You're part of the 96%


Gold Member
Aug 14, 2008

Ninety-six percent of Americans have benefited from government help at some time, including from breaks in the tax code, according to Suzanne Mettler, a professor of government at Cornell University and John Sides, an associate political science professor at George Washington University.

The remaining 4 percent? Most are young adults who don’t qualify for most government programs, they say.

“You might get to a point in midlife where you think, ‘I’m one of the earners, not one of the takers,’” Mettler said in an interview. “In fact, your life has long been affected by the social policies you were able to use early in life, such as a Pell grant.”

While Medicare and Medicaid -- which covered more than 100 million Americans combined last year -- are the most obvious government benefits along with Social Security, there are many other policies and programs available.

These include the tax credits or itemized deductions used by more than 70 percent of filers; Pell grants, which in the 2010-2011 school year aided approximately 9.3 million low-income people, or 36.3 percent of all U.S. undergraduate students, in paying for college; and the G.I. bill, which has been used for educational benefits by 21.9 million veterans from the program’s inception through Sept. 30, 2011

Us versus them? It never existed. It's just us and us. Many of you are operating off of a false dichotomy conveniently created and maintained to stoke partisan emotions.
Had the government left me alone, I would never have needed to be part of the 96%. The government creates hardship so it can "help" you.
Half of Americans pay no taxes? This is the Big Republican Lie.

81% of Americans pay federal taxes including payroll taxes for Medicare and Social Security and income taxes. In addition they also pay state taxes, sales taxes and property taxes.

Of the 19% who pay no federal taxes 95% are elderly on fixed incomes or working families.

What kind of political party attacks the elderly and the working poor?.....the Republican Party.

Ninety-six percent of Americans have benefited from government help at some time, including from breaks in the tax code, according to Suzanne Mettler, a professor of government at Cornell University and John Sides, an associate political science professor at George Washington University.

The remaining 4 percent? Most are young adults who don’t qualify for most government programs, they say.

“You might get to a point in midlife where you think, ‘I’m one of the earners, not one of the takers,’” Mettler said in an interview. “In fact, your life has long been affected by the social policies you were able to use early in life, such as a Pell grant.”

While Medicare and Medicaid -- which covered more than 100 million Americans combined last year -- are the most obvious government benefits along with Social Security, there are many other policies and programs available.

These include the tax credits or itemized deductions used by more than 70 percent of filers; Pell grants, which in the 2010-2011 school year aided approximately 9.3 million low-income people, or 36.3 percent of all U.S. undergraduate students, in paying for college; and the G.I. bill, which has been used for educational benefits by 21.9 million veterans from the program’s inception through Sept. 30, 2011

Us versus them? It never existed. It's just us and us. Many of you are operating off of a false dichotomy conveniently created and maintained to stoke partisan emotions.

Welcome to the Nanny State. You can't even take a breath without getting some type of government assistance.
Only democrats say that republicans said that the poor don't pay any taxes at all. It's a democrat slogan.
I refuse govt every time. I can't control the govt that is forced upon me.

LOL. How full of shit you truly are. You don't drive on the Interstates? Nor state nor county roads? Have your own septic and well? Don't buy food that is protected by the FDA? Do you ever fly on a commercial airline? Without the FAA, how safe would that be?

You people are so full of shit it is unbelievable. Oh sure, just get the government out of the way,and you could go back to caves or mud huts.
Had the government left me alone, I would never have needed to be part of the 96%. The government creates hardship so it can "help" you.

So you lack any real principles?

I recognize when I'm being railroaded.

The government artificially raises the cost of food by increasing taxes on producers and imposing regulations designed to raise that cost even further. Then it steps in to "help" by giving out EBT cards. (No I don't have an EBT card) The government created the circumstances which makes EBT cards necessary. The whole point is to make people dependent on the government. We're being trained the way slaves are trained, the way dogs are trained. We are moving to a nation of people who have Stockholm Syndrome.
I love threads where all the "self made men" try to convince us all that they were self made men.
Had the government left me alone, I would never have needed to be part of the 96%. The government creates hardship so it can "help" you.

So you lack any real principles?

I recognize when I'm being railroaded.

The government artificially raises the cost of food by increasing taxes on producers and imposing regulations designed to raise that cost even further. Then it steps in to "help" by giving out EBT cards. (No I don't have an EBT card) The government created the circumstances which makes EBT cards necessary. The whole point is to make people dependent on the government. We're being trained the way slaves are trained, the way dogs are trained. We are moving to a nation of people who have Stockholm Syndrome.

So, instead of refusing to play the game, you gratefully take your slice of the cake and then spend the rest of your time griping about the baker because you wanted to make your own cake?

So, again, you lack principle.
I refuse govt every time. I can't control the govt that is forced upon me.

LOL. How full of shit you truly are. You don't drive on the Interstates? Nor state nor county roads? Have your own septic and well? Don't buy food that is protected by the FDA? Do you ever fly on a commercial airline? Without the FAA, how safe would that be?

You people are so full of shit it is unbelievable. Oh sure, just get the government out of the way,and you could go back to caves or mud huts.

Oh boy, the smaller govt = mud huts argument.


So you lack any real principles?

I recognize when I'm being railroaded.

The government artificially raises the cost of food by increasing taxes on producers and imposing regulations designed to raise that cost even further. Then it steps in to "help" by giving out EBT cards. (No I don't have an EBT card) The government created the circumstances which makes EBT cards necessary. The whole point is to make people dependent on the government. We're being trained the way slaves are trained, the way dogs are trained. We are moving to a nation of people who have Stockholm Syndrome.

So, instead of refusing to play the game, you gratefully take your slice of the cake and then spend the rest of your time griping about the baker because you wanted to make your own cake?

So, again, you lack principle.

Did I say that I got government aid personally? No I don't. I don't have a government cell phone, an EBT card, HUD housing and never so much as got a student loan to get through law school. Although as soon as I was handed my degree, an entire history came along with that degree. My rich daddy paid my way. Who knew? I thought I worked for it and paid for it myself!
I refuse govt every time. I can't control the govt that is forced upon me.

LOL. How full of shit you truly are. You don't drive on the Interstates? Nor state nor county roads? Have your own septic and well? Don't buy food that is protected by the FDA? Do you ever fly on a commercial airline? Without the FAA, how safe would that be?

You people are so full of shit it is unbelievable. Oh sure, just get the government out of the way,and you could go back to caves or mud huts.

I pay for every one of those services through tax dollars. Tax dollars that went to a private contractor to build said roads and interstates. Your incomprehension is telling.
Democrats insist that building a road is the government's responsibility so paying for birth control is the government's responsibility too.
I refuse govt every time. I can't control the govt that is forced upon me.

LOL. How full of shit you truly are. You don't drive on the Interstates? Nor state nor county roads? Have your own septic and well? Don't buy food that is protected by the FDA? Do you ever fly on a commercial airline? Without the FAA, how safe would that be?

You people are so full of shit it is unbelievable. Oh sure, just get the government out of the way,and you could go back to caves or mud huts.

I pay for every one of those services through tax dollars. Tax dollars that went to a private contractor to build said roads and interstates. Your incomprehension is telling.

Thats the hard truth that noit only doesnt Obama want them to realize.....they themselves dont want to realize it.

We all use the interstates......and our tax dollars paid for them.

It was not a "favor" of the government. It was the job of the government.

Now...some of us use them more....and those that do have to pay more to use them more.

WHat I dont get ius why such rehtoric has so much legs....the media should have torn apart that rhetoric within days.

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