Your only PROG choices are now Biden & Sanders. Pick one

s: Nutty-professor Bernie or Crazy-Sleepy Joe?

  • Bernie

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Biden

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Trump by default

    Votes: 14 66.7%

  • Total voters
Warren remains in case Biden falls, leaving her the only ''Anyone But Bernie' candidate left at the Brokered Convention...
Rich Democrats will likely deny Bernie the nomination if he doesn't win on the first ballot:

Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget

"The Democratic Party elites will use any mechanism, no matter how nefarious and undemocratic, to prevent Sanders from obtaining the nomination.

"The New York Times interviewed 93 of the more than 700 superdelegates, appointed by the party and permitted to vote in the second round if no candidate receives the required 1,991 delegates to win in the first round.

"Most of those interviewed said they would seek to prevent Sanders from being the nominee if he did not have a majority of delegates in the first count, even if it required drafting someone who did not run in the primaries — Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio was mentioned"

Personally, I think their choice will be much worse:
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....
I picked Biden, he would be easier to defeat by Trump. Can you imagine Trump/Biden debates? They would be hilarious to observe.
Yes, it will be fun watching incoherent trump try to act sane. So far he's failed miserably.
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....

There's been a really strange complete silence from the left discussing THEIR choices.. That can only mean one thing.. That they CANT get excited about any of them...

Thanks for putting them on the spot... :clap:
Yep, it's telling that none of the libtards on here are actually picking one of the two.
Bloomberg. Happy now?
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....

There's been a really strange complete silence from the left discussing THEIR choices.. That can only mean one thing.. That they CANT get excited about any of them...

Thanks for putting them on the spot... :clap:
Yep, it's telling that none of the libtards on here are actually picking one of the two.
Bloomberg. Happy now?
You STILL didn't pick one of the two at the beginning of the thread, ya fartknocker.
Looks like Trump's projected DNC winning Biden is still in the running. The rest are cooked. Pick your guy....
I picked Biden, he would be easier to defeat by Trump. Can you imagine Trump/Biden debates? They would be hilarious to observe.
Ya lying dog faced pony soldier!

LoL - Joe is still living in the 1950s - But then again, so is the Tangerine Tornado!

Not sure he KNOWS where or when he's living. :2up:

. If he's the nominee, he won't MAKE IT thru the campaign.. As of YESTERDAY, he has NOT held a rally in ANY of the Super Tuesday states... Gonna be worse than the effort that Clinton put into hers... Meanwhile, Trump is averaging 2 SUPER rallies a week all over the fucking place...

Don't KNOW what happened to Duvall Patrick.. That was an OBAMA recruitment.. But it was too little too late.. Only a person like Patrick had a chance to win....

I think Booker or Harris could have won. Massively important for one of these old, white guys to pick the correct running mate. Those two would be good. Also Stacey Abrams would be great. If we end up with a Bernie/ Warren ticket - It'll be a blowout of Mondale/ McGovern proportion.

Stacey Abrams? LOLz
I picked Biden, he would be easier to defeat by Trump. Can you imagine Trump/Biden debates? They would be hilarious to observe.
Ya lying dog faced pony soldier!

LoL - Joe is still living in the 1950s - But then again, so is the Tangerine Tornado!

Not sure he KNOWS where or when he's living. :2up:

. If he's the nominee, he won't MAKE IT thru the campaign.. As of YESTERDAY, he has NOT held a rally in ANY of the Super Tuesday states... Gonna be worse than the effort that Clinton put into hers... Meanwhile, Trump is averaging 2 SUPER rallies a week all over the fucking place...

Don't KNOW what happened to Duvall Patrick.. That was an OBAMA recruitment.. But it was too little too late.. Only a person like Patrick had a chance to win....

I think Booker or Harris could have won. Massively important for one of these old, white guys to pick the correct running mate. Those two would be good. Also Stacey Abrams would be great. If we end up with a Bernie/ Warren ticket - It'll be a blowout of Mondale/ McGovern proportion.

Stacey Abrams? LOLz
Yep, only a moron would think Stacey Abrams would be a good choice.
Ya lying dog faced pony soldier!

LoL - Joe is still living in the 1950s - But then again, so is the Tangerine Tornado!

Not sure he KNOWS where or when he's living. :2up:

. If he's the nominee, he won't MAKE IT thru the campaign.. As of YESTERDAY, he has NOT held a rally in ANY of the Super Tuesday states... Gonna be worse than the effort that Clinton put into hers... Meanwhile, Trump is averaging 2 SUPER rallies a week all over the fucking place...

Don't KNOW what happened to Duvall Patrick.. That was an OBAMA recruitment.. But it was too little too late.. Only a person like Patrick had a chance to win....

I think Booker or Harris could have won. Massively important for one of these old, white guys to pick the correct running mate. Those two would be good. Also Stacey Abrams would be great. If we end up with a Bernie/ Warren ticket - It'll be a blowout of Mondale/ McGovern proportion.

