Your View On Todays Obama's "If We Hadn't Bailed Out GM & Chrysler" VS 9.1% Jobs ?

Feb 13, 2011

Once again, Our Modern Day Messiah finds himself in a "George Castanza-Art Vandalay" Moment! And when you think about it, Obama is our modern day George Castanza. Always having to lie about all of his past & recent scandals&screw-ups. Today he tried to explain to a small crowd in Toledo,OH. that if it wasn't for the Billions He Gave To GM&Chrysler,all those "Union Employees" would of lost their jobs and the country would of been in a much deeper recession. It's wearing out OBAMA !!! Two and a half Years of high unemployment and weak growth. What's Obama gonna tell the nation in one/two months if unemployment hits 9.3%? Will It Be George Bush's Fault?:lol:
Can you prove him wrong?

Can you show that letting GM and Chrysler go under would have made America a better place?

Can you show that without the 300 billion in tax cuts and the 450 billion in spending in the stimulus that overall, America would be in better shape right now?

Once again, Our Modern Day Messiah finds himself in a "George Castanza-Art Vandalay" Moment! And when you think about it, Obama is our modern day George Castanza. Always having to lie about all of his past & recent scandals&screw-ups. Today he tried to explain to a small crowd in Toledo,OH. that if it wasn't for the Billions He Gave To GM&Chrysler,all those "Union Employees" would of lost their jobs and the country would of been in a much deeper recession. It's wearing out OBAMA !!! Two and a half Years of high unemployment and weak growth. What's Obama gonna tell the nation in one/two months if unemployment hits 9.3%? Will It Be George Bush's Fault?:lol:

Well, for those of us in Toledo, saving GM and Chrysler has kept this town afloat. And not only did they save existing jobs, Chrysler is hiring new employees again. Had all those jobs been lost, Toledo and most of northwest Ohio would have become one of the most depressed areas in the country.

Saving these companies made sense and it was the right thing to do. Why don't you spend your time bitching about things that Obama really screwed up, like extending the Bush tax cuts?
Can you prove him wrong?

Can you show that letting GM and Chrysler go under would have made America a better place?

Can you show that without the 300 billion in tax cuts and the 450 billion in spending in the stimulus that overall, America would be in better shape right now?

Can you show that it kept the sky from falling?
Can you prove him wrong?

Can you show that letting GM and Chrysler go under would have made America a better place?

Can you show that without the 300 billion in tax cuts and the 450 billion in spending in the stimulus that overall, America would be in better shape right now?

Can you show that it kept the sky from falling?

It sure as hell did in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. Ask anyone who lives here.
Can you prove him wrong?

Can you show that letting GM and Chrysler go under would have made America a better place?

Can you show that without the 300 billion in tax cuts and the 450 billion in spending in the stimulus that overall, America would be in better shape right now?

Can you show that it kept the sky from falling?

Is your failure to answer the question a 'No'?
Can you prove him wrong?

Can you show that letting GM and Chrysler go under would have made America a better place?

Can you show that without the 300 billion in tax cuts and the 450 billion in spending in the stimulus that overall, America would be in better shape right now?

I'd say just take a look at the economy.. it's in the shitter. Obama's delusional as is anyone that believes a word of what he is saying.

So, that's the slogan for '12? "It's really bad, but it would have been so much worse"?????


Oh.. and now you're for corporate welfare?
what it boils down to is that Obama has no explanation for the 9.1% rate! Ohio is still stagnant! No plan to reduce the price of gas back to a fair $2.00 - $2.50 a gallon. Ever since O'Hiltler took office we have been GOING BACKWARDS! Oh by the way,,Obama never mentioned to the small crowd in Toledo that the interest on the debt is 3 Billion a day of which our kids are paying and will pay for.
It sure as hell did in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. Ask anyone who lives here.
The rest of the country was taxed, our currency inflated and our debt increased so that people in Ohio and Michigan could keep their jobs rather than go look for new ones like any one else whose employer goes belly up from mismanagement.
Can you prove him wrong?

Can you show that letting GM and Chrysler go under would have made America a better place?

Can you show that without the 300 billion in tax cuts and the 450 billion in spending in the stimulus that overall, America would be in better shape right now?

Can you show that it kept the sky from falling?

It sure as hell did in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. Ask anyone who lives here.

