Your home isn't your castle, if police have impunity


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2010
"A noise complaint from an annoyed neighbor resulted in cops shooting and killing a man within five seconds of him opening his front door.
Ryan Whitaker opened the door holding a gun in his right hand which is legal in Arizona but it made the cops fear for their lives.
However, the cops never gave him a chance to put the gun down which he appeared to be trying to do when one cop shot him in the back three times."

There is no reason that victims families shouldn't be able to sue trigger happy goons like this.
Clear case of murder.

In elitist Democrat-controlled cities, their hypocritical convoluted "interpretation" of the 2nd amendment = guns for me but not for thee.

If you don't like it we'll shoot you in the back.

Defund the DEMS!!!!
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I'm glad i'm not in the position to make split second decisions that cops have to make. Looks like this cop made the wrong decision resulting in tragic consequences.
Yeah... Living with that is going to suck. OR... If it doesn't suck for him... He shouldn't be a cop.
"A noise complaint from an annoyed neighbor resulted in cops shooting and killing a man within five seconds of him opening his front door.
Ryan Whitaker opened the door holding a gun in his right hand which is legal in Arizona but it made the cops fear for their lives.
However, the cops never gave him a chance to put the gun down which he appeared to be trying to do when one cop shot him in the back three times."

There is no reason that victims families shouldn't be able to sue trigger happy goons like this.
Police are great at executions...
"A noise complaint from an annoyed neighbor resulted in cops shooting and killing a man within five seconds of him opening his front door.
Ryan Whitaker opened the door holding a gun in his right hand which is legal in Arizona but it made the cops fear for their lives.
However, the cops never gave him a chance to put the gun down which he appeared to be trying to do when one cop shot him in the back three times."

There is no reason that victims families shouldn't be able to sue trigger happy goons like this.
And the municipalities that fail to control them.
Yeah... Living with that is going to suck. OR... If it doesn't suck for him... He shouldn't be a cop.
Assuming there isn't more to the story and it is a bad shooting, he shouldn't be a cop any longer even if it doesn't suck to him. A man slaughter charge is probably in order.
Yeah... Living with that is going to suck. OR... If it doesn't suck for him... He shouldn't be a cop.
Assuming there isn't more to the story and it is a bad shooting, he shouldn't be a cop any longer even if it doesn't suck to him. A man slaughter charge is probably in order.
This thing looks real bad for the cop and the department as the training is deficient. From what I have read the gun was never pointed at the cops and he was trying to put it down.

Looks to me like the officer failed his psych-eval as well.. Which means he most likely had an anxiety/panic problem. This is not going to end well for anyone..
“Ryan Whitaker opened the door holding a gun in his right hand which is legal in Arizona…”

That something might be legal doesn’t mean it isn’t stupid – and this was stupid.

Not saying that LE was right or their actions were justified – they were neither – but a little common sense goes a long way.

The best course of action is to not open the door and find a secure location in your house – in general there’s nothing compelling citizens to respond to LE absent a warrant.

There is, however, a rather long and troubling list of ‘exemptions’ which allow LE to enter your home absent a warrant – the link below has a good summery of those ‘exemptions.’

Clear case of murder.

In elitist Democrat-controlled cities, their hypocritical convoluted "interpretation" of the 2nd amendment = guns for me but not for thee.

If you don't like it we'll shoot you in the back.

Defund the DEMS!!!!

This isn't the case here. He was legally using his weapon. The cops hid to lure him out and kill him.
This isn't the case here. He was legally using his weapon. The cops hid to lure him out and kill him.
Not they didn't. They weren't trying to lure him anywhere, were...


It's rare that you say anything intelligent. I think I'll let this one go.
"A noise complaint from an annoyed neighbor resulted in cops shooting and killing a man within five seconds of him opening his front door.
Ryan Whitaker opened the door holding a gun in his right hand which is legal in Arizona but it made the cops fear for their lives.
However, the cops never gave him a chance to put the gun down which he appeared to be trying to do when one cop shot him in the back three times."

There is no reason that victims families shouldn't be able to sue trigger happy goons like this.
Well, lets step away from the conceit of this argument. If nobody had firearms, cops would be a lot less prone to deadly force. Perhaps? But we DO have firearms and policemen are just human beings...
"A noise complaint from an annoyed neighbor resulted in cops shooting and killing a man within five seconds of him opening his front door.
Ryan Whitaker opened the door holding a gun in his right hand which is legal in Arizona but it made the cops fear for their lives.
However, the cops never gave him a chance to put the gun down which he appeared to be trying to do when one cop shot him in the back three times."

There is no reason that victims families shouldn't be able to sue trigger happy goons like this.
Well, lets step away from the conceit of this argument. If nobody had firearms, cops would be a lot less prone to deadly force. Perhaps? But we DO have firearms and policemen are just human beings...
this shit didnt happen when i was growing up....lack of training...or caring or as said anxiety or....there are no excuses...commen im not a cop and split second decisions need to be made at times...i understand...use a taser or shoot them in the arm or leg...there are options...but now i guess that gunmaker will probably be sued now
The police aren't the problem here. Never where. Poor black culture is caught in a suicidal death loop. Systemic racism my ass, blacks are self wounding self hating examples of their own worst enemies.
There is no reason that victims families shouldn't be able to sue trigger happy goons like this.
Dude. You can't sue fuckers like that when hostile enemy combatants have control of the entire court system. You have to shoot back at them, and kill them. You have to find friends — armed friends — to keep you out of the enemy's courthouses, jails and prisons.
Please, poor black culture is its own worst enemy . Please. Poor black culture declarers war on white rational culture. Mathematics is white cultural imperial racism? Same white mathematics that gave us the internet, The same ones that put a man on the moon. So what exactly HAS black culture given US lately?
The same ones that put a man on the moon
I don't believe it.
The Dems lost the Vietnam War when JFK and LBJ betrayed us, lobotomized JFK's sister Rosemary — actually cut out part of her brain to make her more docile — at law, against her will, and against her best interests, and passed the mental health Gun Control Act of 1968, and now guns are banned for mental health, but I cannot believe that a man walked on the moon. It was all an elaborate hoax and a movie production. Lies, lies, and more lies, like everything else the Democrats have ever said or done.

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