Young males are struggling, and the reasons for that are obvious

It started with virtue signaling. The new American religion. A need, sometimes desperate need, to put on a cloth of self righteousness and moralism.
From that America's youth developed a need to be a victim of something. And what does a victim need? - A villain. So if you are a young, white female middle to upper class - there is really only one way you can be a victim... make men the villain.
And the left is the one doing everything you just posted isn't "both sides," it is the one side. They are destroying women as well, erasing them as much as possible from our culture as they allow men to take over their sports, invade their locker rooms. They are also pushing to sterilize children through drugs and surgery....and still claim it is both sides.....

The left are at war with humanity........and you don't see it.....

Or maybe in my 60 years on planet Earth, I've met maybe all of two transgender people, (that I know of, anyway).

And the way you guys carry on, you'd think a hoard of trannies has descended on us.

The reality is, Gender Roles have been changing for decades, and frankly, it's a good thing.

Heck, women have only been allowed to vote for 100 years. They've only been in the workplace for 50 years.

This is hardly a new argument.

It started with virtue signaling. The new American religion. A need, sometimes desperate need, to put on a cloth of self righteousness and moralism.
From that America's youth developed a need to be a victim of something. And what does a victim need? - A villain. So if you are a young, white female middle to upper class - there is really only one way you can be a victim... make men the villain.

Or maybe they've just dated a lot of jerky men... and it isn't hard for them to make that leap.
Jordan Peterson talks about this a lot, and makes a lot of sense. I would recommend his videos. Perhaps tonight I will search for a good one, on this topic. Going to work in minutes.
And he is demonized by the left for it.
Democrats don't have to care about anyone

That is because they own the media, schools, and election booths.

But the more people support them, the more warm fuzzies it gives them I think.
You never heard of Dan and Farris Wilks? Two oil billionaires who fund PragerU? Rupert Murdoch? These names don't ring a bell? 😄 is divide and conquer.

This won't, can't go on for very much longer.

There is a serious quickening.

However, I seriously fear the next step will be some serious death and slavery.

Not a real religious person but man, that book is really looking to be on point.

It feels Biblical at this point. I think we all came back to experience this -- once again. But, we're not in charge and...

They would do just fine if they were not half-raised and taught some manly values.

That said just look at the FUBAR generation that is supposed to be teaching them those things.

In my AO the world is their oyster these days if they piss clean and don't have a criminal record.
How did you come to that stupid conclusion, my commie/pinko Negro?
Easy. One political party is a diverse multicultural mix of white, black, hispanic, Asian people who are just as diverse in their beliefs with Christians, Muslims, Jews and Atheists from all parts of the world, all working together towards common goals and then you have the Republican Party who's largely white and evangelical and filled with a bunch of bigoted xenophobes, who believe in bunch of conspiracy theories that all amount to white victimhood bullshit. White, Black, Hispanic and Asian people are mixing creating a 300% explosion of mixed race births over the last decade and its "white people are being replaced". You lose an election, "it was stolen from you". People with gender dysphoria are receiving treatment and white men get to decide that this constitutes "grooming" against the wishes of doctors, parents and their children as if you clowns get to decide what healthcare options those families are allowed. The white wing media has turned you all into a bunch of frightful pussies, afraid of the liberty of people who dont look like you or believe as you do.
I don't agree. Suicides and substance abuse are more common today.

Mass shootings and violence are symptoms.

Mass shootings are a sign it's too fucking easy to get a gun.

As far as suicides...


Nope, suicide rate have remained relatively stable...

Let's look at substance abuse rates.


Nope, they are actually declining...
I see people complaining about all this internet culture wars crap and it's clear they don't get out much. Same with these incels who have just given up on being a real adult before they even try. They have spent their lives living in a sheltered world of video games and internet porn. Now they search for someone else to blame for being weak, pudgy, pasty and unappealing. Meanwhile those who decided to put away the childish things and be a responsible adult are doing much better. Incels like to call them "Chads" and hate their guts for getting all the chicks.
You never heard of Dan and Farris Wilks? Two oil billionaires who fund PragerU? Rupert Murdoch? These names don't ring a bell? 😄
Are you so insanely envious of them because they are "white", because they are much smarter than you, more financially successful than you, or some combination of the above?

Have you ever wondered what makes you so envious of them that you hate them so much, you pathetic racist moronic moonbat loser?
It's presumably common knowledge that young American males are struggling more and more, as the traditional roles for men have been changing rapidly and all but rendered obsolete -- particularly in the West.

The reasons are clear, in my view: This is the predictable manifestation of the efforts of those who advance Identity Politics in our society. The most obvious of these tactics is the term "toxic masculinity", which directly condemns the very behaviors that are organic in most men.

Another primary driver of this is the strange, inexplicable effort to essentially meld the sexes together, all but saying the two are the same, and aggressively refusing to recognize (let alone celebrate) the obvious differences between the two.

Hell, I've seen department stores (Target, I think) get rid of "boys" and "girls" clothing areas, essentially saying that separating the two is a bad thing.

To this day, I don't understand why so many are trying to hard to pretend that men and women are not different, and that that's not a GOOD thing. Can someone here explain this to me?

Those who push Identity Politics have, to absolutely no surprise, gone far too far with this. Now we're seeing the result. Attack boys and young men for simply being what they are, and there will be effects. This is real.

This notion is mocked and dismissed. And that only adds to the problem.

You're a Democrat; it's what you voted for!!!

Are you so insanely envious of them because they are "white", because they are much smarter than you, more financially successful than you, or some combination of the above?

Some are and some aren't. Look at you proving my point. You think every white is doing better than I am? You're a ridiculous clown with clown arguments.
Have you ever wondered what makes you so envious of them that you hate them so much, you pathetic racist moronic moonbat loser?
Envious of who? 😄 I make enough money and have enough wealthy relatives that I don't have to worry about it. Me and my wife are both married to our teenage crushes (we didn't get together until 20 years later), my daughter is a fucking boss (she's raising my grandson and going to nursing school and killing both) and I'm surrounded by a large and loving family. I have no reason to be envious of anyone. Oh and I have caramel colored skin and green eyes. 😄 It's almost unfair to be me.
I think part of this strategy is to help teens/young adults adapt to a changing world without feeling any more pressure than they are already feeling. The goal is likely to stamp out bullying, as well as make transgenderism more acceptable.

The process is a difficult, arduous, if not impossible task, as a majority don't believe in anything other than ones biological sex. I don't agree with this, but I don't have a problem with someone identifying as part of another sex. Leave the social engineering aspect out of it, and still recognize our biological differences, because all you're doing now is pissing off a majority of Americans with this approach.

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