Your View On Todays Obama's "If We Hadn't Bailed Out GM & Chrysler" VS 9.1% Jobs ?

what it boils down to is that Obama has no explanation for the 9.1% rate! Ohio is still stagnant! No plan to reduce the price of gas back to a fair $2.00 - $2.50 a gallon. Ever since O'Hiltler took office we have been GOING BACKWARDS! Oh by the way,,Obama never mentioned to the small crowd in Toledo that the interest on the debt is 3 Billion a day of which our kids are paying and will pay for.

Let's see, on one side of a righty's mouth they claim the government doesn't create jobs (when some asks what the GOP House has done to create jobs) and then the other side of a righty's mouth slams Obama because of the crappy job environment.
Well boys and girls,,,what is it?

The fact of the matter is that Corporate America is sitting on trillions of dollars of capital and has enjoyed record profits. BUT they aren't investing in America, the are investing in their foreign operations that are paying their employees Third World wages.
Now some of you and even Corporate America have said the reason that Corporate America isn't investing in America is because of the uncertainty of the economy or blame Obama for his policies. The economy is uncertain because no one is hiring! The economy is slowing down because the consumer class has no to little expendable income because of flat wages or no jobs. And who's not hiring the US worker and who controls their wages?
Corporate America's excuse may be they want lower taxes. The US has one of the highest tax rates on businesses in the world BUT after all the loopholes the US gives businesses, their tax rate is one of the lowest in the developed world. And that's evident to the fact that most US corporations don't pay any taxes!

Now back to the question, who exactly create jobs? Government or businesses?
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Once again, Our Modern Day Messiah finds himself in a "George Castanza-Art Vandalay" Moment! And when you think about it, Obama is our modern day George Castanza. Always having to lie about all of his past & recent scandals&screw-ups. Today he tried to explain to a small crowd in Toledo,OH. that if it wasn't for the Billions He Gave To GM&Chrysler,all those "Union Employees" would of lost their jobs and the country would of been in a much deeper recession. It's wearing out OBAMA !!! Two and a half Years of high unemployment and weak growth. What's Obama gonna tell the nation in one/two months if unemployment hits 9.3%? Will It Be George Bush's Fault?:lol:

Damn Obama for not waving a magic wand to turn around the economy that tanked under Bush!

Thankfully, the Democrats under Obama were smart enough to save GM and Chrysler.
Can you prove him wrong?

Can you show that letting GM and Chrysler go under would have made America a better place?

Can you show that without the 300 billion in tax cuts and the 450 billion in spending in the stimulus that overall, America would be in better shape right now?

I'd say just take a look at the economy.. it's in the shitter. Obama's delusional as is anyone that believes a word of what he is saying.

So, that's the slogan for '12? "It's really bad, but it would have been so much worse"?????


Oh.. and now you're for corporate welfare?

I didn't say anything about what I was for or against. Don't lie about what I said.
Can you prove him wrong?

Can you show that letting GM and Chrysler go under would have made America a better place?

Can you show that without the 300 billion in tax cuts and the 450 billion in spending in the stimulus that overall, America would be in better shape right now?

That's a weak argument, which is exactly why Obama uses it too. That's like me going outside and cutting a tree down and a month later saying "Well, if I hadn't cut it down it would have fell down anyways", there is no way to prove it one way or the other, but for Obama it's a good excuse to spend a shit load of money and devalue the dollar. We cant have our currency being the standard in the new world order now can we?

It wasn't an argument. It's a request for an elaboration on YOUR argument that 'bailing out' GM and Chrysler made things worse.
Fact: The nation lost more jobs with the stimulus, than the White House said we would if we did nothing.

Can't argue against that.

That's false. The White House never made any promise of x number of jobs or any promise of any specific unemployment rate.
Keep in mind,

we're now operating wholly under the tax policy of the Republican Congress,

made into law in December.

Obama gave them what they wanted.
Fact: The nation lost more jobs with the stimulus, than the White House said we would if we did nothing.

Can't argue against that.

That's false. The White House never made any promise of x number of jobs or any promise of any specific unemployment rate.

Back in early January, when Barack Obama was still President-elect, two of his chief economic advisers — leading proponents of a stimulus bill — predicted that the passage of a large economic-aid package would boost the economy and keep the unemployment rate below 8%.

Read more: Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure - TIME
Regarding GM and Chrysler, I believe that GWB was involved in their bailouts. What a concept! Helping an American based company to save American jobs. The alternative was to let these American companies fail and to let over 1 million people to lose their jobs and to let foreign car makers in the south become the US automakers. With Bush/Obama, they had enough American pride to not let two symbols of America die and now these entities are prospering and helping to keep Americans working for American companies versus working for foreign companies.
Fact: The nation lost more jobs with the stimulus, than the White House said we would if we did nothing.

Can't argue against that.

