“Young black man.” “Black victim”


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Before any BLM supporter starts shaking their head. …put yourself in the shoes of the poor white man. You see there life is no different than a poor black man. Understand that as these messages are typed out, there are white people dying every day on the streets due to drug addiction and violence. What does the left winger then say?

“it’s easier for them to get out of the downward spiral”

well no …their dead

All over the country multimillionaire Starbucks white people who are enjoying their latte and living in mansions…. Are tossing around terms like “young black man” or “black victim.” we see it in news and media publications. White people are never identified as being white when they are a victim or when they die.

It’s a poison really that almost only exists in the USA. Other countries that have diverse cultures don’t do this. Everybody is treated as a human being or a citizen of their country. And that is always the way forward. It’s how for example the Roman Empire existed you see the Roman Empire had Arab, European and African emperors. They weren’t singled out because of their color.

I’m a White man and I’ve been very poor. Struggled tremendously economically. It is brutal for so many working class and poor white men across this country who are denied loans and who get nothing. Some of them are homeless….and they watch CNN or MSNBC even Fox News at times engaging in race division.

Good day to everyone.
Before any BLM supporter starts shaking their head. …put yourself in the shoes of the poor white man. You see there life is no different than a poor black man. Understand that as these messages are typed out, there are white people dying every day on the streets due to drug addiction and violence. What does the left winger then say?

“it’s easier for them to get out of the downward spiral”

well no …their dead

All over the country multimillionaire Starbucks white people who are enjoying their latte and living in mansions…. Are tossing around terms like “young black man” or “black victim.” we see it in news and media publications. White people are never identified as being white when they are a victim or when they die.

It’s a poison really that almost only exists in the USA. Other countries that have diverse cultures don’t do this. Everybody is treated as a human being or a citizen of their country. And that is always the way forward. It’s how for example the Roman Empire existed you see the Roman Empire had Arab, European and African emperors. They weren’t singled out because of their color.

I’m a White man and I’ve been very poor. Struggled tremendously economically. It is brutal for so many working class and poor white men across this country who are denied loans and who get nothing. Some of them are homeless….and they watch CNN or MSNBC even Fox News at times engaging in race division.

Good day to everyone.

They can not, because their TV's own them completely and will not allow them to think outside the narrative.

It’s a poison really that almost only exists in the USA. Other countries that have diverse cultures don’t do this.

Good day to everyone.
(1) That's because the USA is unique.

(2) No other country is as "diverse" as the USA.

(3) Some people (in the privacy of their home) admit that the United States shows that multiculturalism (sadly) does not work.

(4) A good day to you, too.
Before any BLM supporter starts shaking their head. …put yourself in the shoes of the poor white man. You see there life is no different than a poor black man. Understand that as these messages are typed out, there are white people dying every day on the streets due to drug addiction and violence. What does the left winger then say?

“it’s easier for them to get out of the downward spiral”

well no …their dead

All over the country multimillionaire Starbucks white people who are enjoying their latte and living in mansions…. Are tossing around terms like “young black man” or “black victim.” we see it in news and media publications. White people are never identified as being white when they are a victim or when they die.

It’s a poison really that almost only exists in the USA. Other countries that have diverse cultures don’t do this. Everybody is treated as a human being or a citizen of their country. And that is always the way forward. It’s how for example the Roman Empire existed you see the Roman Empire had Arab, European and African emperors. They weren’t singled out because of their color.

I’m a White man and I’ve been very poor. Struggled tremendously economically. It is brutal for so many working class and poor white men across this country who are denied loans and who get nothing. Some of them are homeless….and they watch CNN or MSNBC even Fox News at times engaging in race division.

Good day to everyone.
The race division is fermented, encouraged by capitalism, not genuine socialism (i.e. Marxism), which emphasizes socioeconomic class over ethnicity. The big money capitalists prefer labor to be divided by race, religion, sex, politics, in order to avoid "class consciousness".

The last thing the capitalists want is for the working class, including the working-poor, to wake-up one day and say:

"Hey, we're in this together vs those who want to exploit ("employ") us for a profit and keep us under their heels, being paid peanuts, without any rights, without much (if any) democracy in the workplace or in politics, without owning anything of value like a home, to keep us paying them our monthly rents. They want to keep us fighting and competing against each other in the workplace, rather than cooperating and protecting each other, forming labor unions that can negotiate our terms of employment and conditions in the workplace with serious leverage and power (United We Stand, Divided We Fall)".

