You won’t believe this...DC’s mayor just recommended we remove or relocate the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial

You can almost sense if this goes to its conclusion the middle ages will look like the time of milk and honey. Regression will cause a new Dark Age. And it will not be a fun time.
The crazy just keeps getting crazier. Everyday I think they can’t get any dumber, any crazier and then they go and prove they can. It’s like the left has had lobotomy’s and are out to prove that yes they really are that stupid
Of course I believe it, you know what else I believe, we are a stones throw away from executing every democratic politician in the United States!
Very similar to Rome in the 5th Century. The Roman Empire was the place to be, for many centuries. Indoor plumbing, first class road system, plentiful food, first class entertainment. Then Goths and Vandals illegally came across the border en masse, changing the country permanently for the worst.
What a stupid gash.

Why is she not lobbying for a change in the name of the city which pays her?
"The District of Columbia Facilities and Commemorative Expressions (DCFACES) said in a report Monday that it was tasked with evaluating whether statues and memorials in the city should be removed or contextualized if the historical figures they represent participated in “slavery, systemic racism, mistreatment of, or actions that suppressed equality for, persons of color, women and LGBTQ communities and violation of the DC Human Right Act.”

First off, can we please change the name of the organization?

I suggest District of Columbia Facilities Encompassing Commemorative Expressions, or "DCFECES".

See, here's the problem: Look at that paragraph is saying. The fact of the matter is that the DC Human Rights Act didn't exist until 1977. Negroes like this gash of a Mayor are trying to assign the morality of today to the conduct and the people of 200 years ago, and you just can't do that. You can't do it and it's beyond stupid to even try.

They're essentially, and stupidly, trying to make the societal norms of 200 years conform with societal norms of today.

Hell, when I was growing up in New York, the legal drinking age was 18. It's now 21, which means that my legally drinking a beer in 1980 would run counter to what I could legally do today. Consequently, should I now be charged with underage possession of alcohol? That's essentially what ALL of these idiot leftists seem to believe.

Why are they piece-mealing this? It's a pretty fair bet that every swingin' dick in the late 1700's had something to do with slavery. They either owned 'em, sold 'em, or somehow otherwise benefited from their labor. Why don't these idiot leftist fucks simply promote the idea that anything at all related to any white person in the 1700 and 1800's is bad.

Well, I'll tell you why. Because, if they did that, the monumental enormity of what they're actually trying to accomplish would be made glaringly evident, and they don't want that. They want you to believe that "it's just a statue". Well, it's not "just a statue". They're out to destroy and anything and everything that's even remotely connected to white culture in the United States. If they try to do it all at once, even the idiot white people who currently stand with them would resist them. But, negroes are hoping the idiot whites currently by their side remain stupid enough to believe "it's just a statue".

Well, it's not just a statue. Good or bad, it's our history and it's important that we not forget it.

In the meantime, though, I'll happily take up arms to ptotect everything about this country that I know to be good. I know many who will do the same. If BLM and Antifa dipshits want to use violence to make their point, then we shall use violence to make ours. We might not strike first, but we'll strike harder and with far more conviction to our cause then you could ever hope have in yours. We'll hit you so hard your grandkids will have a headache.

Your war is on your doorstep. Good luck with that...
Why not move the Washington Monument and Jeff Memorial to the Vegas Strip? Nevada already has the Statue of Liberty and Eiffel Tower, so why not?

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