Young Men Living With Parents

Can't raise one kid on one paycheck nowadays. Having kids and a career is a challenge more and more couples aren't taking on.
If you're young enough to stay on your parents insurance you're also too young to drink, smoke, get married without permission, vote........

Be careful of that Obamacare provision that turns all you little shits into infants-under-law!
This current generation isn't nearly as motivated as the boomers were at the same age. Started working at the tender age of ten. Left home after graduation, paid for college myself, held down a full time job while attending, rented a sleeping room, barely could afford food, but I managed. Kids these days are coddled and think things are "owed" them. They drag their heels expecting if they do this long enough mom and dad will croak and they'll automatically get everything their parents scrimped and saved to get all the while working their asses off. It just doesn't happen without effort.
and look at the 'babies' that are being raised . These babies are in college and need 'safe spaces' protection and they hate 'free speech' . Heard about one college where students wouldn't take finals because they were all upset about some happening on campus . Heck , at 19 my old man / DAD was in the old country and was storming the beaches at Normandy in WW2 .
All the hard work in the world isn't going to do squat if one doesn't make enough to live on. I know several young men who work good paying jobs yet live at home. They are saving money left and right. What is wrong with this?
Can't raise one kid on one paycheck nowadays. Having kids and a career is a challenge more and more couples aren't taking on.

Taking full responsibility for one's own fertility should always be an intellectual decision, not simply failure to plan appropriately followed by a knee-jerk reaction. Kids bear the brunt of this unfortunate omission.
If you're young enough to stay on your parents insurance you're also too young to drink, smoke, get married without permission, vote........

Be careful of that Obamacare provision that turns all you little shits into infants-under-law!
especially the voting Henry Hough !!
I am not sure how I feel about this. I was told straight up that come 18 I had to have things figured out, so I got a job, went to college, and was out on my own at 18. In 4 years I graduated then went to grad school, while working, again on my own. So part of me looks down on these kids. However, at the same time I am not planning on putting the same demands on my son and if wants or needs to live with me after school for awhile I will welcome him with open arms. Maybe this is a mistake, and maybe it is not. I guess we will know I'm a few years.
thing is that I had all that Stuff on one paycheck . Wife could work if she liked but it wasn't needed and that was the case in the usa until somewhere in the 80s I'm guessing . My Dad and Mom raised 5 kids on Dads paycheck .

That last sentence......tells you what life in America was like BEFORE trickle down economics. You have nailed it. But....did you know?
Almost 20% of young men are living at home - Business Insider


Commonplace in various cultures for multiple generations to live under the same roof. As the US becomes more multicultural, these practices are going to skew the results of such studies.
I am not sure how I feel about this. I was told straight up that come 18 I had to have things figured out, so I got a job, went to college, and was out on my own at 18. In 4 years I graduated then went to grad school, while working, again on my own. So part of me looks down on these kids. However, at the same time I am not planning on putting the same demands on my son and if wants or needs to live with me after school for awhile I will welcome him with open arms. Maybe this is a mistake, and maybe it is not. I guess we will know I'm a few years.

Wow! You are awesome! Someone should write that down so it can be used by conservatives to describe their life on message boards.
This current generation isn't nearly as motivated as the boomers were at the same age. Started working at the tender age of ten. Left home after graduation, paid for college myself, held down a full time job while attending, rented a sleeping room, barely could afford food, but I managed. Kids these days are coddled and think things are "owed" them. They drag their heels expecting if they do this long enough mom and dad will croak and they'll automatically get everything their parents scrimped and saved to get all the while working their asses off. It just doesn't happen without effort.

Another cool story. Awesome!

Kids today are as motivated as we were.
Great thread. It's brought out all of the great positive thinkers.

That's the way it used to be in America. The good old days may be returning.
Well, things change. Times change. The economy changes. The cost of living changes. Wages and job availability changes. A college degree doesn't guarantee employment. It's a sign of the backward moving economy and society in general. Sometime people just flat give up trying. Parents are willing to help to a certain extent. At least it's better than being homeless and living on the streets. And, the darkest days are still ahead of us. We haven't seen anything yet.
Have you had this negative outlook your entire life?
my son lived at home till he was 26 and decided to violate house rules....he had worked since he was 12 ish or so...still works hard and supports himself...there are pros/cons.....i dont have to put up with his pre coffee moods....but i have to mow the damn lawn...every situation is different....he lives close enough that he can be here quickly if needed...but far enough i cant just drop by ....
It depends on the family dynamic. How dependent is the adult child? When parents have to consider how their lazy kid will be supported after those parents are gone, the parent and child relationship is toxic and destructive.
Look at the young men that public schools and colleges are turning out and you may have your answer.

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