Your Favorite Things About Israel

Said it before and I will say it again : Food!

I love Middle Eastern food hmmm

delicious salads plates

I am glad you said Middle Eastern and not Jewish/
I love Israeli Couscous (which is actually pasta). Much superior to traditional couscous. You can’t beat a good Jewish deli. Pastrami, corned beef, a Carnegie Deli pickle...I haven’t had a good knish since I left the NY area. Not a fan of the weird fish dishes, though.
Synth., I think Pasta is Durum Wheat and Couscous Millet/Chick Pea...…..Tahini Sesme Seed,just sayin steve
This is what I’m talking about.

View attachment 228688

I love that type of cous cous!!
  • Heat 30 oz. chicken stock (or water) in the microwave
  • Sauté half a diced onion on HIGH in a bit of oil in a large skillet
  • Add 3 cups of that dry couscous to the skillet
  • Keep moving the couscous around with a turner or spatula for a minute or more until you see that it's getting toasted, and to combine with the onion
  • Season it with salt & pepper or your favorite seasoning. I use a good bit, especially pepper
  • Add the hot chicken stock
  • stir, cover, turn to simmer
  • Cook 8 minutes, stirring it once or twice

You're done! Makes enough for 4 people, with a bit of leftover. If you don't need that much, use one cup of couscous and 10 oz. of chicken stock, in a small skillet. It's great the next day, cold on a salad.
Said it before and I will say it again : Food!

I love Middle Eastern food hmmm

delicious salads plates

I am glad you said Middle Eastern and not Jewish/
I love Israeli Couscous (which is actually pasta). Much superior to traditional couscous. You can’t beat a good Jewish deli. Pastrami, corned beef, a Carnegie Deli pickle...I haven’t had a good knish since I left the NY area. Not a fan of the weird fish dishes, though.
Synth., I think Pasta is Durum Wheat and Couscous Millet/Chick Pea...…..Tahini Sesme Seed,just sayin steve
This is what I’m talking about.

View attachment 228688
Thanks Synth.,but that is not Original Couscous,or real couscous....but just a highly processed product,marketed as Couscous...Well Israeli Pearl Couscous,what ever that is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it is mass manufactured and about as healthy as those dry chinese noodles that have pervaded the world...basically a non-nutritional,stomach bloating crap food,yeah cheap rubbish like a lot of food these days...actually it isn't real food at all but Zionists really like it,so like much of their mindfood they enjoy being fed shit...that is of no surprise to me at all but it's horribly UNHEALTHY from both angles.I must admit I have never been fed this food when I have been in Israel maybe my hosts and friends love me more.
This product does not exist in Australia infact very little Israeli food is available here,because of its very poor quality...steve anyhow WE ARE GREAT AND PURE FOOD PRODUCERS as every one knows worldwide..steve
Said it before and I will say it again : Food!

I love Middle Eastern food hmmm

delicious salads plates

I am glad you said Middle Eastern and not Jewish/
I love Israeli Couscous (which is actually pasta). Much superior to traditional couscous. You can’t beat a good Jewish deli. Pastrami, corned beef, a Carnegie Deli pickle...I haven’t had a good knish since I left the NY area. Not a fan of the weird fish dishes, though.
Synth., I think Pasta is Durum Wheat and Couscous Millet/Chick Pea...…..Tahini Sesme Seed,just sayin steve
This is what I’m talking about.

View attachment 228688

I love that type of cous cous!!
Well you would
No matter the disaster, time and time again these humanitarian missions have been carried out quickly and effectively, saving thousands of lives. Over the years, the IDF sent 27 humanitarian missions around the world.


A HOUSING POJECT FOR ZIONIST TRASH ON PALESTINIAN LAND,thanks 60's,we have been watching the destruction of Palestine for over 60 years now for What...I could answer but would be banned

"PALESTINIAN LAND"?? And here I thought you were against land theft.

