Your Clinton Email stupidity should only be even read IF you responded to this.

She used one device - her Blackberry. She lost phones, replaced them, but her one device was a Blackberry. She had others but chose note to use them.
Liar. I think the FBI knows more than you do.

They know more than you.

"FBI investigation identified 13 total mobile devices, associated with her two known phone numbers, 212[redacted] and 212[redacted] which potentially were used to send e-mails using Clinton's e-mail addresses. Investigation determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices associated with 212[redacted] eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State."

- - - Updated - - -
That looks like one device to you?

FBI Documents Show Hillary Clinton Used Many Email Devices
WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton used more than a dozen email devices during her time as secretary of state, and a technician took steps to delete an archive of her emails after House lawmakers demanded they be saved, according to documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The newly public information also shows that Mrs. Clinton was warned at the outset of her tenure by former Secretary of State Colin Powell that her work-related email messages could become subject to public release. And in an interview with FBI agents in July, the Democratic presidential candidate offered a defense of her handling of sensitive drone-strike conversations.

The names of three top Clinton aides continue to surface in newly publicized emails, putting them at the center of the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. WSJ's Shelby Holliday explains who they are and how they ended up in Clintons' inner circle. Photo: Getty Images

The new disclosures were contained in two documents released by the FBI on Friday—a report summarizing the bureau’s investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement, which concluded with a recommendation that she not be prosecuted, and a summary of her interview. The FBI said it was releasing the material in the interests of transparency.
You have trouble reading the report, or understanding the word succession?
You have trouble, period. You're spinning like a top. A dozen devices are not a single device, Einstein.
If someone asked me if I had one phone, I'd say yes. That's what I have

That I had 4 of them I replaced in the last 6 years - doesn't mean I'm using 5 phones.


You really are dense.
Liar. I think the FBI knows more than you do.

They know more than you.

"FBI investigation identified 13 total mobile devices, associated with her two known phone numbers, 212[redacted] and 212[redacted] which potentially were used to send e-mails using Clinton's e-mail addresses. Investigation determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices associated with 212[redacted] eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State."

- - - Updated - - -
That looks like one device to you?

FBI Documents Show Hillary Clinton Used Many Email Devices
WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton used more than a dozen email devices during her time as secretary of state, and a technician took steps to delete an archive of her emails after House lawmakers demanded they be saved, according to documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The newly public information also shows that Mrs. Clinton was warned at the outset of her tenure by former Secretary of State Colin Powell that her work-related email messages could become subject to public release. And in an interview with FBI agents in July, the Democratic presidential candidate offered a defense of her handling of sensitive drone-strike conversations.

The names of three top Clinton aides continue to surface in newly publicized emails, putting them at the center of the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. WSJ's Shelby Holliday explains who they are and how they ended up in Clintons' inner circle. Photo: Getty Images

The new disclosures were contained in two documents released by the FBI on Friday—a report summarizing the bureau’s investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement, which concluded with a recommendation that she not be prosecuted, and a summary of her interview. The FBI said it was releasing the material in the interests of transparency.
You have trouble reading the report, or understanding the word succession?
You have trouble, period. You're spinning like a top. A dozen devices are not a single device, Einstein.
If someone asked me if I had one phone, I'd say yes. That's what I have

That I had 4 of them I replaced in the last 6 years - doesn't mean I'm using 5 phones.


You really are dense.
...however, if I was using said devices for confidential information and government authorities asked me how many devices I had used I would not say one if I used a dozen. I would not assume they wanted to know what I had on me at the time and were conducting an actual investigation to find out where all the intel was, where and when.

You are a member of the corrupt party.
...however, if I was using said devices for confidential information and government authorities asked me how many devices I had used I would not say one if I used a dozen. I would not assume they wanted to know what I had on me at the time and were conducting an actual investigation to find out where all the intel was, where and when.

You are a member of the corrupt party.

I'm pretty sure that whatever you would respond would require a time machine, so that you could predicate your answer on whatever was most politically expedient based on the aftermath.

They know more than you.

"FBI investigation identified 13 total mobile devices, associated with her two known phone numbers, 212[redacted] and 212[redacted] which potentially were used to send e-mails using Clinton's e-mail addresses. Investigation determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices associated with 212[redacted] eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State."

- - - Updated - - -
That looks like one device to you?