Adam Smith the father of capitalism, understood class divisions, acknowledging their existence. He wrote (emphasis mine - blue/bold):

"What are the common wages of labor, depends every where upon the contract usually made between those two parties, whose interests are by no means the same. The workmen (the employees/exploitees) desire to get as much, the masters (the employers/exploiters) to give as little as possible. The former are disposed to combine (to unionize/forming labor unions) in order to raise, the latter in order to lower the wages of labor. It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters, being fewer in number, can combine (form their own unions in the form of chambers of commerce, super-PACs, industry guilds and associations, front-organizations, armies of lobbyists in the halls of government bribing politicians..etc) much more easily; and the law, besides, authorizes, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen (the government prohibits or makes it legally and practically untenable by refusing to protect employees who try to unionize)." (Wealth Of Nations- Book I, Chapter VIII)

Adam Smith was well aware of the power dynamic between employees and their often wealthy and powerful employers. He also recognized the class divisions within capitalism, which today many capitalists and their defenders pretend don't exist. What you're saying about white folks suffering too, is true, but you're blaming the wrong people. BLM, along with Bernie Sanders aren't true socialists or Marxists, they're just American liberals or "social democrats". Republicans love to label everyone who isn't a right-winger, a "commie" and Marxist, and that's simply not the case. American liberalism isn't Marxism or Communism, it's what it is, social, democratic liberalism, in the pockets of capitalists like George Soros.

So-called "social democratic liberalism", is really a liberal-plutocracy, an oligarchal "democracy", that serves the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the working class (of the public good). It's "democratic" in name only.

Do you actually believe George Soros and company are communists? Him and his ilk are the ones funding all of the gender confusion, the hormone treatments for children, the sexual reassignment surgeries, the LGBTQ+ "homofication", emasculation, "pornification" of society. Turning masculine men into effeminate retail shoppers hooked on life-long hormone treatments and surgeries is extremely profitable and keeps capitalism safer due to lowering the odds of a people's revolt and revolution. The only masculine, family oriented, providers and fathers, husbands, end up being wealthy capitalist men. You need to be rich to afford marriage and lose half your shit in a divorce, not a working-class Joe.

All of this crap that the white right-wing working class complain about, blaming the left, is actually created by profit-pursuing capitalists, not Marxists or Communists like myself. The radical left, is actually Stalinist, which is family oriented, pro-life, against all of the LGBTQA+ nonsense. The further left you go the more socially conservative you become because you realize how destructive liberalism is. Liberals tear down society, by eliminating all of its boundaries, turning it into an amorphous, undefinable blob. In order to have definition and structure, you need boundaries. Social conservatives, whether of the right or the left, get that. We understand that.

You need to develop class consciousness, and that will quickly solve all of the racial divisions and fighting. All of the bigotry, racism, will disappear when you begin to see the true culprit of our pain and suffering. It's not racial, it's economic and in the realm of production. How we produce the goods and services that we consume.

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(1) That's because the USA is unique.

(2) No other country is as "diverse" as the USA.

(3) Some people (in the privacy of their home) admit that the United States shows that multiculturalism (sadly) does not work.

(4) A good day to you, too.
Partially disagreed my friend. Diversity was a strength Of America in the early 20th century we had immigrants from all over Europe and we still maintain quite a large black -American population. We had diversity on our television screens. Think of Sammy Davis, Junior, people like O.J. Simpson, or Jim Brown back in their day.

There’s tons of diverse countries in the world think of golf states that are home to large foreign populations of workers. You can think of Singapore where they have a mixture of Chinese and English language. Even the country I’m in Cambodia, which has a rich French history that exists to this very day.

It’s only the United States that has the mass school shootings. The astronomical gun violence. There are other countries of the world where people can legally own guns and they don’t have the gun violence. It’s because they don’t have mental health issues like we have in America. They also don’t have a self hatred of their country which is cancerous..

Tons of malls throughout the United States are dangerous places. You will often see police officers roaming the American malls. And curfew set up for young people in malls in the USA. This is a uniquely American phenomenon that does not exist in other countries of the world where you can go to a mall safely. It’s very clean and beautiful. People are civilized.


Diamond Member · From paradise
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Let me correct myself. When you read that post I said: "Do you actually believe George Soros and company are capitalists?." I actually meant: "Do you actually believe George Soros and company are communists?". I wouldn't be surprised if you identified the typo before me. I hate typos.
The race division is fermented, encouraged by capitalism, not genuine socialism (i.e. Marxism), which emphasizes socioeconomic class over ethnicity. The big money capitalists prefer labor to be divided by race, religion, sex, politics, in order to avoid "class consciousness".

