You're part of the 96%

Democrats insist that building a road is the government's responsibility so paying for birth control is the government's responsibility too. liberals feel a voluntary vasectomy should be paid for?

Or is that not up for discussion becuase it kills the "war on women" meme?

What about someone born with a hideous nose.....should she get a nose job paid for by the tax payer so she can be more attractgive and more likely to have the need for tax payer birth control?
LOL. How full of shit you truly are. You don't drive on the Interstates? Nor state nor county roads? Have your own septic and well? Don't buy food that is protected by the FDA? Do you ever fly on a commercial airline? Without the FAA, how safe would that be?

You people are so full of shit it is unbelievable. Oh sure, just get the government out of the way,and you could go back to caves or mud huts.

I pay for every one of those services through tax dollars. Tax dollars that went to a private contractor to build said roads and interstates. Your incomprehension is telling.

Thats the hard truth that noit only doesnt Obama want them to realize.....they themselves dont want to realize it.

We all use the interstates......and our tax dollars paid for them.

It was not a "favor" of the government. It was the job of the government.

Now...some of us use them more....and those that do have to pay more to use them more.

WHat I dont get ius why such rehtoric has so much legs....the media should have torn apart that rhetoric within days.

Same here. It's not that difficult to think the process through of how tax dollars work and how private contractors submit bids for that contract. O doesn't want them to think. You hit it squarely on the head.
Democrats insist that building a road is the government's responsibility so paying for birth control is the government's responsibility too. liberals feel a voluntary vasectomy should be paid for?

Or is that not up for discussion becuase it kills the "war on women" meme?

What about someone born with a hideous nose.....should she get a nose job paid for by the tax payer so she can be more attractgive and more likely to have the need for tax payer birth control?

Why are you bringing Anne Coulter into this?
I refuse govt every time. I can't control the govt that is forced upon me.

LOL. How full of shit you truly are. You don't drive on the Interstates? Nor state nor county roads? Have your own septic and well? Don't buy food that is protected by the FDA? Do you ever fly on a commercial airline? Without the FAA, how safe would that be?

You people are so full of shit it is unbelievable. Oh sure, just get the government out of the way,and you could go back to caves or mud huts.

I pay for every one of those services through tax dollars. Tax dollars that went to a private contractor to build said roads and interstates. Your incomprehension is telling.

That particular person is pretty much a composition of lacks
LOL. How full of shit you truly are. You don't drive on the Interstates? Nor state nor county roads? Have your own septic and well? Don't buy food that is protected by the FDA? Do you ever fly on a commercial airline? Without the FAA, how safe would that be?

You people are so full of shit it is unbelievable. Oh sure, just get the government out of the way,and you could go back to caves or mud huts.

I pay for every one of those services through tax dollars. Tax dollars that went to a private contractor to build said roads and interstates. Your incomprehension is telling.

That particular person is pretty much a composition of lacks

Exactly, and then they start belligerently throwing emotion in your face as their argument quickly unravels.
If the government has the right and obligation to know where every plane is in the sky at all times, don't they also have the right and obligation to know where every car is? How about every person? If government regulates the planes shouldn't we all have GPS locators?
Had the government left me alone, I would never have needed to be part of the 96%. The government creates hardship so it can "help" you.

^doesn't drive on roads, live in an area with police/fire services or garbage pick-up, claim mortage interest deduction, etc.
I refuse govt every time. I can't control the govt that is forced upon me.

So, you've never claimed deductions on your federal income taxes? Ever?

Sure, are you saying that govt was trying to help me by doing this. They create an excessive tax code then throw out a peanut and then expect me to worship. Come on, you can do better, kitty.
I refuse govt every time. I can't control the govt that is forced upon me.

That like legitimate rape?

That's an interesting perspective, PB. I guess it would be legitimate when I vote against a person or referendum etc and it still passes and illegitimate when it happened before I was part of that process. Lol!

so you made a choice to vote against, You lose because other people voted for it, and because of that the punishment is rape?
( i know we are being figurative here)

If i voted for Obama and Romney won, i wouldnt feel like i was being raped. Its part of the process, and has been from the beginning. Same with taxes and government. Its a part of life, and i get it. Lower taxes and less government can be a good thing, and government can become to big and bloated.

But to sit there and think you are being "raped" because you lose in a vote seems a bit much.
Sure, are you saying that govt was trying to help me by doing this. They create an excessive tax code then throw out a peanut and then expect me to worship. Come on, you can do better, kitty.

You received a government tax break (which shifted more burden to other taxpayers to pick up the slack) for buying a home (this is perceived to create greater stability in communities by decreasing mobility and transience); for getting married (also perceived to create social stability); pursuing an education; donating to charity; or having a child.

In other words, other people were paying a higher share because you were engaged in activities deemed to be pro-social.
Sure, are you saying that govt was trying to help me by doing this. They create an excessive tax code then throw out a peanut and then expect me to worship. Come on, you can do better, kitty.

You received a government tax break (which shifted more burden to other taxpayers to pick up the slack) for buying a home (this is perceived to create greater stability in communities by decreasing mobility and transience); for getting married (also perceived to create social stability); pursuing an education; donating to charity; or having a child.

In other words, other people were paying a higher share because you were engaged in activities deemed to be pro-social.

So the government taking $40,000 a year from you instead of $30,000 because of write offs is a government handout?..... :rofl:
Sure, are you saying that govt was trying to help me by doing this. They create an excessive tax code then throw out a peanut and then expect me to worship. Come on, you can do better, kitty.

You received a government tax break (which shifted more burden to other taxpayers to pick up the slack) for buying a home (this is perceived to create greater stability in communities by decreasing mobility and transience); for getting married (also perceived to create social stability); pursuing an education; donating to charity; or having a child.

In other words, other people were paying a higher share because you were engaged in activities deemed to be pro-social.

That's not how it works. When the government gives you a tax break it does not mean more burden is shifted to other taxpayers to pick up the slack. It just means there is less government revenue.
Sure, are you saying that govt was trying to help me by doing this. They create an excessive tax code then throw out a peanut and then expect me to worship. Come on, you can do better, kitty.

You received a government tax break (which shifted more burden to other taxpayers to pick up the slack) for buying a home (this is perceived to create greater stability in communities by decreasing mobility and transience); for getting married (also perceived to create social stability); pursuing an education; donating to charity; or having a child.

In other words, other people were paying a higher share because you were engaged in activities deemed to be pro-social.

So the government taking $40,000 a year from you instead of $30,000 because of write offs is a government handout?..... :rofl:

It's not a handout from the government, it's a handout from your fellow citizens. You're welcome.
That's not how it works. When the government gives you a tax break it does not mean more burden is shifted to other taxpayers to pick up the slack. It just means there is less government revenue.

"Less government revenue" means that some taxpayers are picking up the slack for others that pay less.

Isn't that what you call it when you're disparaging the 47%?
That's not how it works. When the government gives you a tax break it does not mean more burden is shifted to other taxpayers to pick up the slack. It just means there is less government revenue.

"Less government revenue" means that some taxpayers are picking up the slack for others that pay less.

Isn't that what you call it when you're disparaging the 47%?

You must have me confused with someone else. Your post was incorrect. I corrected it.

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