Your thoughts on interracial relationships?

Inter-racial sexual attraction? (other races shall include those of mixed race)

  • I prefers members of a particular race other than my own

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she looks pretty damned HAWT!!!!!!


did someone punch her in the mouth?

this one looks quite hot as well


Surely, you jest
When it comes to finding a woman attractive, it's what's in her heart that appeals to me first. After that, looks are next. An attractive woman, regardless of race, who has a bad heart is a turn off for me. I would much rather be with someone with a good heart, and not so attractive, as to be with someone who is the exact opposite. In later life a woman who was attractive as a young woman may not be quite so attractive. However, if she has always had a good heart, she will always be attractive. Race isn't important in any of it. If you kiss with your eyes closed, you can't tell the difference anyway!
i can't think of any black actress that was really black and hot

but i know i seen some black women in real life that were really dark and hot at the same time

hollywood seems to promote mixed ones over completely black

i wonder if that is politically motivated ... in case of CNN it certainly is

CNN is all Mulatto ...

fuck ! so i have been brainwashed into thinking Mulatto chicks are hot. fuck !
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Much better. She's pretty (in the 'cute'[ way), but the 'black' (negroid) features (nose, chin) are a turn-off for me (kind of ironic in a way, sine my nose got broke and is now too big :lol: )

Although I prefer


(she looks even better w/out all the makeup, butr pics are hard to find)

looks even better? :eek:
that is one hideously ugly skank.
are you sure it's female?

Actually, even I would consider dating that one, the androgyny rules and is very beautiful, but alas, she would probably expect sex so doubt she'd consider me. :cool:
I noticed toro posted a known mulatto and one that appeard Northern African with possible traces of Mediterranean blood

So... not even Bass52 is here to espouse the beauty of 'real' Black women?


Beauty is beauty.

I think "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is more accurate. In the early 70's or late 60's (?) I remember Ali saying to Cosell that he could not understand why white men thought that white women were attractive. He said that black women had more beautiful faces, more beautiful bodies, their skin was more beautiful and they moved better.

As a young man in Northern Minnesota who idolized Ali, I was taken aback. White women, like Marily Monroe and Twiggy and all the rest had been put before us as the ideal. White women were the ideal. However, my idol was telling me that Black Women were more beautiful. I remember it so clearly because it was such an Earth shattering thing.

Now after years of aging and having found myself actually working with and growing fond of people who are diverse racially, of course they are all beautiful. Have women of color become more beautiful or has my realization of their beauty become more open? I find that a woman who is fit and looks happy is what turns my head. Skin color or ethnic features are just the platform for these qualities.

I have to admit, though, that I have at some times seen that ideal woman and have actually tried to not meet her because there are many times when a beautiful woman speaks and reveals a not so beautiful person. Lacking a compelling need to engage in conversation, I'll preserve the fantasy.
Hi JB:

Your thoughts on interracial relationships?

When a man and woman from two different races* hook up, then at least one :)confused:) is not running fast enough.

Nuff said . . .


I am so glad this is on an anonymous message board. I am so seriously conflicted about this. It is none of my business, but for some reason it bugs me. Even though I find myself attracted to blacks and asians, which I would disapprove of in other people. An attitude I also disapprove of.

Anyway, Hawt is hawt. And gold is where you find it. It is not my place to have an opinion on the tastes of others where it does me no harm. Which is not to say I don't have an opinion deep in the darker, murkier parts of the soul I sort of don't want to acknowledge.

I notice a lot of you white boys did not post photos of your own women. No blond hair Blue eyed females. You should try to to stick to women of your own Race. The Black woman for the Black man, the White Woman for the White man.

But this poster seems to not be attracted to women of his own white race.
Very sad. Try to appreciate women of your own race.Stop the self hatred.Love
your own kind.Stop trying to be black.Ask your selves why are you attracted to Black Women, what are the real reasons.
I am so glad this is on an anonymous message board. I am so seriously conflicted about this. It is none of my business, but for some reason it bugs me. Even though I find myself attracted to blacks and asians, which I would disapprove of in other people. An attitude I also disapprove of.

Anyway, Hawt is hawt. And gold is where you find it. It is not my place to have an opinion on the tastes of others where it does me no harm. Which is not to say I don't have an opinion deep in the darker, murkier parts of the soul I sort of don't want to acknowledge.

I notice a lot of you white boys did not post photos of your own women. No blond hair Blue eyed females. You should try to to stick to women of your own Race. The Black woman for the Black man, the White Woman for the White man.

But this poster seems to not be attracted to women of his own white race.
Very sad. Try to appreciate women of your own race.Stop the self hatred.Love
your own kind.Stop trying to be black.Ask your selves why are you attracted to Black Women, what are the real reasons.

Now that is pure racism.
I notice a lot of you white boys did not post photos of your own women. No blond hair Blue eyed females. You should try to to stick to women of your own Race. The Black woman for the Black man, the White Woman for the White man.

But this poster seems to not be attracted to women of his own white race.
Very sad. Try to appreciate women of your own race.Stop the self hatred.Love
your own kind.Stop trying to be black.Ask your selves why are you attracted to Black Women, what are the real reasons.

This has to be one of the funniest posts I've read in awhile. At first, I thought it was one of the stupidest, and, well, it is, but its pretty funny too.
[ame=]YouTube - los bravos_black is black[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Danny Williams - White On White (1963)[/ame]

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