Well we all know that you cannot steal your own land...YOU IGNORANT ZIONIST LIARS

I am just toooooo smart for know who you are,of course you do

The Philistine lords came marching, each with his units of hundreds and of thousands; and David and his men came marching last, with Achish
I Samuel 29:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-sar-NAY f’-lish-TEEM o-v’-REEM l’-may-OT v’-la-a-la-FEEM v’-da-VID va-a-na-SHAV
o-v’-REEM ba-a-kha-ro-NAH im a-KHEESH

King David and Eli Cohen
It is certainly impossible that King David would have been willing, as this verse implies, to wage war against Israel. Though he was fleeing from King Shaul (Saul), David remains completely loyal to his people throughout his travails. In this instance, he feigns loyalty to Achish and uses the advantage gained by his trust to spy against the Philistines, gaining information that will later help him defeat this enemy. This is reminiscent of a more recent Israeli spy, Eli Cohen. During the 1960s Cohen managed to infiltrate the highest echelons of the Syrian army, to spy on Israel’s behalf. He provided the IDF with critical information that would assist Israel in the Six Day War and enable it to liberate the Golan Heights. Though Cohen was captured and executed by the Syrians, the State and People of Israel continue to benefit from his sacrifice to this very day. The Golan Heights is home to flourishing communities, and provides great strategic value to Israel.
The Philistine lords came marching, each with his units of hundreds and of thousands; and David and his men came marching last, with Achish
I Samuel 29:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-sar-NAY f’-lish-TEEM o-v’-REEM l’-may-OT v’-la-a-la-FEEM v’-da-VID va-a-na-SHAV
o-v’-REEM ba-a-kha-ro-NAH im a-KHEESH

King David and Eli Cohen
It is certainly impossible that King David would have been willing, as this verse implies, to wage war against Israel. Though he was fleeing from King Shaul (Saul), David remains completely loyal to his people throughout his travails. In this instance, he feigns loyalty to Achish and uses the advantage gained by his trust to spy against the Philistines, gaining information that will later help him defeat this enemy. This is reminiscent of a more recent Israeli spy, Eli Cohen. During the 1960s Cohen managed to infiltrate the highest echelons of the Syrian army, to spy on Israel’s behalf. He provided the IDF with critical information that would assist Israel in the Six Day War and enable it to liberate the Golan Heights. Though Cohen was captured and executed by the Syrians, the State and People of Israel continue to benefit from his sacrifice to this very day. The Golan Heights is home to flourishing communities, and provides great strategic value to Israel.
The outcome of the Sneak and Debast Davids forays were that he then used the Philistines to help him Exterminate the House of Saul(The Real King of the Jews) bar Sauls Daughter,after he achieved his disreputable Murder of King Saul...He then Exterminated the Philistines...IT WAS THESE REASONS THAT HE WAS NEVER ALLOWED TO CONSECRATE THE TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM(BECAUSE OF HIS BAD DEEDS)...I WAS DAVIDS SON THAT EVENTUALLY CONSECRATED THE TEMPLE

See folks theliq knows all on the DECEIT OF DAVID...The Usurper King(and in modern times the ZIONIST CULT)
The Philistine lords came marching, each with his units of hundreds and of thousands; and David and his men came marching last, with Achish
I Samuel 29:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-sar-NAY f’-lish-TEEM o-v’-REEM l’-may-OT v’-la-a-la-FEEM v’-da-VID va-a-na-SHAV
o-v’-REEM ba-a-kha-ro-NAH im a-KHEESH

King David and Eli Cohen
It is certainly impossible that King David would have been willing, as this verse implies, to wage war against Israel. Though he was fleeing from King Shaul (Saul), David remains completely loyal to his people throughout his travails. In this instance, he feigns loyalty to Achish and uses the advantage gained by his trust to spy against the Philistines, gaining information that will later help him defeat this enemy. This is reminiscent of a more recent Israeli spy, Eli Cohen. During the 1960s Cohen managed to infiltrate the highest echelons of the Syrian army, to spy on Israel’s behalf. He provided the IDF with critical information that would assist Israel in the Six Day War and enable it to liberate the Golan Heights. Though Cohen was captured and executed by the Syrians, the State and People of Israel continue to benefit from his sacrifice to this very day. The Golan Heights is home to flourishing communities, and provides great strategic value to Israel.
The outcome of the Sneak and Debast Davids forays were that he then used the Philistines to help him Exterminate the House of Saul(The Real King of the Jews) bar Sauls Daughter,after he achieved his disreputable Murder of King Saul...He then Exterminated the Philistines...IT WAS THESE REASONS THAT HE WAS NEVER ALLOWED TO CONSECRATE THE TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM(BECAUSE OF HIS BAD DEEDS)...I WAS DAVIDS SON THAT EVENTUALLY CONSECRATED THE TEMPLE

See folks theliq knows all on the DECEIT OF DAVID...The Usurper King(and in modern times the ZIONIST CULT)

Do Zionist cultists go in here?


Zion Seion Baptist chapel St Davids, Pembrokeshire, Wales

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