You won’t believe how little $8.25 an hour buys

Sadly, this is greedy white Republican dude. The ultimate representation. R.I.P. Cecil




And this has to do with WHAT?
Y'know what? If someone lives in luxury while children suffer, I see nothing wrong with "taking their money."

Why not use your own money, since you care about the children so much?
Yes, because I have disposable income.. I wish.

So, you want everyone else to willfully live in poverty, just because someone else is in poverty....but you aren't willing to do the same thing yourself. Four legs good, two legs better, I see....
Socialist sees nobility in poverty.
Yeah, which is why the evil socialists in venezuela/cuba/etc have reduced extreme poverty.
Are you fucking out of what's left of your mind?...70% of Venezuelan people live in abject poverty.
Cubans drive 50 year old cars held together with bubble gum and duct tape.. Get the fuck out of here.
I post the obvious answer and it's someone else's fault.
Wages have stagnated under Obama and the socialist regime. Workforce participation is down because its easier to get on SSI and unemployment than to find a job. This is what socialism leads to.
You want more than 8/hr? Go earn it.
Wages have been stagnant for decades, quit your idiotic bullshit and attempts to blame one man for everything. LOL. Yes, because private sector growth under Obama is a great sign of socialism. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Wages for those who acquire new skills and/or education are NOT stagnant.
If one wants to earn more, they have to work for it.
Jesus christ, wages are stagnant for the middle/lower class, but for the top, it's all ok, so I guess fuck everyone but the rich? You're an idiot. People work 60 hours a week to barely get by, are they not working hard enough?
This 30 year old kid retired at 30 and him and his family live on 25 grand a year, oh the horror how does he live on only 25 grand a year?

A man who retired comfortably at age 30 explains how much money he had to save - Yahoo Finance
Good for him, it's not realistic for everyone to do that.
Sure it is....
Why not use your own money, since you care about the children so much?
Yes, because I have disposable income.. I wish.

So, you want everyone else to willfully live in poverty, just because someone else is in poverty....but you aren't willing to do the same thing yourself. Four legs good, two legs better, I see....
Socialist sees nobility in poverty.
Yeah, which is why the evil socialists in venezuela/cuba/etc have reduced extreme poverty.
Are you fucking out of what's left of your mind?...70% of Venezuelan people live in abject poverty.
Cubans drive 50 year old cars held together with bubble gum and duct tape.. Get the fuck out of here.

I posted this yesterday, but it bears repeating. Venezuela has achieved Peak Socialist Utopia:

Meanwhile In Venezuela... The Socialist Paradise Has Arrived Zero Hedge
MW jobs are for teens making pocket money and learning how to work. They are not a lifetime career path unless you have absolutely no skills or education or are too lazy to get any.

The "war on poverty" has been going on for 50 years, trillions have been wasted on it, and the poverty rate is higher now than when LBJ started it.

A government cannot spend a nation into prosperity or increase the value of unskilled labor.

Sorry, but if your only skill is using your back to carry things, then you probably will never own a mercedes.

LIfe ain't fair, the govt cannot make it fair. Some wild pigs get eaten by lions and some survive to reproduce. Should the govt make lions stop eating?
You had better rest your case. You don't have one.
You've essentially confirmed you can care less about the children of those in poverty, and believe anyone who doesn't fit where you want on the socio-economic ladder needs to die.
And I stated this where?
People that are making low wages should think of the consequences they face if they decide to make babies.
Tell ya what... YOU take care of them.
You're essentially saying: Fuck em, no one should help them. I'm sure you love fetuses though.
No..YOU said that.....What is expected of all of us is to make the proper choices. Failing that, to not place the burden of bad choices on others.
God gave us the ability to reason....and to choose.
No one else should be punished because another made a bad choice.
But you want to use the threat of government sanctions to compel others to compensate those who make bad choices.
Notice the focus on choices.
TO clarify, this does not apply to those who are incapable whether by physical or mental disability of helping themselves. We as a society have a moral obligation to care for those people.
If one is able, they have a moral obligation to care for themselves.
Now go ahead and spew more emotional rants.
You're wasting keystrokes.
God gave us the ability to reason? Sorry, which god?
I agree, no one should be punished, poverty isn't a "bad choice" for the majority of people, people fall in, move up, get stuck in a cycle.. You can imagine which 2 are more frequent then the other... Threat of government? Oh, god forbid taxes are raised by 2%.
Poverty is not a choice. Correct. However, no one is talking about that. The issue is the ACTIONS of individuals that they commit......The choices they make.
History has shown that increasing taxes for the sole purpose of eliminating poverty does not create the desired effect. The result is however the creation of a permanent underclass.
No problem has ever been solved by throwing money at it.
A good example is the Washington DC public school system...The district spends over $27k per year per student. At that rate, the entire high school student body should be over achievers.
And now, here comes the 'socio-economic' BS.....No....That money spent is supposed to balance out any disparities.
MW jobs are for teens making pocket money and learning how to work. They are not a lifetime career path unless you have absolutely no skills or education or are too lazy to get any.