FBI Documents Show Hillary Clinton Used Many Email Devices
WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton used more than a dozen email devices during her time as secretary of state, and a technician took steps to delete an archive of her emails after House lawmakers demanded they be saved, according to documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The newly public information also shows that Mrs. Clinton was warned at the outset of her tenure by former Secretary of State Colin Powell that her work-related email messages could become subject to public release. And in an interview with FBI agents in July, the Democratic presidential candidate offered a defense of her handling of sensitive drone-strike conversations.

The names of three top Clinton aides continue to surface in newly publicized emails, putting them at the center of the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. WSJ's Shelby Holliday explains who they are and how they ended up in Clintons' inner circle. Photo: Getty Images

The new disclosures were contained in two documents released by the FBI on Friday—a report summarizing the bureau’s investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement, which concluded with a recommendation that she not be prosecuted, and a summary of her interview. The FBI said it was releasing the material in the interests of transparency.
You have trouble reading the report, or understanding the word succession?
You have trouble, period. You're spinning like a top. A dozen devices are not a single device, Einstein.
If someone asked me if I had one phone, I'd say yes. That's what I have

That I had 4 of them I replaced in the last 6 years - doesn't mean I'm using 5 phones.


You really are dense.
...however, if I was using said devices for confidential information and government authorities asked me how many devices I had used I would not say one if I used a dozen. I would not assume they wanted to know what I had on me at the time and were conducting an actual investigation to find out where all the intel was, where and when.

You are a member of the corrupt party.

Well string her up for being inaccurate.

Republicans lied their way into the Iraq War, have lied about "free stuff", lie regularly about Benghazi, emails, Vince Foster and the other fake Clinton Scandals, Donald lies about everything.

If you really had a problem with lies and liars, you wouldnt be supporting Republicans in general and Trump in particular.
That looks like one device to you?

FBI Documents Show Hillary Clinton Used Many Email Devices
WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton used more than a dozen email devices during her time as secretary of state, and a technician took steps to delete an archive of her emails after House lawmakers demanded they be saved, according to documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The newly public information also shows that Mrs. Clinton was warned at the outset of her tenure by former Secretary of State Colin Powell that her work-related email messages could become subject to public release. And in an interview with FBI agents in July, the Democratic presidential candidate offered a defense of her handling of sensitive drone-strike conversations.

The names of three top Clinton aides continue to surface in newly publicized emails, putting them at the center of the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. WSJ's Shelby Holliday explains who they are and how they ended up in Clintons' inner circle. Photo: Getty Images

The new disclosures were contained in two documents released by the FBI on Friday—a report summarizing the bureau’s investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement, which concluded with a recommendation that she not be prosecuted, and a summary of her interview. The FBI said it was releasing the material in the interests of transparency.
You have trouble reading the report, or understanding the word succession?
You have trouble, period. You're spinning like a top. A dozen devices are not a single device, Einstein.
If someone asked me if I had one phone, I'd say yes. That's what I have

That I had 4 of them I replaced in the last 6 years - doesn't mean I'm using 5 phones.


You really are dense.
...however, if I was using said devices for confidential information and government authorities asked me how many devices I had used I would not say one if I used a dozen. I would not assume they wanted to know what I had on me at the time and were conducting an actual investigation to find out where all the intel was, where and when.

You are a member of the corrupt party.

Well string her up for being inaccurate.

Republicans lied their way into the Iraq War, have lied about "free stuff", lie regularly about Benghazi, emails, Vince Foster and the other fake Clinton Scandals, Donald lies about everything.

If you really had a problem with lies and liars, you wouldnt be supporting Republicans in general and Trump in particular.
Inaccurate? Oh Jesus stop, you're killing me.
...however, if I was using said devices for confidential information and government authorities asked me how many devices I had used I would not say one if I used a dozen. I would not assume they wanted to know what I had on me at the time and were conducting an actual investigation to find out where all the intel was, where and when.

You are a member of the corrupt party.

I'm pretty sure that whatever you would respond would require a time machine, so that you could predicate your answer on whatever was most politically expedient based on the aftermath.
Huh? How did you manage to come up with that theory? It isn't close to what I said.

They know more than you.

"FBI investigation identified 13 total mobile devices, associated with her two known phone numbers, 212[redacted] and 212[redacted] which potentially were used to send e-mails using Clinton's e-mail addresses. Investigation determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices associated with 212[redacted] eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State."

- - - Updated - - -
That looks like one device to you?

