Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

You can parse all the minute details of who said what when until the cows come home. A young mother is dead and the reason she is dead is because someone who was part of an enraged mob, killed her.

The enraged mob exists because of George Floyd's tragic death video and the efforts of the Media and Black Lives Matter to inflame rage. They have been very successful.

Those combined efforts are spawning new senseless deaths everyday along with widening the divide in this country. This is how Marxists operate.
If the whites had not said the n word there would have been no confrontation. The so called enraged mob is the result of whites refusing to listen for some 400 years. The senseless deaths started 400 years ago. The divide has always been wide and that's due to white fascism.
Enough with the 400 year old history that is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the mob behavior of people now. You are justifying cold blooded murder because someone said the wrong word. That is INSANE IM2. Get a grip on yourself.
It is relevant and I won't stop talking about it. There is no mob. I have not justified a murder. That confrontation would not have happened if that person would not have used the n word. Both sides drew arms, but in standard racists fashion, whites can't ever do anything wrong.
You are justifying her murder because a few minutes before her fatal shooting, "both sides drew arms". That de-escalated and nothing happened. She was shot and killed sniper style a few minutes later. But you knew that. Here are some quotes from your BLM heroes including "Good riddance to another Racist". I'm sure you agree.
U just contradicted yourself.. Fuck the race war, BUT -- it's OK to kill each other over shouting racial epithets or street slogans...
No I didn't because I have never said it was OK that this woman was killed. You dumb sons of bitches need to learn how to read.

I understand it's difficult for whites like you to understand that a white person starts a conflict when they call blacks the n word, but it's not 1920. If those whites had not used the n word the chain of events that ended up in death would never have happened. That's what I have said, it is what I will continue to say. None of that should be conflated to mean I think killing is OK at any time.

Get that through your thick, white, racist, always wanting to whine about non white racism that's not happening to whites, skull.
You are the problem. In this entire thread you are the only one identifying, addressing, other users, other members of usmb by color.
U just contradicted yourself.. Fuck the race war, BUT -- it's OK to kill each other over shouting racial epithets or street slogans...
No I didn't because I have never said it was OK that this woman was killed. You dumb sons of bitches need to learn how to read.

I understand it's difficult for whites like you to understand that a white person starts a conflict when they call blacks the n word, but it's not 1920. If those whites had not used the n word the chain of events that ended up in death would never have happened. That's what I have said, it is what I will continue to say. None of that should be conflated to mean I think killing is OK at any time.

Get that through your thick, white, racist, always wanting to whine about non white racism that's not happening to whites, skull.
You are the problem. In this entire thread you are the only one identifying, addressing, other users, other members of usmb by color.
Lol! This thread is about Black Lives Matter. It is all about race. You ignore this reality in a classic example of colorblind racism.
You can parse all the minute details of who said what when until the cows come home. A young mother is dead and the reason she is dead is because someone who was part of an enraged mob, killed her.

The enraged mob exists because of George Floyd's tragic death video and the efforts of the Media and Black Lives Matter to inflame rage. They have been very successful.

Those combined efforts are spawning new senseless deaths everyday along with widening the divide in this country. This is how Marxists operate.
If the whites had not said the n word there would have been no confrontation. The so called enraged mob is the result of whites refusing to listen for some 400 years. The senseless deaths started 400 years ago. The divide has always been wide and that's due to white fascism.
Enough with the 400 year old history that is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the mob behavior of people now. You are justifying cold blooded murder because someone said the wrong word. That is INSANE IM2. Get a grip on yourself.
It is relevant and I won't stop talking about it. There is no mob. I have not justified a murder. That confrontation would not have happened if that person would not have used the n word. Both sides drew arms, but in standard racists fashion, whites can't ever do anything wrong.
You are justifying her murder because a few minutes before her fatal shooting, "both sides drew arms". That de-escalated and nothing happened. She was shot and killed sniper style a few minutes later. But you knew that. Here are some quotes from your BLM heroes including "Good riddance to another Racist". I'm sure you agree.
I said at the very beginning that murder was wrong. I will not be respecting the opinion of anyone who has justified every police murder of blacks, trayvon martins murder or Amaud Arberys murder. The attitudes of whites in this regard while demanding that I must denounce the killers of this white woman in every post is why an organization like Black Lives Matter exists.