The "war on poverty" has been going on for 50 years, trillions have been wasted on it, and the poverty rate is higher now than when LBJ started it.

A government cannot spend a nation into prosperity or increase the value of unskilled labor.

Sorry, but if your only skill is using your back to carry things, then you probably will never own a mercedes.

LIfe ain't fair, the govt cannot make it fair. Some wild pigs get eaten by lions and some survive to reproduce. Should the govt make lions stop eating?

The MW rate impacts a lot of people, not just those making min wage. It basically impacts all of the retail jobs that are out there.

Governments can do plenty to impact labor markets. Our own labor market is impacted significantly by China's government.
The same people who are for 7.25 per hour minimum wage will also say one doesn't need an education to be successful. Boy are they wrong. SO WRONG. There are a few exceptions but it would not be possible to live on 7.25 per hour no matter how hard one tried. IMPOSSIBLE.
The same people who are for 7.25 per hour minimum wage will also say one doesn't need an education to be successful. Boy are they wrong. SO WRONG. There are a few exceptions but it would not be possible to live on 7.25 per hour no matter how hard one tried. IMPOSSIBLE.

The people that say stuff like that can't distinguish between individuals and millions of people.
Y'know what? If someone lives in luxury while children suffer, I see nothing wrong with "taking their money."

Why not use your own money, since you care about the children so much?
Yes, because I have disposable income.. I wish.

So, you want everyone else to willfully live in poverty, just because someone else is in poverty....but you aren't willing to do the same thing yourself. Four legs good, two legs better, I see....
Socialist sees nobility in poverty.
Yeah, which is why the evil socialists in venezuela/cuba/etc have reduced extreme poverty.

Here's some images of typical Venezuelan Grocery stores:


Why not use your own money, since you care about the children so much?
Yes, because I have disposable income.. I wish.

So, you want everyone else to willfully live in poverty, just because someone else is in poverty....but you aren't willing to do the same thing yourself. Four legs good, two legs better, I see....
Socialist sees nobility in poverty.
Yeah, which is why the evil socialists in venezuela/cuba/etc have reduced extreme poverty.
Are you fucking out of what's left of your mind?...70% of Venezuelan people live in abject poverty.
Cubans drive 50 year old cars held together with bubble gum and duct tape.. Get the fuck out of here.
Oh god.. Venezuela reduced extreme poverty by massive amounts, same with cuba, of course, you cite the "bubble gum" and duct tape horse shit.
Billions live in poverty, many working 60+ hours a week to barely scrape by. Whiners?
Maybe this liberal can teach you something......

Bono Capitalism takes more people out of poverty than aid The Beacon
Like I'd give a fuck what Bono says, capitalism doesn't bring people out of poverty, aid programs, technology, governments.. If you want to follow your line of thought, then Mao Zedong did an amazing job at improving people's lives.
Bring them out of poverty? We've spent trillions of dollars in the last 70 years to lift people out of poverty. The ranks of the poor are not dwindling.
Yeah, you seem to forget the recent crisis.
Welfare programs shown to reduce poverty in America Money The Guardian
Idiot, try again.

The Guardian? You might just as well have quoted the Daily Worker. Welfare entrenches poverty. It pays teenage girls to have illegitimate children. That isn't how you reduce poverty.
It pays teenage girls to have illegitimate children? Oh, I can imagine how much better that would be if abortion was illegal.. Something idiots call for anyways. None the less, the guardian isn't the source itself, so don't kid yourself.
Why not use your own money, since you care about the children so much?
Yes, because I have disposable income.. I wish.

So, you want everyone else to willfully live in poverty, just because someone else is in poverty....but you aren't willing to do the same thing yourself. Four legs good, two legs better, I see....
Socialist sees nobility in poverty.
Yeah, which is why the evil socialists in venezuela/cuba/etc have reduced extreme poverty.

ROFL! Yeah, they reduced it so much that there's no food to buy in the stores.

Great solution!
Oh yes, nothing better then anecdotal bullshit.

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