but it's still not right.

I just watched Boys in the Hood last night

Even black cops treat black men differently than they do whites.
This isn’t Bobobrainless trying to troll, it’s him showing his true racist attitude. Most leftists, and all democrats, are vile, racist hypocrites like him when you get down to it.

I'm just trying to get under your yellow jaundice skin.
This is representative of what the democrat party has become, people.

It is no longer the party of Harry Truman, FDR or JFK.

It is still the party of FDR. The problem is that FDR was a low-life son of a bitch.
Well we've learned that it's not racist to hate Japs. If you hate asians that's racist but not Japs. Hating Japs makes sense.

Depends on why you hate them. A lot of Chinese hate them, with good reason, but it's also not that way now. Just like Blacks and whites in this country. It's not even close to what it was 50+ years ago, but if you listen to BLM or Antifa, they make it seem worse......those people are either very sick or just brainwashed.
Or sick of black people getting shot and bullied. It may not be as bad as it was in the 1990's but it's still not right.

I just watched Boys in the Hood last night

Even black cops treat black men differently than they do whites.

First I love Boyz N the Hood as well. I also like Colors.

It is a problem, but this is the thing.
Yes they treat blacks differently than whites
Even people like Chris Rock talk about it, he sees a guy at night in the shadows, he's hoping its a white guy.

The reason for this is black men tend to grow up in unstable homes, and violent areas
so when the cops respond, they are already making assumptions. But you can't blame them. those areas are very, very dangerous (like south central or bed-sty NYC), more so than Worthington, OH (where I grew up).
the other issue is stereotypes, some because of the above situation.
There are way more good black people than bad, like any other group. BUT they have a distrust of the police and the police of them, which causes more issues.

The solution to this lies with black people though. They need to be willing to trust the cops, understand there are bad ones and we can take care of those (demotion, firing, criminal prosecution when needed), but they have to be willing to trust the mostly good ones.
Now the other issue, is they need to want to get rid of criminals (many do, but I remember the cheering for OJ, that's when I learned things were way, way, way different between blacks and whites)
So the blacks need to trust the cops, work with them and reduce crime. the guilty need to go to jail and learn their lesson...will it happen, probably not, but im optimistic.

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