People still live there?
what it boils down to is that Obama has no explanation for the 9.1% rate! Ohio is still stagnant! No plan to reduce the price of gas back to a fair $2.00 - $2.50 a gallon. Ever since O'Hiltler took office we have been GOING BACKWARDS! Oh by the way,,Obama never mentioned to the small crowd in Toledo that the interest on the debt is 3 Billion a day of which our kids are paying and will pay for.

Like I said, when al lyou have is "it's bad, but it would have been so much worse", you got nothing.
Fact: The nation lost more jobs with the stimulus, than the White House said we would if we did nothing.

Can't argue against that.
It sure as hell did in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. Ask anyone who lives here.
The rest of the country was taxed, our currency inflated and our debt increased so that people in Ohio and Michigan could keep their jobs rather than go look for new ones like any one else whose employer goes belly up from mismanagement.

Repeat after me... U N I O N P A Y O F F.
Can you prove him wrong?

Can you show that letting GM and Chrysler go under would have made America a better place?

Can you show that without the 300 billion in tax cuts and the 450 billion in spending in the stimulus that overall, America would be in better shape right now?

That's a weak argument, which is exactly why Obama uses it too. That's like me going outside and cutting a tree down and a month later saying "Well, if I hadn't cut it down it would have fell down anyways", there is no way to prove it one way or the other, but for Obama it's a good excuse to spend a shit load of money and devalue the dollar. We cant have our currency being the standard in the new world order now can we?
Can you prove him wrong?

Can you show that letting GM and Chrysler go under would have made America a better place?

Can you show that without the 300 billion in tax cuts and the 450 billion in spending in the stimulus that overall, America would be in better shape right now?

That's a weak argument, which is exactly why Obama uses it too. That's like me going outside and cutting a tree down and a month later saying "Well, if I hadn't cut it down it would have fell down anyways", there is no way to prove it one way or the other, but for Obama it's a good excuse to spend a shit load of money and devalue the dollar. We cant have our currency being the standard in the new world order now can we?

It's no argument. It's essentially saying that you did a thing, nothing has changed, so it would have been worse had you not done it.

That's retarded.

Once again, Our Modern Day Messiah finds himself in a "George Castanza-Art Vandalay" Moment! And when you think about it, Obama is our modern day George Castanza. Always having to lie about all of his past & recent scandals&screw-ups. Today he tried to explain to a small crowd in Toledo,OH. that if it wasn't for the Billions He Gave To GM&Chrysler,all those "Union Employees" would of lost their jobs and the country would of been in a much deeper recession. It's wearing out OBAMA !!! Two and a half Years of high unemployment and weak growth. What's Obama gonna tell the nation in one/two months if unemployment hits 9.3%? Will It Be George Bush's Fault?:lol:

Well, for those of us in Toledo, saving GM and Chrysler has kept this town afloat. And not only did they save existing jobs, Chrysler is hiring new employees again. Had all those jobs been lost, Toledo and most of northwest Ohio would have become one of the most depressed areas in the country.

Saving these companies made sense and it was the right thing to do. Why don't you spend your time bitching about things that Obama really screwed up, like extending the Bush tax cuts?

I'm glad you have a job, but it's not governments position to cover for piss poor businessman with piss poor decisions that made the company fail. GM and chrysler should have been left to fail, ford would have gladly bought them and you would still have a job and the government would not own GM right now. It's called the free market, and if you make bad decisions that cost you your company then tough shit, that's how it works, someone else will step in and fill the void, always have.
Aside from bailing out Ohio with "Borrowed Money"? how about the other 40 or so States with 9-20% unemployment? why is Obama only focusing on OHIO? Could it be "The Union Vote"? California,Illinois and New York are on the virge of collapse, and you never see Obama making speeches there regarding how he saved them from a depression.
Can you prove him wrong?

Can you show that letting GM and Chrysler go under would have made America a better place?

Can you show that without the 300 billion in tax cuts and the 450 billion in spending in the stimulus that overall, America would be in better shape right now?

Can you show that it kept the sky from falling?

It sure as hell did in northwest Ohio and southeast Michigan. Ask anyone who lives here.

And your partisan opinion statement means nothing... much like the term thrown around by this administration of "jobs saved"... There is nothing whatsoever that supports that Obama's policies on this did one lick of good
I can't wait to see Jaun Williams,Alan Dunderhead Colmes and Joy Bearhead try to explain the 9.1% unemployment news with very little optomistic economic news to come. Will they still use the "Well at this time during the Reagan Years" we had the same unemployment,,,,,BUT WE DIDNT OWE 14 TRILLION DOLLARS !!! Dammit !

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