Stacey Abrams? LOLz
Yep, only a moron would think Stacey Abrams would be a good choice.

Actually, only a moron would believe she wasn't a great campaigner and speaker who only lost by hook and crook in Georgia and a VERY narrow margin.
LoL - Joe is still living in the 1950s - But then again, so is the Tangerine Tornado!

Not sure he KNOWS where or when he's living. :2up:

. If he's the nominee, he won't MAKE IT thru the campaign.. As of YESTERDAY, he has NOT held a rally in ANY of the Super Tuesday states... Gonna be worse than the effort that Clinton put into hers... Meanwhile, Trump is averaging 2 SUPER rallies a week all over the fucking place...

Don't KNOW what happened to Duvall Patrick.. That was an OBAMA recruitment.. But it was too little too late.. Only a person like Patrick had a chance to win....

I think Booker or Harris could have won. Massively important for one of these old, white guys to pick the correct running mate. Those two would be good. Also Stacey Abrams would be great. If we end up with a Bernie/ Warren ticket - It'll be a blowout of Mondale/ McGovern proportion.

Stacey Abrams? LOLz
Yep, only a moron would think Stacey Abrams would be a good choice.

Actually, only a moron would believe she wasn't a great campaigner and speaker who only lost by hook and crook in Georgia and a VERY narrow margin.
She's a DUMB, FAT, RACIST broad with an I.Q. of MAYBE 70. Definitely YOUR kind of woman, ya knucklehead.
Not sure he KNOWS where or when he's living. :2up:

. If he's the nominee, he won't MAKE IT thru the campaign.. As of YESTERDAY, he has NOT held a rally in ANY of the Super Tuesday states... Gonna be worse than the effort that Clinton put into hers... Meanwhile, Trump is averaging 2 SUPER rallies a week all over the fucking place...

Don't KNOW what happened to Duvall Patrick.. That was an OBAMA recruitment.. But it was too little too late.. Only a person like Patrick had a chance to win....

I think Booker or Harris could have won. Massively important for one of these old, white guys to pick the correct running mate. Those two would be good. Also Stacey Abrams would be great. If we end up with a Bernie/ Warren ticket - It'll be a blowout of Mondale/ McGovern proportion.

Stacey Abrams? LOLz
Yep, only a moron would think Stacey Abrams would be a good choice.

Actually, only a moron would believe she wasn't a great campaigner and speaker who only lost by hook and crook in Georgia and a VERY narrow margin.
She's a DUMB, FAT, RACIST broad with an I.Q. of MAYBE 70. Definitely YOUR kind of woman, ya knucklehead.

I heard she once ate a whole taco truck parked outside a job site.
Bernie has his FreeShit Army cult members, but his rallies are nowhere as big as Trump's.

They are not as big as Trump's because many of Berine's supporters do not have means the travel hundreds of miles to see, thus they have to rely on him getting closer. But they are as excited and faithful as you Trump followers.

There's alot going on behind the scenes in the DNC that we don't know but one sure thing you can bet on, they're doing everything they can to keep Sanders out of the race.

That they are, with two people dropping out in the last 24 hours to give Biden more votes. But I think we can both agree that the DNC is not the brightest of organizations.

My bet is that Biden will be the pick. Too many moderate Democrats see him as the second coming of Obama while at the same time, are old enough to know what socialism is.

You are probably correct about the pick, but they are just shooting themselves in the foot by doing so. They will lose the White House and the Senate and likely the House if Biden is the pick. Bernie supporters are watching him get fuck over once again, they will not show up to vote for Biden or anyone else down the ballot.

I do not think that Bernie can beat Trump, but I do think he gives the Dems the best chance for the Senate, which is all I care about. The Senate and the White House being controlled by different parties is all the best thing for the country. Which has which is not really that important to me.

Also, I think you are wrong in how the Dems see Biden, he is not the 2nd coming of Obama, he is just the name they know best.
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I think Booker or Harris could have won. Massively important for one of these old, white guys to pick the correct running mate. Those two would be good. Also Stacey Abrams would be great. If we end up with a Bernie/ Warren ticket - It'll be a blowout of Mondale/ McGovern proportion.

Stacey Abrams? LOLz
Yep, only a moron would think Stacey Abrams would be a good choice.

Actually, only a moron would believe she wasn't a great campaigner and speaker who only lost by hook and crook in Georgia and a VERY narrow margin.
She's a DUMB, FAT, RACIST broad with an I.Q. of MAYBE 70. Definitely YOUR kind of woman, ya knucklehead.

I heard she once ate a whole taco truck parked outside a job site.

This from an idiot who believes Fat Impeached Taco Trump weighs 239 pounds :cool-45:

Buttigieg and Klobuchar were the only Dems I could have been convinced to vote for.

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