Your Nominees For "Lie",Liar" And "Paid Liar Of The Year". Not An Easy Task!

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:offtopic: :spinner: And remember when we would laugh at the blatant lies coming from the Democrats/Liberal Commentators since Obama took office? Now take a look at late 2014/2015. Did we break a record for most likes coming from the administration? Many are just beyond laughable. It's as if our leaders think that all Americans are just plain dumb,{like how that architect of Obama-Care believed we are all just plain stupid and would of assumed Obama-Care would be a success}
Well, here we are, last two weeks of the year.
If you can't knock your nominee down to just one per category,,go ahead and make a list for all three.
Now, paid lairs of the year? God! how many of them are there? we see them daily on all cable news shows!!!! :lalala:
for now, paid liar? tough decision between Austin Grooby, Jaun and and Alan Colmes (not to mention that dude in the white house press)
the whole staff of Briebart, Newsmax, the dailycaller, CNS, WND, JudicialWatch, PajamasMedia, TownHall, Fox News, Limbaugh, etc etc etc come to mind.... hard to pick one over the other..
so in all fairness, we need to leave Hillary alone being she seems to have alheimerz along with 33% of her brain still not functioning.
Paid liar?

I'll go with William Happer, global warming denier who was busted outright offering to write fake papers for money.


So many conservatives to choose from. But I'll go with Cruz. He's not as dumb as he looks. Unlike Trump, he's fully aware of all of his lies.

Lie of the year?

Trump's "I saw thousands of Muslims cheering" whopper.
Paid liar?

I'll go with William Happer, global warming denier who was busted outright offering to write fake papers for money.


So many conservatives to choose from. But I'll go with Cruz. He's not as dumb as he looks. Unlike Trump, he's fully aware of all of his lies.

Lie of the year?

Trump's "I saw thousands of Muslims cheering" whopper.

That sniper fire in Bosnia was a whopper for sure...oh wait....that was the Hildabeast
No one will ever be allowed to forget Obama's 2013 award-winning 'Lie of the Year': "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."

But it's 2015 - time to choose the 2015 'Lie of the Year'.


1. "What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain, and we have contained them."
- Barak Obama, The day BEFORE the Paris ISIS attacks.

2. Hillary Clinton still insists she didn’t tell the grieving families of the Benghazi victims that an anti-Islam video was to blame....

- Hillary Clinton, just recently

3. 'there will be ‘anytime, anywhere’ inspections of Iran nuclear facilities to help assure that Iran was indeed complying with the terms of a deal to stop its pursuit of nuclear weapons.'
- Ben Rhodes, White House deputy national security advisor, July 14, 2015

4. “No challenge—no challenge—poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.
- Barak Obama, 2015 State of the Union Address

5. 'only used 1 personal device' (she admitted to using an iPhone, iPad, mini iPad and a Blackberry)...“The facts are pretty clear: I did not send nor receive anything that was classified at the time” (FBI has found 999 e-mails marked classified) ... Claimed her 'Personal server was / is secured' ( - found in the bathroom of a small IT company that did not have the required security clearance to keep it, and the server's security software was found to have been mis-configured)
- Hillary Clinton

No matter who 'wins' this year, no political lie - not even Obama's own about 'Obamacare' - will ever come close to THIS Obama GREATEST 'Lie of the Year' and '8-year administration':

In 2013 Obama declared that “one of my core principles is that I will never engage in politics in which I’m trying to divide people.”

If there was a Nobel Prize for Lying, Obama would have won one for THAT whopper.


(My personal preference was #1...until I considered that it might not have been a 'lie', that he might just be THAT stupid. So I am going with #5, the Hillary Personal E-Mail montage, the LIE(s) that just keep on giving....they are better than a subscription to the 'Jelly of the Month' club. :p )
so in all fairness, we need to leave Hillary alone being she seems to have alheimerz along with 33% of her brain still not functioning.

Yeah, we all saw how poorly she performed during the last Benghazi witch hunt. Funny...
didnt some dingbat blockhead congresswomen say that whitey cops are shooting black males all of the time/daily?
remember when Jaun Williams said that 2014 was not a republican blow out?

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