Young Jewish millenials organizing a exodous from Jew Hating democratic party


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
Fashion model and Jexodus spokesperson Elizabeth Pipko explained her movement’s plans to help young Jews reject partisan Democrat and left-wing politics during a Tuesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

“Jexodus is a totally genuine grassroots movement started by young millennials who are just trying to galvanize young Jews across the country and get them involved in what’s happening in politics,” said Pipko, “seeing what’s going on in both parties, and also getting them involved in voting in 2020.”

Model Elizabeth Pipko: 'Jexodus' Helps Jewish Millennials Leave the Antisemitic Left
Blacks, Hispanics and Jews deserting the Fascist Democrat Party, no wonder they need Illegals voting

Anyone remotely Patriotic and wanting to be free can see the path Democrats are on, and that it's NOT the American way.
Other than a push towards Fascism, Socialism, anti-Semitism, Infanticide, and wanting illegals to take America over, they're not that far out the mainstream.
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The democrats have thrown their lot in with the Islamicist left, Omar, Ellison, Tlaib, etc.
Another unintended consequence of selling your party out to Barry Obama and his minions.
Fashion model and Jexodus spokesperson Elizabeth Pipko explained her movement’s plans to help young Jews reject partisan Democrat and left-wing politics during a Tuesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

“Jexodus is a totally genuine grassroots movement started by young millennials who are just trying to galvanize young Jews across the country and get them involved in what’s happening in politics,” said Pipko, “seeing what’s going on in both parties, and also getting them involved in voting in 2020.”

Model Elizabeth Pipko: 'Jexodus' Helps Jewish Millennials Leave the Antisemitic Left
4 months ago, 79% of American Jews voted Democrat. But good luck to your fashion model :lmao:
Jews simply don’t care. If they ignored Obama’s anti semitism, some stupid freshmen congresswoman’s anti semitism won’t make a lick of difference
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American Jews are fucked up in the head. Why they would stay in the Dimocrat party is beyond me.
They need to get over the old guard of where the anti-Semitism came from, and wake the fuck up to where the focus is today.

HINT: As long as Jews stay in the Dimocrat party, eventually they'll be using the old classic saying: "We've seen the enemy, and it is us !"
Non-synagogue going Jews are offspring of Bolshevik Russian Marxists. What would you expect?

I just learned this like, the day before yesterday.

They've been Marxist since the 30s.
Jews simply don’t care. If they ignored Obama’s anti semitism, some stupid freshmen congresswoman’s anti semitism won’t make a lick of difference

Too many American Jews are self-hating.

This has been my contention for years on this board and I've taken alot of shit over it.
But now, it has become apparent.
Jews simply don’t care. If they ignored Obama’s anti semitism, some stupid freshmen congresswoman’s anti semitism won’t make a lick of difference

Too many American Jews are self-hating.

I am not sure that is the case...I think it has more to do with how having lost so many family members to the Nazis they are very, very suspicious of anything that is not very liberal...they have little fear of marxism,socialism or even communism....they do have a lot of fear of right wing movements and Christians.

But the younger ones being more distant to the sufferings of The WWII generation are beginning to wake up to who really is the real threat....the left wingers....the modern day anti-semites and the concept that a new form of antisemitism has developed in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, emanating simultaneously from the far left, Islamism, as well as the far right's radicalism and that it tends to manifest itself as opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel.
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Jews simply don’t care. If they ignored Obama’s anti semitism, some stupid freshmen congresswoman’s anti semitism won’t make a lick of difference

Too many American Jews are self-hating.

I am not sure that is the case...I think it has more to do with how having lost so many family members to the Nazis they are very, very suspicious of anything that is not very leftist...they have little fear of marxism,socialism or even communism....they do have a lot of fear of right wing movements and Christians.

But the younger ones being more distant to the sufferings of The WWII generation are beginning to wake up to who really is the real threat....the left wingers....the modern day anti-semites.

Which party in America most resembles the nazis?
Jews simply don’t care. If they ignored Obama’s anti semitism, some stupid freshmen congresswoman’s anti semitism won’t make a lick of difference

Too many American Jews are self-hating.

I am not sure that is the case...I think it has more to do with how having lost so many family members to the Nazis they are very, very suspicious of anything that is not very leftist...they have little fear of marxism,socialism or even communism....they do have a lot of fear of right wing movements and Christians.

But the younger ones being more distant to the sufferings of The WWII generation are beginning to wake up to who really is the real threat....the left wingers....the modern day anti-semites.

But who the hell knows what one is thinking when they and/or are ignorant of history with no appreciation for it.
Jews simply don’t care. If they ignored Obama’s anti semitism, some stupid freshmen congresswoman’s anti semitism won’t make a lick of difference

Too many American Jews are self-hating.

I am not sure that is the case...I think it has more to do with how having lost so many family members to the Nazis they are very, very suspicious of anything that is not very leftist...they have little fear of marxism,socialism or even communism....they do have a lot of fear of right wing movements and Christians.

But the younger ones being more distant to the sufferings of The WWII generation are beginning to wake up to who really is the real threat....the left wingers....the modern day anti-semites.

Which party in America most resembles the nazis?

America did not suffer under generations of papist rule...that is where all the Jew Hatred in Germany as well as the rest of Europe got its origins....papist priests constantly preaching the Jews were responsible for the crucifixition of Christ.

Nazism in America is a red herring trossed out by the leftwingers to distract and attempt to coinfuse the masses....hoping thus that the democratic party's growing totolitarian nature will be ignored.....and they have made a lot of mileage out of that with the help of the media.
Maybe they could start the chosen party.....?

Fashion model and Jexodus spokesperson Elizabeth Pipko explained her movement’s plans to help young Jews reject partisan Democrat and left-wing politics during a Tuesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

“Jexodus is a totally genuine grassroots movement started by young millennials who are just trying to galvanize young Jews across the country and get them involved in what’s happening in politics,” said Pipko, “seeing what’s going on in both parties, and also getting them involved in voting in 2020.”

Model Elizabeth Pipko: 'Jexodus' Helps Jewish Millennials Leave the Antisemitic Left
4 months ago, 79% of American Jews voted Democrat. But good luck to your fashion model :lmao:
--------------------------------------- thats the thing , if JEW's or 'millenials' or whoever keep being stupid i will be delighted when they get what they deserve BFlag .
Fashion model and Jexodus spokesperson Elizabeth Pipko explained her movement’s plans to help young Jews reject partisan Democrat and left-wing politics during a Tuesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

“Jexodus is a totally genuine grassroots movement started by young millennials who are just trying to galvanize young Jews across the country and get them involved in what’s happening in politics,” said Pipko, “seeing what’s going on in both parties, and also getting them involved in voting in 2020.”

Model Elizabeth Pipko: 'Jexodus' Helps Jewish Millennials Leave the Antisemitic Left
4 months ago, 79% of American Jews voted Democrat. But good luck to your fashion model :lmao:
--------------------------------------- thats the thing , if JEW's or 'millenials' or whoever keep being stupid i will be delighted when they get what they deserve BFlag .
I know. Jew hating Nazi’s were a major part of your Trump movement.

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