When Candice Owens said what she did about George Floyd scum like you joined in. George Floyds death was justified in the minds of many whites here because of a crime he committed years before his murder that he served prison time for. So fuck you and your whining about something I never said.
Lol! This thread is about Black Lives Matter. It is all about race. You ignore this reality in a classic example of colorblind racism.
So, you are simply a troll? Or, you think you are funny? I can hardly be racist, beings how I am african american indian japanese mexican serb. That means your comment is bigoted. Which means, at the least you are a bigot.

Black lives matter has nothing to do with race. Other than using race as a way to instill hate in their members.

BLM is nothing more than the Democrats political hate group which was made to be the violent agitators used against those who still believe in our laws, justice, voting,, and constitution.

BLM must be prosecuted and jailed.
U just contradicted yourself.. Fuck the race war, BUT -- it's OK to kill each other over shouting racial epithets or street slogans...
No I didn't because I have never said it was OK that this woman was killed. You dumb sons of bitches need to learn how to read.

I understand it's difficult for whites like you to understand that a white person starts a conflict when they call blacks the n word, but it's not 1920. If those whites had not used the n word the chain of events that ended up in death would never have happened. That's what I have said, it is what I will continue to say. None of that should be conflated to mean I think killing is OK at any time.

Get that through your thick, white, racist, always wanting to whine about non white racism that's not happening to whites, skull.
You are the problem. In this entire thread you are the only one identifying, addressing, other users, other members of usmb by color.
Lol! This thread is about Black Lives Matter. It is all about race. You ignore this reality in a classic example of colorblind racism.

It was pointed out that YOU are the only one using racist language in this thread. Just like you do in almost every thread.

Because you are one of the biggest racists on this Board.
The attitudes of whites in this regard while demanding that I must denounce the killers of this white woman in every post is why an organization like Black Lives Matter exists.
BLM exists because of what we state in our comments? I had no idea BLM organized to address problems they saw on USMB.
Get that through your thick, white, racist, always wanting to whine about non white racism that's not happening to whites, skull.

I'm a racist, he's a racist, she's a racist -- wouldn't you like to be a racist too?

That's why WHITE LIES don't matter.
You being honest today...........LOL

Bunch of people behaving like full of hate that they kill a young women for saying All Lives matter.............I heard they were arrested........I hope that is correct....

But on a personal note..............I think they should be shot on sight but that is just me........your stinking BLM movements and BS is out of control...............put them on a leash...........
Thread title: Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

BLM didn't murder anyone. I can't find anything in their charter or statements calling for murder or violence. Whether you like them or hate them, it's dishonest to claim that they murdered her. But she deserves her killers brought to justice, and this should be a wake up call to the BLM movement, that if they care about their message, they need to care enough to demand an end to violence in their name, and remind everyone that all lives do indeed matter, even though their mission is black lives.
Thread title: Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

BLM didn't murder anyone. I can't find anything in their charter or statements calling for murder or violence. Whether you like them or hate them, it's dishonest to claim that they murdered her. But she deserves her killers brought to justice, and this should be a wake up call to the BLM movement, that if they care about their message, they need to care enough to demand an end to violence in their name, and remind everyone that all lives do indeed matter, even though their mission is black lives.
And yet the violence of BLM and the DNC politicians who throw gas on the fire all the time aren't part of the problem.......................Your side always plays that card on our side if any small violence happens from the right.................but NEVER IF IT'S YOUR SIDE DOING IT.

The DNC and the BS Media HAS BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS for this.......Hope the people that did this get the death penalty..........killing her for saying all lives matter.............they are Fing OXYGEN THIEVES.
Thread title: Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

BLM didn't murder anyone. I can't find anything in their charter or statements calling for murder or violence. Whether you like them or hate them, it's dishonest to claim that they murdered her. But she deserves her killers brought to justice, and this should be a wake up call to the BLM movement, that if they care about their message, they need to care enough to demand an end to violence in their name, and remind everyone that all lives do indeed matter, even though their mission is black lives.
And yet any Trump supporter you find that did something bad or indifferent or you did not like YOU claim it is Trumps fault and that he caused it. Now suddenly supporters of movements or groups you like are not representative of the whole group when they do something bad illegal or wrong. You just KEEP proving what a HYPOCRITE and liar you really are.
You can parse all the minute details of who said what when until the cows come home. A young mother is dead and the reason she is dead is because someone who was part of an enraged mob, killed her.

The enraged mob exists because of George Floyd's tragic death video and the efforts of the Media and Black Lives Matter to inflame rage. They have been very successful.

