Your Top Three Favorite Beers!

1. Chimay (or any Trappist beer for that matter. Yes, I'm an elitist snob. Deal with it).

2. Hefeweizen (Pyramid or Widmer... Prefer Pyramid)

3. Guinness

Pilsner Urquell/Stella Artois (they both taste the same to me)

Trumer Pils

I like Guinness, but they use isinglass to clarify it.
Sleeman's Cream Ale, Rickards Red and of course, Molson Canadian. Goes great with a hang over.
1. Andechs dunkel bier (IMO the greatest dark beer in the world.)
2. Guinness
3. Just about any weissbier from Bavaria
Boddingtons; beautiful, thick, blond version of Guinness, bet cha can't drink just one

Spaten Optimator; full bodied German beauty

sierra Nevada; makes a great black and tan with Guinness
When I was a drinking lad:
Lone Star in bottles
Asahi-super dry (kara-kuchi)
XXXX-Australian ale
1. (tie): Kirin and Asahi. Try them with sake
at a Japanese restaurant sometime. Kapow!
If that won't put a smile on your face nothing will.

2. Shaeffer: $4.99 a 12-pack around here.

3. All others.

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