Your Favorite Things About Israel

Going back to you Original Post 60's

After thinking for a while,my Favourite Thing About Israel IS...The people(most of them) they are so positive,smart and enjoyable to be with,I love to eat at their Table...being invited is a big thing to me,AND as I have said so often in Israel's Secular Society all peoples of this nation get on so well(on the whole)

I can smell the sea,the soil which you only get there.....and the smell of food...Goodness I feel like getting on a plane as I write.

My only regret but my Passionate WISH IS THAT PEACE COMES SOON,both peoples deserve NO LESS....steve
Kobi Peretz ft. Yaniv Ben Mashiah -
"Thank You for Everything"

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Quarter to Africa - Tahabil Tirbach

"Tahabil Tirbah
When you need be a brat
Stay away from the fire
Bless what you have
Connect to the heart
Better release the pain
If we've come here
Apparently it's already interesting"

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???????!!!!!!!!What do you mean synth
It’s a criminal country that murders rock-throwing youths and innocent bystanders and the medical people on the scene trying to help them after they’ve been shot.

My opinion of Israel, the State has nothing to do with Judaism. I’m talking about it’s government, members of which should stand trial in The Hague.
AGREE,IT IS JUST ANOTHER TERRORIST(ZIONIST) do know that if Nitandyarhoo arrives in certain European Countries they have Arrest Warrants for him for Crimes Against Humanity and he will be transported to the Court in Den Haag/The Hague in the Netherlands

I have lived in Israel,and on the whole Jews and Palestinians get on reasonably is the Settlers and the Zionist Government that are the major some way it could have been Great but today Dire...steve
Take your Bromance to the Boycott Israel Thread.

You are both Way Off Topic
NO 60' this Great future ...You must acknowledge the Truths of your a Mute Point,I HAVE NEVER BEEN IN THE Anti-Boycott-Israel-Camp...unless it Criminally affects the Palestinians, for obvious reasons

So STOP your illicit Prose please 60's, it puts you in a poor light...steve

". . .illicit puts you in a poor light..."

.............MAN, talk about living in A POOR light ? the palestinian gov't = evil terrorists.

it's a sick, diseased world. wouldn't you agree steve....?
Please do not respond to posts which are off the Topic. Thanks.
Said it before and I will say it again : Food!

I love Middle Eastern food hmmm

delicious salads plates

I am glad you said Middle Eastern and not Jewish/
I love Israeli Couscous (which is actually pasta). Much superior to traditional couscous. You can’t beat a good Jewish deli. Pastrami, corned beef, a Carnegie Deli pickle...I haven’t had a good knish since I left the NY area. Not a fan of the weird fish dishes, though.
Synth., I think Pasta is Durum Wheat and Couscous Millet/Chick Pea...…..Tahini Sesme Seed,just sayin steve
This is what I’m talking about.


A land of wheat and barley, of vines, figs, and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey
Deuteronomy 8:8 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

E-retz khi-TAH us-o-RAH v’-GE-fen ut-ay-NAH v’-ree-MON e-retz ZAYT SHE-men

Reaching Our Full Potential
The Bible names seven species as the special agricultural products of the Land of Israel. Each of these species is symbolic of the Jewish People. For example, grapes, which grow on low and weak vines, are crushed by foot in order to produce valuable wine. Similarly, the small and scattered Jewish nation, which has faced tremendous adversity and persecution, will ultimately be elevated to achieve its full potential and experience redemption.

When no shrub of the field was yet on earth and no grasses of the field had yet sprouted, because Hashem had not sent rain upon the earth and there was no man to till the soil
Genesis 2:5 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

v’-KHOL SEE-akh ha-sa-DEH TE-rem yih-YEH va-A-retz v’-khol AY-sev ha-sa-DEH TE-rem yitz-MAKH KEE LO him-TEER a-do-NAI e-lo-HEEM al ha-A-retz v’-a-DAM A-yin la-a-VOD et ha-a-da-MAH

Where is the Rain?
During creation, he land was poised to allow its seeds to sprout, but God did not bring forth rain to allow them to grow, because there was no man yet to work the land. Hashem(God) did not bring rain until there was a person who could recognize the necessity for rain, and, pray for rain. During its short rainy season, Israel is dependent on adequate rainfall to produce yearly crops. It is God’s design that the Jews living in Israel are to strengthen their relationship with Him through daily prayer requesting adequate rainfall and a successful agricultural season. Since Hashem desires a deep relationship with man, He incorporated the need for prayer, the ultimate form of dialogue between man and God, within the natural order.

O Hashem, as befits Your abundant benevolence, let Your wrathful fury turn back from Your city Yerushalayim, Your holy mountain; for because of our sins and the iniquities of our fathers, Yerushalayim and Your people have become a mockery among all who are around us
Daniel 9:16 (The Israel Bible™)

Hear the verse in Hebrew

a-do-NAI k’-khol tzid-ko-TE-kha ya-shov NA a-p’-KHA va-kha-ma-t’-KHA may-ee-r’-KHA y’-ru-sha-LA-im har kod-SHE-kha KEE va-kha-ta-AY-nu u-va-a-vo-NOT a-vo-TAY-nu y’-ru-sha-LA-im v’-a-m’-KHA l’-kher-PAH l-khol s’-vee-vo-TAY-nu

The Jews and Jerusalem Are One
In his prayer, Daniel lists three compelling reasons for Hashem (God) to accept his prayer and redeem the people from Babylonia: For the sake of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), of the Beit Hamikdash (Holy Temple) and of the Jewish people. Regarding Yerushalayim, Danielpoints out that it is an embarrassment to God when His beautiful city lies in ruins. He further questions how Hashem can ignore the Temple Mount where His presence was manifest most clearly on earth. Lastly, it is a desecration of God’s name when His chosen people are despised. Daniel groups Yerushalayim and the Jewish people together, “Yerushalayim and Your people have become a mockery among all who are around us,” since the Jews and Yerushalayim are one. Without their holy city, how can they succeed in exile, and how can Yerushalayim flourish without her children?
Said it before and I will say it again : Food!

I love Middle Eastern food hmmm

delicious salads plates

I am glad you said Middle Eastern and not Jewish/
I love Israeli Couscous (which is actually pasta). Much superior to traditional couscous. You can’t beat a good Jewish deli. Pastrami, corned beef, a Carnegie Deli pickle...I haven’t had a good knish since I left the NY area. Not a fan of the weird fish dishes, though.
Synth., I think Pasta is Durum Wheat and Couscous Millet/Chick Pea...…..Tahini Sesme Seed,just sayin steve
This is what I’m talking about.

View attachment 228688

I love that type of cous cous!!

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