The last thing the capitalists want is for the working class, including the working-poor, to wake-up one day and say:

"Hey, we're in this together vs those who want to exploit ("employ") us for a profit and keep us under their heels, being paid peanuts, without any rights, without much (if any) democracy in the workplace or in politics, without owning anything of value like a home, to keep us paying them our monthly rents. They want to keep us fighting and competing against each other in the workplace, rather than cooperating and protecting each other, forming labor unions that can negotiate our terms of employment and conditions in the workplace with serious leverage and power (United We Stand, Divided We Fall)".

Adam Smith the father of capitalism, understood class divisions, acknowledging their existence. He wrote (emphasis mine - blue/bold):

"What are the common wages of labor, depends every where upon the contract usually made between those two parties, whose interests are by no means the same. The workmen (the employees/exploitees) desire to get as much, the masters (the employers/exploiters) to give as little as possible. The former are disposed to combine (to unionize/forming labor unions) in order to raise, the latter in order to lower the wages of labor. It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters, being fewer in number, can combine (form their own unions in the form of chambers of commerce, super-PACs, industry guilds and associations, front-organizations, armies of lobbyists in the halls of government bribing politicians..etc) much more easily; and the law, besides, authorizes, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen (the government prohibits or makes it legally and practically untenable by refusing to protect employees who try to unionize)." (Wealth Of Nations- Book I, Chapter VIII)

Adam Smith was well aware of the power dynamic between employees and their often wealthy and powerful employers. He also recognized the class divisions within capitalism, which today many capitalists and their defenders pretend don't exist. What you're saying about white folks suffering too, is true, but you're blaming the wrong people. BLM, along with Bernie Sanders aren't true socialists or Marxists, they're just American liberals or "social democrats". Republicans love to label everyone who isn't a right-winger, a "commie" and Marxist, and that's simply not the case. American liberalism isn't Marxism or Communism, it's what it is, social, democratic liberalism, in the pockets of capitalists like George Soros.

Do you actually believe George Soros and company are communists? Him and his ilk are the ones funding all of the gender confusion, the hormone treatments for children, the sexual reassignment surgeries, the LGBTQ+ "homofication", emasculation, "pornification" of society. Turning masculine men into effeminate retail shoppers hooked on life-long hormone treatments and surgeries is extremely profitable and keeps capitalism safer due to lowering the odds of a people's revolt and revolution. The only masculine, family oriented, providers and fathers, husbands, end up being wealthy capitalist men. You need to be rich to afford marriage and lose half your shit in a divorce, not a working-class Joe.

All of this crap that the white right-wing working class complain about, blaming the left, is actually created by profit-pursuing capitalists, not Marxists or Communists like myself. The radical left, is actually Stalinist, which is family oriented, pro-life, against all of the LGBTQA+ nonsense. The further left you go the more socially conservative you become because you realize how destructive liberalism is. Liberals tear down society, by eliminating all of its boundaries, turning it into an amorphous, undefinable blob. In order to have definition and structure, you need boundaries. Social conservatives, whether of the right or the left, get that. We understand that.

You need to develop class consciousness, and that will quickly solve all of the racial divisions and fighting. All of the bigotry, racism, will disappear when you begin to see the true culprit of our pain and suffering. It's not racial, it's economic and in the realm of production. How we produce the goods and services that we consume.

Front, I'll never agree with your issue on economics. However, you have some good points in there.
The race division is fermented, encouraged by capitalism, not genuine socialism (i.e. Marxism), which emphasizes socioeconomic class over ethnicity. The big money capitalists prefer labor to be divided by race, religion, sex, politics, in order to avoid "class consciousness".

The last thing the capitalists want is for the working class, including the working-poor, to wake-up one day and say:

"Hey, we're in this together vs those who want to exploit ("employ") us for a profit and keep us under their heels, being paid peanuts, without any rights, without much (if any) democracy in the workplace or in politics, without owning anything of value like a home, to keep us paying them our monthly rents. They want to keep us fighting and competing against each other in the workplace, rather than cooperating and protecting each other, forming labor unions that can negotiate our terms of employment and conditions in the workplace with serious leverage and power (United We Stand, Divided We Fall)".