Those combined efforts are spawning new senseless deaths everyday along with widening the divide in this country. This is how Marxists operate.
If the whites had not said the n word there would have been no confrontation. The so called enraged mob is the result of whites refusing to listen for some 400 years. The senseless deaths started 400 years ago. The divide has always been wide and that's due to white fascism.
Enough with the 400 year old history that is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the mob behavior of people now. You are justifying cold blooded murder because someone said the wrong word. That is INSANE IM2. Get a grip on yourself.
It is relevant and I won't stop talking about it. There is no mob. I have not justified a murder. That confrontation would not have happened if that person would not have used the n word. Both sides drew arms, but in standard racists fashion, whites can't ever do anything wrong.
You are justifying her murder because a few minutes before her fatal shooting, "both sides drew arms". That de-escalated and nothing happened. She was shot and killed sniper style a few minutes later. But you knew that. Here are some quotes from your BLM heroes including "Good riddance to another Racist". I'm sure you agree.
Those blm people shot this young mother to death? Who's going to take care of her baby? Don't they care about families? It sure doesn't look like it. Maxine Waters must be thrilled, and the Democrats are doing a circle jerk because what could be more chaotic than a mother losing her life over a debate with Democrats who carry weapons and kill people they don't like with them.

It's no wonder people hate the new beginning the commie Dems are foisting on America. Bernie Sanders must be laughing his butt off. Biden just adopted his Communist platform this past week.

How can the BLM be so calloused as to destroy a woman raising a family? The Democrats created this, and nobody else did.
Last edited:
Thread title: Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

BLM didn't murder anyone. I can't find anything in their charter or statements calling for murder or violence. Whether you like them or hate them, it's dishonest to claim that they murdered her. But she deserves her killers brought to justice, and this should be a wake up call to the BLM movement, that if they care about their message, they need to care enough to demand an end to violence in their name, and remind everyone that all lives do indeed matter, even though their mission is black lives.
In this case, they should have freed Charlie Manson years ago. He never murdered anyone either.
Thread title: Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

BLM didn't murder anyone. I can't find anything in their charter or statements calling for murder or violence. Whether you like them or hate them, it's dishonest to claim that they murdered her. But she deserves her killers brought to justice, and this should be a wake up call to the BLM movement, that if they care about their message, they need to care enough to demand an end to violence in their name, and remind everyone that all lives do indeed matter, even though their mission is black lives.
In this case, they should have freed Charlie Manson years ago. He never murdered anyone either.

Faulty analogy.

As far as I can find, BLM hasn't advocated or encouraged murder. Care to try again?
You can parse all the minute details of who said what when until the cows come home. A young mother is dead and the reason she is dead is because someone who was part of an enraged mob, killed her.

The enraged mob exists because of George Floyd's tragic death video and the efforts of the Media and Black Lives Matter to inflame rage. They have been very successful.

Those combined efforts are spawning new senseless deaths everyday along with widening the divide in this country. This is how Marxists operate.
If the whites had not said the n word there would have been no confrontation. The so called enraged mob is the result of whites refusing to listen for some 400 years. The senseless deaths started 400 years ago. The divide has always been wide and that's due to white fascism.
Enough with the 400 year old history that is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the mob behavior of people now. You are justifying cold blooded murder because someone said the wrong word. That is INSANE IM2. Get a grip on yourself.
It is relevant and I won't stop talking about it. There is no mob. I have not justified a murder. That confrontation would not have happened if that person would not have used the n word. Both sides drew arms, but in standard racists fashion, whites can't ever do anything wrong.
You are justifying her murder because a few minutes before her fatal shooting, "both sides drew arms". That de-escalated and nothing happened. She was shot and killed sniper style a few minutes later. But you knew that. Here are some quotes from your BLM heroes including "Good riddance to another Racist". I'm sure you agree.
Those blm people shot this young mother to death? Who's going to take care of her baby? Don't they care about families? It sure doesn't look like it. Maxine Waters must be thrilled, and the Democrats are doing a circle jerk because what could be more chaotic than a mother losing her life over a debate with Democrats who carry weapons and kill people they don't like with them.

It's no wonder people hate the new beginning the commie Dems are foisting on America. Bernie Sanders must be laughing his butt off. Biden just adopted his Communist platform this past week.

How can the BLM be so calloused as to destroy a woman raising a family? The Democrats created this, and nobody else did.