FBI Documents Show Hillary Clinton Used Many Email Devices
WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton used more than a dozen email devices during her time as secretary of state, and a technician took steps to delete an archive of her emails after House lawmakers demanded they be saved, according to documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The newly public information also shows that Mrs. Clinton was warned at the outset of her tenure by former Secretary of State Colin Powell that her work-related email messages could become subject to public release. And in an interview with FBI agents in July, the Democratic presidential candidate offered a defense of her handling of sensitive drone-strike conversations.

The names of three top Clinton aides continue to surface in newly publicized emails, putting them at the center of the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. WSJ's Shelby Holliday explains who they are and how they ended up in Clintons' inner circle. Photo: Getty Images

The new disclosures were contained in two documents released by the FBI on Friday—a report summarizing the bureau’s investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement, which concluded with a recommendation that she not be prosecuted, and a summary of her interview. The FBI said it was releasing the material in the interests of transparency.

What part of "11 devices in succession did you not understand.

& Only 8 during her tenure. His Murdock WSJ article got that wrong too.
How so?
Read the first sentence of your WSJ article.

8 =/= "a dozen"
Some later sources say 13 but that's HARDLY THE POINT!
That looks like one device to you?

FBI Documents Show Hillary Clinton Used Many Email Devices
WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton used more than a dozen email devices during her time as secretary of state, and a technician took steps to delete an archive of her emails after House lawmakers demanded they be saved, according to documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The newly public information also shows that Mrs. Clinton was warned at the outset of her tenure by former Secretary of State Colin Powell that her work-related email messages could become subject to public release. And in an interview with FBI agents in July, the Democratic presidential candidate offered a defense of her handling of sensitive drone-strike conversations.

The names of three top Clinton aides continue to surface in newly publicized emails, putting them at the center of the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. WSJ's Shelby Holliday explains who they are and how they ended up in Clintons' inner circle. Photo: Getty Images

The new disclosures were contained in two documents released by the FBI on Friday—a report summarizing the bureau’s investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement, which concluded with a recommendation that she not be prosecuted, and a summary of her interview. The FBI said it was releasing the material in the interests of transparency.

What part of "11 devices in succession did you not understand.

& Only 8 during her tenure. His Murdock WSJ article got that wrong too.
How so?
Read the first sentence of your WSJ article.

8 =/= "a dozen"
Some later sources say 13 but that's HARDLY THE POINT!


You asked me How so?

I answered how your WSJ article is wrong -- I showed you a fucking picture of the actual FBI report, and you say "later sources" (yeah, wrong sources) and you all cap : hardly the point?

What was *the point* of asking me How so? to my statement: "& Only 8 during her tenure. His Murdock WSJ article got that wrong too."
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

Is he running for President? No? STFU!

You are dismissed...
You're going down swinging, huh?

So no damning information can be collected from the phones? Then why were they destroying the whones with hammers?

Oops, another hole in your excuses.

Sorry, 1 × 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS'. You lose.
You don't get it do you, you have lost this argument and your to stupid to realize it.
Sorry, 1 × 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS' says you are WRONG!

YOUR OPINION is not greater than 3 Fact Check sites declaring HILLARY (& YOU) LIED!
Well lets bring in anyone else during a presidential campain that tells the truth more the Clinton, I mean you really don't want to bring Trumps Pants on fire and Pinocchios here do you. You have nothing at all, other then your fucking hypocrisy and everyone that counts here knows it.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

Is he running for President? No? STFU!

You are dismissed...
Weak, weak weak, trying to find something in the pile of shit that you have been trying to sell every one here.
She used one device - her Blackberry. She lost phones, replaced them, but her one device was a Blackberry. She had others but chose note to use them.
Liar. I think the FBI knows more than you do.

They know more than you.

"FBI investigation identified 13 total mobile devices, associated with her two known phone numbers, 212[redacted] and 212[redacted] which potentially were used to send e-mails using Clinton's e-mail addresses. Investigation determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices associated with 212[redacted] eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State."

- - - Updated - - -
That looks like one device to you?

FBI Documents Show Hillary Clinton Used Many Email Devices
WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton used more than a dozen email devices during her time as secretary of state, and a technician took steps to delete an archive of her emails after House lawmakers demanded they be saved, according to documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The newly public information also shows that Mrs. Clinton was warned at the outset of her tenure by former Secretary of State Colin Powell that her work-related email messages could become subject to public release. And in an interview with FBI agents in July, the Democratic presidential candidate offered a defense of her handling of sensitive drone-strike conversations.

