Your view on Socialism/Communism/Liberalism


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
We have seen Bernie Sanders almost take the throne from Hillary Clinton. Except for the Super Delegates, he had the most votes. So what is so appealing about Socialism/Communism/Liberalism. Even Whoopi Goldberg, who has made millions of dollars from a Capitalist Society, says "that Communism works on paper, but, when Humans get placed in Charge, then it's nuts. So why do you all want Socialism?

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We have seen Bernie Sanders almost take the thrown from Hillary Clinton. Except for the Super Delegates, he had the most votes. So what is so appealing about Socialism/Communism/Liberalism. Even Whoopi Goldberg, who has made millions of dollars from a Capitalist Society, says "that Communism works on paper, but, when Humans get placed in Charge, then it's nuts. So why do you all want Socialism?

Bernie's socialism has an appeal for the same reason Trumpenfuhrer's Fascism does.

Because Capitalist Democracy isn't getting anything done to solve the problems, and for most people, is increasingly a shit sandwich.
We have seen Bernie Sanders almost take the thrown from Hillary Clinton. Except for the Super Delegates, he had the most votes. So what is so appealing about Socialism/Communism/Liberalism. Even Whoopi Goldberg, who has made millions of dollars from a Capitalist Society, says "that Communism works on paper, but, when Humans get placed in Charge, then it's nuts. So why do you all want Socialism?

The ignorance common to most on the right is as much a problem as conservatives' propensity for lying.
Venezuela’s hunger
The Associated Press reports that the typical resident of Caracas, the capital, spends 35 hours a month waiting in line to buy food, and 9 in 10 say they can’t find enough . After the government of Nicolás Maduro opened six border crossings to neighboring Colombia on Aug. 13, about 380,000 Venezuelans poured across in the first eight days, desperately seeking supplies. Sackings of food warehouses by hungry mobs have been reported; 50 animals in the Caracas zoo are said to have starved to death. Meanwhile, Mr. Maduro refuses to allow aid shipments into the country, contending they are unneeded.
Holodomor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р, "Extermination by hunger" or "Hunger-extermination";[2] derived from морити голодом, "to kill by starvation"),[3][4][5] also known as the Terror-Famine and Famine-Genocide in Ukraine,[6][7][8] and—prior to the widespread use of the term "Holodomor," as well as currently still—referred to also as the Great Famine,[9] was a man-made famine in Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed an estimated 2.5–7.5 million Ukrainians, with millions more counted in demographic estimates. It was part of the wider disaster, the Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.
Mao's Great Leap Forward 'killed 45 million in four years'
Mr Dikötter, who has been studying Chinese rural history from 1958 to 1962, when the nation was facing a famine, compared the systematic torture, brutality, starvation and killing of Chinese peasants to the Second World War in its magnitude. At least 45 million people were worked, starved or beaten to death in China over these four years; the worldwide death toll of the Second World War was 55 million.
Why is it that "STUPID' liberals say "The ignorance common to most on the right is as much a problem as conservatives' propensity for lying. " yet time and again, when Socialism/Communism/Liberalism is tried it always ends up in disaster? Do you think that you will not be 1 of those millions who end up dead by starvation or worse? I tried to get a reasonable response why they want it, yet all I got were insults or bad mouthing capitalism. Not one real reason why they want or support it.

Mayflower Compact, The Puritans Experiment with Socialism
The failure of this collective system was as evident in Plymouth as it was in other colonies where it had been used. Young unmarried men objected to having the fruits of their toil go to support other men’s wives and children. Married men disliked having their wives sew, cook, and wash for the others. Hard-working men thought it unfair that they should support the more idle or incapable. The older men, or those of the better class, declined to work for the younger or meaner. Because of severe famine in 1623, the colonists decided to set aside their collective agreement and allow everyone to raise their own food. The immediate result was a greatly increased production, so that many had a surplus and trading began among themselves, with corn as currency.
All the best countries are mostly capitalist, all the best are nearly 100%.

No capitalist nation has ever failed, not one.

socialist list of failed nations is long and a bit horrific.
socialism and communism are great theories.

Only problem is, we know the theory fails in practice.

So there's no logical reason for the common man to want it. Those is power, have clear benefits.
We have seen Bernie Sanders almost take the thrown from Hillary Clinton. Except for the Super Delegates, he had the most votes. So what is so appealing about Socialism/Communism/Liberalism. Even Whoopi Goldberg, who has made millions of dollars from a Capitalist Society, says "that Communism works on paper, but, when Humans get placed in Charge, then it's nuts. So why do you all want Socialism?