Can you show us where BLM did? Anything to show they supported it, called for it, etc?
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Thread title: Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

BLM didn't murder anyone. I can't find anything in their charter or statements calling for murder or violence. Whether you like them or hate them, it's dishonest to claim that they murdered her. But she deserves her killers brought to justice, and this should be a wake up call to the BLM movement, that if they care about their message, they need to care enough to demand an end to violence in their name, and remind everyone that all lives do indeed matter, even though their mission is black lives.
In this case, they should have freed Charlie Manson years ago. He never murdered anyone either.

Faulty analogy.

As far as I can find, BLM hasn't advocated or encouraged murder. Care to try again?
Of course they haven't......Charlie didn't either, but that's why he was thinking that he would walk. He sure got fooled didn't he ?
You can parse all the minute details of who said what when until the cows come home. A young mother is dead and the reason she is dead is because someone who was part of an enraged mob, killed her.

The enraged mob exists because of George Floyd's tragic death video and the efforts of the Media and Black Lives Matter to inflame rage. They have been very successful.

Those combined efforts are spawning new senseless deaths everyday along with widening the divide in this country. This is how Marxists operate.
If the whites had not said the n word there would have been no confrontation. The so called enraged mob is the result of whites refusing to listen for some 400 years. The senseless deaths started 400 years ago. The divide has always been wide and that's due to white fascism.
Enough with the 400 year old history that is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT to the mob behavior of people now. You are justifying cold blooded murder because someone said the wrong word. That is INSANE IM2. Get a grip on yourself.
It is relevant and I won't stop talking about it. There is no mob. I have not justified a murder. That confrontation would not have happened if that person would not have used the n word. Both sides drew arms, but in standard racists fashion, whites can't ever do anything wrong.
You are justifying her murder because a few minutes before her fatal shooting, "both sides drew arms". That de-escalated and nothing happened. She was shot and killed sniper style a few minutes later. But you knew that. Here are some quotes from your BLM heroes including "Good riddance to another Racist". I'm sure you agree.
Those blm people shot this young mother to death? Who's going to take care of her baby? Don't they care about families? It sure doesn't look like it. Maxine Waters must be thrilled, and the Democrats are doing a circle jerk because what could be more chaotic than a mother losing her life over a debate with Democrats who carry weapons and kill people they don't like with them.

It's no wonder people hate the new beginning the commie Dems are foisting on America. Bernie Sanders must be laughing his butt off. Biden just adopted his Communist platform this past week.

How can the BLM be so calloused as to destroy a woman raising a family? The Democrats created this, and nobody else did.

Can you show us where BLM did? Anything to show they supported it, called for it, etc?
Thread title: Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

BLM didn't murder anyone. I can't find anything in their charter or statements calling for murder or violence. Whether you like them or hate them, it's dishonest to claim that they murdered her. But she deserves her killers brought to justice, and this should be a wake up call to the BLM movement, that if they care about their message, they need to care enough to demand an end to violence in their name, and remind everyone that all lives do indeed matter, even though their mission is black lives.
And yet any Trump supporter you find that did something bad or indifferent or you did not like YOU claim it is Trumps fault and that he caused it. Now suddenly supporters of movements or groups you like are not representative of the whole group when they do something bad illegal or wrong. You just KEEP proving what a HYPOCRITE and liar you really are.

Trump's RHETORIC has inspired violence and inflamed situations. Do you deny that?

Has BLM's? If you can find me rhetoric from BLM itself - not just -people under the umbrella - advocating murder, then I'll agree with you on them. If you can't, then admit you are nothing more than a hypocrite and a liar.
  • Thanks
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Thread title: Young mother murdered by BLM for saying all lives matter.

BLM didn't murder anyone. I can't find anything in their charter or statements calling for murder or violence. Whether you like them or hate them, it's dishonest to claim that they murdered her. But she deserves her killers brought to justice, and this should be a wake up call to the BLM movement, that if they care about their message, they need to care enough to demand an end to violence in their name, and remind everyone that all lives do indeed matter, even though their mission is black lives.
In this case, they should have freed Charlie Manson years ago. He never murdered anyone either.

Faulty analogy.

As far as I can find, BLM hasn't advocated or encouraged murder. Care to try again?
Of course they haven't......Charlie didn't either, but that's why he was thinking that he would walk. He sure got fooled didn't he ?

Actually yes. He did. He encouraged his followers to start "Helter Skelter" by committing murders. He just didn't commit any himself.

That's your second fail.

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