Your Favorite Things About Israel

Hashem said to Moshe, “Go to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘Thus says Hashem, the God of the Hebrews: Let My people go to worship Me
Exodus 9:1 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

va-YO-mer a-do-NAI el mo-SHEH BO el par-OH v’-di-bar-TA ay-LAV koh a-MAR a-do-NAI e-lo-HAY ha-iv-REEM sha-LAKH et a-MEE v’-ya-av-DU-nee

Let My People Go
Unfortunately, the bondage of Jews was not limited to the period of slavery in Egypt. There have been many other such incidents in history. Golda Meir, while serving as Israel’s first ambassador to the Soviet Union, worked tirelessly to facilitate the immigration to Israel of Jews trapped behind the “Iron Curtain.” Upon her arrival, some 50,000 Jews greeted Golda for the Shabbat, despite fear of the Soviet regime. She was astonished. “I prayed together with them, Oh, how I prayed. I was caught up in a torrent of love so strong it literally took my breath away!” The 10,000 old Israeli Shekel banknote, followed by the first 10 New Israeli Shekel banknote, honored Golda Meir with her image on one side and on the other, an illustration of the mass of Russian Jews and the expression, taken from this verse, “Let My people go.”

Your servants take delight in its stones, and cherish its dust
Psalms 102:15 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

kee ra-TZU a-va-DE-kha et a-va-NE-ha v’-et a-fa-RAH y’-kho-NAY-nu

The Stones of Israel
This verse contains a promise from Hashem (God), repeated often in the Bible, to redeem His people. Many ask by what right do the Children of Israel deserve to be redeemed? This verse implies that the answer lies in their commitment to the Land of Israel; even if the Jewish people demonstrate insufficient commitment to Torah, as long as they love the dust and the stones of Israel, God will consider this sufficient to allow for the redemption. Many of the early twentieth-century Zionists may not have been religiously observant, but nevertheless, it was their love of the land which paved the way for the beginning of the flowering of the redemption.
Do not turn to my stubbornness
And not to my anger and fury
Remember the winter of my days
And judge me to favor

Until when my Lover, will You leave me like that,
Return my respect and have mercy on me.

Listen to my voice and joyful singing
And listened to my cry for help
Sprout and grow the fund of my salvation
Send Yinon and redeem me

Until when my Lover, will You leave me like that,
Return my respect and have mercy on me.

My haters have multiplied from every direction
Save me Living G-d my maker
Draw near the day of Ben-Yishay coming
Elyahu the prophet will come to inform me

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