The names of three top Clinton aides continue to surface in newly publicized emails, putting them at the center of the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. WSJ's Shelby Holliday explains who they are and how they ended up in Clintons' inner circle. Photo: Getty Images

The new disclosures were contained in two documents released by the FBI on Friday—a report summarizing the bureau’s investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement, which concluded with a recommendation that she not be prosecuted, and a summary of her interview. The FBI said it was releasing the material in the interests of transparency.

What part of "11 devices in succession did you not understand.
What part of 'I only used 1 device' do YOU not understand?

What part of the PROVEN FACT she was carrying her govt-issued Blackberry AND her own Personal device do YOU not understand?

What partof the FACT that she was having ALL of the devices personally wiped and destroyed by hammers INSTEAD of following the legally required govt-mandated process do YOU not understand?

What part of her PERJURY, no matter if she believed her lies to be true, do YOU not understand?
- Broken laws are NOT excused because someone did not know or are 'sorry'!

What part of the fact that these same lies you are PARROTING from Hillary have already been heard several times and have gotten 1 × 'FALSE', 1 × 'PANTS ON FIRE', & 4 × 'PINOCCHIOS' by 3 Fact Check Sites do YOU not understand?

Repeating the same lies over and over does not change those assessments! It just means you get to share them because they apply to you as well!
You are so beaten and so done, it's over with your fucking lies have been proven wrong. Why do you want to add to everyones knowledge in proof that you have no clue by trying to hold on to this after you have lost badly.
She used one device - her Blackberry. She lost phones, replaced them, but her one device was a Blackberry. She had others but chose note to use them.
Liar. I think the FBI knows more than you do.

They know more than you.

"FBI investigation identified 13 total mobile devices, associated with her two known phone numbers, 212[redacted] and 212[redacted] which potentially were used to send e-mails using Clinton's e-mail addresses. Investigation determined Clinton used in succession 11 e-mail capable BlackBerry mobile devices associated with 212[redacted] eight of which she used during her tenure as Secretary of State."

- - - Updated - - -
That looks like one device to you?

FBI Documents Show Hillary Clinton Used Many Email Devices
WASHINGTON—Hillary Clinton used more than a dozen email devices during her time as secretary of state, and a technician took steps to delete an archive of her emails after House lawmakers demanded they be saved, according to documents released Friday by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The newly public information also shows that Mrs. Clinton was warned at the outset of her tenure by former Secretary of State Colin Powell that her work-related email messages could become subject to public release. And in an interview with FBI agents in July, the Democratic presidential candidate offered a defense of her handling of sensitive drone-strike conversations.

The names of three top Clinton aides continue to surface in newly publicized emails, putting them at the center of the controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. WSJ's Shelby Holliday explains who they are and how they ended up in Clintons' inner circle. Photo: Getty Images

The new disclosures were contained in two documents released by the FBI on Friday—a report summarizing the bureau’s investigation of Mrs. Clinton’s email arrangement, which concluded with a recommendation that she not be prosecuted, and a summary of her interview. The FBI said it was releasing the material in the interests of transparency.
You have trouble reading the report, or understanding the word succession?
You have trouble, period. You're spinning like a top. A dozen devices are not a single device, Einstein.
You just don't get it, your wrong you have been proven wrong from everyone in the 6 committees That where put together by you haters to hang Clinton and what did all 6 of them decide, what was the final outcome of all 6 Regressive populated Committees that were put together by your fuck head party if you don't know stupid come back and ill tell you and add in the FBI outcome and buddy you have nothing.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

Where does it say that Colin Powell used a personal server associated with those email accounts, while being advised of the procedure to use government servers? Did he personally "choose" to go against the recommendation of government protocol in handling government information the way Hillary Clinton did?
You have trouble reading the report, or understanding the word succession?
You have trouble, period. You're spinning like a top. A dozen devices are not a single device, Einstein.
If someone asked me if I had one phone, I'd say yes. That's what I have

That I had 4 of them I replaced in the last 6 years - doesn't mean I'm using 5 phones.


You really are dense.
...however, if I was using said devices for confidential information and government authorities asked me how many devices I had used I would not say one if I used a dozen. I would not assume they wanted to know what I had on me at the time and were conducting an actual investigation to find out where all the intel was, where and when.

You are a member of the corrupt party.

Well string her up for being inaccurate.

Republicans lied their way into the Iraq War, have lied about "free stuff", lie regularly about Benghazi, emails, Vince Foster and the other fake Clinton Scandals, Donald lies about everything.