That's false. The White House never made any promise of x number of jobs or any promise of any specific unemployment rate.

Back in early January, when Barack Obama was still President-elect, two of his chief economic advisers — leading proponents of a stimulus bill — predicted that the passage of a large economic-aid package would boost the economy and keep the unemployment rate below 8%.

Read more: Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure - TIME

And if you actually read what they said, they made no promises, and were careful to include a very comprehensive disclaimer.
That's false. The White House never made any promise of x number of jobs or any promise of any specific unemployment rate.

Back in early January, when Barack Obama was still President-elect, two of his chief economic advisers — leading proponents of a stimulus bill — predicted that the passage of a large economic-aid package would boost the economy and keep the unemployment rate below 8%.

Read more: Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure - TIME

And if you actually read what they said, they made no promises, and were careful to include a very comprehensive disclaimer.

Time Magazine Right Wing Rag lying again about Obama


You Obama Fluffers are so totally fucked
That's false. The White House never made any promise of x number of jobs or any promise of any specific unemployment rate.

Back in early January, when Barack Obama was still President-elect, two of his chief economic advisers — leading proponents of a stimulus bill — predicted that the passage of a large economic-aid package would boost the economy and keep the unemployment rate below 8%.

Read more: Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure - TIME

And if you actually read what they said, they made no promises, and were careful to include a very comprehensive disclaimer.

So you can't say with Certitude that Obama Administration actually made that claim right?

Is the Weiner's wiener defense, right?
I'm thinking that unemployment would be much lower if we hadn't endured 2+ years of Obama's Big Government Cronyism Orgy.
Fact: The nation lost more jobs with the stimulus, than the White House said we would if we did nothing.

Can't argue against that.

That's false. The White House never made any promise of x number of jobs or any promise of any specific unemployment rate.

Back in early January, when Barack Obama was still President-elect, two of his chief economic advisers — leading proponents of a stimulus bill — predicted that the passage of a large economic-aid package would boost the economy and keep the unemployment rate below 8%.

Read more: Barack Obama's Stimulus Plan: Failing by Its Own Measure - TIME

How would that rate with the Bushies claim that Iraqis would greet American troops with flowers? Or how about a sitting president saying "the economy is strong" after one quarter of showing to be slowing down and in the middle of a second consecutive quarter that was showing the economy was slowing down? (Two consecutive quarters showing an economic slowdown=a recession) The Obamanites aren't the first administration to makes erroneous statements.
what it boils down to is that Obama has no explanation for the 9.1% rate! Ohio is still stagnant! No plan to reduce the price of gas back to a fair $2.00 - $2.50 a gallon. Ever since O'Hiltler took office we have been GOING BACKWARDS! Oh by the way,,Obama never mentioned to the small crowd in Toledo that the interest on the debt is 3 Billion a day of which our kids are paying and will pay for.

So you want the government to set the price of gasoline? Sounds socialist to me.
Keep in mind,

we're now operating wholly under the tax policy of the Republican Congress,

made into law in December.

Obama gave them what they wanted.

And, uh, this has exactly what to do with the absurd contention that the economy would be worse had we not bailed out the unions?
Regarding GM and Chrysler, I believe that GWB was involved in their bailouts. What a concept! Helping an American based company to save American jobs. The alternative was to let these American companies fail and to let over 1 million people to lose their jobs and to let foreign car makers in the south become the US automakers. With Bush/Obama, they had enough American pride to not let two symbols of America die and now these entities are prospering and helping to keep Americans working for American companies versus working for foreign companies.
So besides the entire country having to bail out a pair of companies that can't manage their own finances any better than a fifteen year-old, we now also have the added indignity of having to pay higher prices for less efficient cars because it's somehow patriotic? Screw you.
Regarding GM and Chrysler, I believe that GWB was involved in their bailouts. What a concept! Helping an American based company to save American jobs. The alternative was to let these American companies fail and to let over 1 million people to lose their jobs and to let foreign car makers in the south become the US automakers. With Bush/Obama, they had enough American pride to not let two symbols of America die and now these entities are prospering and helping to keep Americans working for American companies versus working for foreign companies.
So besides the entire country having to bail out a pair of companies that can't manage their own finances any better than a fifteen year-old, we now also have the added indignity of having to pay higher prices for less efficient cars because it's somehow patriotic? Screw you.

And guess what... GM has not addressed the $10,000,000,000 in unfunded pension liabilities. This mess will replay again in a few short years. Wait for "Son of Union Bailout".
Fact: The nation lost more jobs with the stimulus, than the White House said we would if we did nothing.

Can't argue against that.

That's false. The White House never made any promise of x number of jobs or any promise of any specific unemployment rate.

Fact: NYcarbineer must have lived in a cave from January 2008 - March 2009.

No, he knows damn well that the unemployment rate wasn't supposed to go over 8%.

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