Your thoughts on this?


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
the proper understanding of self-ownership is this: That the body is property of the individual mind which emerges from the brain (or, hypothetically, other system) with which that body is coupled. That body is that person's property to do with as they please so long as they violate no other person's rights (just as i may not use a gun to violate your rights). That body, in whole or part my not be alienated from another person without their consent (think: Transplants). Damage to that person's body is not only damage to their property, but through the direct experience of pain and suffering resulting from the body's coupling to the person, harm to the individual (think:assault).

because of this coupling and the nature of the mind as emergent from the body, to prevent the free movement of the body or the free exercise of one's will regarding that body's movement or labour is to prevent the free travel of the person and the free exercise of the individual's will.

to imprison the body is to imprison the mind that is bound to it, preventing free travel, and is not to occur without due process. Slavery, for instance, binds not only the body in involuntary labour and robs the individual of his property, but binds the individual along with his body, robbing him of his liberty and (is can be reasonably guaranteed) inflicting further suffering upon him over the course of his enslavement.

hence, the recognition of your right to your body, and that you may never be alieneated of it in whole or in part without consent nor denied free exercise and use if it as you please (labour, travel, etc) so long as you violate the the rights of nobody else (in which case you are to stand trial and may only be denied your free use of your body [eg: You may not use it to travel because you're sentenced to prison] in course of due process) is the most fundamental of property rights and the foundation upon which any just society must be built.



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