Adam Smith the father of capitalism, understood class divisions, acknowledging their existence. He wrote (emphasis mine - blue/bold):

"What are the common wages of labor, depends every where upon the contract usually made between those two parties, whose interests are by no means the same. The workmen (the employees/exploitees) desire to get as much, the masters (the employers/exploiters) to give as little as possible. The former are disposed to combine (to unionize/forming labor unions) in order to raise, the latter in order to lower the wages of labor. It is not, however, difficult to foresee which of the two parties must, upon all ordinary occasions, have the advantage in the dispute, and force the other into a compliance with their terms. The masters, being fewer in number, can combine (form their own unions in the form of chambers of commerce, super-PACs, industry guilds and associations, front-organizations, armies of lobbyists in the halls of government bribing politicians..etc) much more easily; and the law, besides, authorizes, or at least does not prohibit their combinations, while it prohibits those of the workmen (the government prohibits or makes it legally and practically untenable by refusing to protect employees who try to unionize)." (Wealth Of Nations- Book I, Chapter VIII)

Adam Smith was well aware of the power dynamic between employees and their often wealthy and powerful employers. He also recognized the class divisions within capitalism, which today many capitalists and their defenders pretend don't exist. What you're saying about white folks suffering too, is true, but you're blaming the wrong people. BLM, along with Bernie Sanders aren't true socialists or Marxists, they're just American liberals or "social democrats". Republicans love to label everyone who isn't a right-winger, a "commie" and Marxist, and that's simply not the case. American liberalism isn't Marxism or Communism, it's what it is, social, democratic liberalism, in the pockets of capitalists like George Soros.

So-called "social democratic liberalism", is really a liberal-plutocracy, an oligarchal "democracy", that serves the interests of the wealthy at the expense of the working class (of the public good). It's "democratic" in name only.

Do you actually believe George Soros and company are communists? Him and his ilk are the ones funding all of the gender confusion, the hormone treatments for children, the sexual reassignment surgeries, the LGBTQ+ "homofication", emasculation, "pornification" of society. Turning masculine men into effeminate retail shoppers hooked on life-long hormone treatments and surgeries is extremely profitable and keeps capitalism safer due to lowering the odds of a people's revolt and revolution. The only masculine, family oriented, providers and fathers, husbands, end up being wealthy capitalist men. You need to be rich to afford marriage and lose half your shit in a divorce, not a working-class Joe.

All of this crap that the white right-wing working class complain about, blaming the left, is actually created by profit-pursuing capitalists, not Marxists or Communists like myself. The radical left, is actually Stalinist, which is family oriented, pro-life, against all of the LGBTQA+ nonsense. The further left you go the more socially conservative you become because you realize how destructive liberalism is. Liberals tear down society, by eliminating all of its boundaries, turning it into an amorphous, undefinable blob. In order to have definition and structure, you need boundaries. Social conservatives, whether of the right or the left, get that. We understand that.

You need to develop class consciousness, and that will quickly solve all of the racial divisions and fighting. All of the bigotry, racism, will disappear when you begin to see the true culprit of our pain and suffering. It's not racial, it's economic and in the realm of production. How we produce the goods and services that we consume.

IT taught in schools...time to wake up
IT as in computer repair? Server and network technician training? Don't use acronyms like that if you want people to understand what you're saying.
derp derp derp.......WHAT WE REALLY NEED IS INSTITUTIONALIAZED HATE.....that'll make it all better wont it and we'll finally achieve the great society.......rube much
Before any BLM supporter starts shaking their head. …put yourself in the shoes of the poor white man. You see there life is no different than a poor black man. Understand that as these messages are typed out, there are white people dying every day on the streets due to drug addiction and violence. What does the left winger then say?

“it’s easier for them to get out of the downward spiral”

well no …their dead

All over the country multimillionaire Starbucks white people who are enjoying their latte and living in mansions…. Are tossing around terms like “young black man” or “black victim.” we see it in news and media publications. White people are never identified as being white when they are a victim or when they die.

It’s a poison really that almost only exists in the USA. Other countries that have diverse cultures don’t do this. Everybody is treated as a human being or a citizen of their country. And that is always the way forward. It’s how for example the Roman Empire existed you see the Roman Empire had Arab, European and African emperors. They weren’t singled out because of their color.

I’m a White man and I’ve been very poor. Struggled tremendously economically. It is brutal for so many working class and poor white men across this country who are denied loans and who get nothing. Some of them are homeless….and they watch CNN or MSNBC even Fox News at times engaging in race division.

Good day to everyone.
Shut up.
(1) That's because the USA is unique.

(2) No other country is as "diverse" as the USA.

(3) Some people (in the privacy of their home) admit that the United States shows that multiculturalism (sadly) does not work.

(4) A good day to you, too.
Another ignorant racist rant from an 82 year old born during jim crow bigot.
(1) That's because the USA is unique.

(2) No other country is as "diverse" as the USA.

(3) Some people (in the privacy of their home) admit that the United States shows that multiculturalism (sadly) does not work.

(4) A good day to you, too.
Multiculturalism had to work or else you whites would still be in Europe.
derp derp derp.......WHAT WE REALLY NEED IS INSTITUTIONALIAZED HATE.....that'll make it all better wont it and we'll finally achieve the great society.......rube much
The U.S. was built on institutionalized hate, idiot.

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