You'd think a fair percentage of libs. would eventually figure it out

The conformity experiments describes why most of them just go along with the crowd.

The irony is amazing.

Oh I am sure you think I am just going along with the crowd and being just influenced by popular demand by supporting conservatives.

Yeah, cause so many in the entertainment industry sure are conservatives. Cause the main stream media sure support conservatives.

Unless an unreal stupid fuck like you still believe it was all due to a video, buy carbon credits cause you believe Al Gore, really believe transgender bathrooms is a giant fucking deal, and think all of the kuuunts emails that she deleted were just innocent little messages.

You are the epitome of following the crowd you ignorant blob. If you think it is the popular stance to support conservative values, then you are a far bigger giant piece of shit than I thought. Did not think that was possible you fucking loser.

Everything you have your knickers atwist over is a function of america selling out to concentrated corporate wealth and power. Just keep on deregulating, till it dawns on ya. The people have no representation. Goldman Sachs runs the white house, just like it would have had Hilary prevailed. Wall Street and central banks dictate your economic system, your economic system dictates your political system. To continue to believe that partisanshit within the system as a way forward IS just going along with the crowd.

Oh, no wonder the entire establishment hates Trump so much. He is really one of them.

Got it.

And and and hillary would have put a stop to all of that too.

Yeah yeah
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