If you really had a problem with lies and liars, you wouldnt be supporting Republicans in general and Trump in particular.
Inaccurate? Oh Jesus stop, you're killing me.
Boy your at the top of the stupid list, all that he said can be proven nothing that you say can ever be proven.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

Where does it say that Colin Powell used a personal server associated with those email accounts, while being advised of the procedure to use government servers? Did he personally "choose" to go against the recommendation of government protocol in handling government information the way Hillary Clinton did?
First this is over with you have been lying all the time or you have just been stupid, Look at post 99 and 100 .You also must not be keeping up with the news , this information is out right now and it shows clearly what a stupid hypocrite you slugs have been about this issue.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

Where does it say that Colin Powell used a personal server associated with those email accounts, while being advised of the procedure to use government servers? Did he personally "choose" to go against the recommendation of government protocol in handling government information the way Hillary Clinton did?
First this is over with you have been lying all the time or you have just been stupid, Look at post 99 and 100 .You also must not be keeping up with the news , this information is out right now and it shows clearly what a stupid hypocrite you slugs have been about this issue.

Regarding Colon Powell

"With respect to records, if I sent an email from my public email account to an addressee at another public email account it would not have gone through State Department servers. It was a private conversation similar to a phone call. If I sent it to a address it should have been captured and retained by State servers. I was not aware at the time of any requirement for private, unclassified exchanges to be treated as official records,” Powell said.

He added that he stands by his decisions and is “fully accountable.”

The department’s regulations regarding email at the time Powell served as secretary of state, however, were much looser and more vague than they were during Clinton’s tenure.

It is clearly evident to see that department requirements regarding the handling of emails (particularly classified government correspondence) have become more strict under Clinton than when Mr Powell worked under the Bush administration. As Secretary of State, you share the sole responsibility of your actions in making sure you remain current with government policy, as this would save you from an IG investigation that leaves you incompetent of knowing departmental procedures, or simply disregarding the changes in policy.

Seems to me someone wanting to remain up to date would have been able to catch these small little details.
This is a Email from Colin Powell and this was general Knowledge at the time, If you didn't attack him for it , your words about Clinton are simply bullshit now then. This should be everyones first Question when one of you right wing haters attacks Clinton for Her Email/

View attachment 88789

Where does it say that Colin Powell used a personal server associated with those email accounts, while being advised of the procedure to use government servers? Did he personally "choose" to go against the recommendation of government protocol in handling government information the way Hillary Clinton did?
First this is over with you have been lying all the time or you have just been stupid, Look at post 99 and 100 .You also must not be keeping up with the news , this information is out right now and it shows clearly what a stupid hypocrite you slugs have been about this issue.

Regarding Colon Powell

"With respect to records, if I sent an email from my public email account to an addressee at another public email account it would not have gone through State Department servers. It was a private conversation similar to a phone call. If I sent it to a address it should have been captured and retained by State servers. I was not aware at the time of any requirement for private, unclassified exchanges to be treated as official records,” Powell said.

He added that he stands by his decisions and is “fully accountable.”

The department’s regulations regarding email at the time Powell served as secretary of state, however, were much looser and more vague than they were during Clinton’s tenure.

It is clearly evident to see that department requirements regarding the handling of emails (particularly classified government correspondence) have become more strict under Clinton than when Mr Powell worked under the Bush administration. As Secretary of State, you share the sole responsibility of your actions in making sure you remain current with government policy, as this would save you from an IG investigation that leaves you incompetent of knowing departmental procedures, or simply disregarding the changes in policy.

Seems to me someone wanting to remain up to date would have been able to catch these small little details.
Two things first it was already made clear that he used his server for classified information and secondly he had a tool that no one else in that dept had ever and that is he was able to bring in things that were marked as anything from Black op to classified and change it to any level that he wanted to. So he he had lots of messages that he changed from classified when he got them to anything he wanted to store it on his server. So there were many many more that he juririgged to not hold classified emails but even at that some got through and the FBI has now found them. They were classified secret emails on his server and also Rices server held multiple Top secret emails on her server.
Two wrongs don't make a right. But if you attack Clinton for a practice which preceded her, and have given her predecessor a pass, then you are a hypocrite.

I never heard a single pseudocon call for an investigation into, much less the jailing of, Colin Powell after he released his book in 2012.

Not a peep on this forum. Not a peep out of Hannity or Rush or O'Reilly or Coulter or any of the hack propaganda sites.

Is it possible the laws and rules were changed after Powell retired as Secretary of State? Perhaps they changed in 2005...the Inspector General said they were, in fact.

The laws and the rules changed after CLINTON retired as Secretary of State.

According to the Inspector General, the rules changed in 2005. Clinton was Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. Sorry.

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