Free stuff.
I'm against socialism and communism.

As far as liberalism goes I believe the government has a role in setting a level playing field providing regulation in terms of fair trade practices, environmental responsibility, labor laws, consumer rights, etc. Also in providing welfare assistance to provide help for the physically and mentally handicapped among us. But in doing so a delicate balance must be observed to ensure that measures proposed and passed into law must provide solutions and are not just expansion of power for a bureaucratic state.
I'm still convinced that corporatism (please follow the link, corporatism isn't what you might think) is the problem, which can exist alongside any of the above. We seem to have lost track of how crucial equal protection is to a just government.
Socialism is a Libtard's fantasy dream.

Getting other people to pay their bills never works out quite as good as they think it would.
(1) Socialism only works in a society where all members participate voluntarily (i.e., a convent or monastery). Where people are compelled to participate the inevitable human traits of laziness and greed ultimately result in dramatically reduced productivity and pervasive corruption. And it almost goes without saying that socialism must be imposed on the masses by force, which often leads to horrific oppression, in various forms.

(2) Capitalism inevitably leads to dramatic polarization of wealth, as those with assets and intelligence are able to exploit others to a greater and greater extent as they amass more and more wealth and influence.

(3) Thus, Socialism requires some outlet that allows aggressive and talented people to excel (note the developments in China over the past 30 years), and Capitalism requires some constraints on exploitation and the accumulation of wealth. These normally take the form of labor laws, minimum wage laws, and income taxes.

Successful economies find a happy middle ground that allows talented people to get very rich, while protecting the slugs from abject poverty, and ensuring that those at the bottom have a realistic opportunity to elevate their life conditions. This is a balancing act in which the Leaders (elected and otherwise) must be constantly tweaking the system to keep the largest possible number of people content - if not wildly happy. The tools are:

adjusting the top and bottom marginal tax rates,
minimum wage laws,
Welfare, MEDICAID, housing and food assistance,
collective bargaining laws,
"free" public education (and the extent and quality thereof),
safety regulations,
banking regulations.

Looking at it from this level, there is very little to choose between the two political sides in the U.S. Both are just suggesting that we tweak the system in one direction or another, but on the major points we are all in agreement.
For example, Senator Sanders' proposal for "free" public college education, is nothing more than a tweak to the universally-accepted principle that the State "owes" everyone a "satisfactory" education. The question is, What is "satisfactory?"
In order for any of those ideologies to work, it requires armed government agents to enforce compliance. Were we ever to have free markets and free minds, no force would be required. All one has to do is refrain from taking what doesn't belong to them or otherwise infringing on another's rights.

Stated differently, I pass on ideas so good, they have to mandatory.
We have seen Bernie Sanders almost take the throne from Hillary Clinton. Except for the Super Delegates, he had the most votes. So what is so appealing about Socialism/Communism/Liberalism. Even Whoopi Goldberg, who has made millions of dollars from a Capitalist Society, says "that Communism works on paper, but, when Humans get placed in Charge, then it's nuts. So why do you all want Socialism?

Absolutely wrong and a retarded premise.

Clinton won by nearly 4 million votes.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

State Date Clinton Sanders
RCP Total
- 15,805,136 12,029,699
For example, Senator Sanders' proposal for "free" public college education, is nothing more than a tweak to the universally-accepted principle that the State "owes" everyone a "satisfactory" education. The question is, What is "satisfactory?"

And everyone has a different answer to that question. That's why trying to provide services with government is problematic. Government is concerned with creating universal rules that everyone must follow. It creates one-size fits all solutions that attend to the demands of the majority, and ignore everyone else.
We have seen Bernie Sanders almost take the throne from Hillary Clinton. Except for the Super Delegates, he had the most votes. So what is so appealing about Socialism/Communism/Liberalism. Even Whoopi Goldberg, who has made millions of dollars from a Capitalist Society, says "that Communism works on paper, but, when Humans get placed in Charge, then it's nuts. So why do you all want Socialism?

Communism doesn't work on paper either. I don't know why people keep saying that.
The problem is all too evident... Long-term - socialism/communism has never worked in all of history.
It is a concept made up by shallow minded fools thus believed by shallow minded fool's...

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